Chapter 5

Wonderful Tonight™

>> Your POV <<

"yeobusaeyo..? Ah... Jinyoung-ah. Eh? Now..? Okay..." -click- "Chanshik, I'll be going out for a while. I've prepared dinner so come and take it soon." "Nae _______ noona." I went to the door. Just as I was about to leave, Chanshik ran to me, passing to me an umbrella. "Noona! Take the umbrella! It's gonna rain! I... I don't want you to catch a cold from the rain." Smiling, I took the umbrella from his hand. They were so cute! "Thanks Channie! Turn in early okay?" He nodded his head before bouncing back up into the comfort of his room.

"Jinyoung-ah~ What did you call me out for?" "Eh? Oh yeah, come on. Lets go to the café there to have a little... Chat..." I wanted to place my arm in its right place, linked together with Jinyoung. But as I was about to slip my arm in, Jinyoung moved aside, not wanting to link our arms together. What's wrong with him... I wondered. Jinyoung wasn't like this before. Why is he shunning away from me? Me thoughts wondered around. The walk to the café had been eeriely silent. It was the type of walks that made one feel something bad was about to happen... A bad omen..? I wondered. The dark night streched far ut in front of us as we walked along Myeongdung. It was as crowded as before, but somehow, I couldn't hear the chirpy voices I used to hear everytime I came to Myeongdung as I was drowned in my thoughts. I wanted to break the awkward silence, but I wasn't sure how to. Recalling the dark features on Jinyoung's face just now made me afraid. I didn't want to further dampen the situation. It was bad enough. Why did he call me out..? Was it because of... No... It can't be... Him..? How can he be...

"Annyeonghaseyo!" The shop owner calls out. "Annyeong!" I greeted back, forcing out a bubbly me. Jinyoung and I picked our usual seats, near the window where we had a bird's eye view of the whole shopping street. "So... Why did you call me out..?" I asked casually as I sipped my cuppaccino, as though I knew of nothing. "Well... Just now..." "Eh? I had to send Chanshik home and look after him, that's why I left school. Sorry I didn't tell you about it before." "No! It isn't about that. Why did you call Sandeul..? You could have easily called for me. Why didn't you?" "Because Sandeul..." "Because you still have feelings for him..? Or maybe you have feelings for Chanshik instead... I'm nothing to you now right?" "What?! Jinyoung-ah! What do you mean?! Sandeul lives nearby and Chanshik was bleeding so badly then! How could I ask you to send him to your house which we would need to take 1 hour! How could I risk my brother's health like this?! And what do you mean by me having feelings for Chanshik! He...! We're just SIBLINGS! I trusted you so much Jinyoung. I thought you would understand. But why... Why?!" I almost shouted. Tears stung my eyes as they started flowing out. "But the way you treat me since Chanshik came into your life is just totally different!" "What? No! I had to help Chanshik to adjust to this new home of his! And what? I liked you so much! I thought that you knew what was going on! At least understand what situation it was! I didn't know you were like this..." "But... I just felt so unsecure..." Suddenly, what struck me harder, was not what Jinyoung said. It was the word 'siblings'. Are we really just siblings? Is there nothing more than that between us? No it's just a brother-sister relationship. Nothing more. Nothing less. Unable to stand the situation any longer, I ran out of the café, leaving Jinyoung alone. The overcasted sky let out deafening sounds of thunder. Drops of rain came plattering down along the sidewalk, down my hair and shoulders. The rain had managed to drown out the sobbing nd sniffles I made as I ran across the roads. I couldn't be bothered to take out the umbrella... "I...I don't want you to catch a cold in tha rain." Chanshik's words rang in my head. I didn't want him to worry about me either. I couldn't fall sick now... Chanshik is barely recovering from his injury. I can't afford to have him looking after me... I trembled as I took out the umbrella, shaking from the cold. The rain had drentched me, soaked me to the bones. I took out the umbrella, my hands still trembling...


>> Chanshik's POV <<

Aish... Noona-ah... Why didn't you used the umbrella... I wondered as I kept changing the towel. Her fever was persistant. I kept looking at her. Looking at her trembling so hard when Jinyoung hyung sent her back... It hurt to see her in such a sight... 

~ Flashback ~

-Knock knock- "Chanshik! OPEN THE DOOR!" Who can that be? And it's already so late. Why isn't noona home..? Oh well, she did ask me to sleep early... I went to open the door. It creaked loudly on it's hinges. The lightning behind revealed... This guy... He was carrying _______ noona... "Chanshik-ah, don't worry. I just... I'm just sending your noona home. She fainted on the way home... She must have been drentched badly to cause her to faint like this. I'm Jinyoung by the way." "Ah? Yae. Please come in! Noona's room is on the second level, but just leave her in my room. Its nearer to the stairs, so you don't have to carry her too far." "Please... Explain this to your noona when she wakes up. I'm sorry for whatever hurt I have caused her. I'll be taking my leave now." And he just left, going into the harsh weather once more. I looked up at him again... Who was he..? Why did he give me such a bad feeling..? What am I feeling again this time..?


~End of flashback~

"Urgh..." "Noona! Oh... Sorry for shouting..." I couldn't hold on my excitment. I was glad to see that she had recovered. Or at least, seem to be feeling better. "Heh... Omg... How long have I been... AH! Channie! Tonight, you'll take my room. I messed up yours so you just go sleep somewhere better. Take the master bedroom if you want too. Just, don't sleep in here." I cocked my head to the side. "Don't ask why... Now go and sleep. I'll be -sneeze- be better tomorrow. And by the way, we're not going to school. Not till you recover." I nodded my head. I dragged my feet up to her room. Noona's room had a bight theme, with bright pink and pastel blue. I saw posters of many idols in her room. I wanna be like them...  I said as I slowly drifted into a sweet slumber...


Woohoo! Done with Chapter 5 :D So sorry for the super late update guys! But I should be able to update another chapter tomorrow ^^ Hope you have liked this chapter and pleaseeee anticipate :D What could happen next? What what what? :D Make guesses and see if you are correct!~ Please suscribe and comment if you liked it ^~^

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 1: Nice story!! :-> I like gonchan's character. He's my bias in b1a4 xD
YeolKyungPinkfinite #3
Chapter 16: I lykes your story <3333 thengtheng update soon~^^
Krispylaysz #4
update soon! ^^
tabulate #5
Have fun writing your story thengtheng!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #6
Chapter 12: WOAHHHHH COMPLETE TWIST. hehe :) okay nice update:D
YeolKyungPinkfinite #7
YeolKyungPinkfinite #8
Chapter 7: This is a really nice chapter^^ Continue updating^^
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 7: Pls update more i love the twist in this story!
chikorquotes #10
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