Chapter20-The Threat.

The only exception.

Jessica's POV

I tapped my fingers impatiently as I stared at the empty seat beside me worriedly. In lieu to the surprise event organised, a lecture was conducted to let us know the activities and games we will be competing in for the competition. Not.forgetting the rules and regulations of the games.

*Where is he?? He said that he would be quick....*


"Sica, you go ahead first, I need to use the toilet." Onew said stopping me as I dragged him towards the auditorium.

I shook my head and said stubbornly." I will wait for you. Palii."

Onew looked at me and gently took away my grip on his hand as he said, " Sica I won't take long. I know that you hate sitting on the cold floor, which makes your all cold and uncomfortable. Besides you are wearing a dress today. Go. I wil be fine." He nudged me gently and I nodded my head hesitantly as I walked away, heading towards the auditorium.


*Where in the world is he?? Unless...being the clumsy and dorky Onew...he tripped over flat ground and fell headfirst into the toilet bowl? Or him being the chicken fanatic he was...he probably caught a whiff of fresh fried chicken and dashed off in pursue of it *

Onew's POV

I gently told Jessica to go to the auditorium first as I needed to use the toilet. She refused and I firmly told her to go and gave her my assurance. She nodded and headed to the auditorium reluctantly as she dragged her footsteps.

I went to the toilet after losing sight of her petite form. Just when I came out from the cubicle, sighing with relief as I no longer felt the urge to answer nature's call. A hand stopped me from moving any further. I looked up my as I locked gaze with Jonghyun. Confusion, shock and fear flashed in my eyes as he started to approach me.

"Wae? Jonghyun hajima!" I said my voice rising with each syllable I uttered. He ignored my request and continued with a smirk on his face, until I stumbled onto the wall.

"You can't escape now." He muttered snarkly, clutching my shoulders. I tried escaping from his grasp but failed as his grip remained strong. I stopped resisting and waited for him to continue on with his motive. He smirked even more and lightened his hold on me.

"For this event. Lose. And do it on purpose, let Jessica know that you lost intentionally. " Jonghyun glowered at me as he uttered those words spit could be seen flying from his mouth as he stressed upon each word.

He caught sight of my expression filled with terror and chuckled. His evil laughter filled my head as he strutted of with his side-kick Key by his side. I blinked once. Then twice. As I tried to absorb the happenings, when horror filled my mind...

*That means I can't be with Jessica and I have to lose on purpose. I'm implicating Jessica into this as well. Won't Sica be angry with me then??*

I walked slowly towards the auditorium as Jonghyun's words echoed in my head. Those words kept replaying in my mind.

I walked hesitantly to the seat where Jessica sat on. Jessica seemed to have noticed my presence and jumped up from her seat in alarm. She clutched my hands and exclaimed with her signature pout. "Onew! Where were you? I was thinking about the numerous things that could befall upon you..."

I reassured her that nothing happened to me and I just had a bad case of stomachache. She stared at me for awhile longer, not knowing whether to believe me or not. I nodded vigorously, urging her to believ that it was the truth. She giggled and nodded and said, "Glad you are okay." Her excitement from the competition soon wiped away all her previous doubts and she bounded up and down excitedly, her face tainted pink as ecstasy overflowed from within her. I smiled as her gaze landed upon me.

Her bright white smile, which was able to light up the darkest tunnel and was worthy enough to be filmed into a toothpaste commercial film flashed at me. "Onew we must win this, okay? I want that day-of!!" She said chirpily, turning her back on me.

As soon as she turned her back to me, my smile vanished and my spirits dropped to rock-bottom. *Oh no. Jessica what would happen to that one million dollar smile if we lost the competition. And what's more we lost because you trusted in me and I lost on purpose?*

I squirmed in discomfort as I smiled awkwardly back at Jessica as she whispered a cute, "We must win. Okay?" I sighed inwardly and turned my head backwards. My gaze landed upon Jonghyun and my anxious face turned into a glare as my brows furrowed together.

He smirked upon seeing my expression and mouthed arrogantly, "Lose. Or you will regret it." I clenched my fists, no longer fear and terror rising in me but pure fury and anger. I wanted to storm out of my seat towards him and bash him up right on the spot when a voice diverted my attention.

"Onew! It's starting. Quick, focus. We need to know the rules and regulations for the first segment of the competition and we must plan our tactics and strategies." Jessica said anxiously, I raised my eyebrow seeing her competitive spirit and her determination to win.

"Arraso. Arraso." I shot one last look to Jonghyun before turning my attention to the screen before me. Ad I stared at the screen, and my jaw drop. I could hear that the crowd around me was surprised to as murmurs and exclaims echoed throughout the room.

*You can't be kidding me. This .*

A/N. Hey I said there won't be any updates for a week but I did this chapter during my holiday and as I'm leaving for another holiday tomorrow, technically today , I will just update this to give you guys something to read!! See ya when I come back from my holiday. No worries, I will try to put some spare time into writing a chapter!! Annyeong!

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Chapter 1: update soon please
2NE1minzyforever #2
kyuminnielove16 #3
Chapter 22: nice cliffhanger .....
Chapter 22: Yay! You updated! (:
Thanks for updating! hehe^^
Chapter 21: Cliffhanger~ Lol. Have a nice vacay and update asap! :)
2NE1minzyforever #7
Chapter 20: just sarted reading this:)so good:)
Chapter 20: Have fun overseas! I really liked the update! :)
LalaLim #9
Chapter 19: Taebabyyy chickenfreak and potatofever dont forget me too D:
Chapter 20: awwwww chickfreak im gonna kill you for not attending !! :( whatever tho. so glad we r ganna be in the same class next year. i expect 2 more years of friendship with potatofever LOL I enjoy your update. fighting!!