"I'm His Noona!"

Noona, Will You Ever Love Me? {HIATUS}

*** AN: Hope you guys like this one. Please let me know in the comments^^ ***


It was Kai's graduation day and you knew his parents weren't going to be there because they called a few days earlier saying there were a few complications with their business meetings and had to stay a couple more weeks. Taehoon did say they hardly ever went to any of his school events and apparently his graduation wasn't any different. They had sent flowers and a card. Poor kid, his two healthy parents couldn't bother coming to his graduation. This reminded you of your own graduation. You're dad was too sick to go and your sister was too young at the time. You graduated, but no one was there to see it. You did not want this for Kai. He should have someone there, even if I'm not family I'm going to go. You got ready took the presents and left. Along the way you saw a store selling cute things. You were taught never to go anywhere empty handed so you decided to go in and buy Kai a gift. You were looking around and saw all kinds of things: plushies, pillows, notebooks, earrings, etc, but since you were on the nice side of town everything was expensive. Gosh is everything made out of gold? Why is it so expensive?  Since you had spent most your money two weeks ago when you visited your family you only had a few bills left over and you weren't getting paid until Saturday. You started looking around, but you weren't sure what to buy. He's a grown boy, I'm not sure what to get him. Should I get him a pen? They also have hats...Argh I don't know. Just then you noticed a small stuffed baby lion with sleepy eyes. He reminded you a lot of Kai. You saw the price and had enough. You looked at the time and realize that graduation was going to start in 10 minutes. Oh no, I'm going to be late! I can't believe I spent this much time looking around. When you paid the cashier asked if it was a gift, you said yes so they said they were going to wrap it for you. You told them you didn't have enough time for them to rap it, so instead they put a a big bow around the neck. Once they finished you rushed out of there. 

Although you tried to hurry up, but still got there late. The ceremony was over and you were looking for Kai when all of a sudden you hear some kids say, "Your parents didn't come again Kai? Do you even have parents?" You found yourself getting upset, you hated people who talked for no good reason. 

"Yah!" yell at them, "I'm here aren't I?"

"Who are you?" They ask. Kai looks at you with a surprised look.

"I'm his noona. Let's go Kai."  You grab his arm and leave.

You walk out of the school and express how mad you are. You start explaining how you don't like those kinds of people because they're selfish. They don't stop to think about what the other person is feeling. You hail a cab to go home by then you were more calm so you explain to Kai that he shouldn't listen to comments like that. He's bound to meet people who don't think before they speak and how he should ignore them. You start giving him this whole life lesson that in the mean time forget to give him the flowers and baby lion. He didn't say anything all the way home, you guess its cause he was too tired, sad, disappointed, liked listening to you or a combination of everything. You finally arrive at home and right before the taxi entered the gates you remembered you had the flowers and lion.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Your parents sent these flowers and card." He looks at them and scuffs. "And even though it's not much, but I got you this." You say shyly holding the baby lion out to him by then you were already out of the car and on your way in the house.

He looks at the flowers and lion and says, "I don't want them." He goes into the house. You follow him in. He makes his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

His expression was one you knew well. This was the frustrated-disappointed-why did I think it was going to be different this time face. But you still had to try. "At least take the flowers they're from your parents, here take it." 

"I said I don't want them!" With that he grabs everything and throws it in the trash. Since you were still holding the baby lion it went in the trash along with everything else. At that moment you start getting mad again. Not because he threw away your present, but because you we're tired of his attitude.  

"Yah! Stop acting like such a baby! I know you're upset, but don't go off on me! Stop acting like the victim all the time even if you are." Once you started you didn't stop. "Don't feel sorry for yourself and don't let your happiness depend on others because then you will be disappointed just like you are right now!" He didn't say anything for a few minutes I guess because he was surprised with what you had just said. It was different from how you always talked to him. Before you were nice and patient wanting to get on his good side, but this time you didn't care because you've had enough. He saw how upset you were and his expression changed. You two didn't say anything for a good minute. After calming down you start feeling bad about going off on him and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you, but you have to stop being angry all the time. You're parents love you and..." before you could even finish Kai cuts you off.

"Stop pretending like you know my life! You don't know anything about me or my parents." With that he storms out of the kitchen.



You went to bed, but the events of tonight kept on playing in your head. You were trying to figure out ways to get close to him because your plans were to stay in this job for many years. You had to get along with this family, plus there was something about Kai. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but you wanted to help and protect him. Since he was clearly upset about his parents missing his graduation you were trying to figure out ways to make him feel better. Then an idea came to you when you were laying on your bed. I'll call Taemin, I know he'll help me. The next day you were looking through the address book for his number. You finally find it and call his house, at least you figured it was a house number because a woman answered. It was a maid so you asked to talk to Taemin. When she asked for your name you said, "Tell him Lina Noona is calling."


(play music) http://youtu.be/FsJ1zhA-U-s

"Noona?!" You hear a soft voice on the other end ask.

"Hi Taemin it's me. How you've been?"

"I'm good. How are you? Sorry I haven't gone to visit you. Kai banned me from going over I don't know why."

"Awe~ I don't know why Kai banned you from the house, he's so dramatic and weird. By the way congratulations on your graduation!"

"Thank you. Is that why you called?"

"It's one of the reasons. You know I wanted to take you and Kai out to celebrate your graduation. Since his parents couldn't come he was upset so I wanted to take him out. I was thinking Lotte world. What do you think?"

"That's sounds like a lot of fun! We were thinking about doing something, but that sounds even better!" 

"Great! But you can't tell him that I'm inviting you because if he finds out I don't think he would want to go. You know how he is."

"Ok I won't tell him. When are we going?"

"I get paid tomorrow, so let's go Sunday. Don't make any plans because I want to make a day out of it."



"Why aren't we going in?"

"I'm waiting"

"Waiting for what?"

"Waiting for our tickets."

"Didn't you buy them already?"

"No somebody else bought them for us, so I'm waiting for her."

"Who bough..."

"She's here....Noona! Over here!"

"What is she doing here?"

"This was her idea, she said she wanted to take us out since we graduated."


"Hey guys! So are you ready?! I have the tickets."

"Yes we're ready!"

"I don't want to go anymore."  

"Come on you have to go I already bought the tickets."

"Come on Kai, she already bought the tickets." 

"Don't be such a party pooper. This is your graduation present from me since you didn't like what I bought you." You tell him. "Taemin can you believe how rude this kid is, I bought him a stuffed animal and he threw it away."

"Kai I can't believe you did that! I would never do that to noona."

He looks at you with blushed cheeks. "Ok fine, I'll go. Stop talking."


Once in Lotte World you guys were trying to decide what to ride first. You started with the small rides first and then moved your way towards the bigger ones. You don't like heights or speed so whenever they got on a rollercoaster you would wait for them. Although Kai was quiet but he loosened up a little once you started talking to them. You talked a lot to them trying to be friendly. You talked about their plans after high school, your experiences with collage, and things like that. Taemin was the one making most of the conversation because Kai answered in short sentences.

You were all having a lot of fun, especially Taemin. He was all over the place, it was hard to keep up. You tried all kinds of food and even bought them the cute ear headbands. After a couple of more slow rides they were getting mad at you because they wanted to ride the fast rides, but you didn't want to. You told them the slow rides where more fun and you didn't like riding the big or fast ones. 

"I don't want to get on. I don't like those." 

"I think you're scared of riding them."

"I'm not scared, I just don't like how they make me feel."

"Don't worry noona, they're not that scary. You can ride with me and it won't be as bad. Come on~." He says in a whinny tone. "Neh?"

"I don't know."

After a long time of nagging and tantrums (mostly from Kai) you agreed to get on. 

You guys got in line for a rollercoaster. You were nervous the whole time, but didn't want to show it. When you got to the front of the line Taemin went in first and didn't realize he was going to be paired up with someone else. He was about to get off so he could ride with you, but they didn't let him. So you had to wait and ride with Kai. Finally it was your turn to ride so you got in and strapped yourself in. It starts taking off and your heart is pounding. Kai must of noticed the nervous look on your face, "Are you ok? Don't worry it's gonna be fun." He says with a grin.

The anticipation builds and then comes the drop. You practically screamed through out the whole ride and your eyes were closed. Kai was having the time of his life. He caught a glimpse at you and noticed your eyes were closed. "Open your eyes it's a lot more fun!" He screams.

"No! It's too fast!"

"Just open them!"

You opened your eyes, but could only handle it for a few seconds. It was tossing you left and right, up and down. The falling sensation was really strong so you grabbed on to Kai's arm like there was no tomorrow. When it was finally over you were in a daze. You couldn't move and didn't realize you were holding on to Kai's arm.

"So are you going to let go?" You hear him ask.

That got you out of your daze. You turn towards him and see his eyes point at your hand. You quickly let go and get out of the ride. On your way down it felt a little awkward. You look at him and quickly look away embarrassed.

"Don't tell me now you're shy? You weren't too shy when you were cutting the circulation from my arm."

"Yeah....sorry...." You say slowly with blushed cheeks. "I told you guys I didn't want to ride it."

You see Taemin at a distance and feel relieved.  

"Taemin! Come on Taemin's over there." You walk fast towards Taemin feeling relieved that you didn't have to talk to Kai anymore. He smirks at your actions, he liked the cute side of you.

"How was it? Did you like it?"

"Umm...it was ok."

"Haha 'It was ok?' You should've seen her!"

You try to cover his mouth because you didn't want him to tell Taemin about what just happened, but it was hard since he was so much taller than you. Kai starts laughing and tries to playfully stop you. You two are laughing and joking around about the ride which makes the ambiance between you two more comfortable. Taemin looks at you two surprised. You look at him and immediately stop.

You clear your throat, "I'm hungry let's go eat."


It got late around 10:00pm and you were tired. Especially with these two balls of energy. You told them you were tired, but they wouldn't listen to you. They wanted to continue until it closed and where trying to convince you. You really wanted to go home already, but instead told them they could continue and that you were going to wait for them at a bench. Taemin didn't want to continue with out you, so they decided to go home instead. The three of you got in the taxi, since Taemin's house was closest he got off first. You were so tired you didn't realize you fell asleep. Then suddenly you felt a strong push.



"She fell asleep already? I guess she was really tired." He's looking at you, but since it's dark he can't really see you. At that moment the headlights from the car on the opposite side of the road shine on your face and he can see your face for a second."She's not that bad, she's actually pretty fun."

The moment with the rollercoaster kept playing in his mind. He smiles at the taught before being interrupted by the driver. You had arrived, but you were still asleep.


"Hey, Wake up." He says softly.

"Lin...noona wake up, we're here." He says while slightly shaking you since there was no reaction at first.

 With a jump you say, "You scared me. Why did you push me!"

"What? I didn't push you. Anyways we're here. Pay the guy he's getting inpatient."

"Why couldn't you pay him?"

"You said today was my graduation gift, so see it till the end. Pay him." With that he gets out first.

This boy, can't even pay for the taxi.


You fell asleep the minute you laid on your bed. The next day you were awaken by a loud knock on your door.

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Get ready everyone. Here comes the update. Hope you like it^^


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Chapter 20: Oooftt Dem feels im feelin ;-; !! i will wait for you to return >w<
Gigi_L #2
Chapter 20: It's on hiatus :(
what i only started reading this :(

your comeback shall be highly anticipated ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
omg, it's on hiatus. =(

Can't wait for you to comeback. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 18: haha lol Taemin, why you so mean?? XD lol
Update soo~n. Hwaiting, Author-nim!!
Oh my feels. =P
Chapter 19: wow, omg thank you so much author-san <3
Chapter 18: Ooooo you added a little more to this chappy ^_______^ Wha, Lina is so slow, but adorable c: and Kai...stop ignoring her man .-. lol. I love it!
Byetha #7
Chapter 19: Ahh..gomawo ^^
Chapter 19: Omo! Gomawo author-nim!! ^^
Chapter 19: Kamsahamnida author-nim! I was wondering where the karam came from O.o

but omfg Kaiii~ i suddenly want to choke him :3 and then slap some sense into him and lock him inside a room with Lina :3 ehehe~
thank you for an amazing fanfic author-nim! hwaiting!
kpopmylife95 #10
Chapter 19: You are awesome!!! Keep updating I love this story!