Feelings for You

OMG So Awkward


Sehun’s POV

I’m laughing because of Krystal right now. She’s so funny. I’m not sure whether I see her as a good friend, or as the girl I like. But I don’t care. As long as I have fun with her. I’m not being difficult like Luhan. But yeah… he’s shy, I’m not. So that’s why he’s acting like Seohyun is scary. Thank God that the exams are over now, so that I don’t have to study again.


The whole 9th grade of our level at school are having a Culture Project now. I have to learn how to play drums. I sit next to a friend and then I see Seohyun and Yoona walking with a girl I don’t know. Are you gonna sit next to me? And yes, Seohyun sits next to me. Probably because she has no choice. It was me or someone she doesn’t know. Of course, me. Too bad that Luhan and Chen aren’t here. I’d let her sit next to them. Like “Hey Seohyun! Sit here!” Hahaha. I poke her drums, because I’m that funny. Seohyun looks confused at me, and then laughs a bit.


Later the day, we have to leave the gym, and we go to the canteen. I keep playing with my drums like a little kid. “You think you’re funny, huh?” Sulli asks. “Because I am funny.” Seohyun laughs. The reason why I try to be funny 24/7 is because I want to feel like I belong with you guys. But I guess they don’t have to know why I like being funny.


Luhan’s POV

The Culture Project is actually quite funny. Kyungsoo and I are having fun. But it’s kinda bad that she isn’t here. Seo Joohyun. She’s with Sehun. My bestfriend. He doesn’t know how lucky he is. He’ll never know.


The class has a trip to a village near Seoul. I decided to join this time. “Hey bro!” Sehun and I do our bro handshake. “What great that you’re here! We didn’t see you at school so we thought that you wouldn’t be here.” “My dad brought me here with his car. By the way, how was the bike ride?” “It was… so hilarious, man. RIGHT, SULLI?!” Sulli turns around. “What.” “Because of you, we almost rode on the CAR’S ROAD.” “Hahahaha Sehun, funny.” I laugh. Then we see Seohyun, Yoona, Yuri, Hyoyeon and the teacher arriving. Sehun pushes me. “No.” Sehun sighs. I just CAN’T do anything. Sigh.


During the trip, I see Seohyun walking near Sehun. I get so jealous right now. But I still can’t do anything. Luhan, . I know I shouldn’t ever join this trip. My dad brings me home. “Son, how was it?” “It was nothing special.” It was ty. But I can’t tell dad that.


10. She can make me so jealous when she’s around guys.

11. She’s different than others.

12. Sehun shouldn’t be that much around her.


A few days later, on the autumn holidays, Sehun calls me. “BRO DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TODAY?!” “What?” “I went to my new job today.” “So interesting, Sehun.” “No no no SEOHYUN WAS THERE TOO.” WHAT. “ARE YOU ING KIDDING ME?! DID YOU DO IT ON PURPOSE?!” “OF COURSE I DIDN’T. Did she do it on purpose?” “I don’t know I hope not.” “Wait a minute, she didn’t. She was very surprised to see me there too. Omg what is this. You should have my job I’m done with this.” “There is no turning back. You have to do it. Get closer to her, so I’ll know what she likes and stuff.” “Are you serious?! Then she might even like me, dumbhead.” Oh my God this is not happening. Those two have the same job. Every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Those two together. my life. “Sehun I hang up.” “WHAT NO.” I hang up and lie on my bed. “What is happening. I’m so unlucky.” I should attend three hours of school now. Two hours isn’t enough. I can handle one more hour and I NEED IT. I need more time, or else everything will be ruined.


“Dad.” “Yes, Luhan?” “I want to take three hours of school everyday now.” “What made you wanna do that?” “I can handle it. I miss my friends.” I miss my friends = I wanna see Seohyun more. “Okay. We go to school on Monday together and see what the school thinks.” “Okay.”


I go to school, then go home, then return to school with dad after school at 3PM. That’s when I see Seohyun and Yoona walking. Waving at me.

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my life


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Chapter 1: oh my gosh seohyun and luhan again but i cant copy this on my ebook.
Chapter 22: Seohan just foto cuteeeee!!! ^_^
Chapter 20: Cute Seohan ^^ and really funny too :-))))

About you author's note: Good luck to you :-))) Hope you succeed ^_^
Chapter 19: i love this..Luhan Hwaiting! update soon author-nim~
Chapter 16: lol xD
Luhan is so desperate to be a goat :)
Specifically, Seohyun's goat :D
You should ask her number when you meet her again, Luhan.
Be brave :)
Chapter 13: ^_^ poor Luhan,he isn't going to be with Seo :\ hehe hwaiting update soon :)
Chapter 12: Awww Luhan is so sweet >w< hwaiting update soon :)
Chapter 10: Hehehe there kore closer >\\\< yes!!! Hwaiting update soon :)