Chapter 15

My Lovely Baby Daughter


Kyuhyun POV


I punch in the password to our dorm briskly. When the door click open with a familiar beep, I push the door open harshly, making it hit the wall with a loud thud. That sound piss me off. Annoyed, I slam the door shut with all of my might. The door smack into its frame with a bang and the door visually vibrated. Now I'm sure that's something that our neighbors will be waking up to. But, Screw it. I'm not in the mood to care.

I kick my converse shoes off and stomp towards my room, making the wooden floor squeak and thud as I pass. I push the handle down without any concern that it might break or not, and slam it close with my foot. I start working on taking off my dress shirt with speed, but one of the button drop off because of my strength. Great. Another thing that piss me off. Heck, now everything piss me off.

I dive straight onto my bed, just in my wifebeater shirt and jeans. My pillow welcome me with comfort, slightly easing all the tension and irritation within me. I sigh loudly and hide my face in my pillow. All these frustrations and anger is making me numb. Making my heart numb. I block out all the unwanted thoughts and questions from my head. All i need right now is silence. I lay there, still and quiet, listening to my own heartbeat. It's a comforting rhythm. 


Suddenly the door open and someone walk in. I didn't bother to look. It must be Sungmin, or Siwon. Sungmin is one of the few people who I listen to.. Occasionally.. He's always there for me, to either try to cheer me up by doing some girly aeygo to me OR smack some sense into me. I swear Sungmin hyung has 2 personalities. Extreme personalities. He can be all girly and aegyo-y for one second, but all manly and tough for another. And as for Siwon, the councilor of the group, He will ALWAYS be there whenever something happen and will ALWAYS say something. But everyone loves him. He's always really helpful with advices, even though most of them will be link to, or from the bible. 

I listen to his movements. He sit down quietly on Sungmin's bed and the sound of a jacket ruffling tells me he's removing his jacket. He didn't speak for some moments and I appreciate that. Give me some time. 


When I feel comfortable enough get myself out of my own world, I push myself up from my bed while i rub my face as I rise, and run my hand through my hair a few times. Okay, time to face the music. I hesitantly open my eyes, revealing someone familiar sitting on Sungmin's bed.


No, it's not a 'he'. It's a 'she'.


I stare at her for some time, trying to keep my face emotionless. Why is she here? How did she even get in here? 

Her eyes isn't sparkly like it usually is, it's dark and tense. She frowns and her fingers knot up with each other. She bit her lower lip, a habit of hers when she's nervous. Her eyes never once leave me, staring intensely at me. 


After what seems like hours between us, I finally exhale the breath that I didn't know I was holding on to. She relax just the slightest bit but her lips still remained captured. With trembling fingers, she lift her hand slowly towards me. I choose to stay still and allow her as I stare intensely back into her eyes. When her little fingers touch my face, a smile work it's way onto her face. She then caresses my face gently as she look lovingly into my eyes, the spark in her eyes re-ignited. 


I suddenly pull her towards me and she falls into my arms. Making her sit on my lap, facing me so I can look at her better, I suddenly notice the change of attire today. Because of my sudden pull, her short dress ride up, revealing her creamy thighs. I shift my eyes away from them and look straight at her face. She has also put some makeup on, making her eyes big and bold. She has no idea how tempting she look right now. Unable to contain it any longer, I smash my lips on hers. She was taken by surprise but reacted quickly. She kiss me back with the same strength and passion as me. For that moment, we're back to our own lost world again. Lost in each other's passion and hunger. Hunger for more. 


When she pulls away for air, I shift down towards her jaw and slowly down her neck. Knowing where her sweet spots is, I waste no time and straight away lounge at it. Once my lips contact with her neck, I kiss the spot and it, hard. She moan as a immediate reaction, further encourage me to harder. When I was satisfied with the swollen and moist skin, I kiss it gently and I travel down towards her collar bone.

She suddenly push me down onto the bed and climb onto me, straddling me and attack my face with passionate kisses. I return with that same amount of passion quickly, while I position my hands onto her waist. Slowly running my hand downwards, I finally stop when my hands are gripping her bottom. I feel her smile onto my lips as she feel my tease. To my surprise, she suddenly start moving her body, making the both of us moan into each other's mouth.

That's it. That fired up my manhood.


"Anna." I pant. "Stop."

She stop on command and look at me in wonder. "What's wrong?"

"Get up. Come on."

She didn't push it and get up as I ordered. "Did i do anything wrong?" Her eyes saddened.

I smile reassuringly to her as I smoothen her hair. "No. It's not you. It's me." 

"Why? Is this because you're still angry with me?" Her brows crease.

No, Baby girl. I'm not mad anymore. How can I be mad at you when you're sitting here looking at me like that?

"No." I simply said. "I-I.. We-e.." I stuttered.


Tears start to form in her eyes. "Kyuhyun-ah. Andwe.. Andwe (No)!! You can't leave me!"

She immediately throw me into a hug as she cling onto me tightly. 

"Anna. It's not

"Jason is just a brother of mine! There's nothing between us, i swear! We just grow up together and then he move away, We meet again and that's it! He's just like a brother to me! There is never a chance I will love him.. because.. " She choke. "Because I love you too much. I love you, Kyuhyun. I love you too much and too hard. I shouldn't have, but I couldn't control it. Kyuhyun-ah, believe me. All those hugs and kisses are just a simple greeting from where we came from. It's different from what we share. Completely different.." Her voice turn hoarse from sobbing.


I feel a smile flash onto my face. How cute can this girl be..

I quickly hide my smile before I gently pull her by her shoulder to look into her eyes.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm was angry but not anymore. It's not your fault." I said it incredibly slowly for it to absorb into her head.

A stray tears escape her eyes. "Then what is it?"

I smile. "If we continue.." I paused. "I don't think I can stop myself. Come, Let's just sle"

"Then don't." She said as she look intensely into my eyes. "Don't stop."


With that, she climb back into my lap and kiss me with passion. 

"Saranghae, Kyuhyun. Nurmu Saranghae."




Anna POV


Kyuhyun look down lovingly at me with a gentle smile. He's hair is turning grey and has little hints of wrinkles around his face but he is still as handsome as he look like when he was an Idol. He's still the Kyuhyun that I know.. but something changed. He seems more gentle as he hold onto my hand. He's eyes would never leave mine for a minute. It's weird, but it's nice. While he has my hand on one of his hand, he has a book on his other. I peek at it but he quickly hide it behind his back. He flash a cheeky smile. The smile that look all child-like and carefree. My favorite smile of his. He slowly lean down and I know it just well what is he going to do. I slowly close my eyes, awaiting.. ... .. But it never came.


I open my eyes once again. I'm now in a different place. Where am I? I'm lying on something comfy. What is it? I quickly jump up, to see Kyuhyun still in deep sleep, snoring softly. Oh, It's just a dream. Just a dream. Well, at least it's something!

I turn myself back into reality. I'm currently sitting in Super Junior dorm, beside a Super Junior member, both trying to fit together on a single sized bed, . Well, reality don't seems too bad from the dream~ I like it.

Kyuhyun stir and starts to wake. When he has his eyes open, a smile immediately flash onto his face.

"Why? What so amusing?" I asked with a smile.

"You. Have you forgotten something?" He responded with his husky morning voice.

I look around and search. Nope, nothing that I remembered of.

"Nope. Are you hiding my stuffs again?" I rise my eyebrows and look suspiciously at him.

He laugh loudly. He then lift his hands up, pointing to my chest.

I look down. The bed sheets is drape around my body. But my chest is exposed because I'm sited up.


"Ah!" I yelped as I pull the sheets to cover myself.

"YAH YAH YAH!" He yell. "Stop pulling! I'm not wearing anything yet!"

I stop on command as my cheeks grew red immediately.

"Don't look!" I warned.

"Alright alright! Face the wall! I'm gonna wear something." He ordered.

I did as I am told to and face the wall, covering my chest with my arms. 

He giggle and shuffle off the bed. He pick up the the pile of clothes that lay messily on the ground beside the bed and throw them all to my direction.

"Yah!" I was about to turn and glare at him or something, but I do remember my orders.

"Face the wall!" He reminded.

"I know!"

"You know, I saw everything yesterday. You don't really need to hide." He said as the sound of clothes ruffling rattle again, and I know he has a smirk on his face without looking.

"YAH!" My cheeks gets warmer and warmer to the extent that I think I'm gonna to burn myself.

He laugh loudly. The sound of the waistband of his boxers slapping to his skin tells me he's done. I quickly wrap the blanket around my body and get up. 

"Yah! Are you asking for death?" I jokingly threatened as I stand up on the bed, towering over him.

He hold both of his hand up in surrender and smile like a freak.

"You look like an apple right now." He laughed.


Suddenly the door throw open and Sungmin walk in.

"Hey Kyuhyun-ah, You alrigh—" 

I yelp and quickly lay down, hiding my body with the bed sheets. 

Sungmin froze in middle of the room and his mouth drop open, incredibly shocked.

Kyuhyun quickly fly towards the bedroom door and lock it. Lucky he did, as noises start flooding behind the door. 


"Opps." Sungmin said as he quickly turn around.

Kyuhyun then quickly grab him by his arm, open the door with the rowdy crowd outside, push him outside and lock the door once again.


"Opps." Kyuhyun said as he turn to me.


Hey guys! Love this updatee!! Hehehehe!

I couldn't write more. It's a PG fiction. Sorry guys! (I know you want more, don't have to hide;])

So what do you think?


Anyway, I have a big favor to ask!!

I really need feedbacks to my writing skills.. I feel that I need improving on that.

Yes, I'm insecure, but you can't blame me!

So if you guys happen to have some free time on hand, please give me a review!

Click here for the link!

In return, You'll be credited on the FOREWORD!

I'll appreciate it!


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See you guys soon!

- Claire

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It was a nice story
Sallybahari #2
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeeeee
matsumotoakira #3
Chapter 30: I hope you update soon
Nataluwechka #4
Will you finish this story???
I liked it so much:)
AEGYO92 #5
Chapter 30: update pleaseT_T
jade_sauquillo #6
Chapter 30: Please update..
I love this story..
Chapter 30: please update ASAP! I LOVE this story!
Chapter 30: MAH FEELS! TT.TT I'm actually tearing up! Kyuhyun you better raise that babeh with all yo' luv! Anna didn't give birth for nothing!
Agee3231 #9
Chapter 28: Please let Anna be alive TT
Chapter 30: is this the last chapter? please NO :) still waiting for an update :) FIGHTING!!~ :)