Chapter 19

My Lovely Baby Daughter

Anna stands outside the door that is filled with scribbles of different names, mostly in blue ink, as she plays with her fingers nervously. It's already determined, theres only two ways of how their future could end up after tonight. But both equally miserable. Before her thinning fingers could even touch the bell button, the door click open.

"Oh. It's Anna." One of their managers smile at the sight of her. She greet him with a bow which he return one in the same way.

He shout into the house for Kyuhyun and then turn back to her. "I have to go now. Goodnight!"

"Take care." Anna say, before he disappear into the elevator.


Kyuhyun who just finish his dinner, take another bite on his apple as he walk to the foyer as he's told. Anna give him a small smile as he walk over.

"Oh, what brings you here? I thought you have something to do with work?" He ask, as he pull the door open for her to come in. She caresses his face gently.

"Oh. I'm looking for Siwon. Duh." She sarcastically remark as she put her arms around his neck and pulls him into a hug. Kyuhyun's a little taken aback by it, but lets her. She doesn't always do affections this often, it's only natural he feels this way.


"Woah. Guys! Can't you guys wait till you both are inside? What if a fan managed to slip the security and see you both?" Eunhyuk rumble as he stand in front of them.

Anna let him go before greeting him.

"Speak for yourself." Kyuhyun smile sneakily, seeming like it's an inside thing. Eunhyuk ignore it as he go ahead and enter the house first.

"Come on." Kyuhyun whispers softly in english.


Kyuhyun lead Anna towards his room and only allows her in after peeking in. On the bed at the corner, it's Sungmin in a pink pajamas and a white t-shirt, a hair band holding his hair, playing his pink guitar with a pencil on his lips. He looks up when Anna enters. His eyes enlarge with exaggeration, his signature shock kitty eyes. Both kyuhyun and Anna contiunes to watch him with amusement. He point to kyuhyun accusingly, then point to anna, like he's trying to say that kyuhyun shouldn't be bringing anna here. Kyuhyun roll his eyes, before he settle in front of his laptop where the screen shows his paused game.


Anna greet with a bow, before jumping onto Kyuhyun's bed. Anna lay there, closing her eyes. It's been an interesting week. Surely a week to remember forever. She savor the feeling of his bed, the smell of him all over the sheets and save them all in the drawers of her heart. Then, a warm loving hand caresses her, swiping hair away from her face. She opens her eyes, and finds Kyuhyun looking down at her with love in his eyes. His expression shows care and concern.


"Is there something wrong?" He say, something she has never hear him say the entire time she knew him.

She stares into his eyes. Yes, everything's wrong.

"You want to share?" He say again.


You have no idea how much I want to leap into your arms and tell you everything, she thought. It is only when Kyuhyun's hands wipe her cheeks, she then realize there's tears flowing from her eyes. He then push himself up, and walk to the door. Anna's eyes follow him and realize Sungmin's no longer in the room. Kyuhyun lock the door and shut his laptop, before he join her in bed. He settle by her side, pulling her into his arms, letting her head rest on his chest.


"Just rest then." He closes his eye, holding Anna tightly. She clench on his shirt, as if she holding onto for her life.

In a small voice, she says to him. "I quit my job today."

He peeks open one eye. "Is that all?"

She didn't respond, and just look at him.

"I thought what devastating news it could be." He smile. "You have me."


She flip herself, putting her chin on his chest so she can look at him better.

He pat her hair. "You don't have to worry about money. Not when you're with me."

She nods even though its not the point but its nice to know anyway.


"Kyuhyun-ah, what would our future be like?" In the same small voice, she ask.

"Mmm.. I don't know.."

"Would you want kids?"

"Kids? Of course!" He look into her eyes. "But not now. It's not the right time."

He notice her shifted eyes, so he continue. "We still have a long way to go, don't we? We still has dreams to fulfilled. Kids can always come after. Right?"

She nods as she shift her eyes away from his. It's enough said.


She then climb on top of him, one knee at each side of his waist and his head between her arms. Without any words, she move her eager lips on his beautiful facials. With soft butterfly kisses, she slowly near his mouth. She give him a long wet peek, before gently his lower lip. She let his lip go then attacks his mouth. Their tongue dance together in harmony, in a slow but satisfying pace. No need for any domination.

Getting the hint, His hands then run along her back, pushing her body closer than it already is. His fingers stop on her lower back and he plays with the hems of her shirt. He then lift her shirt and she let him as she break away from him. Now with just a bra and her tight jeans, she stranded on top of him, her hands slowly move down the growing bulge underneath her. She give everywhere a little squeeze, everywhere but where she knows he needs it the most. When he open his mouth to say something, Anna quickly shove her tongue in his mouth, shutting him up.

After another round of making out, she break away once again, to pull his shirt off this time. He lift his back up for her convenience and she successfully takes it off. After she toss it over her shoulders, she move herself backwards, so she could put butterfly kisses all over his pale broad chest. With delicate fingers, she trace the scars left from that car accident. He watch her with adoration as she put her head on his chest as she circle the scars. Just like a kid, he thought. He put his hand protectively around her as he pat her hair with the other.


"Kyuhyun-ah." She whisper, her eyes lock on his body.

"Mm?" He hum softly in respond.

"I'm so lucky I met you." He chuckle.

"Of course. Who am I?" He feel her smile against his body.


"I lied about never searching your name on Naver."


"I secretly like the comments of how awesome my boyfriend is."

He laugh loudly.


"Whenever I see you on TV, I'm feel proud that your dirty boxers is in my laundry."

She continue on. "I like the fact you are the one that took my ity."

The grin on his face just grow bigger.

She finally push herself up to look at him. "I love you."


He pull her to him and give her a deep long kiss, before turning her over and trapping her underneath him.

"Let me show you love."



Anna continues to watch him as he sleep soundly. Even though she's in his arms, protected by his love and his warmth, tears can't stop flowing down her cheeks. Knowing the limit, she gently steal another kiss on his lip before she gets up. She take her time picking up the clothes that they recklessly toss all over the place and hang them over her arms. She quickly dress and gather all her stuff.

Just before she leave this place for good, she take one last good look at him. She knows in her heart she didn't want to leave but knows eventually, one day she will have to. It's only the matter of time. Craving the image of the last of him into the depths of her heart, she then turn, with her hands over to silence her cries and... left.



"Hyung, have you seen Anna?" Kyuhyun ask as he walk out his room, only in his boxers and bedridden hair.

Sungmin simply shake his head while staring into space. It's obvious that he also just woke up. Poor him, had to spend the night on the couch. He gave the couple some space when he sensed that Anna's upset, but didn't expected them to just kick him out like that.

"Oh, thanks." Kyuhyun say before walking away.

He sigh as he holds her phone in his hands. It was beside his laptop on the table when he woke up this morning. That girl..., He thought.

Figuring that she'll come back for it, he simply toss it on his bed, before joining s for breakfast.



Kyuhyun walk to elevator lobby with a weird feeling. It's been haunting him for days. He feels so uncomfortable, so uneasy, even though nothing was wrong with him. No headaches, no stomachaches, perfectly fine, yet he just feels so out of place. 

Just like always, he'll run to Anna. Anna makes his worries goes away, like nothing matters in the world as long as she's beside him. That's how Anna makes him feel like.

While waiting for the elevator to pick him up from the ground level, he uses the time to make a call. 


When the ringing pause and a voice answer, his eyes enlarge with attention. 

"Oh, my son?" His mother smoothing voice comes on the speaker.

"Umma. Have you eaten?"

"Yeah, I've eaten. What's wrong?" She questions. Although it's not that her son rarely contact her, but it's always for some particular reason.

"Ah, Nothing." He quickly ensures her. "It's just.. Did anything happened at home?" 

"Why?" His mother quickly asks. 

"Ani. I just feel worried that's all." 

"Oh.. Nope. Everything's fine at home."

Kyuhyun nods at her positive tone, happy that nothing happen to his family and yet confused of what exactly is causing his distress, at the same time. He has never feel this way before. Something just tells him, something is wrong. 

"Okay, I got it. Take care, Umma." He said, before hanging up after her. 


He quickly board the elevator. Getting off at Anna's apartment level, he clench her phone in his hand. Being apart from each other is no stranger to this couple. The couple had been through weeks and months apart, mostly because of their hectic work, but recently, it felt different.

Walking up to her door, Kyuhyun stare blankly at the door. He wonder briefly how many times he has been here. Countless, probably. He smile at the sudden flashback of him and Anna walking out of the elevator, hand in hand, laughing at some nonsense. He can still remember Anna smiling so brightly as though the world belongs to them. They would buy bottles of Soju and spend all night drinking together. All the pranks they would play on each other and moments they spent together. It was nothing but happiness.

Thinking back, a smile grows on Kyuhyun's face, but his heart feels so empty out of a sudden. Clearing his mind as he shake his head and punch in the password before scanning his finger. The system beep open and he walk in. The only source of light that allows his vision from the darkness, comes only above his head. Other than that, the house is pitch black.

Knowing her absence, he sigh. Switching on the lights, he place the black plastic bag that he was holding onto the coffee table, and the soju bottles inside clink loudly against the glass top. Ignoring it, he head for the bedroom. After plucking in the charger to Anna's phone, he then notice the foreign object lying on their bed. A Letter. His heart pauses as he notices the familiar handwriting. 



Thank you for the precious time and beautiful memories you gave me. It was so magical.

Sorry for not telling you that I'm leaving. I'm going back to US.

I promise I'll remember you forever. 

Live your life to the fullest. Be happy.

— Anna.




Kyuhyun smile cheekily as the MC laugh at his comment. Realizing the time, the MC then start to close up, saying Chinese words that most of the group don't understand, of course except for Zhoumi and Henry. Taking a liking to the playful image that Kyuhyun posses throughout the show, the MC then look at him expectantly. 


"Kyuhyun. How's today? How do you feel about the program?" The MC ask, entirely in Chinese.

The translator sitting behind him then quickly translate, although he has already caught on some words.

"Emm.." He take a moment to think. "Today. Is. Fun." He reply in Chinese, adding a thumbs up to further emphases it.

"Okay! Thank you Super Junior-M!"


With that, everyone stand to their feet and say their closing statement together, before the producer shouts "cut". Giving quick bows to everyone on set, the group then quickly head to their waiting room.

Donghae happily jump on Siwon's back as Eunhyuk and Henry watch amusingly. Sungmin, who is still confused about certain comment thrown to him, quick consult Zhoumi. He laugh loudly to the question, finding it hilarious that Sungmin understand nothing of it, yet did a appropriate reaction to it, as if he understood. Kyuhyun continue talking to the female MC as he walk on. The Chinese that he learnt in Taiwan seems so useful. Girls seems to like whatever he's saying. Reaching the entrance of their waiting room, he wave goodbye to her, before reuniting with his group.

The first thing he thinks of is his phone. Rushing to the corner where his phone is charging, he unlock it to see the number of missed call and messages he received. The members secretly watch a smile flash onto his face as he reads one of the many messages. 


"Yah maknae! Who is it this time?" Eunhyuk purposely tease, as he try to take a peek at it. 

Kyuhyun quickly hide it behind his back as he push his hyungs further away from him. 

Siwon who find the situation funny, then join in as he secure Kyuhyun tightly in his arms. Using the chance, Donghae quickly grab the phone out of his hands. Henry quickly peek at it.

"Wow! She's pretty!" Henry's mouth drop at the sight. 

Ryeowook gather to look. "What? A new girl again?"


Siwon who didn't got to see it, release his hold on Kyuhyun to take a look. Seeing it for himself, his eyes enlarge in admiration.

Kyuhyun quickly snatch it back. "Yah! It's private!" He yell, but with a smile on his face.

Right on time, his phone starts ringing and the members howl teasingly. Kyuhyun wave them off, before walking out the door to answer it.

The second he's gone, the atmosphere in the room suddenly drop to the lowest. The room instantly became quiet. The members glance at each other, before they all sit on the couch in the middle of the huge waiting room.

First one to make a sound is Eunhyuk, but all he did was sigh. 

"Kyuhyun.. I wish he would just drop the act." Sungmin say, as he look out the window. 

"It's been five months, right?" Henry, who didn't know as much, watch the smiles from the member's faces disappear. 


Although he laugh, smile, and play as though nothing's wrong, everyone knows. Everyone knows he's nothing to alright and that deep inside, his heart is bleeding. The spark in his eyes no longer present in his eyes, no matter how much he pretends or how much smiles he fakes. The truly happy Kyuhyun no longer lives. The Kyuhyun who now walks with them is just a robot. A robot designed to sing, dance and entertain, but has no feelings or emotions on the inside. 


Leading against the wall, Kyuhyun stare blankly at his phone screen. The phone vibrates in his hands but he has no intention to answer it. The phone continue to ring, before it end and return to the lock screen. Still, Kyuhyun remain still. 

This happens frequently after she left. He's no more aware of anything around him. He used to can't stand sitting at one place without complaining he's bored. But now, he can sit for hours without realizing hours flew past him and just like that, days gone by. 

Bringing himself back to earth, he push himself off the wall. Layering his face with another mask of smiles, he walks back to the waiting room, where s jolly welcome him.


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12 streak #1
It was a nice story
Sallybahari #2
Chapter 30: Update pleaseeeeeeeee
matsumotoakira #3
Chapter 30: I hope you update soon
Nataluwechka #4
Will you finish this story???
I liked it so much:)
AEGYO92 #5
Chapter 30: update pleaseT_T
jade_sauquillo #6
Chapter 30: Please update..
I love this story..
Chapter 30: please update ASAP! I LOVE this story!
Chapter 30: MAH FEELS! TT.TT I'm actually tearing up! Kyuhyun you better raise that babeh with all yo' luv! Anna didn't give birth for nothing!
Agee3231 #9
Chapter 28: Please let Anna be alive TT
Chapter 30: is this the last chapter? please NO :) still waiting for an update :) FIGHTING!!~ :)