
Danger Girl

Seungri's POV-

"Yah...is she out yet?" I asked quietly, looking down at Dara, Bom and Minji sitting outside the door of the leader's room, staring at it blankly. Chaerin had locked herself inside after screaming out on the field. We all couldn't believe one of us would get in the slammer. Much less Jiyong, Chae must be really hurting right now.

"Ani...she's taking it all really hard." Dara replied, closing her eyes as a tear slipped down her cheeks. Bom leaned her head on the shoulder of her Park sister. Minji was sighing heavily, rubbing her temples. Now, I don't usually put blame on people. But I can't help but notice that everything seems to come up to YG Papa. Jiyong in prison? YG Papa. Why Jiyong and Chaerin can't date? YG Papa's doing. Why we all are so depressed? Partly Jiyong's fault, but then that also led to YG Papa. So much drama in one life, I swear if my life was aired on TV, it'd be the most interesting show there was. "Seungri, can you get Chaerin out?" I looked up, the girls were leaning their foreheads against the door. Minji was knocking weakily, as if all her strength had been washed away, "YG Papa is coming in a few minutes, and he'd want to talk to her when he reads his good-bye."

"De..I'll get her out." They nodded in thanks and left me with a door and my unresponsive sister. I knocked.

"Go away Unnies, I don't wanna talk right now."

I scoffed, "I'm not an Unnie, if I was that would be very very unfortanate." 

"Oh...go away Seungri."

"Ani. You have to come out, YG Papa will be here in a few minutes."

"Another reason why I shouldn't come out. Just leave me alone Seungri."

I banged on the door this time, "ANI. Lee Chaerin open up!"

"ANI!" I heard her move on the bed, and she sniffled, "It hurts too much to leave this room Seungri. I don't wanna die when I step foot out of here."

"Chaerin. You're not the only one in this building is depressed! Everyone is feeling guilty." The door suddenly swung open, making me fall forwards. But I caught myself. Chaerin looked...so weak. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying so much, her hair was ruffled and sleeve cuffs were moist from wiping up her many tears. She gripped the door so hard her knuckles turned white. In other words, she's showing off a side you wouldn't see...even every year. Jiyong has such an affect on my sister, it amazes and saddens me.

"Trust me Seungri, no one in the world feels as bad as I do. Tell me, how can I walk around when the one I love the most is in prison for my stupid, en mistakes?!" She tried slamming the door again, but I jammed my foot in the doorway. My foot stung at the contact but I ignored it, "YAH! Seungri!"

"Lee Chaerin I'm not joking! Come on!"

"Ani!" She said it with a that's-my-final-answer tone. "I don't want to continue this conversation Seungri..."

"Then we don't have to." I grabbed her arm and pulled her out, she struggled against me and tried yanking her arms back. But I held a firm grip on her, dragging her into the hallway. She even tried holding herself in place by the doorknob. I just s my arms around her waist and quickly pulled her off, walking down the hall. Damn, she fights hard. When I got into the kitchen, TOP-hyung and Se7en-hyung took Chaerin from me. She was still flailing around.

"LET ME GO!" I sighed after handing my deadly sister off to the two stronger men and plopped down to sit next to Gummy-noona and Taeyang-hyung. I panted. "I'm not joking! Let me go or I will kill you!" The common threat of her. She would never kill someone because she wants to or out of anger, it's just the way she is. She will say it, but she won't ever be able to do it. 

"Chaerin you have to calm down." TOP-hyung soothed her, but failed still.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't." Her eyes were practically flaring fire.

What TOP-hyung said next made everyone freeze, "What would Jiyong want you to be doing right now?" Instantly, her legs went weak and her eyes rolled back, mouth open in a silent gasp. I grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling to the ground. She fainted. "Damn it."

I glared up at the older guy, "Nice job Hyung. Just had to mention him."



No one's POV-

Chaerin was sent to bed, Seungri had carried her bridal style to her room and gently set her down on the mattress. In this state, she looked so weak and vulnerable. A side that Chaerin refused to show. Her fram looked much smaller now, her powerful aura and feel, was gone... He sighed at the thought and walked out, quietly closing the door behind him. He made his way back to the main room where he called out, "We gotta take Chaerin to see Jiyong." He swooped up Taeyang's glass of alcohol and took a healthy gulp. Taeyang let it slide, he knew the Lee siblings are emotional drinkers. They could both use more than a gulp right about now.

"We can't go visit Ji without YG's permission. Plus, it'd get a bit sucpicious for us to go see him right after he was arrested. The police could suspect something of us and even arrest us." TOP just busted Seungri's last nerve.

"Ha. You know now that I think about it, I realized that all the pain and grief my sister and I are facing right now, getting arrested isn't the top of my list." He slammed the table with his fist. He was tired of this. The pain and the drama. But he was also tired of getting told what he could and couldn't do. Now it's time he steps up and does what's best for him and his sister.


"Shut up. I don't need any of your sympathy crap. I've had enough of that ." He snapped angrily.

"Lee Seungri." The male makane tensed his muscles at the familiar voice and turned around, bowing 90 degrees to his so-called 'father'.

"Annyeonghaseyo YG Papa." He brought himself back up, his face serious and stern, "Welcome home." The others followed the display of welcome.

"Someone tell me what happened. And you said there was a letter involved?" Dara handed YG Papa the paper and Taeyang explained the story.

"Well, while we were doing our job of cleaning up 'Danger Girl', Big Bang was talking to a group of friends where one of them got sucpicious of us and started hitting Ji for like ten minutes straight. After her friends managed to yank her off they apologized and we sent Ji home because his shoulder was pretty messed up. After a while, we came home and that note was posted on the door. We called everyone on that list to get here immeadiantly..." Taeyang bit his lip as YG's eyes wandered to the bottom of the page.

"Where's Chaerin. I need to speak with her."

"She's resting in her room...she had an emotional break down and fainted." Seungri galred at TOP who nervously scoffed.

"De..I accidentally said something that triggered that. Mianhae."

"I need to speak with her." YG Papa repeated and stood. But Seungri blocked him.

"Ani. Look YG Papa, she's been through a lot today. She's showing off a weak side of herself. She's vulnerable and different than the Chaerin you all know. There has only been two people to see that side and what can really happen, I'm not letting in a third person." He spoke seriously about his sibling, using a tone that might've sounded rude and straight-forward. "She did nothing wrong but fall in love with Jiyong. And that part is your fault. They love each other, and if you can't see that, you're blind." After no response, Seungri went further, "Let them see each other, before you decide what to do."

YG Papa took time into thinking this through, "Arrasso. They can see each other. But after that-"

"YG Papa, once again, they did nothing wrong. That is not even our biggest problem. Right now, all that matters is family. And my only blood family needs her happiness." Seungri crossed his arms and left to go get his sister, leaving everyone shocked on how he talks about his sister.

"YG..he's right you know." Se7en mumbled, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend, "Love never stopped us. So why does it stop them?"

YG Papa rubbed his face with his palm, "It's not me that they should worry about. Press and prison. But I will take it under consideration. Aish...my children.." Seungri was heard opening the door and then groaned in frustration.




Jiyong's POV-

Hard, cold, empty and lonely. That describes what I'm feeling right now... After I got arrested, they shoved me in a cell farther away from other prisoners, they said to wait until they decide what to do with me. I didn't have to wear a uniform for prisoners. They said I probably wouldn't be staying alive for long anyway. That's what hurt the most. The fact I wouldn't be able to see my precious HunChae again. It made my heart throb and my mind go crazy. I just wanted to pull my hair out and cry. But I couldn't show off my weak side in here. Especially here. I had been reflecting on my life for the past three hours, savoring every moment I could remember.

I started thinking of Chaerin. Was she crying right now? Was she worried for me? Was YG Papa forbidding her to see me after my letter? So many questions were going through my mind, I lost track of how many. But there was one question I keep thinking of:

Would Chaerin still love me if I never see her again?

The thought of her not nearly made me cry, but as long as she's happy, so would I. I looked down at my hands, I was wearing a black bracelet on my left wrist. Chaerin bought us matching ones years ago. I never left my home without it. My show of love and comittment to her... "Jiyong!" I looked up, I must be hearing things. That sounded like Chaerin... "Jiyong!! Let me through!" Holy crap it is her.




A/N: Back with Danger Girl! Jiyong is in prison! T.T NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-don't worry he won't die. :p Or will he? Just kidding, I would never do that to him.. (.^_^.)

-TAIwin <3

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Chapter 18: I swear please do not be bull ____ting me right now I'm starting to cry
Chapter 18: WHAT THE HELL?!?!
Chapter 17: Nice! I so like it author-nim!! (* >ω<)
Chapter 16: yay!! sequel!! hehehe.. i read storage unit and i must say that you do a great job with that one..
Chapter 16: Sequel sequel!
Kool story! Keep up the good work! :)
ra21ah #7
Chapter 14: yaaaaaaay!!!!I'm so happpppy!!!!
update sooooooooooooooooooooon!!!!
TAIwin #8
THANKS FOR ALL THE SUBSCRIBERS PEOPLE! Sorry I can't send out any personal thank-you's but I just wanted you all to know that I feel loved! (.^_^.)
Chapter 14: RUN BEAST! RUN!!
ra21ah #10
Chapter 13: Yes get ji back!!!ji should come back to their family!!