Chapter 6

Wonderful Tonight™


>>Chanshik's POV<<

The irritating buzzing of the alarm clock droned on for several minutes before it was acknowledged. A hand crashed down on it and ended its tirade. A sleepy groan muffled by a pillow could be heard, but otherwise nothing. There was no rustle of the covers being kicked off, no squeak of the bed as weight shifted, and no creak of the floorboards indicating a person's trip to the bathroom.

 Fifteen minutes later on the dot the alarm clock's ugly voice rang out again, announcing the beginning of a new day. Another sleepy groan followed, tainted with annoyance this time. The same hand crashed down on the clock and silenced it once more. This time there was a sigh of resignation followed by covers being kicked off, the bed squeaking, and floorboards creaking.

I went to my bedroom to check if ________ noona had woken up. I knocked on the door gently, hoping that I wouldn't wake ________ noona up. "Noona..?" I called out after not getting a single reply from the several knocking. I opened the door. It creaked on it's hinges. Boy... They should oil the doors... "Noona..?" i called again. I looked at where she had been resting at last night but I couldn't find her. My eyes scanned the whole room. I walked to the study table, hoping to see that she had left me a note. Indeed, on the table laid a yellow sticky note. 

Dear Channie,

Sorry I left without a word. I think by the time you have woken up, I'm already in school. Give me a call once you are done with breakfast. It's done and in the fridge. Microwave it for another 2 mins and you can eat already.

I liked how noona is always so considerate... She never failed to prepare anything for me. She takes good care of me. She... She loves me... 

>> Your POV<<

"Jinyoung-ah... About yesterday..." "Yesterday..? Eh? Oh... Sorry... I shouldn't have doubt you. It was my fault." "Mmmhmm... I shouldn't have shouted at you... So..." "So are we still together?" "Eh? Yea! I was waiting for you to tell me that!" "Yah! Guys should have more initiative!" "Mmmm~ Whatever." The small conversation between us instantly made up for the whole misunderstanding that took place yesterday. The cold atmosphere... Everything. The shriking bell went off and we made our way to our perspective classes. Suddenly, there was a buzzing in my phone. 

Noona..? Sorry to disturb you. I am done with my breakfast now but um, I'll be going to school myslf now.

Chanshik, 10:30AM

Eh? No! Don't come out alone! I'm gonna ask CNU oppa to send you here.He's our neighbour and he is having his holidays now so don't worry about him being bother!

Me, 10:33AM


Chanshik,  10:40AM

"CNU oppa~ Can you please help me pick Chanshik up to school?" "Haha sure thing~" "Thanks!" "Welcome! I'll be at your place in about 5 mins. Can you tell Chanshik?" "Haha sure sure~" I contacted CNU oppa to help me pick Chanshik up. I didn't dare let him come himself, least after what had happened. I texted Chanshik to inform him of the information of what CNU oppa had told me on the phone. I always wondered how Chanshik manages to stay so bubbly. So cheery. Looking at him is just like looking at the flowers that bloom during spring time, brightening up the atmosphere. I enjoyed every moment with him. But being with Jinyoung meant a whole new thing. Whenever I was with Jinyoung, I feel like the younger one, being able to feel so free instead of being stuck in the hellhole of my home. I don't think anyone could understand the freedom of flying unless they experienced it themselves. You don't have to face anyone or worry about anything. The wind rushing past your ears can clear your thoughts completely or make it easier to think about things. You can just shut your eyes and forget...although not for too long because if you do, you might forget there's a mountain coming up and then you won't be able to forget about the pain in your head. 

But when I was with Chanshik, I felt like I had to be the older one. Not in terms of age, but in terms of being strong, taking the blow from him. One might feel tired from all this elder sibling duties but each time I managed to protect him, I feel a sense of accomplishment. I feel so happy to be able to take care of him... Sometimes I really wonder what kind of relationship we share. A SIBLING relationship of course. Just stop wandering. I shook of the idea of the whle thing being anything else. 

>>Chanshik's POV<<

"CNU hyung-nim. Thanks for the lift!" "Sure~ Why are you late anyways?" "Eh? Oh umm... last night... I spent ast night lookin after noona... She was sick... Running a high fever. Then when she was ok, she asked me to rest as well, so I slept in and yeah. Plus I had an injury..." "Injury? What happened?" I didn't want to recount the whole experience to CNU hyung. It took me such a long time to erase the pain I saw in noona's eye, and from the whole beating up from Baro... "Yah, kiddo, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Oh god. Again?! Why is everyone able to tell my thoughts! "Haha. Don't need to be shy Chanshik. Say, don't tell me you like your noona?" "WHAT?! No!!! We're just siblings!" My big reaction must have made CNU hyung burst into laughter. Or I didn't know what else might hve caused his sudden uproar. "Haha chill! What's with the big reaction? Oh, your'e blushing!" I covered my cheeks, not wanting to show this side of myself to anyone else. It was embarassing enough, having noona to know this side of me and yet have someone else I didn't really know to see it as well. "Anyways, we've reached your school. Your noona told you to wait for her. Here. Dont move about." I nodded my head and bid CNU hyung goodbye as he left the school compound...


Ahh~ I'm finally done with this chapter ^~^ And yes! CNU has finally made his appearance! Do you think, _________ and CNU might be together? Haha~ What does the situation look like to you now? It might end with a twist since i really don't know who to put 'you' together with who >m< But nevertheless, I hope you have enjoyed this chapter ^~^ And the gif of CNU as well ^~^ Credits to the owner~


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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 1: Nice story!! :-> I like gonchan's character. He's my bias in b1a4 xD
YeolKyungPinkfinite #3
Chapter 16: I lykes your story <3333 thengtheng update soon~^^
Krispylaysz #4
update soon! ^^
tabulate #5
Have fun writing your story thengtheng!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #6
Chapter 12: WOAHHHHH COMPLETE TWIST. hehe :) okay nice update:D
YeolKyungPinkfinite #7
YeolKyungPinkfinite #8
Chapter 7: This is a really nice chapter^^ Continue updating^^
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 7: Pls update more i love the twist in this story!
chikorquotes #10
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