He is touching my .

Living Under You


I munched on a freshly salted French fry as I tried hard to avoid his gaze or even better not looking at him completely. We ate in silence which was awkward to say the least.

We both silently agreed not to speak of the issue moments ago; it was just awkward.

That’s really the only adjective I can’t conjure up to fit the situation. And it fit the situation perfectly. Don't you think so you?

Well, back to reality.

It turns out he bought dinner for both of us and decided to eat at my place. But he didn't bother to warn me nor ask for my permission.

No, he didn’t tell me, here I am narrating the atmosphere out for you. Now aren't you special?

Not one word was passed between us and only slurps and munches were heard.

“Uhmm..” I said as we both finished eating, he quickly looked up at me since I was the first to break the chilly silence.

“Thank you.” –cough— “..for the food.” I am disappointed at myself. I always claimed myself to be good with people and here I am failing to put back together an atmosphere. But who could blame me that this went totally wrong all because of the uncontrollable hormonal teen that seemed to take pleasure in annoying me.

“It was nothing.” He quickly stood up to clean the empty containers and tissues we used but I put my hand on his arm to stop him. I quickly brushed embarrassment away and pulled back my hand.

“You don’t have to. I’ll clean up.”

“Ahh, no grandma. I can handle my own mess.” He teased continuing with his objective.

“I am not a grandma!” I stood up and opened the door and pointed outwards while facing him.


He looked at me incredulously and held the place on his chest where his is heart in fake shock. “You’re kicking me out already!? But granny, I bought you dinner; the least you can do is be nice.”

I sighed and stayed planted in my place. “Nope.”

“Then no to you too!” he replied and grabbed the trash and headed for my kitchen to throw it away. I stomped away from the door and towards the kitchen; and found him looking around and lost for the trash can.

I took the trash from him and threw it away in the bin hidden from his sight.

“Show off.” I heard him scoff as I walked back to the living room with a dish rag to wipe the floor.

I smirked inwardly and looked at the mess on the floor. Not that much but it's still work. I bent down and wiped the remaining crumbs and pieces of food left over from our meal and straightened back up when I felt a strange gaze on me.

Looked back, I caught him staring at something he shouldn’t have and swallowing the imaginary saliva lodged in his throat when his Adam’s apple bobbed up then down again. I scowled at him and tried my best to ignore the possible fact that this guy was clearly checking me out. I went back to the kitchen ignoring his presence while I cleaned the rag.

I overheard him clear his throat and cough, as if only noticing he’s been caught now. He walked into the kitchen and stood behind me as I busied myself in the sink. Then all of a sudden I felt one of his surprisingly strong arms wrap around my waist, to hold me in place.

I widened my eyes but only reacted fully when I felt a warm hand slip into my back pocket.

He is touching my .

He is TOUCHING my .


“Yaahhhhhhh!!!” I shouted when I felt him move his hand more against my .

“Grandma hold still! Yah! Trust me!” I panicked and kept struggling with him while he held me tighter in hopes of getting me to stop. BUT HELL AM I GOING TO STOP WHEN SOMEONE IS UALLY HARASSING ME!

“Hold still!” I wriggled even more in his hold.

“Yahhh! Let go of me you ert!”

“Just wait! I am not a ert!”


“What’s happening here?!” I heard a new voice come from behind us and saw the lady I lived next to my flat standing before us. I widened my eyes even further that she caught us in a position as such. His hand in my back pocket and holding me by the waist and me pushing back against him making us look rather… you know what, I think you get it.

“Jeongmin, really. Next time please close the door, the other neighbors might think Soyou was really in trouble.” I heard the lady sigh before smiling knowingly at the boy who I now know as Jeongmin.

“Ahjumma, i-it’s not what you think!!” I heard the panic in his voice as he tried to explain but the ahjumma, cut him off.

“I know boys these days and who could blame you, Soyou is one very pretty girl. All I’m saying is for you to close the door before you two start anything, ok?” I stared bewildered at this woman. She sees this as normal?! What are we some kind of couple that can’t keep our hands from each other?

Excuse me but I am not some hormonal ually frustrated female that's in dire need of a man every minute.

“No! Ahjumma! This isn’t really what you—“ cut off yet again. Seriously woman let the guy talk!

“I’ll just leave you two now and close the door.” She walked away as Jeongmin tried to explain again; but –as expected- was cut off. Again.

“Oh and sweetie, use protection!” we both coughed hard at this and the woman laughed before I heard her shut the door, probably thinking of all the things we might be doing.  

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Sweetheart123 #1
I really enjoy this story and the couple love-hate relationship. Keep writing your a great writer!
theseoularsystem #2
Chapter 15: Yay! Cant wait for next update
Chapter 15: waaaaah you finally updated! ive been waiting for this! i really love ur story ^^
Chapter 15: xD hahahahahaha I'm laughing so much! Donghyun and Hyunseong thinking those two are together. xD hahahaha
But the last shot was the final frase. xD hahahahaha -rolling around on the floor-
-whispers- this kind of was Soyou's fault. She should have dresses herself first. Things would not be this awkward then xD
Chapter 14: Update soon juseyo...i love their chemistry!!! Dayum
Chapter 14: god I'm loving this I can't stop squealing!
Chapter 14: New reader love the story! Update soon please~~
Chapter 14: oMG OMG OMG
Chapter 12: auhhhhhhh~~ <3 the kissing partt! >o<