I'll Be There

My Boyfriend, Boyfriend

The boys told me not to worry, and Dong Hyun drove me home. As I rushed in, I told auntie about everything that happened and she began apologizing to me about not being able to drive me home everyday. I told her it was okay and not to worry. Once she knew the boys would take care of me, she relaxed. 

The next morning, I went to school with auntie. The day continued normally. I tried to avoid going outside whenever I could, but I had to go out once in a while to get to different buildings. I could feel eyes piercing through my head every time I walked outside. Knowing that there were other students around made me feel safer... but not that much. As the last bell rang, my heart sank. I decided to wait it out, hoping the stalkers would realize that I probably snuck home already and give up. The time soon changed from three o' clock to nearly six o' clock. Many kids were still leftover at school, working on sports or after school tutoring. My aunt had a meeting today and went out with the staff to go eat. Soon I decided it was probably safe to go home. The boys' concert was also going to start soon, at seven, and there was a backstage pass with my name on it waiting for me. As I opened the front school doors, I breathed out and ran for it. Soon I heard loud footsteps pursuing me.

Just. My. Damn. Luck. I cursed my luck in my head.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted, speeding up. 

As I ran on, the toe of my foot soon hooked under an uneven sidewalk, and I fell to the ground. I put my hands out to cushion my fall. As my right wrist hit the pavement, I winced in pain.

"Gah," I groaned.

I rolled over on the ground to see my pursuers slowly walk towards me. For sure they were the guys from yesterday. They wore there usual black suits, shades, and ear pieces. As I backed away, wincing every time I put my wrist to the ground, they took a step closer. I closed my eyes and awaited my fate when a boy stepped out in front of me.

"Hold it right there," Kwangmin said.

I opened my eyes in shock. "Kwangmin?" 

He turned his head and winked at me, smiling. 

"Kwangmin?" I hissed. "You should be preparing for your performance."

"I'd rather be here. Remember what I told you at prom? I'll always be there," Kwangmin replied. 

Your heart jumped with excitement at his words. 

"Leave Go ____ alone!" Kwangmin shouted, putting his arms out.

"No can do, boy. We have direct orders from the boss to bring the little lady back to headquarters," one of the men grunted.

Kwangmin's eyebrow twitched at his reply and bit his lip. 

"Well, tell your boss," Kwangmin said, grabbing my left wrist and helping me up. "That you failed!"

He tugged on my arm and we ran off. 

"Do you have your key?" Kwangmin asked.

"Uh," I began searching your pockets. "Crap. I forgot it at home. Just my luck!"

"Man, you have terrible luck," Kwangmin said.

"Gee, thanks!" I shouted in irritation. 

Kwangmin quickly let go of my wrist and took out his ipod. He began furiously typing on it as we ran. Suddenly it began ringing and Donghyun appeared on the screen.

"Jo Kwangmin, you are in big trouble. Where the hell are you?" Donghyun shouted.

"Uh, hyung, no time to explain," Kwangmin said, showing Donghyun the pursuers behind us. 

"Oh, my god, are you guys being chased?" Donghyun gasped.

"No, we're playing a nice friendly game of tag with my stalkers. That's all!" I said sarcastically, running out of breath.

"How can I help?" Donghyun asked.

"Get in your car and drive, hyung, DRIVE," Kwangmin shouted, hanging up. 

Back at the performance stadium, Donghyun ordered the boys to stall if he wasn't back in time. He then ran out and jumped into the van, driving furiously along the streets of Seoul.

"Kwangmin... I don't think I can run anymore," I panted.

Kwangmin bit his lip and glanced behind him. The pursuers were hot on our trail. Kwangmin suddenly got an idea and pushed me forward.

"You run ahead! I'll keep them busy," he said.

"What?" I screamed, stopping and turning around.

"Run!" He shouted.

Conflicted as to what to do, I turned around and started running. Soon I was nearing my house. Parked at the front was the Boyfriend van.

"Hanna, Kwangmin! Get in the van!" Donghyun shouted out the window.

Obliging, I quickly opened the door and jumped in. As I sat in the van, panting, Donghyun looked at me, puzzled.

"Where's Kwangmin?" Donghyun asked.

I looked at him with worried eyes. "We have to go back and get him."

"Aish, that boy, really," Donghyun groaned, putting the van in gear.

As we drove back, the pursuers passed by. I put my head down so they couldn't see me. As we reached the spot Kwangmin was at, I gasped.

"Kwangmin!" I shouted, jumping out of the van as it pulled to a stop.

Kwangmin laid on the ground, doubled over and holding onto his stomach. I fell to my knees next to him, my eyes showing first signs of tears. 

"Kwangmin! Kwangmin? Are you okay?" I asked.

"No, I'm just hugging myself for doing a good job," Kwangmin groaned sarcastically.

"This is no time to joke around, Kwangmin," I hissed, slapping him gently on the shoulder.

Donghyun walked over and helped Kwangmin up. As he limped to the van, Donghyun got into the driver's seat, and I took a seat next to Kwangmin in the back. Kwangmin winced and cringed at the pain he felt in his abdomen and ankle.

"What happened?" I asked.

Kwangmin began telling me what had happened.

Back at the scene, Kwangmin stood defensively in front of the pursuers. There were two of them and one of him. To add to the difficulties, these guys were buff looking adults against a normal teenage boy. 

"Move," one of the guys said.

"Never," Kwangmin snapped.

"Don't interfere with business, boy. We were ordered to bring her back no matter what," the other guy said.

"Forget it. I will risk my life to protect her if I have to," Kwangmin shouted.

The two men looked at each other and nodded. As they rushed toward Kwangmin, Kwangmin barely had time to blink before a fist met with his stomach.

"Gah," he gasped, holding onto his stomach. 

The other man walked up to Kwangmin and grabbed Kwangmin's hand. The guy smirked twisted Kwangmin's arm behind his back. Kwangmin could hear the bones in his wrist cracking. He winced at the pain. The man then took Kwangmin's arm and flipped him onto the ground. It knocked the breath out of Kwangmin's lungs. The two then ran off, leaving Kwangmin on the ground.

"Oh, no. You poor baby," I whined, hugging him. "Don't ever do that again. I don't know what'd I do if I lost you while you defended me."

Kwangmin smiled through his pain and hugged me back. Soon we arrived at the stadium. A bunch of workers came out and helped us into the stadium. It was twenty minutes to showtime. As we reached backstage, I could hear the crowd roaring, chanting Boyfriend's name. A stage doctor began checking up on Kwangmin and me. I watched as he examined Kwangmin's abdomen, checking it with his stethoscope. He then checked Kwangmin's ankle. When he slightly bent Kwangmin's ankle, Kwangmin screamed in pain. The doctor nodded to the workers and they began treating Kwangmin. The doctor then walked over to me.

"Oh, I'm fine, sir. Really," I said, holding my hands up.

The doctor looked blankly at my hands then frowned. He grabbed my right hand gently and bent it.

"Gah!" I shrieked in pain.

"As I thought, you twisted your wrist, didn't you?" I nodded. "We'll have to give you a brace for that so you don't end up hurting yourself."

"What about, Kwangmin?" I asked quickly.

"Hm?" The doctor asked.

"Will he be able to perform?" I asked.

The doctor sighed and took off his glasses. "I'm afraid not.

"Oh, no. That means Boyfriend is going to be less one," I groaned. "And it's all my fault."

"No, it isn't," Donghyun argued, putting his hands on my shoulders. "He wanted to protect you. It was his choice."

"Yeah, well if it wasn't for me getting into trouble in the first place, he would be able to perform," I sighed.

Everyone went quiet for a while. Then Donghyun got an idea.

"Go ____... why don't you perform in Kwangmin's place?" Donghyun said. "I know it's crazy, but hear me out."

I looked at him as if he suggested we fly to the moon. "No way! How? He's a guy. I'm a girl. Not sure that's going to work out."

"We have disguises you can use. You look like you'd fit his clothes anyway. And besides," Donghyun said, getting serious. "You owe it to him."

I bit my lip and looked to Kwangmin who nodded. He was content with the idea. I sighed.

"Fine," I agreed.

"Yay!" Everyone cheered.

As the doctor finished putting my brace on, the workers began working on me. By concert time, I was a seventeen year old boy with sleek black hair, full lips, and a glint in his eye. The people began running Kwangmin's lines to me and all the songs they were performing. Naturally, I already knew the lyrics, seeing as I was a big Best Friend. As we did a quick rehearsal of the first song, "Let's Get It Started," I performed with perfect beat and cue. Everyone watched me in awe as I even performed the twins' partner dance perfectly. Soon it was time. As the lights came on, I heard the crowd get louder and louder. Throughout the concert, the cameras were told to not zoom up on my face and stay wide when it came to Kwangmin's rapping parts. I rapped along but they also played the recording when it came to Kwangmin's parts in case. Nevertheless, I performed as if I were Kwangmin, and it was exhilirating. 

>___< Kwangminnie, you numb skull

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angelVKS #1
Chapter 50: Amazing . I love the story it's just like a fairytale. Wish I can get a chance like that
MinhosLover #2
Chapter 10: This one made me laugh so much I love you because you used Ouran High School Host Club and Boyfriend + me together! <3
gellie_otaku012396 #3
Chapter 10: haha... what a coincidence... my friends and i were actually talking about the boyfriend members doing a live action movie of ouran high....

that would be totally awesome... (n_n)
Angelz6 #4
Chapter 50: OMG WHAT A GREAT STORY I even cried. How awkward
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 50: LOVE THE STORY!
kyaaa~~~~ >3<~~~~
Chapter 50: I loved this story. Good story thanks for writing!!!!! ^.^
Chapter 50: Make more ... Please I'm beggin' you T-T
InspiritForever123 #8
Chapter 50: Omg I finished this story in 2 hours!!!!! Please please please make a sequel!!!!