Fashionista Lisa: Fairy Godmother

My Boyfriend, Boyfriend

Jeongmin and I casually strolled through the mall, hand in hand. We stopped now and then to do a little window shopping. As we passed by a Victoria's Secret store, I continued walking when Jeongmin jerked me back. He stood there staring, open mouthed, at the clothesless mannequins in the window. My eyes widened in horror and I stepped on his foot.

"YAH!" He yelped, holding onto his toes and hopping up and down.

"ert!" I shouted, stomping away.

Stupid Jeongmin

"_____, wait up! I'm sorry!" He shouted, waving his arm and sprinting after me.

He grabbed my wrist and twirled me around.

"What?" I growled.

He looked at me with pitiful eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such a teenage boy," he apologized.

I puffed out my right cheek and leered at him. I sighed. "It's fine. I understand that you're a teenage boy."

He squeezed my hand. I gave him a slight smile and we continued walking.

For you, I was willing to become a man anyday... Jeongmin thought to himself.

As we walked around the mall, I noticed a beautiful blue dress in a window. I quickly let go of Jeongmin's hand and ran over to check it out. It was a strapless blue dress with white polka dots. Across the waist was a pink ribbon and bow. The dress was under layered with white mesh. I pressed my face against the glass.


Author's note: Just a little visual :)

"Oh," I awed.

So pretty.

Jeongmin came up to the window with his hands in his pockets. He looked at me and smiled.

She'd look nice in that... he thought.

"Come on," he urged, pulling on my wrist.

"Where are we going now?" I asked, glancing back at the dress.

"To get you dolled up," he replied.

As we went inside the store, he sat me down in the waiting room on a couch while he went to the front desk. He started talking to the lady working at the counter. He started speaking and the lady giggled. He pointed to me and the lady's expression changed to the face of a giddy child. The lady nodded and Jeongmin watched happily, leaning on the counter, as the lady came towards me.

"Come with me, hon," she said.

"Where?" I asked.

"You'll see!" She replied.

She took me by the hand and we went over to the window. She took the dress down and hurriedly hauled me over to the dressing room. As she placed me in front of a three way mirror, she began to take my clothes off for me.

"Whoa! Whoa!" I shouted, pulling my shirt down. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, hon, don't be shy. I'm just doing my job," she chuckled. "Hold still!"

"Yah!" I shouted.

Reluctantly I took off my clothes and stood there. She examined my body and shook her head in disapproval.

"Hon, for a girl your age, you wear a very bad choice of under clothing," she complained. "I mean really, white?"

"Well, sorry for not being adventurous!" I retorted.

She giggled. "Not to worry! Fashionista Lisa will take care of you!"

"Who's Fashionista Lisa?" I asked.

"Of course, moi!" She replied happily.

Moi? Is that like... chinese? I wondered.

Lisa snapped her fingers and two girls around my age entered.

"Ms. Go, what eye doctor do you go to?" Lisa asked.

I cocked my head to the side at the question.

"Uh, well the last optometrist I've gone to was the Good Morning Seoul Eye Clicnic," I said, tapping my finger on my chin.

"I've heard enough!" She interuppted. "Lily, call the clinic and ask for a file of her prescription. Get her..."

She took two fingers and opened my eye wider and looked into it.

"Brown circle contacts," she continued. She then kneeled down on one knee and slipped off one of my shoes. "Daniella, get her a size seven heels that would match the dress. And also, grab her a pair of the cutest underwear in the size-"

I slapped my hand over . "DON'T SAY IT OUT LOUD!"

Lisa nodded. The two girls bowed and went on their way. Daniella came back with the underwear and I began to change. Lisa helped me into the dress and straighten my posture up. The dress fit perfectly. I felt like Cinderella. As I checked myself out in the mirror, I twirled around.

"Beautiful," I whispered to myself.

"Have a seat," Lisa ordered, patting a chair in front of a large make up mirror.

The mirror was aligned around the border with bright lights that nearly blinded me. As I sat down, Lisa took my hair braids out and pulled my hair back. She tilted my head so it was straight and squinted at the mirror. She smiled.

"I'm going to turn you into a work of art," she said happily. "Now close your eyes, and let your fairy godmother work her magic."

I obeyed and closed my eyes slowly and felt the hairs of brushes and other things as Lisa began to apply make up. It felt nice and warm.


Jeongmin borrowed the counter phone and clicked a number in. The phone buzzed and a man picked up on the other end.

"Annyeong hashimnikka," the man greeted.

"Hello. Is this the Sarang Restaraunt in Lotte Mall?" Jeongmin asked.

"Yes it is sir," the man replied.

"Great! I would like to make a reservation for two at 5:30 in the evening under the name 'Lee Jeongmin'," Jeongmin annunciated.

"Of course sir," the man said. "We will see to the reservation. Would you like the couple's package?"

Jeongmin's face heated up at the word "couple's". "Y-yes," he stuttered.

"Thank you for reserving sir. We will see you then," the man said, hanging up.

Jeongmin hung up the phone and tried to stop his heart from beating to hard.

Couple... it really feels like it... Jeongmin thought.


"All done!" Lisa exclaimed.

I fluttered my eyes opened, surprised at who I saw. It front of me sat a beautiful young woman with a petite face and a nice complexion.

"Who, who is that?" I stammered.

"You," Lisa cooed.

My eyes widened in shock. I smiled from ear to ear. "I'm beautiful."

"Yes, you are. Thanks to Fashinista Lisa," Lisa commented, twirling a brush in her hand.

I my wavy black hair and touched my pink blushed cheeks. Lisa tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a box of contacts. I looked at the box then at her.

"They're circle contacts. They make your eyes look bigger and cuter," She twittered.

I smiled and put them in. Lisa put her hands on my shoulders and smiled.

"You know, a guy must really love his girlfriend to give her a whole make over like this," Lisa chirped.

I blushed at the word "girlfriend". I wanted to say something but I couldn't. Lisa and I walked out behind the girls. I peeked to see Jeongmin look up from the ground. He was sit on the couch, his legs spread apart, elbows on his knees, and leaning over.

"May I present, the new Ms. Go," she proclaimed.

The girls stepped apart and I stood there in front of Jeongmin. Jeongmin's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he stood up quickly. We caught each other's vision and looked away nervously. He coughed fakingly.

"She looks great! Um, could you, I don't know, do my outfit too," Jeongmin stuttered.

She's beautiful... if I'm going to take her to dinner, the least thing we could do is match, Jeongmin thought.

Lisa took him in while I waited. When he stepped out, I gasped at his handsomeness.

"Wow," I gasped.

Jeongmin shyly rubbed his neck. He wore a white shirt with a with a blue jacket that matched mine. Around his neck he wore a pink tie. His white slacks raelly high lighted his outfits. They had straightened his hair out and swept it to one side. I laughed when I got to his feet. He was wearing white converse instead of nice dress shoes. I looked at him with a suspicious look.

"Uh, keeping it original," he chuckled.

We shared a nice laugh. Lisa walked out with my glasses when Jeongmin stopped her.

"Now, for a finishing touch," he said, putting the glasses on. "Ta-da."

I clapped my hands in amusement. He squinted and pursed his lips.

"Um, okay, these are really bad. They hurt my eyes," he complained.

"PFFT" I laughed.

Lisa handed him a pair of fake glasses instead and gave me my pair back. He paid for everything on his credit card and we walked out.

"Let's go eat!" Jeongmin said excitedly.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we skipped down the mall, hand in hand.

"Sarang Restaraunt! On the roof," he exclaimed.

"Wha! No way! The hottest restaraunt around?" I oohed.

"Yup!" He replied.

We laughed and conversed as we made way to the elevator.

Anything for you. You deserve the best, Jeongmin thought, looking at me.

Annyeong! So happy to see so many view and subscribers :) Thanks for the support ~ Vote vote vote on who you think should be Go _____'s boyfriend! So far Minwoo, Kwangmin, and Hyun Seong are tied with one vote each ~ Lol. Also, if you know of a good banner artist or shop, please comment and let me know... and how the whole shop thing works because I'm still new to that.. hehe... Dong Hyun and hyun Seong The Min's. Minwoo, Jeongmin, Kwangmin, and Youngmin.

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angelVKS #1
Chapter 50: Amazing . I love the story it's just like a fairytale. Wish I can get a chance like that
MinhosLover #2
Chapter 10: This one made me laugh so much I love you because you used Ouran High School Host Club and Boyfriend + me together! <3
gellie_otaku012396 #3
Chapter 10: haha... what a coincidence... my friends and i were actually talking about the boyfriend members doing a live action movie of ouran high....

that would be totally awesome... (n_n)
Angelz6 #4
Chapter 50: OMG WHAT A GREAT STORY I even cried. How awkward
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 50: LOVE THE STORY!
kyaaa~~~~ >3<~~~~
Chapter 50: I loved this story. Good story thanks for writing!!!!! ^.^
Chapter 50: Make more ... Please I'm beggin' you T-T
InspiritForever123 #8
Chapter 50: Omg I finished this story in 2 hours!!!!! Please please please make a sequel!!!!