
Wonderful Tonight™

He had dyed his hair yet again. This time, his auburn hair flailed along with the wind. Nothing changed about him. His dress code of simplicity, milky brown eyes that seemed to have so much emotions from smiling with joy and crying the tears of sadness. His angel smile and his milky white skin that seemed ever so delicate. In addition, he had a heart of gold that never failed to show love and concern for all. What more could anyone ask of this lovely child. I wanted him in my arms as we look into the navy blue sky that never forgets to add plentiful stars to make up for the empty night sky. Gongchan... Was this all destined? For us to only be siblings? I shook my head. Why of all things think about him? What about Baro? What about C.NU? What about Sandeul...? Of course not the one who goes around breaking people's delicate hearts into two...

"We're back kids!" I turned around, only to be greeted my father's grim face, and my mother's fake smile. "And ________? We need to talk to you. Could you come to our room?" My mother said. And despite the smile on her face, I could tell that it wasn't going to be anything good given whatever tone she was speaking in. "Yes mother... Channie..? Can you go back to your room first..? I'll help you with your homework later okay?" Gongchan nodded his pretty little head, sending locks of hair covering his eyes.

"-and I heard that you have been taking care of yourselves?" My father spoke, monotonously. I simply nodded. "Well, just so you know, Chanshik will be sent to someone else to be taken care of." I nodded my head, not listening much about what they were saying. But those words came to me slowly and clearly. I couldn't believe it all. I stared at them, unable to take in anything. Had I done something wrong? Was there something that they had planned again this time? Recalling the last time they had something as such planned, was arranging a marriage so that their business would prosper. Was it the same this time? "-Are you even listening?" My father's voice brought me back to reality. Not knowing how to respond, all I did was hang my head low. Suddenly, I felt as though a heavy hand brushed passed my face, leaving me staring blankly at the ground. Yet this time, things turned out differently...

>> Gongchan's POV<<

"Noona~ ________ Noona~ There's someon-" I stopped as I looked into my parents' room. There, my noona was on the groud. Something seemed amiss. It was then that I noticed my parents walking down the hallways towards the stairs - mother in her medieval midnight blue dress, silky long midnight blue fabric of sleeves, each one edged with sparkling black beading. Peeking out from the beneath those petals were wispy folds of blue tulle; and father in his suit that was cut to precision, bold across the shoulders, gentle lines around the waist, the perfect inverted triangle: black, satin lapels, perfect length and of subtle movement. 



But yet noona wasn't moving. Everything was still. I walked in, only to see tear drops forming at the sight of her eyes. Her hand close to her cheek that was a deep shade of red. And she hadn't created a single sound. What was it to feel like to be in her shoes? To cry silently, suffer alone with such hurtful treatment. What did it felt like... I slapped myself hard. Why was I thinking of such when ________ noona was already in such a terrible state. "Noona... Let me see..." Reluctantly, noona moved her hand away, revealing a red cheeked, a hand mark... I looked at it hard. What was wrong this time... What happened this time... "Channie-ah... Let it pass... Don't persue the matter, let it pass-" Noona spoke just before she passed out...





A/N: WOOPIEEE~~~ YAY GUYS HAHA! OMG I HAVE FINALLY UPDATED AFTER GOD KNOWS HOW LONG AND YES~ Weeeee~ I made this update a little longer to make up for how long I haven't updated x3 and yeah~ I'm hoping to achieve... about.... 30 suscribers by next update hahaa~ thanks guys! leave comment as well yeah?~


i'm realleh sorreh for updating late huhuhuhu T^T  and the thing is cuz i'm gonna go overseas (which is like yay~) (but i still wanna update this story so damn bad :<) and school is starting soon... I'm not so sure when i'll update next >.>


So till then i love ya all <3 hehehehehehe 




i really do huhuhu T^T so please help me increase the number of subscribers~ hehehe :> -click that little subscribe and upvote button juseyo~~~-


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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 1: Nice story!! :-> I like gonchan's character. He's my bias in b1a4 xD
YeolKyungPinkfinite #3
Chapter 16: I lykes your story <3333 thengtheng update soon~^^
Krispylaysz #4
update soon! ^^
tabulate #5
Have fun writing your story thengtheng!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #6
Chapter 12: WOAHHHHH COMPLETE TWIST. hehe :) okay nice update:D
YeolKyungPinkfinite #7
YeolKyungPinkfinite #8
Chapter 7: This is a really nice chapter^^ Continue updating^^
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 7: Pls update more i love the twist in this story!
chikorquotes #10
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