
Sorry, but I'm Taken by...

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I pulled Kai into the kitchen. "Yah. Why did you bring her? It was for us to get together again. We didn't want to add someone new. When I texted you about family reunion for EXO, Kevin, YoSeob and MiHyo; I didn't mean to bring a date."
"I just wanted you guys to meet my girlfriend." He smirked while looking at his date from the kitchen opening.
"Cut the crap. She's hired." I caught him off guard and he looked at me shocked. He shook his head to try to cover up. "I know she's your cousin." Someone walked in saying that.
"Hey YoSeob." Kai said kinda broken.
"Is this to make MiHyo jealous?" Kevin walked in eating some popcorn.
"No." Kai answered with guilt.
"Stop. She's not going to take you back." I said after sitting down on the breakfast nook.
"He's right. After that stunt you pulled, she's not going to." YoSeob said. Kevin sat down along side me.
"Dude that was a stupid move. You're lucky she doesn't hate you. You're lucky didn't kill you in your sleep." Kevin continued.
"It would've, but I'm a good guy." Kris spoke as he walked in.
"Hurry guys! Tao said he brought Twister!" MiHyo exclaimed as she peeked through the 'hole-in-the-wall'. It was just the bar thing.
"Ara!" We all yelled and rolled our eyes.
"Damn it Tao!" Kris said as he remembered why Tao left saying he was going to the bathroom. He took like an hour.
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No One

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"Red Left Foot!" Chen yelled over them. He kept complaining that his waist is bad. They decided to shut his complaining and let him yell with his powerful vocals.
"Yah! You're stepping on me!" MiHyo screamed at XiuMin.
"SaRang, you look hot!" Kai rooted and pumped his fist. BaekHyun turned his head as fast as lightning and gave Kai a disgusted look. Kris, Kevin and YoSeob turned their heads slowly and shook their heads at him. Kris still didn't know that was his cousin, but he still didn't like it.
"Shut up!" SeHun yelled at Tao who was being cocky and then Tao cursed at SeHun in Mandarin.
"Watch your mouth!" LuHan yelled at the young one. "Only your geges can say that."
"Blue Right Hand!" Chen yelled again and SaRang grabbed MiHyo's arm and pulled it making her fall. SaRang was known for being easy and evil. MiHyo stumbled a little, but her hand landed perfectly on the dot. SaRang was amazed and XiuMin fell out leaving only 5 of them there. LuHan, SeHun, MiHyo and the evil SaRang. SaRang smirked and kept trying to cheat.
"Ahh! Mother fudger!" LuHan screamed like a girl and fell face flat onto SeHun's chest.
"Yah! You made me out. By the way, I would so date you if you were a tranny." SeHun got up and smirked.
"Gay!" LuHan pointed to the maknae with shaky fingers.
"Says the tranny!" SeHun laughed. SaRang had to face Tao and MiHyo alone now. They could smell the food which made XiuMin dance with joy and ran off to wait for the food D.O and Lay were cooking.
"Let's go for Green Left Hand." Chen said. MiHyo moved with easy and so did Tao, but SaRang had some difficult in changing her direction 180º degrees. She pulled MiHyo's arm and smirked as MiHyo fell leaving the dot empty. SaRang took the dot and Tao looked amazed. He stood up and accused SaRang, "You pulled MiHyo's arm. You cheater."
"I did nothing wrong. Oppa? Did you see anything?" She gave Kai the puppy eyes as she linked her arms onto Kai's left. "I didn't." He patted her head and looked at MiHyo who was too lazy to get up.
"He might not have, but I saw it." Kris raised his hand and the rest of the boys nodded their heads.
"Oppa, they don't like me." She tried doing aegyo. She obviously failed if Tao's aegyo barely works on us. His was crazy tempting, but her's was like .
"That's okay. I don't think a lot of people like you." MiHyo stood up. "I still like you though. Call the quits?" MiHyo held out her hand. SaRang scoffed and slapped MiHyo's hand down. Everyone was in shock. It was now true; they didn't like her.
"By the way, she's pretty. You should've got a better actress for your 'date'. I know SaRang is your cousin. She does brag about how you're her cousin. ." MiHyo smiled and went to set up the table.
"I think we should go sit down  in the garage. Help set up the tables anyone?" BaekHyun suggested and went to the garage.
"I'm sorry." SaRang whispered to Kai. kai just shook her off and proceeded to the garage to help out.
After eating some EXO boys left with the manager to the dorms. Kai was brought to the kitchen again with Kris, Kevin and YoSeob. SaRang was told to go home, since she was just a pain to listen to. BaekHyun went to clean up the living room with MiHyo.
"Do you now understand? She won't take you back?" Kevin asked.
"I don't think that true." Kai said as he sat down at the nook.
"It's unlikely, but it could still happen." Kris said.
"I'm going to have her." All 4 said at once and all gave weird looks to each other.
"Challenge accepted." YoSeob cheered, but faded to a low dissapointed 'aw'.
And that was how it began. 4 knights looking for the damsel in distress all at once in a crazy battle.


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I have writer's block guys! The pain!


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Chapter 27: i wanted her to end up with kris but then kai but then kevin.. its weird that she actually ended up with kevin.. :D but yay!! cute story! i really enjoyed it.. ^^
UkissistheB2st #2
Chapter 26: Really wasnt expecting her to end up with Kevin; but i'm not against it~!
UkissistheB2st #3
Chapter 25: They're so cute together~!!
R_Squared_Pi #4
Chapter 1: Oh so you include kibum and Alexander even though they're not part of the band anymore? At first I was like "9? What is this?" And then I remembered kibum and Xander. It's nice to see fans who still accept them.
UkissistheB2st #5
Chapter 24: I want her to be with Krisus~ :(
babyxgirlx704 #6
Chapter 23: Aw, I feel sorry for Kevin :/ Wish he ended up with her instead haha
Can't wait to see what more surprises you have for us next! xD
UkissistheB2st #7
UkissistheB2st #8
Chapter 21: Omfg, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY KRISUS?!!?
UkissistheB2st #9
Chapter 20: Ooooh she likes Kris!! Yes!! ^_^