Chapter 2

Wonderful Tonight™

Haha the probably long awaited Chapter 2 is here ^^ Hope you guys would luke it ^^ took me half a day to plot out this chapter so hope you like it ^^ Sorry for the bad descptions but I hope that the gif image would make up for it^^ so enjoyyyy ^^



>> Your POV <<
Heh... Chanshik looks so adorable. I hope he won't get bullied by those thugs in school. All they do is bully the weak. I really ought to look after him but... His class just happens to be on another wing. And it is the far end. Just like my class. Chanshik... It feels weird calling him Chanshik although it is really cute. What's his family name again..? Oh, Gong Chanshik. Should I call him Gongchan..? This way, I can call him Channie. Okay. I'll tell him later. I went to prepare breakfast and our school uniform. I ironed the clothes just like other days, just that, today I had to iron out two sets of uniform. Ah, it's time our Channie should wake up and get ready for school. Smiling ear to ear, I went to Channie's room. 
"Chanshik-ah! Time to get up and get ready for school!" I called out to him softly as he laid so peacefully on the bed. He looks so... Charming... Ugh. What are you thinking _____? He's just your brother. "Chanshik..?" I called him again. "Eh? Oh thank you for waking me up on time." And he smiled again, with his blushing red cheeks. He looks really adorable. I wanted to pinch his cheeks but I was afraid that he might shun away from being shy. And I didn't want that to spoil our beautiful "sibling" relationship. At least, I think that that's what it's called... A "sibling" relationship. "Mmhmm! Come on down for breakfast once you have changed into your uniform that I have prepared for you." With that, I closed the door to his room and went down to have my breakfast. 
>> Chanshik's POV <<
Noona... Is she always this nice..? I wondered as I staggered to the toilet, my eyelids half open. Ahhh. I sure do look pretty... But Noona is pretty too. I like her. Like this. My stomach was growling from the hunger. I just remembered at I had dinner 8 hours ago. And right now I anticipated breakfast a lot. I liked how my noona can prepare food so well and do all the chores alone. She must have felt lonely... In this huge house while Mom and Dad are often out... I feel blessed that I have a noona now... And she takes so good care of me. 
I went down to join _______ noona for breakfast. Wow... She prepared so much food. We can't finish so much food. There's just too much. "Hey Chanshik. I umm made a variety since I don't know what you liked..." "I like meat" I cut her off. That wasn't like me. To cut off other people's words. "Sorry noona. Thank you for preparing such scrumptious food. How are we going to school..?" "By bus" "Oh" I thought that there would be a chauffeur to send us to school... Since this was a rich family... But I was proved wrong. Noona and I went to the bus stop. "Ah! _____" I spoke just when I realised that _______ noona had her headphones on. Her music was loud since even I could hear. Looks like talking to her would be... "Yeah Channie?" I stared at her in amazement. She actually heard me. "Umm I wanna sleep... Can you um wake me up later..?" "Yeah sure Channie" Why does she call me Channie... "Oh and I'll be callin you Gongchan from now so I can call you Channie." I wished she didn't read my mind.. 
>> Your POV << 
Channie soon fell asleep. Seeing that his head was bobbing up and down, I put his head to rest on my shoulder so he could sleep comfortably. As soon as his head found a comfortable spot on my shoulder, he smiled and continued his baby sleep. His face was so pure and sweet. Some what reminding me of what Sandeul had called me when we were dating and went to school together. I didn't want to wake this little angel as he was in a deep and beautiful slumber but school... Channie didn't want to be late or get into trouble in school. 
"Channie-ah, wake up now, we've arrived in school." He blinked his tiny little eyes before rubbing them and woke up. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. Boy does he have those beautiful enticing eyes. At that split moment, I just had the urge to kiss him. AH _______ ah!! WAKE UP!! YOU GUYS ARE JUST SIBLINGS! SNAP OUT OF IT! What the hell was I thinking. It was then that I realised that Channie had looked away. We then alighted from the bus...
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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 1: Nice story!! :-> I like gonchan's character. He's my bias in b1a4 xD
YeolKyungPinkfinite #3
Chapter 16: I lykes your story <3333 thengtheng update soon~^^
Krispylaysz #4
update soon! ^^
tabulate #5
Have fun writing your story thengtheng!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #6
Chapter 12: WOAHHHHH COMPLETE TWIST. hehe :) okay nice update:D
YeolKyungPinkfinite #7
YeolKyungPinkfinite #8
Chapter 7: This is a really nice chapter^^ Continue updating^^
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 7: Pls update more i love the twist in this story!
chikorquotes #10
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