Chapter 12-The end??

The only exception.

Onew's POV

"Onew!!" I heard a bubbly voice call me as I was serving detention. I turned my head around , surprised that I would meet somebody I knew in detention.

"Seohyun! What are you doing here?" I asked, not believing my eyes. She scratched her head and said weakly." I got caught talking to YongHwa during Art class..."

" But Miss Yoona is usually very good tempered and she likes you.." I said not believing that Seohyun who was so popular among teachers would actually be in trouble with one.

" Haha I was very 'bad' in class today... so well I guess I deserved it." Seohyun shrugged good naturedly, recounting why she got issued detention.

Seohyun started telling me why she got into Miss Yoona's bad books in the first place. She recounted from her point of view, whilst I listened thoughtfully. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Miss Yoona, I'm sorry I'm late. I forgot to take my art materials. Mianhae.(sorry)" I said hurriedly, bowing to Miss Yoona apologising. Miss Yoona's face looked like she wanted to reprimand me but softened upon seeing my meek behaviour and told me in an endearing tone to go to my seat and to not disturb the class.

Seohyun then told me why she even started to talk to YongHwa. She continued with a deep sigh and a regretful tone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat down and YongHwa winked at me. Giving me a thumbs up sign and smiling a bright smile. I returned his smile and started to paint my artwork. Adding vibrant colours to the once blank and plain canvas.

Suddenly, I heard this soft singing coming from my right, I turned my head in astonishment and cocked my head to the right side. True enough, I heard somebody singing "Oetoriya...oetoriya."(im a loner)

I looked up surprised and that somebody was YongHwa...he wore a forlorn expression and I asked him," YongHwa why are you singing that?"

He looked up and said in a mock sad tone,"Well, the person beside me is concentrating so hard on her art work, which apparently deserves more attention then me...and I'm left alone talk to a canvas..."

I looked around and realised that the only person beside YongHwa was me, and blushed a deep red. I playfully punched him lightly on the shoulder and we entered a while new world consisting of me, YongHwa and kpop.

We talked endlessly, losing track of time. Our conversation consisted of giggles, laughter and exclaims.

Coming back to reality she said to me, adding a pinch of humour to her words, attempting to create a cheery atmosphere."Oh well, when you are talking about kpop this would very likely make up the conversation. But YongHwa and me should probably not talk about kpop in class as that resulted in me getting detention." Seohyun said ending of with a slight pouting of .

"Oh least we can keep each other company...can't imagine staring into space for three whole hours." I said, attempting to make Seohyun feel better and not whine about a factthat could not be undone. She nodded in agreement and asked me curiously, what I was writing on the paper.

*Oh no...I was childishly scribbling my thoughts on Jessica on that paper which also included many phrases of my love and concern for her...and Seohyun is her best friend!*I hurriedly swiped the paper under my bag and quickly said," It's nothing...just some...some...some notes!" I said finding something plausible that can fool Seohyun.

Seohyun's POV

*Dorky Onew is kind of cute!* I thought chuckling as his whole face was filled with anxiety and he looked extremely flustered... Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of the words written on the scrap paper.


My heart warmed at the cute, naive Onew. I smiled a small smile and thought. *Both of those silly people! Liking each other but not wanting to face up to the fact and be courageous and confess to each other. Gosh! The mount of misery they would have been spared..* I chuckled softly and looked at Onew. His face was still flushed with embarrassment and he was playing with his fingers anxiously.

Before I could open my mouth to let Onew know that it was okay and he should gather up courage and chase Jessica, he interrupted me.

"Seohyun, I know that Jessica is your best friend but please just don't tell her... Don't tell her that you saw me scribbling childishly on a piece of scrap paper that concerned questions about her...I'm sure she hates me enough already... In fact I'm planning to give up..."

A/N. Haha...cliffhanger. thanks guys for bearing with me through this extremely irregular updates... Please subscribe and comment! Thank you!:)

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Chapter 1: update soon please
2NE1minzyforever #2
kyuminnielove16 #3
Chapter 22: nice cliffhanger .....
Chapter 22: Yay! You updated! (:
Thanks for updating! hehe^^
Chapter 21: Cliffhanger~ Lol. Have a nice vacay and update asap! :)
2NE1minzyforever #7
Chapter 20: just sarted reading this:)so good:)
Chapter 20: Have fun overseas! I really liked the update! :)
LalaLim #9
Chapter 19: Taebabyyy chickenfreak and potatofever dont forget me too D:
Chapter 20: awwwww chickfreak im gonna kill you for not attending !! :( whatever tho. so glad we r ganna be in the same class next year. i expect 2 more years of friendship with potatofever LOL I enjoy your update. fighting!!