Chapter 4

Wonderful Tonight™

>>Chanshik's POV<<

It wasn't the pain inflicted on me that hurt me, it was seeing my noona breaking down like this that made my heart aches the most. Why... At that moment, I couldn't feel anything other than the overwhelming pain that my noona had managed to let me feel... A feeling that I have never felt in my life. Not till today... What was it? Pity? Sad? Anger? I don't know... "Noona... I want to go home now... I don't like the school's bed and I don't think I can recover like this..." At least not while I feel so miserable... I thought. With a final sniffle, ______ noona went to pack my stuff and helped me back home. I linkd my arms with hers. It felt just in the right place. I smiled at the thought that we were meant to be together. Wait, no. We're just siblings. That's what a responsible noona should be doing. Snap out of it Chanshik. You can't be together. The word siblings lingered around in my mind before ______ noona burst my thought bubble. "Channie-ah, how is it to feel like you finally got adopted into a family after being an orphane for so long..?" "It feels... An undescribable wave of happiness just washed over you. Knowing that you have a new family, that you are going to be cared and loved by a real family now. But yet, knowing that somewhere, somehow you just won't really be part of the family..." "Oh... Then... How about now? I mean, you have me who stays by you... Giving you unconditional love..? The sibling sorta love..? Do you find it artificial..?"  Her question struck me hard... I didn;t know how to reply. I liked the feeling and it feels so... Wonderful... Artificial..? Does she want to say something about it..? The love between us..? The... 'Sibling' strucked me hard once more. Why must she be my sister... 


>> Your POV<<

"...Do you find it artificial..?" 

"Eh? Nope! I love it in fact!" Chanshik answered after what seemed like a few decades. The sky had become overcasted, a weather sure to put everyone's feeling off. But it didn't to me. Was it because of Chanshik? It sure seemed like. With him in my life, it felt as though my life is now finally colourful, gone were the days of dullness. I smiled at the thought of having someone by my side the whole time, keeping me company all the way. Like Jinyoung did... Jinyoung..? Buzzzz... You have a new message. 


Hey ________! Who was that guy you brought to school that day? Your new date? I hope he isnt! Hehe.

                       Jinyoung, 11.15am 


What? No! He is just my brother... It's his first day here.

Me, 11.30am


Eh? Really? How come you have never told me about you having younger siblings before?

Jinyoung, 11.32am


Pshh... Can't you tell? He is adopted... Recently... Make that just yesterday.

Me, 11.34am


Um... Alright... He sure doesn't look like you now come to think of it... Anyways, I gtg now.... Park sungsaenim is here already.

Jinyoung, 11.35am


It was weird how Jinyoung didn't question why I wasn't in school.. Had he seen it? But... OMG... Could he have been... Upset..? That... I was with Chanshik..? No... It... It can't be. I stopped in my tracks. Jinyoung... He must have been so hurt... Having so much in my mind, I forgot that Chanshik was with me, that he was injured. "Ugh... _______ noona... It hurts!" "What..? Oh. OMG! WHAT?! You're... YOU'RE BLEEDING!" Taking out whatever cloth I had in my bag, I bandaged Chanshik as much as possible. "Chan...Channie-ah, can... can you move?" "It.... Hurts... I don't think so..." Looking into the hurt eyes of his, I panicked, lost at what to do. "Jinyoung... No wait... Sandeul... Sandeul stays around this area... Channie, sit... Sit down. I... Noona's gonna call someone to come ok?" He nodded painfully. I slowly helped him to sit of the grass. "San... Sandeul... You gotta... Help me!" " wae? I'm in class..." "No! You have to help me! Chan... Chanshik he... He is bleeding. Profusely. He... It hurts him a lot! Come and help me!" "Woahhh. Ok ok. Where are you..?" "At the grass patch.. Near the school." "Ok. I'll be there in a while."

>> Jinyoung's POV <<

"Sungsaengnim! I gotta go. My friend... Needs my help." "Wait Sandeul-ah!" Without taking a second glance back, Sandeul ran out of the class. "Sandeul-ah! Where are you going?" I called out to him through the hallways. "To find _______ and that Chan... Chanshik guy!" Wha...What..? ______..? And Chanshik..? Why did she call him instead of me?! Why? Can't she let go of him? Them together is... It's HISTORY already! I... Am gonna call her... I need a logical explanation...  I was forced to recognize what I was feeling and why I was feeling it. Jealousy? Envy? I didn't know. Somehow since the day I saw her with Chanshik, I felt something was gonna end. And it isn't going to be a pretty sight...


WOOHOO! Done with Chapter 4 :D Sorry for the delay >///< But I still hope you will like it ^^ Here I have officially introduced Sandeul and Jinyoung! Weee~ Waiting for CNU aren't you guys now? Well then, CNU fans, wait a while more! He will appear soon! Oh and hope u liked the gif of Sandeul, Gongchan and Jinyoung ^~^

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 1: Nice story!! :-> I like gonchan's character. He's my bias in b1a4 xD
YeolKyungPinkfinite #3
Chapter 16: I lykes your story <3333 thengtheng update soon~^^
Krispylaysz #4
update soon! ^^
tabulate #5
Have fun writing your story thengtheng!
YeolKyungPinkfinite #6
Chapter 12: WOAHHHHH COMPLETE TWIST. hehe :) okay nice update:D
YeolKyungPinkfinite #7
YeolKyungPinkfinite #8
Chapter 7: This is a really nice chapter^^ Continue updating^^
jennifer1801 #9
Chapter 7: Pls update more i love the twist in this story!
chikorquotes #10
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