Chapter 4

Eremophobia, Am I?

Kyuhyun POV

Its been a really busy week for me. Schools in the morning, sports in the evening and visiting Ryeowook secretly at night. Hm...It has been four days I visited Ryeowook at night, careful not to wake him up and notice me around. I guess he is still angry with me after all.

"Attention to Mr. Cho Kyuhyun, please come to the principal's office immediately. Thank you."

I was shocked by the announcement from the speaker. I quickly went to the principal's room, wondering the reason I've been called to his room. So far I haven't done anything wrong. I have always been a good student.

Finally, after what seems to me like an eternity, I arrived at the principal's room. I approached the door, and knocked it twice.

"Come in!" A thunderous voice said.

Trembling, I slowly opened the door.

"Oh, Mr. Cho! I am expecting you. Come in and seat." he said, with a big grin in his face.

I was surprised by his reaction, and relaxed a little. I sat down on a black chair right in front of his desk.

"Okay, I am very honoured to say that we are very proud with your academic and sports achievement." He smiled again.

"Thank you..." is the only thing I managed to say. Things are seriously getting weirder.

"So, we have choosen you to represent our school for our "Excahnge Student Programme" in China, where you will go to China and A Chinese student will come here in exchange of your place."

"But, I..." I tried to protest but he cut me off.

"You will be leaving next Monday, so please be prepared. Here is all the details about the programme. Read it. If anything, please come and see me. You may go." He replied.

Monday is the day Ryoewook would be admiited out from the hospital. I wanted to be there for him, even if I can only watched him from far.

"Ryeowook.....I'm sorry...."

Ryeowook POV

Yeah....finally I'm leaving this hospital for good! I smiled at the thought of my home, before I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey bro! Ready to go home?" Hyo said, before hugging me.

"Yeah!! I'm so ready. Living here for a week really had made my brain stopped. Owh, by the way, did you or Mommy and daddy came to visit me these last few days?" I asked. I hoped that it was them that come visited me at night, for I don't want to have extra headache trying to figure out who is the kind person visiting me at night.

"No. I don't. Mom and Dad is not around this month. They are visiting the construction site at the UK. They send their love to you." Hyo said.

"Owh..." my heart hit rock bottom. "Wait a second, I got something to do." I ran out the room and went to the nurse office.

"Hye miss. May I know if there is someone came to visit me while I'm in the hospital?" I asked.

She looked surprised by my sudden appearence, but then she replied, "Yes. Your brother came to visit you every night. He is so kind that he won't let me wake you up." she smiled.

My mind started to become heavy. My brother? But I don't have any brother. Who is he?

My mind was poured with a lot of questions, and it had made me quiet all the way home. I noticed that Hyo was occasionally glancing at me, looking worried by my sudden silence, but she didn't say anything.

Twenty minutes later, we arrived home. I raced towards my bedroom. Once I reached my room, I quickly undressed myself and get into the shower. I took a long shower, just to refresh myself. Then, i put on a blue T-shirt and a black jeans, before lying on my bed.

A familiar scent came poking my nose. A secnt of a lemon, and there is other smell that is so warm, so comfortable.

I tried to locate where the smell come from. I scanned the room, and noticed something white on my writing table. I looked closely, and suddenly I remembered. Its the same scent I smelled at the hospital coming out from that white thing. Curious, I stand up and walked to the table.

"Its a shirt..." I mumbled, taking the shirt and smelled it. Weirdly, the smell had made me feel so warm, so protected.

I hold the shirt close to my chest, before a suuden image flashed in my brain.

"Cho Kyuhyun!"

I was surprised and shocked. It was him who came and visited me every night, and the dreams I had these past few days of him is actually real.

I started to freaked out, wondering what Kyuhyun are doing. But somehow a part of my heart are longing for him. His tender voice, his warm touch, his sour expression.

I blushed at the thought of Kyuhyun. I quickly snapped my cellphone and called Minnie.

"Hye Minnie! Can you helped me please?"

"What is it Wookie?"

"Tomorrow, accompany me to return that shirt back to Kyuhyun. I want to say sorry to him."

"But Wookie.."

"Oh, please!!!"

"Wookie, Kyu is departing today." Minnie said, sharp and clear to my ears.

I was shocked, and my mind seemed to be having some trouble processing the information I just heard.


"Yes, he is going to China for the exchange student programme." Minnie replied.

"What? Why didn't I know about this?" I snapped.

"The principal just announced it five days ago, when you are in the hospital."

"Owh, when will he depart?"

"4 o'clock this eve." He said.

I took a quick glance at my watch, noticing that its 2 hours before 4. I quickly grabbed my wallet and my car key, and ran for the door.

"Hyo, I'm going out for a while!"

I started driving towards the airport, hoping that I would have time to see Kyuhyun. I don't know what is happening to me, but I suddenly feel some kind of fear. A fear that Cho Kyuhyun might leave me.

I sighed, "Oh God! What had Cho Kyuhyun do to me..."

I took the fastest route to the airport, but in the middle, there was a really long jammed. There appears to be some kind of accident, and the traffic has been stucked for an hour.

I prayed, "Oh lord, please let me see Kyuhyun. Please..."

Without noticing it, tears slid down my cheeks.

Oh my, why am I crying for this cruel guy?

The weather forecasts for today....

Looks like a heavy downpour is coming, and I don't think I could handle the flood.....


Okay, here is the next update. Sorry to keep you guys waiting!!! Hope you like it...

So tell me, would you like Ryewook to be in time to meet Kyuhyun?

Thanks to everybody that support me!!!

Keep on commenting and subscribing... I love you forever, and forever is long time! :)

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I willl continue with this story...sorry for the long wait T_T


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Chapter 19: This is good
misslovers #2
Chapter 19: Update soon :)
Chapter 19: its so long but finally you updating this fic...
thankyu :D
Chapter 18: I like your story. It's very interesting. I hope you continue this story ^^
Chapter 18: Ah I hope you will continue this story..... I like the idea of story..
wintertmm #6
I understand that u might hate me but I think that alternating the pov for the same situation is not really good cause its like reading the same thing again with little changes
kickasses #7
I've been wanting to subscribe to this for a while now xD
You're doing great but.. Why's there a cliffhanger? It burns readers' hearts to know what would happen next. -__-
Update soon.
WHAT THE ??? CLIFFHANGER ?? Fine ~ Fine ~ Waiting for next chappie.. Update soon .. CX
SuperJuniorR_13 #9

*drinks water to calm myself*
*deep breathings*

I finished conquering the comment box. My job is done and now I will comment every update~
I wish you're not annoyed for my salary-less job. xD kkkk...

Hope u update soon too~! I love this one, it makes me regret not reading it earlier... xD
