Chapter 9

Wonderful Tonight™

>> Jinyoung's POV <<

Running away from reality isn't going to work out. I still have to admit it anyways. Why of all times? Why must you appear again before me? Wasn't the impact hard enough on you? When I said I'd leave you. Hyuna ah... What are you planning to do? I won't let you ruin my life. We're already separated. Why do you have to come back only now? I won't let you foil my plans. Not this time. I finally have things in their places which I had always planned. Now, they're beginning to work, Hyuna ah, I have to rid you. I'm sorry. But not now. Not when I have everything planned...

________... You... Are going... Down.


>> Your POV <<

The atmosphere seemed to almost have a 180° change. The way Jinyoung was acting, the way Chanshik was talking. It became cold. But yet, I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was off. Something was slipping. It scared me. Jinyoung hadn't spoken since he had ordered his food and Chanshik seemed to be wary of everything surrounding us.

"Thanks Jinyoung. For sending us home." 

"Sure. No problem." Jinyoung said, his cat-like eyes beaming. 

I closed the door. It seemed like it was going to rain. I walked up the the stairs which seems like a never ending spiral. The bronze railings encarved in flower patterns. The last time I had ever admired it was during the first few days of entering this new home. That was 12 years ago. My parents had thought that it would keep me from being bored, allowing me to explore every inch of the place while they were gone. Thinking that having a bigger home means keeping me from being bored, allowing me to invite my friends over, they thought it would bring me happiness. But that was what I thought of in the past. Now I know. Father was only interested in money and Mother was only concern about how people would think of us if we were poor, hence only assisting Father and not about the household. It was only then that I remembered that every year during my birthday, they would send me money to celebrate. Not as a family, alone. Not only my birthday. Every festive occasion. While others enjoyed a special warm bonding time that belonged only to them, I was alone, in this cold place, with no one to talk to, no one to celebrate with me. 

Although the house looks all grand and classy, there wasn't even a tinge of warmth and happiness, let alone love. My grandmother used to visit me often, until we had moved to this new home. All the story books with the fairytales were kept in the attic. The attic... I hadn't been there for the longest time ever. I went up the steps. All the way up to the long forgotten place.

"Chanshik..? What are you doing here?" I asked. 

Seeing Chanshik up in the attic was surprising. I thought he would be in his room, doing his homework or taking a nap until I woke him up for dinner. I had never once expected anyone to be up here. The place was covered in cobwebs and it was dusty. The floor what was once a pretty chestnut brown shade has been covered in the huge amount of dust and was now the many shades of grey here and there. The attic was warm. But no one has the heater... Unless... 

"Chanshik, have you been here many times..?" I questioned Chanshik since that was the only possible reason why it was warm. 

"Nae _________ noona..." Chanshik's timid voice bounced around the attic walls. "I also found this letter noona."

"What?!" I snatched the letter from him. My grandmother..? A letter from her? How did I not notice it? 

In it, it wrote:

Dear __________,

I knew the day that you would be leaving my side would have come. Till then, I will always love you. Even if you are gone. I know it would be hard on you, being alone and having to face all your problems on your own. I think by the time you have read this letter, I might be gone already. But don't be sad. I'm not afraid of leaving, why are you? I'm only afraid that you would be upset. When I am gone, I wish that you can visit me. If you have anything, you can always tell me because you can be sure I will always be looking out for you. Listen to my answers with your heart, not your ears. Halmeoni (Grandmother) will alwas love this lovely gradaughter of mine.

Lots of love,

your one and only hameoni.

The first drop of tear was about to fall. But I blinked it away. I found my strength leaving me and a sudden urge to hug my knees against my chest, but I refrained from doing so. I couldn't break with people around. I held onto my pride with teeth and nails and continued.

"Is something wrong?" Chanshik said.

I turned my head from him, and pressed a finger on my lashes. "Something got in my eye." He didn't say another word. Another tear formed in my eyes, and this time I let it roll down his cheek. Chanshik couldn't possibly see it anyway. He gently placed his hand on my back, and for a moment, everything was okay. 

"When I was younger, my grandmother took care of me. I told her everything. She comforted me, encouraged me, shared my happiness with me... Her words to me were always right. She always seemed to make me stronger with her words. Everytime I encountered a problem, she would lend a listening ear. She was always there for me. Then she became really sick and always laid in bed. I thought is was normal and that she would get better but each passing day, I saw her growing weaker but I couldn't do anything. Not long after, my parents and I moved here. I didn't think much about it then as I was really young. Then one day my Aunt called and said she had passed away..."

Tears continued pouring down my cheeks. Chanshik came over to me and gave me a hug. My tears falled endlessly onto  his shoulder as he held me. "Noona, let's not talk about it okay?" His words were simple but it comforted me a lot... Just then, banging sounds could be heard from the door. I wiped off my tears and went to the door.

When I swung the door open I looked shocked, the lightning behind him revealed a a familiar figure. He was covered in blood, his clothes in shreds. His hair was clinging to his head weighed down with a mixture of blood and rain. My heart skipped a beat. The thunder storm seemed to feed the mood. It was Baro. 

"Baro! What..!" I shouted, only to have my words cut off.

"Shut up! Why are you with him anyways?! That Jinyoung! Don't you know what he does?" Baro shouted. 

"What do you mean?! He's my boyfriend of course! Did you get into a fight with him?! What were you doing?! First you hurt Chanshik, now Jinyoung! Just what do you want?!" I shouted. It was frustrating. Wasn't hurting one close person of mine enough? 

"He..!" Baro continued before I cut him off.

"Shut up and get out! NOW!" I shouted. I had enough of him. He was being too much. He wasn't anything close to a beast, in face, he was worse than one. With that, I slammed the door shut with Baro outside. 

"Noona! Let Baro hyung in! It's raining heavily outside!" Chanshik cried out.


Ahahaha~ I'm finally done with this chapter~ So sorry for the extremely undescribable late update on this chapter! I had lost inspirations and I finally thought of one today~ The part on your grandmother... Actually, it's adapted from a true story. U-Kiss Leader Soohyun's father passed away (Not to be proud of) and yeah that was his experience in it... Umm... I'm gonna start another school term soon so I might not be able to update so often then. But I still hope you will suscribe and continue giving comments to show your support! -bows- Thank you ~~ And I hope you liked the picture of Baro ^~^ Credits to the owner~

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 1: Nice story!! :-> I like gonchan's character. He's my bias in b1a4 xD
YeolKyungPinkfinite #3
Chapter 16: I lykes your story <3333 thengtheng update soon~^^
Krispylaysz #4
update soon! ^^
tabulate #5
Have fun writing your story thengtheng!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #6
Chapter 12: WOAHHHHH COMPLETE TWIST. hehe :) okay nice update:D
YeolKyungPinkfinite #7
YeolKyungPinkfinite #8
Chapter 7: This is a really nice chapter^^ Continue updating^^
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 7: Pls update more i love the twist in this story!
chikorquotes #10
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