Comedian Yoona 107

The Bad Teacher



 "I believe we shouldn't let the moment pass us by, life's too short we shouldn't wait for the water to run dry. Think about it cause we only have one shot at destiny all I'm asking, could it possibly be you and me?" -Stay (Cueshe)


 This upcoming chapter is one of my favorites throughout. I love this so I hope you guys love this chapter too! And I won't make you guys wait any longer.. Find out why this is one of my favorites on your own. :)




Comedian Yoona 107




 "Yoona!" It’s my English teacher, Jessica Jung. Why are you here?! I mean, I was in the middle of practicing my lines. She came inside my room. Oh ! So messy, so embarrassing. I hurriedly cleaned up the magazines, cds and everything on the floor.

 "Yoona, you don't need to." She spoke, I was picking up my magazines. No there was no dirty magazines, just game magazines. "Let's go to my home." She's smiling but somehow its different. Something wrong Ms. Jung? I mean. It’s not Sunday today, why are you here?

 "Please?" Woah! N-no need to plead. I will go, something's definitely wrong with her today. I wonder why.


 We did go to her unit, with her white BMW car. BMWs are expensive right? How the hell did you manage to buy one? Ms. Jung? Tell me. Are you a former model or something?!

 The ride was all too silent though. The only thing that's loud was my thoughts. While she was busy on the road, I was busy looking at her. Ms. Jung wears a simple white blouse, tucked in her blue skinny pants. Pretty simple chic, I like her this way.

 "Sorry, it's not how we talked about but.. It’s okay right?" She spoke up. What does she mean? I don't get her. "The wh-what?" I asked.

 "It’s not Sunday. We agreed we'll only do it on Sundays remember? So sorry.." No need. It’s alright but you have to explain to Yuri. I'm half way memorizing my lines.

 "Just for a while.." I said. I mean, I can't be long. I need to do homework and the play you gave. "No prob.."



 Inside her room, she quickly took off what made our skin not touch each thus be apart; the touch that speeds the beat of my heart. Ohh poet Yoona in the house! But Ms. Jung I may be a loser but I'm not so insensitive not to notice, something’s wrong with you. Is it me? Or you're using this as a tool to get you off your hidden problem? I hope you can open up to me.

 "Ms. J-Jung.." She was kissing me so aggressively. I wrapped my arms around her small body. She was very aggressive, so much. I know she had always been like this but, Ms. Jung you're clearly not the same. Or am I delusional?

 "Y-Yoona.." She called my name. Breathing so hot on my ears, it's like music. If people sell your moans it will top the charts. Seriously. "Y-Yoona.. I.." She really was going way too fast, she needed relief. But I can really sense something's wrong with her. "Y-Yoona.. Do it now.." She's begging for it but why? No.. This isn't right. Something is wrong with you I need to stop. Ms. Jung please don't do this. Tell me what's wrong!


 "J-Jessica.. Sica!" I hugged her tight. She stopped as well, heavily panting and tired from her sudden aggression. She buried her head on my shoulder. Oh Ms. Jung..

 "Is something w-wr-rong? Y-you can t-tell me.." I'm concerned. Okay you're aggressive. It’s given and taken but the way you act so fast. No I can't explain it, something is definitely wrong. Please tell me. I'm willing to listen..

 "Sorry.. I-I'm.. Just stressed." She got off me and lied beside me, rubbing her head. Poor girl, is it school work? Or.. Geez. She looks troubled. I wanna relieve you from it but I think we need to talk first. It's better if you just..

 "Then take a rest.." Ms. Jung you need one. Please. I'm getting worried, what happen to you?

 "I'm fine." She turned the other way. I can see her white back, flawless. Did I do something wrong? "Ms. Jung.. A-are you.. Sure?" I'm trying my hardest to speak as straight as possible for this. I know you're not okay. Don't lie.. And for 2 minutes she didn't answer. Stubborn girl.


 "How's the practice?" She asked. Oh your changing the topic, Jessica's good. Very good.

 "Fine. But I hate Yuri.." And Yoona's a loser. See? You bit her topic. Idiot! Yoona you just fell for an obvious trap.

 "Why? She's one nice student." She turned to face me. She fixed her hair and put it aside, away from blocking her wonderful face. She's so beautiful."Yuri? She's nice 'cause she likes you." For once I'm not failing with my words. Cool! Well it's about Yuri anyways.

 "Yuri likes me?" Jessica Jung do I have to repeat myself? Yes! She does. I nod my head, yes yes Ms. Jung. She smirked at me. That smile.. "And your jealous?" Wh-what no?! I shook my head no no. Heavily, I'm not.

 "Why not? Because I have with you? And Yuri's nothing but a student?" Well yes? But Ms. Jung, why would you like Yuri anyways? And I'm better than Yuri in many ways! One, I'm cute. Two, I'm good at games. Three, I'm taller..? Gaah whatever! I just know I'm better than a nerd.



 "Am I the only student who you?.." This is an awkward question. Uhm..

 "Yea.. You're the only one. Your one lucky kid." She rubbed my head like a puppy. Arf arf! Geez I'm dog, yet.. Ms. Jung can I you? Hehe. where? Oh dirty thoughts, byun-Yoong!

 "I'm not much of a addict anyways.. Well are you, Yoona?" She asked with a bit smiling glare. Me? I'm addicted to you!

 "No.. Just.." Addicted to Jessica Jung. "Just a bit?" She added then laughed.

 "Ms. Jung.. Jessica.." I was simply lost in thought. Ms. Jung's beauty was captivating that I lost words to say. She smiles frequent but when she does its priceless. I'm proud that you're smiling at me. "Jessica.."

 I kissed her. I want this lips.. "Y-Yoona.." I want everything. I pulled Jessica closer to me, I wanna feel your warmth that can melt anything. I just want you like this.. Even without . Somehow, this is enough.

 "Jessica.." Our kiss was like Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming. Just a simple touch of the skin but it moved my heart, did your heart move as well? Jessica.. I think I'm kinda falling for you.

 "Y-Yoona.." She pulled away. I smiled at her assuring I loved that moment. If she smiles back then she liked it as well. "I'm sorry Ms. Jung.." Please smile! She smiled back, chuckling a bit. Yes! See! Jessica likes me, she does! Right?


 "You see.. Today.. I went out with someone." She moved closer to me again, she leaned her head by my neck. Holding my arm and drawing circles around it.

 "T-The guy on the laptop?" I felt her move up a bit. "How did you know?" Duuh. I saw you go out and clearly you're all Princess Cinderella that day. You let him take you on his sports car. "I-I saw you.." She moved up, looking at me with large brown eyes. "With your boyfriend." She laughed when I said so. How come people love to laugh at me? Will I make a good comedian?

 "He's not." What?! Re-really?! But-but?

 "He's my.. Former boyfriend." Oh so past? Well that's quite a relief. I'm glad you're single. Dream on Yoona.. Don't even think about chances!

 "So what happen? A date?" I asked. I was curious of that anyways. I wonder how Ms. Jung loves a person, is she sweet? Is she caring? I wanna.. Experience being on a date with her too. Dream on Yoona.. Don't even think of going out with her!

 "Date?" She laughed again. See? I'd make a good comedian. I'm not even joking and your laughing. The hell?

 "We don't do dates." She said. Oh so what did you do? "What happen, then?"

 "I had with him.." I have nothing to say.

 She turned to the ceiling, holding the mattress over her chest. "Why is that?" She paused and pouted.

 "He'll only see me for . What am I? Some kind of toy, where he can just.. R-rub his thing on?" She's ranting. Apparently this guy's a bigger jerk than how Yuri and I imagined. That pathetic guy!

 "I-It's unfair.." A tear came out from her eye. Wait! D-don’t cry. Jessica Jung don't do crying.. I swear, I'll ask the Umbrella Corporation to hunt him down with their biological weapons. Nobody makes everybody's favorite teacher cry! No! Not Ms. J. Jung!

 "J-Jessica.." I quickly moved to aid her but she wiped her own tears and faced the other side. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry Yoona.." Wh-what for? Idiot! You're hurt. I knew it.. Yoona, don't be a wimp; comfort her!

 "I-Its okay.." Come on Yoona. Say something else! Stop being a coward, show her you're there for her. Tell her you'll kick that guy's even if h-he's stronger! Come on.. Even just one comforting word please. Come out of my mouth.. Anything! Please, speak up..




 Jessica, don't cry! I'm here and together were..


 "Moon Sick..?" I said. What?! Why did I suddenly say that?! I was supposed to say YoonSic, the combination I made from our names.. I always fail. I fail epic! Damn mouth.

 "Moon Sick?" She sniffed and asked. Now think of an excuse you idiot Im Moona. Moona I tell you! Mooron.

 "Uhg.." I can't think.


 She curled up, hugging her knees and her pillow.


 "I-it's.. Neil Armstrong's disease when he got back to Earth!" Pathetic joke.


 Uhg.. Stupid mouth!


 "Haha! I-I get it! He was Moon Sick!" Ms. Jung.. Laughed.

 I.. I achieved something! I helped her. I cannot believe my mouth.. I am a comedian. I can make people fckin' laugh! Oh yea! Take that people who say I don't have a future! Ohhh yeah!

 "Yah, Yoona.." She cleared laughing and looked at me. Eye to eye, my eyes can see she's hurt. "Thanks." She suddenly hugged me. T-thanks?! Ms. Jung its nothing! I-I mean I'll do anything to make you relieve from crying! She snuggled closer to me, laying her head to the support of my neck.

 "You prob-probably think.. I'm such.." She's crying again. I feel her tears dripping down. I can't believe this. What to say? A joke! Uhg.. Jessica please don't cry. "I'm such an idiot.." No you are not! He's the idiot!

 "A loser.." She hugged me tighter. I can feel her sadness flowing out. There's nothing I can do to stop her tears. Even if I say the funniest joke, the corniest or not. She won't stop, she's badly hurt. Please don't think you're a loser, for I..

 "..I-I'm here for you." I moved closer and wrapped my arms around her.

 I'm here for you, Jessica. It was all that I can say, my mouth fails me every time but.. I'll make sure I pour my everything with this one hug. I'll comfort you till you stop from your crying. Then I'll smile for you and you'll smile back.. And we'll be back to normal. But just showing my face is enough right? I'm a good comedian remember? Hehe.






 Yoona's so sweet. I mean not in the chessy word sense and the glamour date thingy whatever that girls dream about their guys or lovers would do but.. Oh well. I just love this chapter I don't know why exactly. Sorry if it got quite dramatic because I was listening to "Not Alone by Girls' Generation". So I kinda got carried away.. 


 Till next time guys!



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Awe. I miss Ms. Jung ang Loser Kid Im Yoona TT TT do you guys miss them both?


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tjsthysys09 #1
I’ve read this for I don’t know how many times already :’) this story is really great
Chapter 19: HAHAHA I read it like "Oh , here we go again"
Omo. Asdfghjkl
Chapter 31: This is really great. Thank you for writing this authornim. Will add this now to my list of faves :)
Chapter 22: oh my, i cried in this chapter :( There's always a fanfiction that's making me cry at some point.
Chapter 14: John Cena jinjja?? hahaha.
I like your creativity authornim :)
Chapter 6: wahaha yoona's pov is so funny. She has lots to say on her mind :)
ArvsYul1205 #8
I am curious about the password. Not a YoonSic shipper ??
Chapter 31: could you please give me the password please :D :D
Chapter 31: i already download a PDF I Guess the password and it's Correct I Love Your Story authornim