New Crush and iPhone

OMG So Awkward


Seohyun’s POV

“Hey, there’s Luhan!” I wave to him. He waves back. Yoona and I go to our locker. “Why is he here this late?” Yoona asks. “How would I know? I only know that Sehun and I’ve got the same job.” “What really?!” “Yeah.” Looks like I don’t give a about this myself. Have I finally forgot him? Woohoo! “But we’re just friends, so it’s going to be fun. I hope!” Yoona nods. “You don’t fit him anyway.” “But you’re the one who said on the 1st schoolday that we…” “Yeah, but I wasn’t talking about Sehun back then.” Did she mean that I fit Luhan then…?


The next day, it’s my first day at work. The people I see are all old 50-year olds. Oh, great. Sarcasm. “So there’s our volunteer!” A man comes to me. “Hey, sir.” “Where’s your friend?” “Who?” “Oh Sehun.” “I don’t know.” Yeah, where is he?! Little . “You should tell him that he should come.” “Okay, I’ll.” What why. So I’ll just do my work till 5PM. When I return home, I see way too many es. I grab my phone and pretend like I’m texting someone.

In my room, there’s a present for me. Tiffany, Taeyeon and mom are happy to see me. But it’s not my birthday yet, so I’m confused. “But my birthday is next year…?” “See this as an early Christmas present or as a late birthday present!” Taeyeon laughs. “Okay…” I open the box and scream. HOLY THEY GOT ME AN IPHONE. A WHITE ONE. “OH MY GOD!” Tiffany laughs. “We thought that we should make you happy, since you’re not really yourself lately. Congrats!” She’s right on that. I’m not really myself lately. Since I got a crush. But that’s gonna change, watch me, watch me. “Thank you so much, I love you all!” We give each other a big family hug.


After I imported most contacts to my new iPhone, I appear with it at school. The moral behind this is: a new phone, a new, more fun Seohyun and a new crush. I never thought that I’d forget a crush and get a new one this easy. All my friends are surprised. “Hey, welcome to the iPhone club!” I laugh. Sehun sees the ‘new me’ too. “Since when do you have an iPhone?” “Since yesterday.” “Nice!” This time, I talk to him, without feeling anything. Good job, self. I’m proud of myself.


I get more fun at class, and I have my old friends back. October ends so nice! And I’m really looking forward to every single day now. After a few days, it’s November. It’s dark when I go to school now. I feel Christmas really coming fast now. I start a Christmas countdown with Taeyeon, Tiffany and Yoona. And in the weekend, we go shopping. My conclusion: I’m having a good time!


Then I see that guy staring at me. Luhan. I forgot Sehun and instead, Luhan’s been in my head constanly now. I can’t help it. He’s staring at me, shyly.


Thursday, 1st November 2012

Never thought that this would ever happen: I’m having a good time at school! I finally got my old friends back and Krystal is finally being nice to me! She’s not a anymore. Instead, she’s such a cute, funny girl (: I understand why Sehun likes her. Oh c’mon, I’m a girl, I see things like these. He secretely likes her hahaha. But I can’t believe that I have the same job as Sehun. Just when I’m about to forget him, I hear that we applied to the same job. Ugh why does this have to happen. But whatever, it’s gonna be fun, since I totally have no feelings anymore for him \o/ I mean it. I don’t. I never thought that I’d forget a guy so easy like this. It never happened before. Maybe it’s because… I like someone else now? He got me. The other small guy, Luhan. Staring at me, shyly. Not trying to talk to me. So I gotta say “hi” to him. But he’s cute. And I just realized that he’s taking 3 hours of school now. Which is incredible great! Poor guy, his disease kills him alive. But it doesn’t hurt him at all. So little, but so strong. I’d totally break down, if I was him. Tiffany, Taeyeon and mom are so sweet! They got me an iPhone :’) They don’t know how happy I am omfg. But I can’t tell them about my crush now. First, I have to explore my new iPhone #swag. Happy November!


-         November – Krystal’s POV

Sehun’s getting closer to me everyday. He’s starting to be a really good friend of mine. We’re having the lamest conversations ever on WhatsApp. But my crush on him is fading away. I see the friendzone coming. I think he’s only a good friend, that’s all. I don’t expect to be anything more than that, I just… can’t. Then he goes sitting next to me. “Sehun downie go away!” The teacher calls me. “Krystalt!” The whole class laughs. “KRYSTALT.” Sehun laughs like a crazy little troll. Now they’re all gonna call me Krystalt. I love this class.


I’m with Sunny at the lunch break. “Hey Krystalt.” “Shut your mouth, Sun.” Sehun comes. “Noo not you.” Why does he always sit with us though? “I’m just gonna sit next to my bff Krystalt.” “And where’s my bff?! Where’s Chen?!” The other guys come to us. Oh God. “No go away.”


My life isn’t that interesting right now. I’m jealous of Seohyun’s life. Her’s is so much interesting. I decide to buy an iPhone too. Just for the fun. Something new. Everyone is getting a new iPhone 5, so why not me too?!


As the Queen of this gang in class, I decide to let Seohyun definetely in now. She’s a fun girl and she deserves it. “Seohyun, come sit with us!” “Okay, sure!” We’re having lots of fun and are laughing a lot. I’m feeling so bad. I used to hate her. I used to bully her. She says it’s okay, but it’s not. It was so mean.

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my life


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Chapter 1: oh my gosh seohyun and luhan again but i cant copy this on my ebook.
Chapter 22: Seohan just foto cuteeeee!!! ^_^
Chapter 20: Cute Seohan ^^ and really funny too :-))))

About you author's note: Good luck to you :-))) Hope you succeed ^_^
Chapter 19: i love this..Luhan Hwaiting! update soon author-nim~
Chapter 16: lol xD
Luhan is so desperate to be a goat :)
Specifically, Seohyun's goat :D
You should ask her number when you meet her again, Luhan.
Be brave :)
Chapter 13: ^_^ poor Luhan,he isn't going to be with Seo :\ hehe hwaiting update soon :)
Chapter 12: Awww Luhan is so sweet >w< hwaiting update soon :)
Chapter 10: Hehehe there kore closer >\\\< yes!!! Hwaiting update soon :)