
Omma? Appa? Woori?!!!

A/N: Oh my goodness everyone... It's been like... FOREVER!!! I hope I still have everyone's interest... well, some???? :/

Sorry for taking so long, and thank you to those who left suggestions! I hope you all like this chapter!!! I'll apoligize more in the A/N below... just enjoy this chapter okay?? :(



Khun set up the blanket under a beautiful shaded tree while Yuri got Hyeri out of her carseat.

"Aiyo, you're getting so heavy Hyeri..." she grunted, placing Hyeri on the blanket. She looked up at Khun who smiled at her and smiled back.

"What?" He asked getting out his camera. She shrugged her shoulders and looked away.

"Yah, let's take a picture together..." Khun said walking over to her. She sat up and went to grab Hyeri, but Khun stopped her.

"Let's just take one of us for now... then afterwards, we can take one with Hyeri..." he said. Yuri looked at him confused but just shrugged her shoulders and waited until Khun was closely beside her.

Their shoulders were basically overlapping each other and smiles were plastered all over their faces.


After Khun took the picture of them and one with Hyeri and them two, he looked back at it and chuckled, smiling happily at the happy family that he saw.

"What a beautiful family..." he said with a chuckle. Yuri looked at it and smiled happily. "Yeah... Hyeri and I are beautiful..." she said then kissed Hyeri's head. Khun scrunched up his eyebrows and looked at them.

"And... what about me?" He asked. Yuri looked at him and shrugged her shoulders, smacking her lips. "I guess... you're okay..." she said then paid her attention to Hyeri again. Khun scoffed and looked away.



"I'll be back. I need to use the restroom." Yuri said then left Khun with Hyeri. He smiled and took Hyeri in his arms. "Come here little girl..." he said with a grunt.



"Excuse me sir, can you please help us please." An elder lady pleaded for Khun to help her take her grandson out of the swing since her grandson was still small, he was in the swings where you had to put his legs through the holes in order for them to not fall.

Khun looked at Hyeri who was crawling to Yuri's bag and smacked his lips, looking back at the elder lady who kept looking at him.

"Aish... DON'T move okay Hyeri?" He said then quickly went to the swings.




"Oh, Yuri ah... you're here again?" Wooyoung said happily bumping into Yuri who just came out from the bathroom. She smiled and nodded her head. "You're here too?" She said. He nodded and chuckled.

"My parents and cousins wanted to hang out today... but they're not here yet, so I'm just waiting for them by myself..." he said then looked around.

"You're here with Khun and Hyeri?" Wooyoung asked. Yuri nodded and looked over at Khun and Hyeri, but they weren't in sight.

"Huh? Where did they go?" Yuri asked walking over. Wooyoung looked over worriedly and saw Khun helping an elder lady pulling a baby out of the swing.

"Oh, Khun's over there." Wooyoung said with his hands in his pockets. Yuri saw Khun and scrunched up her eyebrows.

"Where's Hyeri?????" She asked worriedly. She gasped when she saw Hyeri crawling to the cemented side walk towards the edge of the playground.

"Hyeri!!" She yelled loudly when a bicyclist drove towards Hyeri while checking out people.

"Hyeri!!!" Wooyoung yelled loudly running towards Hyeri with Yuri running behind him.


Khun turned around to the voices calling out for Hyeri and gasped when he saw the bicyclist driving in front of Hyeri. He handed the baby to the elder lady and quickly ran towards Hyeri.


Wooyoung got there in time and grabbed Hyeri up. The bicycle stopped against Wooyoung's side and ran into a screeching brake, making the bicyclist fall over with a loud thud.

Yuri screamed with fear as well as everyone else who watched with fright. Khun stopped running and panted with shock when he saw Wooyoung holding Hyeri tightly in his arms.

"Hyeri!! Wooyoung!!" Yuri yelled loudly, running to their side. She pulled and threw the bicycle away and pulled Wooyoung's arm down to look at Hyeri who was quietly looking at everyone with her big eyes.

Wooyoung finally relaxed and opened his eyes, looking at Hyeri and Yuri. He sighed and grunted when he felt pain on his right side from the impact of the bicycle that ran into him.

"Yah, pabo yah!" She cried holding Hyeri tightly in her arms. "Where's Khun?!!!" She yelled madly.

Khun walked over to them and felt so guilty and mad at himself. Furthermore, Wooyoung saved Hyeri... not him... and this made him even more mad.

Yuri glared at Khun... and he knew she was really mad. He didn't blame her because he's mad at himself right now also.

Yuri looked down at Wooyoung and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" She asked with guilt seeing Wooyoung grasping his side. "Yah, let's get you to the hospital." She said helping him away. He groaned and crouched while he walked.

Khun just stood there and watched as Yuri walked away with Wooyoung and Hyeri. He's supposed to be in Wooyoung's shoes right now.

Wooyoung's supposed to be watching him walk away with Yuri and Hyeri... but why is it the other way around? He glared at himself and ran his fingers through his hair with frustration, walking the other way to wherever he was going to.



"He just bruised his waist a little, but no bones are broken, thankfully..." the Doctor said after an examination on Wooyoung. Yuri held Hyeri in her arms and sighed, nodding with relief.

"Thank goodness..." Yuri said looking at Wooyoung who groaned with pain still.

"We will give you some medications to take home to take for your pain. And in a couple of weeks, it should heal." The Doctor said then smiled and walked off.

Wooyoung looked down and smiled, watching as the Doctor walked off. Yuri sighed and patted Wooyoung's shoulder.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry.... but thank you so much." She said regretfully. Wooyoung looked at her and smiled, then looked at Hyeri and shook his head.

"If she's okay, then I'm fine also." He said. Yuri smiled and looked down as Hyeri chuckled from Wooyoung's touch.

"At least you don't need to stay the night..." she told him. He nodded and chuckled. "Yeah... thank goodness..." he said with a sigh.



Khun looked outside the window as Yuri and Hyeri walked out of Wooyoung's car. Yuri smiled and bowed down to him while walking towards the door.

She had on a smile, so everything was fine... he thought. Khun backed away and didn't know what to do.

He knew he was going to get a long lecture from Yuri, and he deserved it... but what was he supposed to do? Watch TV? No... that's stupid... stay in the bedroom? No... he's not a chicken...


Suddenly, the door opened and in came tired and angry Yuri with Hyeri in her hands. She looked up and saw Khun standing in the middle of the kitchen, doing whatever he was doing.

Yuri glared at him and set her bag down, ignoring him for the time being.

It was night time already and it has been a long day.

Yuri sighed and put sleeping Hyeri into her bed in the bedroom before going to take a shower. Khun sighed and looked down, biting his lips sadly.

He walked to the bedroom and looked at Hyeri who was sleeping peacefully. He rubbed her thumb gently and sighed.

"At least you're okay." He mumbled silently to Hyeri. He closed his eyes and the moment where Wooyoung saved Hyeri replayed in his mind.

He grunted with anger and turned around, facing the wall because the bedroom door. He threw his fist in the wall and grunted from the pain.

He hated the fact that Wooyoung saved Hyeri... HE was supposed to save Hyeri himself. He cursed himself and closed his eyes tightly, in his lips with so much anger in him.

"en ." He mumbled angrilly, unable to control his anger. He walked out to the front porch and cried uncontrollably. He leaned his back against the wall with his knees bent up, his elbows on top of them.

He leaned his head back and placed his palms against his ears. He hung his head low down and cried even louder, angry at himself for ruining a chance to make a change for him and Yuri.

It'll never be the same. She won't be the same anymore. He just knew it. He just created the worst mistake of his life by having someone else save his baby girl.


Yuri peeked from the side window and saw Khun crying silently to himself. His shoulders shook uncontrollably and she knew he was in pain... but she was in pain also.

She sniffed in her tears and closed the curtain, going to sleep without him.


A/N: YEEEAAAHHHH!!!! I finally updated again!!!! Kekeke... Like, FINALLY right?!!!!

Thank you so much to ALL of you for all your patience with me!!!! Thanks to all the suggestions and comments you all left even when I was on Haitus with this story!!

I'm back now and I am hoping to update every other day if possible okay?!! Well, maybe not every other day, but just not on another haitus... haha... XD

I hope everyone loved this chapter!!! Remember that we are only on the DRAMA part right now... so there are still a lot to come... but it's sad... on Khun's part... :/ Sowie...

Please don't forget to leave feedbacks and let me know how it's going otay?

Until next time, saranghae yerobun!!! jessicathao signing out!!! PYONG!!~~~~

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[jessicathao] sorry for the long update wait!! I updated Omma Appa Woori! Come check it out!


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YosoyEvelynDaiana #1
Chapter 28: I Love it! Thank you
Chapter 28: Kyaaaaa!!! That was awesome i love it ummm... But it ended so quick that I wanted to know wat happened to khunri on there vacation without hyeri on it... But it's okay it was an happy ending after all best story hope u do another khunri fanfic pyoungg hwaiting ^^ •_~
Chapter 28: sweet moments. ^^
Chapter 28: Awww it ended too quick~
Maybe u could add one more epilogue of just Yuri and Khun?
I mean they were supposed to go overseas aren't they? Hehe!
But I respect whatever decisions u have!
Thank you for writing and finishing this story ^_^
So sad it's over but all good things come to an end! :) Thanks for entertaining me in those bored moments :D
Chapter 28: Wow! I can't believe it already ended.
I am so thankful that you made such a cute story!
Chapter 27: kiss solve everything :))
but isn't for me. hehe
Chapter 27: awww.."the kiss" :D glad they're okay now.
what will happen next?? update soon please^^ thanks!
Chapter 27: Ah- but Yuri's drunk isn't she?
Does she really know and hear what Nichkhun said to her?
I hope she does!
Update soon!