
Noona, Will You Ever Love Me? {HIATUS}


"Unnie! Guess what?!" You told Mirah everything that just happened, she knew how tough things have been for you not only your life up to know, but also the past five months struggling to get a job.

"Really! That's great, I'm so happy for you! Which family are you going to be working for?"

"It's going to be for the Kim's of the umm...I forgot the name of the business, but they're involved in trade. They're actually a young couple they seem to be at the most in their mid 30's. Have you heard of them?"

"Wow! You got a job with them? They're very successful! I heard they both come from prestige families, but decided to branch away from them in order to start their own business. Little by little they have made their business grow and prosper. Not only that, but within the next few years they will be one of the top and most important businesses in Korea. At least that's what I heard on TV."



You received a phone call a couple of days later from Mr. Kim, "Miss Noh, we received all the information we asked for, but before you can start we need to discuss a few matters. Can you come in tomorrow?"

"Yes, may I ask what kind of matters?" You were a bit nervous since it sounded serious. Mr. Kim must have heard the nervous tone in your voice and said, "Nothing big, we just need to discuss pay and living arrangements among other things."

"Oh ok", you said with relief, "Yes I can come in tomorrow, where and when will the interview take place?"

"Come in at 10:00 am, it will take place at our home, write down the address..."



You got ready and tried to look as presentable as possible. You left two hours early since their home was across town and you had to take several buses to get there. When you finally arrived at their home your head was spinning. You had never seen this type of home before except for on TV. Although it was huge, but it was still not as big as some of the mansions you saw on your way there.You rang the doorbell and a man between 50 and 60 opened the door. He escorted you into Mr. Kim's office. Mr. Kim welcomed you and preceded with the interview.

"Since you are going to be our chef you will need to live here. Is that going to be a problem?" Even though you didn't want to leave your family, but your sister was old enough to fend for herself and your dad was doing better these days. Plus you remembered how long it took you just to get here. 

"No that's not going to be a problem." You answered.

"Good! For the next month you will have every other Sunday off and once you have prepared dinner you are free to do whatever you like. After the first month you will get the weekend off and every couple of months a week. Ok so now lets discuss your pay..." When you heard the amount you had to pinch yourself in order to stop from jumping up and down with joy. Not only will this cover all of the expenses at home, but you will be able to pay off school in a matter of months and take good vacations.



"Ok everything seems to be in order. Congratulations Miss. Noh you got the job. When can you start?"

"Thank you so much! I can start right now if you want me to!" You didn't care you loved cooking and plus you've had five months of rest. You wanted to start your career already.

"Well today's Friday and since Taehoon is still here he's going to be in charge for now and he will also train you. Why don't you go ahead and start Monday; by then you will be all moved in and settled. How does that sound?"

"That sound good, thank you again." 


After the interview was over you two met with Mrs. Kim and started your way towards the kitchen. Along the way Mr. Kim was filling you in on the upcoming events, "We don't have any banquets coming up. Starting next week we will have business trips back to back, so you won't see us that often for the next few months."

Mrs. Kim added, "For now you're going to be in charge of making dinner and breakfast. We usually don't have breakfast at home, but you will have to do it for our son Kai. He's at school, but you will meet him soon. Since TaeHoon is still here he's going to tell you how everything runs." Taehoon is their usual chef who will be retiring in two weeks. He has been with the family since Mr. Kim (Kai's dad) was a young boy. "By the way" Mrs. Kim said, "Our son Kai is very particular with his food, he seems to only eat Taehoon's cooking, so if he doesn't like or throws tantrums about your cooking don't pay any attention."

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind." He's one of those kids, it's ok I'll make him like my cooking and if he doesn't he'll still eat it. A hungry child will eat anything.


They gave you a quick tour of the kitchen and introduced you to Taehoon. After they gave you a tour of their home and your room. The room looked simple compared the the rest of the house, but a lot more spacious and prettier than your original room back home. A room you had to share with your sister, in order for both of you to fit in there you had to start building up. You thanked them again before leaving and just before you left turned around to take one last look at the mansion and let out a sigh of happiness....

This is the beginning of my future.

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Get ready everyone. Here comes the update. Hope you like it^^


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Chapter 20: Oooftt Dem feels im feelin ;-; !! i will wait for you to return >w<
Gigi_L #2
Chapter 20: It's on hiatus :(
what i only started reading this :(

your comeback shall be highly anticipated ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
omg, it's on hiatus. =(

Can't wait for you to comeback. ^^
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Chapter 18: haha lol Taemin, why you so mean?? XD lol
Update soo~n. Hwaiting, Author-nim!!
Oh my feels. =P
Chapter 19: wow, omg thank you so much author-san <3
Chapter 18: Ooooo you added a little more to this chappy ^_______^ Wha, Lina is so slow, but adorable c: and Kai...stop ignoring her man .-. lol. I love it!
Byetha #7
Chapter 19: Ahh..gomawo ^^
Chapter 19: Omo! Gomawo author-nim!! ^^
Chapter 19: Kamsahamnida author-nim! I was wondering where the karam came from O.o

but omfg Kaiii~ i suddenly want to choke him :3 and then slap some sense into him and lock him inside a room with Lina :3 ehehe~
thank you for an amazing fanfic author-nim! hwaiting!
kpopmylife95 #10
Chapter 19: You are awesome!!! Keep updating I love this story!