Chapter 7

Wonderful Tonight™

>> Your POV <<

"Chanshik-ah! How did you sleep?" "Well noona! Thanks!" The brilliant bright smile once again brought a glow to my heart. I went over to him and grabbed his hands. He blushed again. He seemed to be shy. Not that I hadn't realised but it was really adorable. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to leave him alone. Let alone throw him into an orphanage. It puzzled me more. Chanshik can't be thrown in without a reason right..? I wonder why he was even there... I felt an urge to ask him yet I didn't want to break that little fragile heart of his. I decided to spare him of his misery. 

"Channie ah, your class! I'll come around to bring you to your next class later so wait for noona alright?" "Nae noona!" He answered, his cheeks still a shade of red. So adorable. I thought. I was about to leave hid class when I saw that familiar person appear in front of me again. Wait. No. It's impossible. It can't be right..? My biggest nightmare. He can't be in the same class as Channie right..? I tried hard to erase the painful memory of yesterday and it took me the whole night as I cried myself to sleep with the fact that he had hurt my brother. I wasn't about to see my own brother hurt again. "Stay away from Chanshik. I mean it." Baro rolled his eyes to the heavens. "Like I care about him anymore. He's worthless to me." I walked out of the classroom.


>>Baro's POV<<

"Yah. Sit here." "Eh? Are you talking to me..?" "Who else can I be talking to. Do you see anyone else?" He shooked his head. Gosh. Why does he seem so innocent. Probably it's because he has such an over protective sister. But that aura that she has around her caught me offguard. She seems so different from the other girls. "So, you're Chanshik..." He nodded his head as he seemed to back off away from me. What is wrong with him. "Are you okay..?" I knew there was no comfort in my words, but they were all I could offer. He nodded again. I was getting pretty sick of him not answering me. "Yah. Answer when I talk to you." "But I did!" "Answer with your mouth." He placed his head down, not seeming pleased with the situation. "Anyways, your sister... She... She's nice." He gave me a Like-I-Didn't-Know face. 

I wanted to tell him that I liked her. His sister. _________. But I guessed that he wouldn't care. After I had hurt him, landing him in such a plight. It was my fault. I should have contained my anger. He must feel so awkward being here, with the being he hated the most, speaking calmly when he wanted to rip my limb from limb. The class with him soon ended and as I had presumed, ________ had come to send him to his next class. She must really be wary of everything. Least everything concerning Chanshik. Those eyes... They sparkled with a mixture of fury and fear, yet filled with so much concern for this Chanshik. It was alluring. At that moment, I just wanted to grab her and kissed her. But the anger over took that temptation and before I knew it, Chanshik was knocked out. By me. 


>> Chanshik's POV <<

"I guess Baro hyung isn't that bad. He even asked how I was just now." "He talked to you..?" "Umm... Yeah." I must have talked too much. Noona didn't answer me for a long time. She must really not like me being around Baro hyung. "Sorry noona..." She looked at me, her eyes locked with mine. "Channie, I can't restrict you on  who to be friends with. But, just be careful okay?" I nodded. I liked how she grabbed my hands. I smiled. There were so many nice people to me. There was my noona and CNY hyung. Maybe Baro hyung too..? Then again, it isn't a lot. But it felt enough for me. "Oh yeah, Chanshik-ah, join me and JInyoung for lunch later! My treat! You'll get your meat!" "Jinjja? Gomawo noona!" I really wanted meat and had been craving for it even though _________ noona had included meat in all my meals. I wanted to spend the time with my noona only but I didn't want her to leave out Jinyoung. They liked each other. I was just going to spoil their sweet relationship if I asked her to not ask Jinyoung along. 

As we were about to reach the meat restaurant, I got estatic and ran towards the shop, pacing like a cub before its first kill as I hurried ________ noona and Jinyoung hyung. When I turned around to call them, I saw that they seemed so happy together. I didn;'t want to spoil their mood. I turned back. Somehow inside, I seemed to die a little more each time I saw them together. I wanted noona. But we're just siblings...


Weeeee~ I have finished Chapter 7 xD Sorry it has been sometime since I updated and that this chapter is really short and has so much conversation but I hope you have enjoyed it nevertheless >< Oh well~ Thanks for the comments and I already have 9 suscribers~ *YAY* Haha! Pretty content already and I have 200 viewers already so I am really happy ^~^ Stay tuned to see what happens next okay? ^~^

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 1: Nice story!! :-> I like gonchan's character. He's my bias in b1a4 xD
YeolKyungPinkfinite #3
Chapter 16: I lykes your story <3333 thengtheng update soon~^^
Krispylaysz #4
update soon! ^^
tabulate #5
Have fun writing your story thengtheng!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #6
Chapter 12: WOAHHHHH COMPLETE TWIST. hehe :) okay nice update:D
YeolKyungPinkfinite #7
YeolKyungPinkfinite #8
Chapter 7: This is a really nice chapter^^ Continue updating^^
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 7: Pls update more i love the twist in this story!
chikorquotes #10
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