Third Time 105

The Bad Teacher




 Missed me? Well I was quite busy with school and stuff. Oh how to vote? It's the arrow sign up above, just click it. Okies? :D That is if you like this story. I don't like forcing people.

Anyways back to our story~ 








 Third Sunday together. I missed Ms. Jung, but somehow I thought about things, what we do and how I feel. Ms. Jung told me just enjoy what we do, I do enjoy her. I mean who wouldn't enjoy Ms. Jung? But Ms. Jung, I'm enjoying to the point that it's making me happy. Our is supposed  to be pleasure and fun but when I feel a pang of happiness with you, guilt is attached. A guilt causing me to pain.

 Do you continue on this kind of game? Whereas you're clearly breaking the rules? Ms. Jung I think I'm developing feelings for you. I should.. Stop.






 I can feel her hands slowly move from my neck to my arm. Why are you doing this? For Pete's sake why do I have to be so nervous!? I should take this as a blessin- ! Di-Did she just kiss my neck?

 "Yoona-ah, face me.." She whispered to my ear, oh so seducing. I mean.. Her voice it was hot. Really hot. I turned to face her, as I lay down on her sofa she looked at me smiling.

 "Sorry if I made you wait.. Are you hungry?" For a while ago she was such a seducing lady now she's as caring as my mom. But somehow this side of her was refreshing.

 "I-I'm okay.." I was still nervous. This wasn't the first time I went to her large condominium unit but still I can’t seem to straighten my words. Why is that? "I'll get you something to eat, I'm sure you're hungry." She smiled, standing up and taking her leave to go to the fridge. She's so nice today I wonder why.

 I sat up, I mean I can't be oh so comfy on her sofa. This is her house anyways. I opened the television, searching for channels. Being so busy on the TV, she sneaked on my back, putting an arm on the sofa's back part.

 "I'm microwaving some left overs.. Is that enough?" She asked me. "Okay.." Okay was all that I can say. Yoona Im is weak, weak with words. Weak in everything.

 I can feel her moving closer to me, she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Yoona.. Sleep here." Her whisper sounded so lonely this time around. As I remember it clearly, her house was empty. She was alone in this large unit. Maybe that's why she does this, she wanted some company. But then again, she can have a better person as a partner, not me; I'm a loser. "Okay.. I-I will stay.." If she speaks like a pleading child; I will stay here. No matter how my mother will scold me. She kissed my cheek but left afterwards to get the food I guess.

 This is her angel side, later the other side will be unleashed. Thinking about it, I looked at the door. Should I leave? I can't stand scratches and strong pushes anymore! Too aggressive and dominant. But.. Her earlier request made me think twice.


  "Yoona! Let's eat!" She called me and I walked up to her like a puppy. Very cool Yoona, very cool. You're her little play toy and you're still allowing it. Very cool, very cool.

 She fed me with a spoon she used on her own mouth. Don't you even think I might have had some disease where it can be passed to you?! Insensitive woman. I refused at her furher feeding attempts causing her to frown. "Don't you want me to feed you?" She asked. I shook my head no. No-no-no! People don't share spoons! That's why hundreds no thousands of spoons are produced! Geez.

 "Awee.. You're no fun.." She stood up, taking her food with her. I watched her every move, she threw the food. to the garbage and put the plate in the sink. Such a waste. She came up to me.. I realized her stare was different. "I wanna have fun, Yoona.." She pushed my chair, she sat on my lap, facing me. Oh no, are we starting already?! Can I finish my food first?! "Uh-I-I uh.." Oh ! She's kissing my neck. Wh-what happen to sweet bonding time like earlier?! She's nibbing it, it and it My neck was abused by my English teacher. "M-aam J-Jung.. W-wait!" I tried stopping her but I ended up making her more aggressive. I forgot she wanted this kinds of games and struggles. Oh no.. It’s so hot. I need to resist! But how can I resist her? Sp-speak up Yoona. Speak up!


 "M-ma- J-Jess-sica Jung!"

 She suddenly stopped. It-It worked? Calling her with her name worked! Looking at her she looked so surprised. I hugged her body, leaning my head on her shoulder. My English teacher smells like strawberry, so sweet. "J-Jessica.. Can uh.. We slow down? For.. For a while.." I said lovingly. What? What's wrong with rejecting your super hot teacher literally getting on you? Okay.. I'm a bit wrong and a bit of stupid but I have guilt and conscience.

 "Okay Yoong.." She also hugged me back. Wow, I'm feeling the love.

 "5 minutes break. I'll be right back.." Fast break much? She got off me and rushed to her room. Ms. Jung ran to her room, her body was small from the doorstep of her room. It means I'm far from her. After a short while she came out with holding her phone on her ear.

 "Yea, I'm a teacher." She spoke. Of course you are, and you're the most beautiful one there. Teachers are often old ladies anyways.. 21 year old, English teacher Ms. J. Jung is the next Ms.Korea. I just know it! Even without passing the height qualification that is, so it's Ms. Korea 5'3" edition.

 "Thank you. I kinda feel bored on the office.." Does this mean she worked in the office before teaching? That explains the documents on her laptop. She took a look at me for a short while and turned away.

 "Oh, tomorrow? I have classes. I'll text you the location and time." She's smiling. I have a hint it's someone special. People smile on the phone, if they talk to someone they like. Whoever Ms. Jung is talking to, that person is lucky. Maybe her boyfriend? I forgot about him! Now I feel bad for being the third party.. But Jessica doesn't love you Yoona. Stop dreaming, loser.

 "Okay bye." She threw her phone to the sofa and she sat so lazily in the sofa.

 "Yaah! Yoona.. Come here." Queen Jessica Jung called. Of course I would obey. "So.." I sat by her. I still continued making distance from her though.

 "Can we pass for today?" She looked at me with a sad pleading face. "S-sure.." I mean I wanted some distance so I'll totally agree.

 "Really? Cool then. See you tomorrow in class.." She hugged me. Ms. Jung is warm, she can melt North Pole if she hugged it. If North Pole was as huggable as me though.

 "So I better go now?" I asked her. I'm not sleeping with you anymore? "If you want." She replied. She looked up to the ceiling, rubbing her temple.

 "Do you drink?" She asked, well Ms. Jung who doesn't?

 "Of course." I nod my head.  Yes I drink, water, soft drinks and milk. No coffee though. She laughed.

 "I'm talking about alcohol drinks. Not water, soft drinks or milk and coffee." Woah! Taken out from my mind. Ms. Jung can you read minds? Shet as sh-t! That's scary.

 "I-I haven't tried." True, Yoona is an innocent kid.

 "Never mind it then. If you get addicted to it, it's not healthy." Oh so is healthy? " is better. It's healthy." D-did she just? Can you really read minds Ms. Jung?! Your starting to sound very supernatural here..

 "Yoona.." She stopped looking at the ceiling and turned her eyes on me. Her eyes were brown but if she looks at you with her icy glare, it somehow becomes blue. I dunno why.. Scary Ice Princess, Jessica Jung. "Am I good at ?" Good?! It's how you label yourself?! You're a goddess if you should know! But I can't convey such words, Yoona Im is a shy loser. "Y-yea.." I could have said she's the best or something but.. I'll fail. My words are always failing with you anyways.

 "I see. How would you know? Have you had with somebody else?" That's such a counter. I did not but think about it, why would I submit myself to you many times if you're not.. Good? 

 "No but.. I know y-you're good." Okay good explanation. Take a deep breath, try and impress her somehow Yoona. Say something good for once, you speak too much in your head but you're practically mute on the outside. Speak!

 "Ms. Jung you're very b-beautiful!"

 Oh great! I fail badly. I turned away rubbing my head. Why do I say the wrong words? When in my head they are correct? Damn Yoona Im. Yoona Im hates you!

 "Thank you." She spoke and hugged me from the back. Ms. Jung, did my word pass? Does this mean. I'm improving with being open to you? Yes! Feels good.

 "..Feels like ." Wait what did I just say?! Oh my freakin' mind!

 "Feels like ? The what Yoona?" She replied. She heard my word! Damn mouth! You never listen to me do you?

 "N-nothing.. Hehe." Okay I hope she'll ignore it. She's pushing me to turn around. "What feels like ? Tell me." What?! Ms. Jung come on, it's just a slip on my stupid mouth! Don't make me explain such. Please..

 "Just kidding Yoona. You know, we should have one before you go." She told me while smiling like a kid. Why are you acting like a kid where as your asking for ? Kids don't ask !

 "On second thought. Maybe not.." She quickly said. Why are you skipping this today's session? I wonder why.


 After a short while she walked me outside the condominium tower. It's also a first. This third week was somehow different. Not just because we didn't do anything but Ms. Jung's different today. Call me delusional or crazy but I think Ms. Jung is.. Liking me as well? Add a question mark. I'm not sure of it.




 The next day, every time I see Ms. Jung she'd smile at me. Of course I would smile back. She's pretty when she smiles.

 "Did you see that? She smiled at me!" The student from my back suddenly said. Dream on dude. Dream on.

 "She smiled at me! Ms. Jung is so hot!" Another dreamer? Go shoo puppy kid. Now that I think of it, Ms. Jung had made me feel less of a loser. I mean these kids here dream about her so much whereas I make their dreams alive. I'm like Ms. Jung's servant slash slave but who cares? I regret nothing.


 English Class. Ms. GorJess Jung's class. Everyone in 3-C is happy. Even me! Horray for Ms. Jung's class! Horray for YoonSic! Okay I made that name up, get it? Yoon for me and Sic for her name Jessica. Oh! Don't look at me I'm blushing.

 "Hi guys can we have a text to read today?" She brought out a book. Hmm.. 'Sleeping Beauty'? But that's a fairy tale. It's an easy text. "I'll require you all to read this text okay?" Everyone agreed. But I can't seem to see why this? She could have given something harder.


 One person raised her hand. It's resident 3-C genius, Yuri Kwon.





 Third time really is different..? I really love Yoona's character. Its so.. Cute, moron-like but quite sweet. She can't speak properly with Jessica, while her thoughts can fill up four pages of a paper.

 Now were all probably wondering about Ms. Jung's thoughts.. 

 Ohh anyways.. New characters! So watch out for them.


Till next time guys~ If I can, I will try to update tomorrow. 



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Awe. I miss Ms. Jung ang Loser Kid Im Yoona TT TT do you guys miss them both?


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tjsthysys09 #1
I’ve read this for I don’t know how many times already :’) this story is really great
Chapter 19: HAHAHA I read it like "Oh , here we go again"
Omo. Asdfghjkl
Chapter 31: This is really great. Thank you for writing this authornim. Will add this now to my list of faves :)
Chapter 22: oh my, i cried in this chapter :( There's always a fanfiction that's making me cry at some point.
Chapter 14: John Cena jinjja?? hahaha.
I like your creativity authornim :)
Chapter 6: wahaha yoona's pov is so funny. She has lots to say on her mind :)
ArvsYul1205 #8
I am curious about the password. Not a YoonSic shipper ??
Chapter 31: could you please give me the password please :D :D
Chapter 31: i already download a PDF I Guess the password and it's Correct I Love Your Story authornim