Don't Fight

Oppa, I Am Not A Girl!


They stayed gazing at each other, no words exchange in the dull white room. Daehyun was caressing Youngjae's cheeks gently, eyeing the girl who was innocently looking at him with those lovely doe eyes. He couldn't deny his heart was fluttering, that warm feeling he liked so much was there again. He didn't care if he just walked out of the field, carrying a girl with him- and most probably going to be bombarded with many questions of his love life after this.
He could only care about how beautiful and pretty Youngjae looked, looking up at him.
Come to think about it, he never seen someone with chubby cheeks like Youngjae. With those eyes that sparkled so brightly and that smile he possessed.
How could someone looked like Youngjae?
Was he falling for her?
He eyed her lips and he quickly looked up into her eyes. No way did he just wished he wanted to kiss those plump lips. No way did he wish for them to stay like this.
And he knew he doesn't like Youngjae's red cheek with his thumb.
Why did his heart contradicted his thoughts by beating so fast now?
"D-Daehyun... Are you okay?"
The ice prince watched Youngjae slowly placed the back of his hand on his forehead, he felt his face was heating up at he contact. He stared the girl, who pulled her hand away and frowned at him.
"Your temperature is okay" Youngjae smiled softly not knowing he was making the older's heart beating faster.
"Why are you so silent rooftop prince?" Youngjae stared at him worriedly as Daehyun admired his facial expression, his cute worried face. He don't want to admit he liked Youngjae being worried about him.
"Y-You..." Youngjae sighed as he looked down at his shoes. He knew Daehyun would noticed and would have figure out he was a boy. But he didn't know for sure since the senior was still silent and had his eyes on him.
"I guess, you didn't expect my hair to be so short" Youngjae didn't expect a reply, a respond like " Are you a boy?" and was surprised when he heard Daehyun spoke.
"I didn't say that"
Youngjae looked at the guy before him, feeling him softly his hair and was staring deeply into Daehyun's warm eyes. He saw a wide smile from him, something he wanted to see more from the older and he noticed Daehyun was indeed very handsome with or without his amazing smile. He liked how his eyes curved into crescents when he smile, Youngjae didn't know why.
He found Daehyun attractive to look at.
He eyed the rectangular box at the side, smiling as he took the box in his hand.
"Youngjae?" He smiled wider when those doe eyes paid attention to him.
"Let's eat"
"Hyung! I am telling you! I saw her before!"
"As a boy? With short hair?"
"Yeah.." Jongup nodded. 
"She actually looks pretty either as a boy or girl-"
"Yah, do you like her?" Yongguk frowned.
"I-I meant, she looks pretty... Maybe... Yeah?" Yongguk sighed,no way was he going to believe him now.
"I am going to visit her, don't go around telling anyone this! Understand!" Jongup nodded and watched his hyung leave. He frowned.
"She is cute... I did saw her going into the office, I led her to it!Maybe I should look at her again...."
Yongguk found himself thinking Youngjae as boy. Jongup was right.
She still looked pretty.
Youngjae eyed Daehyun who was scooping up rice for him. He just stared at him, holding the spoonful of rice and chicken in hand. The rooftop prince was smiling at him, urging him to open his mouth and eat. Youngjae blinked, what happen?
What happen to the cold rooftop prince?
"Yah, open your mouth, you haven't eat yet right?" Daehyun frowned.
"W-What about you?" Youngjae talked back as Daehyun chuckled softly.
"I ate already, now it's your turn to eat. Come" Youngjae stayed silent and gazed at the guy beside him, he eyed the spoon but he didn't open his mouth. He was still curious why the prince was suddenly becoming so friendly with him?
"W-Why are you doing this? You said you never let anyone feed you, but how come you-"
Youngjae stopped talking when Daehyun placed a finger on his lips,smiling brightly at her. He frowned and felt himself blushing, why is this prince trying to do?and it did hurt when he poked him.
"W-What are you doing?"
"Yah,just let me feed you okay?" Youngjae looked at him, nodding. Daehyun lifted his finger from her lips, taking the spoon.
Youngjae opened his mouth and let him feed him. He smiled softly when he noticed Daehyun seemed to be rather happy to feed him. He kept quiet and let him continue, enjoying seeing the prince's rather warming smile. 
He liked the smile.
"Why did you wear the wig?" Daehyun asked curiously as he watching Youngjae chewed his food, thinking he looked like a cute little boy chewing his food so slowly with his chubby cheeks.
"The wig..." Youngjae held the wig in his hands, fixing the messy fake hair.
"I guess, I didn't want anyone to think that I am a boy with this short hair.That's why I wear this wig..." Youngjae said, looking at Daehyun anticipating his answer. But the prince didn't say anything and made him had butterflies in his stomach as Daehyun his fringe gently.
"Can't you just not wear the wig?"
"I am scared that's all..."
"But you looked prettier without Barbie's hair..." Daehyun sighed as he pulled his hand away, wanting to her soft hair more. Youngjae frowned but he didn't dare to question the prince when he saw his eyes. That were looking at him adoringly.
He then took the wig from Youngjae and wore it for her, fixing her hair.
"I won't tell anyone, it's okay."
"Don't you-"
"I am serious, I won't tell"
"We are friends aren't we?"Youngjae blinked at him. 
"Yeah, we are, I think"
"So trust me okay Youngjae?"
"I can trust you?"Daehyun nodded and grinned sweetly as Youngjae thanked him profusely.
He didn't even knew why he agreed to keep this secret.
Maybe because it was a secret between the two of them.
It was special since it was about Youngjae. Someone he likes.
Or maybe, he would use it to make her do something for him.
Or maybe, he just want Youngjae to trust him.
Or like him.
There is no way he was going to tell Youngjae get hurt because of the wig.
"Hello!" The door bursted open, revealing a woman in a white suit.
"Ah, why are two of you here?"
The nurse finished putting of the bandage for Youngjae , telling her he was able to walk and he had to rest for today and hopefully tomorrow . She was about to leave for something on when she noticed Daehyun had been staring at Youngjae from the start, she, of course, began to suspect something. 
"Are you two a couple?"
The two stared at her and the room was filled with "No no no!"- mostly no and shaking of heads.
The nurse nodded and left the two whose were looking away from each other.
"That's what they all say"
Daehyun helped Youngjae up and held onto her container as he led her out of the office.
"Youngjae!" Daehyun stiffened when he heard that familiar voice. He didn't need to turn to see who it was.
What the heck is Yongguk doing here?
"Youngjae!" Yongguk ran to Youngjae, smiling at her.
"Oh, Yongguk, hello"
"I am sorry you got injured, I would really-"
"It's okay, I am fine"
"N-No it's okay!" Youngjae shook his hand, Yongguk was being sweet to worried about him.
"No, let me help you"
"It's okay"
It was like Daehyun wasn't there.
The ice prince frowned at them, huh, so Youngjae could just throw him away and talk to the kingka? He folded his arms and puffed his cheeks, he was pissed. He would kill Yongguk now if he wanted to, but there was Youngjae who was happily talking to Yongguk with her soft smile that he liked so much. He scoffed, Yongguk and Youngjae.
They don't make a good couple anyway. He was burning up every second Youngjae and Yongguk were together.
Anyway, it was Yongguk's fault why he was so angry. Why was he here anyway? He had nothing better to do than to come and see Youngjae? Why Youngjae? Why not the girls that usually hits on him? Huh?
Wait why was he angry again?
"It's okay-"
"No, let me help!" Yongguk said and accidentally held one of Youngjae's shaking hands. They both looked to each other, Youngjae was feeling weird while Yongguk's face was red, he felt so happy to be able to hold his soft hands.
Meanwhile Daehyun here was glaring at the hands.
Did Yongguk just touch Youngjae?
No that ert didn't
He had this strong feeling of anger, he couldn't stop himself fro barging in between them pulling Youngjae's hand away from Yongguk's hand.
"Ah, ice prince, I didn't see you here" Daehyun looked pissed, very pissed than yesterday. Youngjae could see how intense his glare was on Yongguk, who seemed to be glaring back. 
They didn't like each other at all.
"I was right here? Can't you see me?"
"I don't, I only saw the pretty Youngjae here"
"You don't call her pretty!"
"Why not huh? She is not yours" Daehyun blushed, he didn't even thought about Youngjae being with him. He blurted words out from anger,he wasn't going to lose to Yongguk.
"Yeah, she is not yours too! She is more than just a pretty girl!"
"So you admit Youngjae is pretty? Of course she is more than that ! And our match isn't over yet"
"Says the one whose player kick the ball into Youngjae's face!"
"Says the ice prince who was cold to everyone!"
"Yah!"Daehyun and Yongguk held up their fists at each other and each other's collar. They were about to punch each other when Youngjae interrupted them.
"Don't fight!" Youngjae blushed, he can't believe the two boys had just called her pretty in their argument.
" Yongguk, thanks for coming and your friends are here" The kingka smiled sheepishly at her,before walking away to his friends where Youngjae had pointed to,not noticing him giving Daehyun a glare. Daehyun gave a glare back, before looking at Youngjae who was staring at him.
He turned away, even though she looked rather adorable with a smile ,he was still mad at her.
Why was he mad at her?
For being with Yongguk?
But he shouldn't be, Youngjae wasn't his and he didn't like Youngjae like that.
Ahh feelings are confusing.
"Daehyun, are you angry?" He turned and gulped at the girl staring at him.
Daehyun couldn't stop himself, he knew something had taken over his cold-heartedness when he heard that soft voice.He found himself smiling, not thinking about anything else but the girl right in front of him. He couldn't make himself to look away from Youngjae and he giggled at how Youngjae was lifting an eyebrow at him and pursing his lips at him with arms folded like an angry little schoolgirl.
"Yah, do I look weird like this?"
"No you don't" Words just flowed out of his mouth again, Daehyun can't be blame . He couldn't control himself from saying to the girl that he somehow adores with a soft smile, eyeing those pursed lips and that cute face.
"You looked so adorable Youngjae-ah"
"What?" Youngjae stared at him, not believing he saw seeing Daehyun leaving towards him.
Before he could think, he leaned in and pressing a soft kiss on the pouted lips. Youngjae was shocked when he felt those smooth lips on his, but he didn't pulled away. Not when he saw the latter had closed his eyes and he felt those lips moved against his.
It was a short kiss as Daehyun pulled away immediately, looking at the red-faced girl who was looking away from him. 
"Y-yah!" Youngjae managed to speak, looking away from the guy who just kiss him. He can't believe he kiss a guy.
No, that was his first kiss and he liked it. Alot .
"I-I didn't mean t-to" He stuttered as he looked to Youngjae's reddening face.
He smiled softly looking at that cute face. He was smiling, he was embarrassed about the kiss, but he was embarrassed by the fact that his first kiss was in the corridor, in front of the nurse's office.
If anything, he actually wanted the kiss to be longer.
He shook his head, no, he can't think that way.
He knew he was blushing, he was a shy boy.
But he couldn't help looking at Youngjae who he just kissed with.
"Youngjae?" He smiled wider when those doe eyes paid attention to him.
"You still look very pretty with the Barbie's hair"
"W-what?" Both of them blushed, they didn't know what were they talking about now. Thy could only think about that the kiss should have been longer and how the other's lips felt so soft.
"Daehyun!" Himchan called, smiling and waving at him.
"I need to go, you can walk right?"
"Yeah and Daehyun..." Youngjae stopped Daehyun, before he lowered his head to the ground, in an attempt to hide his red face.
"Thank you for helping me"
"It's okay" Daehyun answered as he went to his hyung.
Honestly, he didn't want to leave Youngjae at all. But since it was his hyung and classes, he was forced to.
Daehyun turned to look at Youngjae who was turning away from him. He turned around, listening to Himchan talking about the soccer match he and Yongguk had just now and that he was going to perform tomorrow.
Why was his heart aching as he watch her slowly walking away from him?
He didn't want to leave her?
He sighed,
Youngjae turned, he could still walk so he decided to head towards his class. He looked in front and gulped.
There were four angry girls in front of him.
"Who did this to you Youngjae!?"
Sunhwa went to him, followed by the rest. They all looked at him worriedly, why was their Youngjae injured?
Hyosung met eyes with Youngjae.
Youngjae gulped.
His unnies were really over protective, and scary when they are angry.
thank you for subscribing,commenting and reading ( REALLY) thank you;_; love you guys~~
hehe well, Jongup is appearing more next chapter~
in this story, you can say the boys really really like Youngjae 
Daehyun is going to be against Yongguk, and maybe Jongup?XD
he is pretty!!!!
i heard B.A.P is nominated for some award in the Golden Disk Awards is it?
hope the chapter was okay!!!XDD
yongguk, jongup let us see your absyou too Youngjae
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Hehe updated^^


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Chapter 31: Jaebum?? JAEBUM?! Go Youngjae, Jaebum, dont mess with Youngjae mkay?
Chapter 30: Okay who is this new person
Chapter 29: daejin XD im cringing
Chapter 23: AWEE. <3
Chapter 21: Awwee, just confess already
Chapter 20: Junhong im keeping my eyes on you *.*
Chapter 19: Okay.. i am regretting wanting Junhong to be in this sorry. nagajuseyo Zelo pls let them be i will kill you
Chapter 18: I screamed when I saw "Junhong"
ing finally.. but i wonder what happened..