Smile, please?

Oppa, I Am Not A Girl!


Youngjae couldn't believe what was happening, he couldn't believe the situation he was in. Here he was, walking down the corridor with the most coldest person in the school plus holding his warm hand tightly. He peeked to his side, getting a glimpse of Daehyun and he could see his lips were curled up at the sides. Almost like he was smiling; happy that he was here with him. It seemed as if he had forgotten there were people around, watching the two of them.
Youngjae frowned, Daehyun can't be happy holding hands with him. No, he couldn't. He didn't even like girls, he was just acting. For him. Daehyun was just helping him, like what he always did when he first came here.
He stared at Daehyun,finding himself grinning at the thought of the senior was happy being with him. 
Because he was also happy he was with Daehyun now.
Daehyun tightened his grip onto Youngjae's small hands. He couldn't deny and admit that he actually liked to hold her hands. The truth to be told, Daehyun disliked skin ship with another, especially those crazy girls that like him a bit too much. But somehow, it was so much different with Youngjae. It was nice, he actually liked skin ship for once.
He turned his head, grinning widely when he caught Youngjae staring at him and the fainted blush on her cheeks when he looked away from him. Daehyun gazed at the girl, he had a lot of things in his head right now.
All of it was about Youngjae; nothing else.
"D-Daehyun..." Daehyun watched the cute girl stutter.
"Y-You can let go of my hand now, Sunhwa unnie is not watching us anymore"
Youngjae regretted saying that, he didn't mean to say he didn't like  holding his hand. He thought maybe Daehyun
didn't want to hold his hand and he was forcing him to for the sake of him. Daehyun raised an eyebrow at her before his eyes drooped to the floor.
"No!"Daehyun suddenly panicked when he felt Youngjae pulling her hand away from his and quickly gripped onto her smooth hand. He looked away from her, his hand still holding tightly to hers. Youngjae stared worriedly at the red-faced guy, wondering why was he still holding his hand.
"I-I mean..." Daehyun gazed into those brown orbs as he spoke softly to the girl.
"W-What if your unnie is still watching you?" He stuttered alittle. " What if Sunhwa noona pops off out nowhere and saw you acting? Wouldn't she be sad?"
"It's okay Daehyun, I can explain to her" 
"No!" Daehyun shouted, he didn't care if everyone was staring at him as he held Youngjae's hand tightly, not letting him pull his hand away.
"Y-Your class is just there,just  let me send you there" Daehyun felt his heart beat fasten and felt flustered all of the sudden again. Youngjae let Daehyun led him to his class, smiling and blushed alittle when he realized that Daehyun did care about him.
"Wait for me here during lunch time, okay? I need to help you get to the rooftop to eat." Daehyun spoke softly to Youngjae, before he waved goodbye to her.
Daehyun walked away, giving glares at anyone who was looking at him weirdly as he walked back to class. 
He was in a good mood today, he was oddly too happy.
As he thought about Youngjae calling him 'Oppa'.
Youngjae smiled, maybe he did like having Daehyun around. No, he shook his head, no, he can't like this. No, he was a guy. A guy in a girl's uniform that is. But he can't help but to want to hold Daehyun's,to  like the way Daehyun smile so warmly at him, to notice how Daehyun's eyes just sparkled when he look at him.
No, he couldn't like a guy.
And Daehyun couldn't like him either.
Yongguk was running as fast as he could, there was no way he was able to fend himself off from the four girls who were chasing him. He could only think it was because he had messed with the new girl. He didn't really harm her or anything, it was the guy who kicked the ball at her. Yongguk didn't felt angry at all, he knew he deserved this. Of course, he would treat Youngjae much better than that Jung Daehyun . But for now, he needed to get his noonas off him.
"Yah , noona! Aren't you tired!" He shouted.
"No we are not! We are going to teach you a lesson for messing with our Youngjae!" Hyosung replied, running as fast as she could to grab that guy who dared harm her sweet dongseng.
But after Yongguk made a turn, they followed yet they didn't see him. They sighed and stomped their feet.
"Aish! We lost him!"
"It's okay" Jieun said giving her friends a big smile.
"He is in the same class as me, let me deal with him"
"Okay! Jieun!" Hyosung handed her mop she was carrying to Jieun.
"Yep! Let me get avenge our Youngie!"
Yongguk sighed as he slowly walked back to his class, seeing that the girls were not following him anymore. 
He walked in, wanting to just sit down and daydream about a certain someone but he stumbled upon a girl frowning at him . He gulped, oh no.
"Yah! You!"
"Jieun noona..."
"How dare you!"
"Ah noona!"
"Youngjae noona! Youngjae noona!" Jongup rushed to Youngjae's class, running as fast as he could to his noona's class right after his class finished, signaling the start of their break.
"Noona!" Jongup looked into the room, searching for a pretty innocent girl who was packing his bag.
"Youngjae noona!"
Youngjae looked up from his bag,smiling at Jongup who sprinted to his table.
"Jongup, what are you doing here?"
"Noona!" Jongup suddenly hugged Youngjae tightly, and sobbed on her chest. The girl was shocked and tried her best to comfort the crying boy.
"Jongup, why are you crying?" Jongup stared up at noona, letting her wipe his tears off.
"Jongup? Are you okay?"
"Noona" He choked out.
"Yongguk hyung is injured because of me..."
"Huh? Why?" He brushed off the younger's fringe away, looking into his beady eyes.
"Jieun noona b-beat him..." Youngjae's eyes widened, oh no.
His noonas really hurt Yongguk because of him, didn't they?
"Let's go see Yongguk if you want?" He asked cheerfully and received an head shake from Jongup.
"I meet with Yongguk hyung already, I always hang out with hyung, now I am alone noona, I can't stay with hyung..." Jongup looked pleadingly into his noona's pretty eyes.
"Can I spend my break time with noona?"
"No! You can't!" Youngjae and Jongup turned to the loud voice, looking at the pissed off Daehyun by the door.
"You can't spend your time with Youngjae" Jongup stood up while Youngjae looked worriedly at Daehyun, why was he so angry?
He turned to Jongup, panicking when he saw his tears welled up in his eyes.
"Why not? I ask noona! Not you!"
"Because I said so."
"Youngjae, let oppa deal with this"
Youngjae blushed, what did Daehyun just say? No,no, no, he was not his oppa! Not at all!
"Yah! Can't Jongup join us?"
"No! He can't"
"Oh, noona and hyung was planning to eat together?" Jongup chirped in, wiping his tears away as he smiled at his hyung.
"Can I join you guys?"
"I said no Jongup"
"Daehyun, please"
Daehyun glared at Youngjae before looking at the boy in front of him, pleading to join them. He sighed before he walked out and slammed the door shut loudly. Jongup looked at Youngjae, whose face dropped unlike the cheerful Youngjae he was with before Daehyun became angry.
"Noona, I can't join right?" Youngjae shook his head as he slowly walked to the door.
"No, I am going to talk to Daehyun, don't worry"
Daehyun folded his arms as he leaned on the wall infront of Youngjae's door. He suddenly hit the wall with his fist, before he sighed heavily.
He was so stupid.
He was so damn happy and he was smiling so brightly when he walked to Youngjae's class. Maybe he was skipping happily here, Daehyun was just feeling too damn happy.
His heart was fluttering, it was as if his world was so much brighter when he came here.
He was ready to spend his time with Youngjae.
But then, he came here. 
And saw Jongup with Youngjae.
His heart was broken, he couldn't describe it.
He just knew it hurts too much.
He couldn't control his anger, he didn't know why his heart dropped at the sight of Youngjae with someone else. 
Daehyun just....
He didn't understand why he was like this.
"Daehyun" Youngjae called out as he opened the door.
Daehyun frowned at him, he was still angry at her. He was about to walk away when Youngjae held his arm.
"Yah Daehyun, listen to me"
"What?" His cold reply broke Youngjae's heart.
"Can't we let Jongup join us?"
"Why must we?"
"Don't you have enough of him? Hugging him and all?!"
"What? Daehyun..."
Youngjae quickly hugged his arm, wanting to understand the angry man.
Daehyun tried had to et Youngjae off, but not matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find a heart to push Youngjae off.
It will hurt her.
Youngjae hugged his arms tightly, he was feeling so desperate to cheer Daehyun up. He just wanted him to smile, to be happy like just now. He felt it was his fault that he made Daehyun so angry and he had to fix it. 
But more importantly.
He wanted Daehyun not to be mad anymore.
"Daehyun... Please.."
"No" Daehyun gave up, letting Youngjae wrapped his arms around his arm tightly. He didn't want what else to do, run away? He sighed, why did he suddenly cared so much about Youngjae?
"What is it Youngjae?!"
"Daehyun..." Daehyun felt Youngjae leaned his head in his shoulder and hugged his arm tighter. He smiled softly, seeing that Youngjae was looking upset.
It was his fault that he was sad wasn't it?
"Youngjae is sorry..."
"Yah Youngjae..." He spoke softly.
"Oppa, Youngjae is sorry. Sorry for making you mad, I didn't want to. Smile please?" Youngjae looked up at those eyes, smiling once he saw that rare sweet smile of Daehyun's.
Daehyun knew, he couldn't stay mad at Youngjae.
"Okay, oppa is not mad anymore"
"Really?" Daehyun nodded and chuckled at Youngjae's sudden cheery action, it seemed he like it when he wasn't mad anymore.
"Can you let Jongup join us please?"
Seeing Youngjae's pleading eyes and that cute face. He couldn't resist and stay angry at him.
Youngjae smiled happily and couldn't help but to give a kiss on Daehyun's cheek due to his accomplishment. He gasped before he quickly pulled away from him and rushed to the door. Daehyun and him looked at each other with red faces before Youngjae quickly went in to call Jongup out.
He couldn't believe he just kiss his senior and called him "Oppa" again.
What was he thinking?
"Ahh, Youngjae...." He thought as he walked out with Jongup, his face was burning up as Daehyun  held his hand tightly, dragging him to the rooftop with Jongup following behind.
"Hyung! Thank you for letting me join" Jongup smiled at the glaring senior, as he chewed his food happily . He turned to Youngjae, getting another spoon feed by her.
Yes, Jongup was very happy.
Daehyun sulked, but he was smiling at the cute Youngjae who blushed and looked away from him whenever they met eyes.
He touched his cheek that Youngjae kissed, feeling so happy with the thought of the girl pressing her soft lips on his cheek.
He sneaked a peek at her, who was smiling to herself secretly. He smiled, he couldn't deny, he liked the kiss alot more than he should. Even though they was blushing hard as they walked up to the rooftop with a talkative Jongup, they knew they actually enjoyed the simple kiss.
Daehyun smirked, it was worth it to allow Jongup to join.
hello! A short update sorry!:(
i just got back!><
anyway, I notice...
alot of angst daejae fics:( nowadays:( (but they are still good!)
hope you like this short chapter!
the next one is gonna be longer!
thanks for your comments and subscribing and readingxD
those who voted for this story, thank you too!
Love ya!!!<3
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Hehe updated^^


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Chapter 31: Jaebum?? JAEBUM?! Go Youngjae, Jaebum, dont mess with Youngjae mkay?
Chapter 30: Okay who is this new person
Chapter 29: daejin XD im cringing
Chapter 23: AWEE. <3
Chapter 21: Awwee, just confess already
Chapter 20: Junhong im keeping my eyes on you *.*
Chapter 19: Okay.. i am regretting wanting Junhong to be in this sorry. nagajuseyo Zelo pls let them be i will kill you
Chapter 18: I screamed when I saw "Junhong"
ing finally.. but i wonder what happened..