Chapter10- I want the old you back

The only exception.

Onew's POV

"Hyung! So what's up?" Taemin bounded excitedly to me, grinning from face to face.

It was now break time and the immensely boring and life- lecture had concluded. I'm actually proud to say I survived it. It was a miracle. Really.

"Oh...I went over to Jessica's house just as I told you I would...but apparently she does not need me to fetch her to school and is chauffeured to school." I said in a monotonous tone, trying to smile but that ended badly and resulted in a grimace. A feeble attempt on my part... "Oh...but that's all that happened??" Taemin asked me surprised. "Well obviously that means I got dumped..." I said struggling to croak out the words as the painful truth sank in deeper. I cringed at the thought.

"'s okay. There are a lot more better girls out there...don't let ice princess break your heart just as she has broke many others..." Taemin said wearing a petulant face. I looked up at the face normally filled with smiles, which was now replaced with a grim expression. My heart warmed at the thought that Taemin was there to support me, no matter what happens and smiled.

Taemin's POV

Though Onew put on a smile on his face it was obvious that he was crying on the inside. He can't fool me. Just looking at the face of his, I could see that the smile was a forced one. Whenever he thinks that nobody is looking, he immediately puts on the same old gloomy and down expression. My heart ached as I saw him suffering. I longed for him to be his normal self again. To emit sunshine rays that would light up anyone's day. I sighed seeing him from the corner of my eye wearing that expression again.

*Argh screw that expression!*My insides screamed. I placed my head on the table and pondered over what to do in the current situation. I wanted the old Onew back.

Jessica's POV

After a horrifying lesson of math and history I exited out of the classroom, legs turning weak from sitting for so long. My strength faltered for a moment and I slumped towards the nearby lockers, exhausted from the stress of working long hours in the company my dad owned. However, I enjoyed working there, I liked business and took an interest in it thus being a very suitable heir to my dad's company. Just then I heard voices and I recognised them as Onew's and Taemin's. I hurriedly gestured to Seohyun asking her to keep quiet and hide behind the lockers, thus being able to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Onew's crystal clear voice rang in my ears as he recounted the incident that occured in the morning. My heart sank when Taemin asked  him to elaborate. I then felt the atmosphere tense ad heard Onew's laboured breathing as he replied in a deep and husky voice saying that he got dumped by me. I tensed as guilt penetrated my soul and zoned out. Losing track of the conversation. As I heard the footsteps of Onew and Taemin leaving the lockers and heading to the knees buckled and gave in to my weight.

"Sica! You okay?' Seohyun said, tone full of concern. She clutched my shoulder, preventing me from collapsing on the cold, hard floor. "Yeap! I'm fine. Probably just tired after working for the entire day yesterday sorting out potential investments...and trust me the two boring lectures in a row did nothing to help the headache I'm having now." I smiled a small smile and tried to lighten up the atmosphere cooking up small jokes.

Deep inside, my heart shattered into a thousand pieces...I felt like choking on my own tears as I felt the hurt that I inflicted onto Onew. An impending truth doomed on me as I realised that I've fallen for Onew. However, though I liked Onew, I was pushing him away from me...It was draining me out mentally and emotionally...I felt like giving just crumbling, giving way to the weight of a wall. It was hard liking a person...when you do know that there are many responsibilities waiting for you... After all I was rich and Onew...he isn't... I shut myself out...and softly told Seohyun that I was not feeling well and dismissed myself.

I wanted to shut myself out from my thoughts, my troubles..and be free from their oppression and fly away with no troubles at all...but that's not life.

Seohyun's POV

My heart ached as I saw how badly Sica reacted and I suspected that she liked Onew...I sighed an inaudible sigh.*Sica, why do you put yourself through all this?? If you do like.him why not just accept him? It will make things a whole lot would be happier too...*

I sighed deeply and resolved to do anything for Jessica to relieve her of this trouble. I wanted the old Jessica back...


A/N Hi guys and girls... I hope that you guys like the fic and I'm really sorry that I was 'torturing' Onew in the last few chapters but yeap this is kind of the turning point so I promise things will get better. Thank you readers for being there for me. Comment and subscribe pls.

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Chapter 1: update soon please
2NE1minzyforever #2
kyuminnielove16 #3
Chapter 22: nice cliffhanger .....
Chapter 22: Yay! You updated! (:
Thanks for updating! hehe^^
Chapter 21: Cliffhanger~ Lol. Have a nice vacay and update asap! :)
2NE1minzyforever #7
Chapter 20: just sarted reading this:)so good:)
Chapter 20: Have fun overseas! I really liked the update! :)
LalaLim #9
Chapter 19: Taebabyyy chickenfreak and potatofever dont forget me too D:
Chapter 20: awwwww chickfreak im gonna kill you for not attending !! :( whatever tho. so glad we r ganna be in the same class next year. i expect 2 more years of friendship with potatofever LOL I enjoy your update. fighting!!