Chapter 8

Wonderful Tonight™

>> Baro's POV <<

Jinyoung's with his sister. I guess that means he isn't..? Think Baro think. How can you win her heart? It's gonna be easy for you. How many times have you made a girl go stead with you? Thinking was hard. Executing the plan is going to to be harder. She has all the reasons to hate me. After what I did, what I was notorious for. Its all there for her to see. It was hard to live like this. I went to look for Heechul hyung. Heechul was a sunbae. Everyone likes him. Well, almost everyone I know does. He was the nice and caring sort. Not judging how one is by whatever they do, instead, he finds out why they do such stuff. 

"Chul hyung... I like this girl but I don't know to to express it... I... She knows about me and she bears a grudge about me. It's not her fault for hating me and i can't blame her and stuff. I hurt someone so close to her and..." Heechul hyung puts his long slender finger upon my lips, cutting my sentence. "Mmmhmm... I've seen people with such problems. Just try to gain her trust. Slowly. You can... Use her brother..." I listened as he continued with his wise advises. It was nice to talk to someone so understanding... "But using Chanshik... I can't... I can't use him... If she finds out, then... It'll make her hate me more!" "Relax Baro-ah... It'll be okay. It's only to gain her trust..." I nodded silently. My head was trying to process the whole conversation with Heechul again, only to doubt his words more everytime I thought about it. What if the plan fails? What if this would cause me to lose my reputation? What if others find out I have a crush on her? What if... Many things whirled in my head. 

Looking up at the sky, I squinted as though searching for something amongst the white puffs of cloud. My expression seemed to brightened slightly as I saw a dark speck moving through the bright blue expanse, but my face fell in disappointment as the spot morphed into a bird. A frown settled onto my lips as I watched it fly lower, landing in a tall tree some distance away. Just what could be right..? Should I listen to Heechul hyung? He has never let me down. At least all the way till now... 


>> Chanshik's POV <<

"Noona! The meal was awesome! I liked the meat the most!" "Haha. Channie-ah~ That's your favourite! Of course meat would be the one you liked the most!" Jinyoung hyung however was silent. It seemed so... Something was amiss. But I couldn't put a finger to it... It wasn't as easy as adding two and two...



>> Nobody's POV <<

"Noona! What can we have?" "Anything as long as you like it!" "Jinjja noona?!" Chanshik's eyes glistened, elated being able to pick any type of food, especially since it was a meat restaurant. His eyes that scrutinised the menu quickly without missing a single detail seemed to be dismayed. "Channie ah, what's the matter?" "The food... It's so expensive..." "It's okay. I'm paying for it anyways." Upon hearing that, Chanshik began to pick out the meal he wanted. "Haha yeah! I missed coming here! It brings so much memories back!" Jinyoung suddenly turned his attention from the menu to the two ladies who had just made their way into the restaurant. His eyes widen with shock. "It isn't real," he wanted to say, "It can't be." He quickly adverted his eyes back onto the menu, pretending that he hadn't heard anything,let alone see anything, or anyone and praying hard that you and Chanshik hadn't noticed his actions. But he was wrong. Just as he looked up, the side of Chanshik's eye caught him turning around and Chanshik looked up as well. He was wondering what Jinyoung was looking at and saw the two ladies. Somehow, he felt there was something amiss...


~~ End of Flashback ~~

Should I tell ________ noona anything..? I can't bear to do anything... If I tell her, she might get hurt. I couldn't bear looking at her cry always. It hurts so much. But keeping her in the dark... It'll only keep her feeling good about it until she finds out about it herself. Then, will she hate me from lying to her? Will she... I can't accept all the possiblities now... What should I do..? What can I do..? 


Weee~ Done with this chapter so I hope you like it ^~^ I apologies for the really late update but I still hope that this chapter is up to your standards ^~^ And uhhh...Hope this had been a better chapter and in two weeks time, I'm not sure if I can find the time to update since school is starting so haha >< But ummm.. I still hope you have liked this chapter and at this point of time I really am at a loss of who the pair should be xD But ummm yea~ So if u have liked it, as usual, please leave a comment and suscibe ^~^

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 1: Nice story!! :-> I like gonchan's character. He's my bias in b1a4 xD
YeolKyungPinkfinite #3
Chapter 16: I lykes your story <3333 thengtheng update soon~^^
Krispylaysz #4
update soon! ^^
tabulate #5
Have fun writing your story thengtheng!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #6
Chapter 12: WOAHHHHH COMPLETE TWIST. hehe :) okay nice update:D
YeolKyungPinkfinite #7
YeolKyungPinkfinite #8
Chapter 7: This is a really nice chapter^^ Continue updating^^
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 7: Pls update more i love the twist in this story!
chikorquotes #10
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