
Noona, Will You Ever Love Me? {HIATUS}



"Yah! Wake up! I'm hungry, make me breakfast."

It took you a few seconds to figure out it was Kai. 

"Let me sleep, it's only seven." You say in a sleepy voice.

"Get up. I'm not leaving until you get up and make me food."

He wouldn't stop bugging you so you give in and get up. 

Kai is standing on the other side of the door with a childish smile because he got his way. It seems that after the outing Kai became more comfortable with you. He didn't mind seeing you around the house. Now he would tell you what he wanted to eat. Taemin was coming over too since you told him he could come and not worry about Kai. They were on vacation until college started in September. (AN: I don't know when school or college starts in Korea so I'm going to go with my experience.) They hung out at each other's houses and would go out too. Every once in a while they would invite you whenever they went out, actually they always invited you. Taemin was the one doing the inviting, but Kai didn't oppose.




Kai's parents come home two weeks after he graduates just like they said. They congratulate him on his graduation and ask if he received the gifts. They take him out for a fancy dinner to celebrate his graduation. He's no longer upset with them. That's one good quality Kai has. Even though he may be very upset at something or someone, but with time he let things go. 

Although his parents were constantly disappointing him, but he would forget about it whenever they did pay attention to him or did something special. Maybe because he was hoping to get back his happy family. He didn't hate his parents, he only resented them. Ignoring them, talking back, and acting childish was his way of trying to get their attention or ask for help. However, they over looked and let things slide because they didn't have enough time to meditate on his attitude.


Their stay wasn't long, only  a week. Although they may have wanted to spend time with their son during that week, but the company always required their attention. They spent a good amount of time in meetings and when they were home they spent it in their office.




It was mid June by the time the butler was retiring. Kai had already been out of school a month. His parents wanted to wait until Kai graduated for him to retire. By then he would require less attention and since you were there you were going to be taking care of his minor necessities. They didn't have maids because they didn't want him to grow up lazy or spoiled. That's why the maids would come to clean twice a week.




You were excited because in a couple of weeks you were going home for a week. Since you were reaching the three month mark you were going to be allowed a week of vacation. 



"Noona, I'm going out of the country with Taemin's family."

"Out of the country? What are you going out of the country for?"

"They invited me on a short vacation in Macau."

"Wow, you really are rich haha." 

"It's not a big deal." 

"How long are you going for?"

"We're leaving Wednesday afternoon and coming back Sunday night."

"That sounds like fun. Well I guess I'll see you whenever you come back. Oh and by the way next week I wo..." Before you could finish telling him your phone goes off. "Hang on, I have to take this."

The call takes longer than expected so Kai whispers, "I have to go." 

In the end you forget to tell him you were leaving for a week on vacation.




It was the weekend before you could go home on vacation. Since you were going to be gone for a week you started preparing and cooking food for Kai. Once finished you put it in containers ready to be heated up. You made a weeks worth of food and also left written instructions. After, you start getting ready to go home.

You leave Sunday afternoon and arrive two hours later. The next day you slept in enjoying your first day of vacation. You get up after a couple of hours and walk your sister to her dance class. You tell her you're going to run some errands and to call you when she was done so you could walk home together. You were walking around when all of a sudden your phone goes off. It's a number you don't recognize, you assume it's your sister calling from a studio phone.

"Hello, Nia?"

"Yah! Where are you?" You hear an unknown voice ask. 

"What? Who's this?" You asked, getting annoyed. You hated calls from people you didn't know and to make matters worse this person was being demanding. 

"Come home and make me something to eat. You left all of a sudden, I'm home alone, and there's nothing. What am I supposed to eat?"

Just then you realized who it was, "How did you get my number? Anyways that doesn't matter. What do you mean theres no food?! I left several containers ready, the only thing you have to do is reheat them."

"What are you talking about? I can't do that, what if I burn myself? No I don't want to, you have to come home and cook for me."

"Are you serious?! No, this is my first long vacation since I started working. I'm not gonna go all the way across town just to reheat food for you. Do it yourself."

"Noona~" He says in a whiny tone. 

"Are you serious? You're doing aegyo right now? It's not gonna work." It was true, it wasn't going to work, but you found it cute.

"Fine I won't stop calling until you come." He was serious. He calls and texts you for a good hour. You couldn't turn off your phone because you were waiting for Nia to call. You finally get annoyed enough to answer.

"Fine, I'll go! Stop calling."

"Thank you noona~"

"Ha now I'm your noona." You scoff. "But you're going to have to wait because I'm going to meet up with my sister first."


You meet up with your sister and go home. Once at home you tell your dad and sister that you have to go back to work for today, but will come back tomorrow. It takes you two hours to get there, you shake your head at the thought of Kai's immaturity. How can someone not know how to use a microwave. I'm going to teach him a few things even if he fights it.

When you arrive it was already getting dark. You were in no mood to be nice to Kai. So upon arriving you call him over and start showing him everything the instructions, where the food was, how to heat it up, etc. You also take this opportunity to give him some advice.

"You need to learn how to make food on your own. You can't rely on others, what if one day you have to depend only on yourself."

"I'm rich I don't need to learn things like this. That's why we hired people like you."

"This boy. Yah, no one is going to like you if you think that way."

"It's true, I have more important things to learn like how to run a company."

"Although you may be able to afford to hire people, but it's still good to know how to do things on your own. You need to gain skills."

"Araso araso, stop nagging me."

"Aigoo, stop acting childish. You better be paying attention because I'm going back home tomorrow."



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Get ready everyone. Here comes the update. Hope you like it^^


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Chapter 20: Oooftt Dem feels im feelin ;-; !! i will wait for you to return >w<
Gigi_L #2
Chapter 20: It's on hiatus :(
what i only started reading this :(

your comeback shall be highly anticipated ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
omg, it's on hiatus. =(

Can't wait for you to comeback. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 18: haha lol Taemin, why you so mean?? XD lol
Update soo~n. Hwaiting, Author-nim!!
Oh my feels. =P
Chapter 19: wow, omg thank you so much author-san <3
Chapter 18: Ooooo you added a little more to this chappy ^_______^ Wha, Lina is so slow, but adorable c: and Kai...stop ignoring her man .-. lol. I love it!
Byetha #7
Chapter 19: Ahh..gomawo ^^
Chapter 19: Omo! Gomawo author-nim!! ^^
Chapter 19: Kamsahamnida author-nim! I was wondering where the karam came from O.o

but omfg Kaiii~ i suddenly want to choke him :3 and then slap some sense into him and lock him inside a room with Lina :3 ehehe~
thank you for an amazing fanfic author-nim! hwaiting!
kpopmylife95 #10
Chapter 19: You are awesome!!! Keep updating I love this story!