Who's 'He'?

You Zoom Zoom My Heart Like A Rocket




JinYoung's POV


*No,I must stop!* I said to and pulled myself from her.''Sleep,Ja--I mean,Hyo...We'll have a talk tommorow...'' I put some sheets over her and kissed her forehead.

I took some sheets for myself as well and laid on the couch down,in the living room.''What happened to you...Jagiya?'' I murmured and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day,I saw a figure and half-stood up to check who it was.I saw Hyori making strawls in the kitchen but...with her underwear.

''Y-YAH!HYORI GO GET DRESSED!'' I shouted at her,being tottaly red and feeling my heartbeat becoming faster and faster as I was looking at her.

''Waeyooo?That's how boys are when they're home right?'' She asked,making it obvious that she was STILL drunk.I huffed and stood up.''You are NOT a boy.'' I said while grabbing her waist,putting her on my shoulder.

''I aaam!'' She said,lightly hitting my back.I got her to the bathroom,to wash her so that she would wake up.''Now what?'' I said wondering HOW I would wash her without seeing her .

''Bath?Sweeeet~'' She said and she was about to take her bra off when I 'teleported' behind her,grabbing her bra and buttoning it back.''No!Bad girl!'' I said.

''I am not a giiiirl...'' She said and fell on my lap.I huffed.''I will wash you with your underwear...No other option!'' I said and turned the hot water on.

I placed her in the bathtub,sitting,and I was kneeling in front of her.I choose which sampoos I would use and then began washing her with water first.

Suddenly,while I was washing her,her eyes widened and she began breathing heavily.I got frightened from her look.''Hyo?What's wrong?'' I asked concerened.

She suddenly turned at me,and I saw her eyes filling with tears.''Help me!'' She said.''He'll get me again!'' She added,making me even more frightened.''Who will get you?'' I asked while caressing her cheeks.

''That man!Don't let him get me!'' She shouted while crying outloud.I wrapped my arms around her and caressed the back of her head.''Shh,I won't let him get you,I promise.He'll have to pass through me first to even touch you...'' I tried to comfort her,wondering who 'he' was.

''Don't let him get me...Don't let him get me...'' She kept murmuring while shivering,in my arms.''Shhh...'' I was telling her while caressing her head.

When I was finished bathing her,I took her out and wrapped a towel around her,making her look like baggage.I gazed at her for a while,caressing her cheeks.

''Can't moooove!'' She complained,ruining our moment.''Shh!'' I said and raised her on my shoulder again.I took her to her room and began looking for clothes.

''Why are all her clothes...boyish?'' I asked.''What happened to her and obligated her to change to this?'' I wondered.Fortunately,I found black tights,hidden back in her wardrobe,and a loose white blouse.I wore them to her and then began drying her hair.

Her hair was really short,not like her long and wavy hair she used to have back then.''Seems like today,you'll do what I want...'' I chuckled.''Just how much did you drink?'' I asked her,not expecting an answer.

I also prepared her some breakfast and fed her,since she couldn't do it alone.''Who is 'he'...?'' I kept wondering,while feeding her.

The whole day she was like a retarded child,making me chase her all over the house! ''Yah!Come out!'' I shouted while looking for her.I couldn't find her,until i heard a scream coming from the kitchen.

I ran to her and opened the lower cupboard the scream was coming from.''Hyo!'' I said and tried to take her out.''He's looking for me!He'll hurt me!'' She was crying again.

''No!I won't let him harm a single hair from you!'' I said,trying to make her calm down.''I promise!'' I added.She suddenly flew in my arms.''Save me!'' She said.

''I will save you,Jagiya...'' I whispered and kissed the top of her head.

After that,I sent her to sleep.''Goodnight...'' She said and closed her eyes.''Good night...Jagiya...'' I kissed the top of her head and got out of her room.

''Bling girl...'' I wishpered before going out.

The next day,was not the same and it was much more difficult to handle her.''GET OUT!'' She kept shouting while throwing stuff to me,fortunately missing me.

''Calm down!'' I kept chasing her.''GO AWAY!WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT MY HOUSE?!'' She shouted.''I take care of you!'' I answered.''YOU WHAT?I DON'T NEED HELP!''

''I saw that yesterday!'' I answered face palming myself.''Go away!I'm not who you think I am anymore!'' She shouted.''I know that!'' I shouted back.''Who is the 'HE'!?'' I added.''The one you're trying to get away from?!The one who's chasing you?!'' She immediatly stopped.

Tears began filling her eyes again.''Jagiya...'' I went to her but she pushed me.''I'M NOT YOUR JAGIYA ANYMORE!I'M NOT A GIRL ANYMORE!LEAVE ME ALONE!'' She screamed and ran to her room.

I chased her but in vain.She had locked herself in her room and she was crying.''Open up!'' I shouted while knocking on the door.''Open or I'll break the door!''

''TRY TO!'' She shouted.''Very well then!''

BAM! I broke the door and found her crying in a corner of the room.




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Chapter 27: I got a name for the baby Min Hyun Ho since they both want a name that has min in front... Btw, the story is DAEBAK!!! ^-^
Chapter 27: oh, and it was a nice ending, I liked it ;) and I'm thinking on doing a minific of b1a4n what do you think?
Chapter 27: nado sarnghe! hhaha i feel so asdfgsdf the next one, must be leeteuk! kya >< gotta go now, see you in other fics! Love always, LittleSushi
The pictures for C.A.P and Ricky are wrong
Chapter 25: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute!!!! I hope she will be back soon...!
Chapter 24: Kya!!!!! omo, i don't know what to say......
anyways, you did not answer my last comment >< i'm seriously upset... no, kidding jahahhahaha
I stayed up all night so I inifhed my list of updates and i don't mind if you keep updating today :9
Update soon!!!
Chapter 23: I know you missed me. I wen't for vacation to a beach-camp-lake and the wasn't internet so I could not comment. Right. BUT you updted 15! chpters nd it took me a lot to read! but anyways, i liked all! so so much, but the last chps were a bit confusing about the boy-thing y'know but everything is getting clearer :) ------- I have a very long list of updates to read so this time i'll ask: DON'T UPDATE SO SOON! Your beloved Unnie, LittleSushi <3
Chapter 7: i felt so asdfghj when she sid tht his father works in Chile. i was like " i'm from chile~ aaah~h" xD anyways, jinyoungnie is so cute!!! ns, is he tht boy? it will be little cliché, y'know… bye
Chapter 4: kya~ update soon! wanna know 'bout the date!