Thank You Daehyun Oppa

Oppa, I Am Not A Girl!


Yongguk stared up at the ceiling, he was still stuck in this room with a bandage on his left arm. He was pondering about Youngjae, that beautiful girl had been bothering him ever since she first came here. There was something about her, he didn't know what, made her really interesting. Other than her pretty eyes that is. There must something she was hiding, he suspected. Something big. He didn't know what but he wanted to know what it was.
It is not that he didn't have anything else to do, and yes, he does have a life.
It just that it was his first time he met a girl who sit way too wide, who forgave him immediately after an accident- most girl would be asking him for favors and dates instead of saying it's okay to him.
It was the first time he know a girl that had been able to talk to the school's popular ice prince.
He bit his lips, it could be possible that Youngjae wasn't just any ordinary girl.
Yongguk was smart and creative in a way to think that there is a possibility that Youngjae wasn't just anyone.
Perhaps not a female at all?
"Gah!" He face palmed himself, no way Youngjae is a boy.
But now that he was thinking about it, some boys in his school had pretty faces like the best friend of the cold prince and most girls don't have flat chests-
"Wait what am I thinking?"
Yongguk thought out loud, suddenly finding himself thinking about Youngjae.
Having short black hair,wearing the boys' uniform, Yongguk had thought of this before.
Youngjae as a male, standing in front of him and looking at him with that smile. Looking into his pretty eyes as he heard her giggle , and see her blushing in front of him.
He found himself smiling, Youngjae as a boy would not be so bad at all.
He didn't mind being gay, if he was with someone as pretty and shy like Youngjae.
"Youngjae can't be a boy..." Yongguk suddenly thought of Hyosung's accidental words.
'His noonas'
"But maybe..."
'No, I meant I seen her before, just not like that. As a boy'
"Jongup..." He thought.
"He had seen him as a boy before right?"
He nodded his head, thinking a plan to see if Youngjae was really just a different kind of girl or he was just a boy in disguise.
Yep, he could do this. Jongup was able to carry out his plan properly.
The door suddenly bursted open, revealing a cheery boy.
"Yongguk hyung!"
"Jongup!" Yongguk smiled, happy to see his friend visiting him.
In the right time.
"Yeah hyung?"
"Jongup, can you help hyung?"
"Sure, what?"
"Just listen to me okay?"
Yongguk smiled brightly after explaining his plan to Jongup who just nodded at his words.
He just wanted to make sure that he was really liking a girl.
To make sure Youngjae wasn't a boy. 
Like his previous crush.
"Eh unnie! I saw you walking to the office." Jieun spoke as Hyoung stared at her with a blank face.
"Oh really? You saw me?"
"Yep!" Jieun nodded.
"Why did you have to go to the office?" Zinger asked as Hyosung took a deep breath.
"The principal called me, he wanted to ask me about our Youngie!"
"Youngie?" Youngjae said, hearing the rather cute nickname the girls had given him.
"Yes, you!" Hyosung said happily.
"Me?" Youngjae blinked before he asked softly.
"Only the two of you talk about me right? No one else was involve right?" Hyosung nodded.
"Yep, only the two of us"
"I see, hehe, eh that guy is cute!" Sunhwa barged in, pointing to the guy waving at them. Youngjae sighed, he wasn't interested in them at all.
He cast a glance at Hyosung, who seemed to be looking upset today. Of course he did find it kind of weird, yesterday she was smiling non-stop when he told her that he may have accidentally hugged Daehyun and called him'Oppa' again.
"Unnie, are you okay?" Hyosung looked up, instantly smiling at his ever so adorable dongseng.
"Unnie is fine Youngie! Don't worry!" Youngjae grinned.
"If unnie is fine then, everything is fine" Hyosung gave his bright gummy smile at Youngjae before he turned away, listening to Sunhwa.
Her smile dropped.
"Sorry Youngie! Unnie lied to you..."
Daehyun had been waiting, leaning on the wall as he eyed the entrance of the school. He wasn't sure what time he had arrive to school, but he was sure that his roommate, Himchan hyung was practically shouting and yelling at him for waking him up so early in the morning. He was sure he had received an hour worth of lecture from his hyung before he went to school with him.
Slipping his hands in his pockets, he looked around- happy to see that Yongguk and Jongup wasn't around here yet.
He smirked to himself, maybe he would be able to spend some time with Youngjae.
Only them.
He heard some noises from outside, smiling as he watched the door open; revealing four girls and one particular pretty face dressed up so nicely with that girl's uniform.
He got off the wall, walking to them coolly with his hands still inside his pockets.
"Hello Youngjae"
Youngjae turned to him, blinking innocently as he looked at the rooftop prince with wide eyes.
Did he just smiled and greeted him ?
What happened to the cold prince?
"H-Hi Daehyun" Youngjae spoke stuttering, feeling himself blushing as he heard Daehyun soft chuckle and saw his soft smile.
Why was he being so nervous?
It is only Daehyun!
Daehyun looked at the girl before him, looking all cute with those bright red cheeks and lips pursing a little.
"Omo! Daehyun-ah! Hello!" Sunhwa spoke, smiling softly to Daehyun as she eyed her dongseng front of the boy.
"I heard you sang yesterday and that our Youngie here hugged you..."
"Unnie!" He gave her a you- shouldn't- have - said- that look, before looking at the smiling prince before him. He looked away, he knew Daehyun was happy that he was blushing and all.
He was going to for sure.
"Youngie?" Daehyun thought.
"What a cute nickname for an adorable boy"
"I did sing and I was very happy that Youngie was there"
Youngjae glared softly at him, he know that Daehyun was indeed helping him but calling him 'Youngie"? It seemed he was teasing him more than helping him.
"Y-Yah!" Youngjae folded his arms, he can't say he wasn't there. He was, and was even looking for Daehyun there.
"I was just there..."
"But you said you wanted to study Youngie! Aigoo! You really like Daehyun don't you!"
Youngjae's eyes widened, no ,no, he doesn't like Daehyun to that extend that he would sacrifice anything to see him.
No, right?
"Unnie!" He knew his face was so red and he wanted to run away, e didn't want to see Daehyun smirking so evilly at him. Youngjae lifted his head up, surprised to see Daehyun looking at him with his soft eyes and with a soft smile.
It seemed as though Daehyun was looking adoringly at him.
The both of them turned, seeing a happy Jongup running towards them.
Daehyun sighed, giving Jongup a angry look.
Why must he turn up now and interrupted them?
"Noona, can I spend time with you during our break?"
Youngjae grinned at the cute dongseng, but he was eyeing the frowning prince who wasn't looking at him or Jongup. He but his lips, after yesterday, he didn't know if he wanted to let Jongup along again.
He didn't want Daehyun to get angry.
"Sorry, Jongup, maybe after school? I-"
"Why noona?"
"B-Because I-I..." Why was it so hard to say no to Jongup? He didn't want him to be upset over this, but the younger needed to know why he couldn't let him spend time with him.
He looked at Daehyun, who was staring at him with that smile.
Must he say?
"B-Because... I-I..." Youngjae looked to his noonas, who was smiling widely at him.
Damn that didn't help.
He reached out for Daehyun's hand, curling his fingers around the hand as he held it tightly.
"I-I want to spend time with Oppa "
Jongup nodded, understanding what his noona was trying to say while Daehyun's smile had grew wider as he looked to the red-faced girl, his hand holding the small hand that was gripping it tightly.
"I see you after school then noona!"
Youngjae smiled as he watched Jongup walk away, feeling sad he just rejected the younger boy.
But he suddenly felt a small squeeze on his hand and look at Daehyun.
"Youngie is upset?"
What is up with Youngie?
Isn't Youngjae already a fine name? It is okay right?
"N-No" Youngjae looked away with his red face , scoffing because the prince didn't called him his name.
Real name.
"Oppa is sorry"
Daehyun couldn't help but smiling so widely seeing the younger reaction when he said 'Oppa'.
Youngjae was just so cute.
"Oppa will see you later okay?"
Daehyun said happily before he reluctantly let go of her hand.
Youngjae nodded quickly before he rushed to his class.
He can't believe his heart was pumping so fast whenever he was near Daehyun.
Yes, his heart was acting weird.
Only with Daehyun around.
Daehyun watched as Youngjae quickly ran away from him. He bowed slightly as the four girls followed her, leaving him alone.
His hands started digging for the small photograph, taking out the picture of Youngjae.
Without the wig, and wearing the boys' uniform.
He looked so much beautiful here, even though Daehyun liked him wearing the girls' uniform.
He was busy admiring the picture when he heard a small 'ahem'.
Daehyun looked up and smirked at the principal.
"You like the photograph Daehyun-shii? You better keep your promise"
"Principal" Daehyun said.
"I will keep my promise"
Principal sighed as he watched Daehyun smile to himself like an idiot and walked to his class.
"Huh, Daehyun is a weird boy" He frowned.
"Of all things to keep his mouth shut about a boy being a girl, he chooses a picture of Youngjae"
"What did you guys say?"
"Daehyun I would do anything for you to keep this a secret"
"Huh? I would keep this a-"
"I will give you anything-"
"Yes! Yes! Anything-"
Daehyun scratched his head as he smiled sheepishly to the principal.
"D-Do you have a picture of Youngjae? From his previous school?"
"You want what?!"
Daehyun sighed as he sat down.
"Youngie is cute" He smiled softly to himself.
"But... Daehyun's Youngie sounds cuter right?"
He shook his head.
He can't liked Youngjae so much.
Daehyun frowned as he bit his lips.
But he did like him that much.
Jongup sighed as he looked at Youngjae, he can't believe he had to do this for Yongguk hyung.
Here goes nothing.
"Step one: Ask him about boys, girls likes boys..."
"Oh Jongup! Why are you here I thought-"
"I need to ask you something only noona"
"Oh what is it?"
"Err, do you like any boys?"
"Boys you like-"
"Jongup what are you doing here?"
"Oh hyung! Don't be angry I am just asking noona if she likes boys"
"Of course I do!" Youngjae blurted.
"Really noona!"
"Yeah, she does. She calls me handsome"
"Yah Daehyun!"
"Ohh! Thank you!"
Jongup smiled as he watched Daehyun chuckling at his pouting noona.
He frowned, why was Daehyun hyung always smiling when there is Youngjae noona?
Step one is a a tick then.
"Step two: See if Youngjae likes girls stuffs"
"What stuffs?"
"You know what girls like?"
"What do they like?"
"I-I don't know! Flowers?"
"Noona, do you like dresses?"
"Dresses? I like those simple clothing and maybe those cute dresses. I don't like those y style-"
"Oh, so you like those comfortable clothes?"
"Yeah, I don't like those revealing types, I preferred cute. I don't know why"
"Oh, noona!"
"Do you like flowers or football?"
"Flowers, I don't like getting hit in the face by a ball"
So noona does like girls stuffs, tick
"Step 3: err, look at her skirt"
"Huh why?"
"Y-You know! To see if she have-"
"Hyung! I can't do that!"
"Please Jongup!"
"Fine! I will only ask until this!"
Jongup eyed Youngjae's skirt and shook his head.
He can't do this, no, he wasn't a ert like Yongguk hyung.
Maybe he can change step 3?
To kissing a boy?
"Noona,have you kissed a boy?"
"You did right?"Youngjae looked at Daehyun smirking at her. She turned away, her face turning bright red.
"So have you?"
"Y-Yes I did kiss-"
"Jongup-ah, why are you asking all this?"
"I was just curious hyung"
"Youngjae kiss me before, on the cheek. There"
"But I want to see, noona can kiss me!"
"No! She won't"
Daehyun leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on Youngjae's temple, smiling as he watched the girl blush even redder.
"There Jongup, a kiss"
Even though Jongup was hoping to get a kiss from Youngjae, well, it okay.
A tick
"Wait Jongup!"
"What is it hyung?"
"Check if she wears a wig"
"Why would she?"
"A boy would want to hide his short hair right?"
"Oh, okay then bye hyung!"
"What is it now Jongup, aren't you done?"
"Yah hyung! Can't I ask noona something?"
"Ask away Jongup"
"Can I touch your hair?"
Jongup's hands reached out to his noona's hair, looking at the nervous looking girl.
"You okay noona? I just want to touch your hair"
"Jongup-ah, I don't think you want to touch the Barbie's hair"
Youngjae frowned at him, knowing what he was trying to do.
"Well, why?"
"Your hair is very messy, you will get messy hair if you touch it Jongup"
"Is my hair that messy?"
Youngjae scoffed before he walked out of his class room, causing step 4 a failure for Jongup.
Youngjae frowned, was his hair that messy?
Why was he so upset by a simple teasing?
What was wrong with him?
Daehyun watched as Youngjae walked away, his smile immediately faded once she stepped out of the classroom.
"Youngjae is a girl"
Jongup was left alone after Daehyun sprinted out of the class, chasing after Youngjae.
"Noona is a girl eh?"
"Yah, aren't you going to thank me?" Youngjae glared at the smirking guy, before he but his lips nervously and faced him.
"Thank you Daehyun-shii" he said before he flipped his black hair and walked away. Just as he about to brushed away his fake fringe, he felt a hand grabbing his wrist and stopped him from going any further. He turned behind to see the boy wearing a black sling bag looking at him. He tried to pull away but he couldn't, he wasn't strong enough.
"Y-You didn't say what I want you to say." Daehyun spoke as Youngjae looked up to him confusedly.
"W-What do you mean?"
"I mean, why are you so formal with me?You should at least call me something friendlier, I mean, we are friends aren't we?" Youngjae blushed, he knew what Daehyun was hinting towards to but he didn't want to say it, it was a bit too embarrassing yet after remembering what he did for him, he should at least alittle nicer to him. Daehyun scratched his hair, looking at Youngjae who looked at him. He let go of her wrist, watching the cute girl hugged her books tightly in her arms.
"T-Thank you..op-" Youngjae on his lips as he looked up at Daehyun. He took a deep breath before he whispered softly.
"T-thank you Daehyun oppa"
Youngjae frowned when he saw Daehyun smiling so brightly at him, he seemed so happy now. He couldn't deny, Daehyun looked pretty handsome with his smile on his face and he thought he would just walked away from him, saying its okay to him like before. But he didn't except for the senior to lean forward and pressed his lips against his cheeks. Youngjae stared wide-eyed at the smiling guy in front him.
"Now, you have to call me oppa from now on" Youngjae absent-mindedly nodded before he ran away, leaving Daehyun chuckling at his actions behind.
"Hyung or Oppa?" Daehyun thought as he slowly walked up to the rooftop.
"Which is better?"
He then smirked to himself as opened the door, revealing Youngjae sitting on the bench looking at him.
"D-Daehyun Op-Oppa" Youngjae stuttered as he looked at Daehyun, holding his lunch box in his hand. Daehyun liked how his face was so red everytime he called him "Oppa".
"Aren't you hungry?"
"Oppa is better."
i didn't really tell you guys how Daehyun knew:D
XD I'll give you a hint: Daehyun also went to the office after Hyosung hahaXD
Anyway, hope you like this chapter^^ sorry if it is bad:(
thank you for commenting,subsrcibing and reading and sorry for grammar mistakes:(
anyway, you guys heard about B.A.P and BTOB dance off?:D
b.a.p looks so handsome in white~~~ BTOB looks good ;)
zelo doing sistar loving you!:DDD
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Hehe updated^^


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Chapter 31: Jaebum?? JAEBUM?! Go Youngjae, Jaebum, dont mess with Youngjae mkay?
Chapter 30: Okay who is this new person
Chapter 29: daejin XD im cringing
Chapter 23: AWEE. <3
Chapter 21: Awwee, just confess already
Chapter 20: Junhong im keeping my eyes on you *.*
Chapter 19: Okay.. i am regretting wanting Junhong to be in this sorry. nagajuseyo Zelo pls let them be i will kill you
Chapter 18: I screamed when I saw "Junhong"
ing finally.. but i wonder what happened..