Chapter O14.

Guns behind the roses.

Chapter O15: "You never know what you will find out."

"Lay oppa, what are you saying?" Seohyun's heart was beating so fast, Luhan was noticing it.

"I saw you earlier, running, crying from some.. ugh, person? I only saw you, not the one you were arguing with." Lay cooly explained, clueless about what's happening.

"What?" Luhan turned his attention to Joohyun.

Taeyeon was worried about Seohyun, because she knows whenever Seohyun is baffled, she makes worst decisions.

"Uhh, Seohyun-ah, did you fought with Tiffany again?" Taeyeon suddenly spoke to protect Seohyun, who's speechless now.

Seohyun just nodded, Luhan who's really clueless, just believed the lie, since he knew that Seohyun always cry whenever she fought with someone.

"Sorry to bother you Luhan, she just needs you right now." Taeyeon spoke for Seohyun who's lost for words.

Luhan hugged Seohyun tightly, then he kissed her forehead.

Taeyeon was suspicious when exo-m members looked at each other.

"Taeyeon noona, I'll just borrow your maknae for awhile, Joohyun-ah, let's go." Luhan and Seohyun departed from the place, leaving Taeyeon alone with the exo-m members.

"Uhh, since it's kind of awkward, I'll just go back to the canteen, now go, mind your own businesses." Taeyeon left them, went to the nearest restroom.

Exo-m still stayed in their position and didn't noticed that Taeyeon went to the restroom first.

"Luhan's act was so convincing." Xiumin, the careless one, stated.

"Will you please shut up for hell's sake, xiumin-ah?" Kris shot xiumin a death glare, then pointed to the ladies room.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon was busy fixing her bag when she heard Xiumin.

'Huh? What act? I must know about this.' Taeyeon thought to herself.


"Jagiya, you're still silent." Luhan broke the silence in the air while they're walking in the football field.

Seohyun just looked at him, without saying a word.

"I'm sorry. Sometimes, I fail my duties to be your boyfriend, Seohyun-ah. But I'll do everything to make you happy, araso? From now on, I'm your protector. Araso? Just tell me whenever you feel threatened, and I'll do my best to make you feel safe." When Luhan said that, Seohyun's heart weakened.

Why can't she just say it directly to Luhan that she has another bodyguard? The fact that she can't hurts her, but the fact that she can't be honest to her own boyfriend hurts her more.


(5 hours later, Xi Residence)

"So, Luhan, how's the plan? Wufan is reporting to me that you're doing good. I heard you guys beat up a kid who's getting close to Seohyun?" Mr. Xi was talking to Luhan while they're eating.

"Ne, I don't want anyone ruining our plans dad. But something is wrong with that kid, he's kinda mysterious."

"I'll take care of him. For now, mind your own business with Seohyun."

Luhan just nodded, "Ne appa."

"I can't wait for the time that you're gonna kill her already." Mr. Xi smirked whilst chewing his steak.

"I-I'm gonna.. kill Joohyun?" Luhan's eyes widened, "You want me to kill her? And get jailed?"

"Are you a freaking toddler, Luhan-ah? Haven't I explained the plan to you? Do I have to repeat that again? Oh for hell's sake Luhan!" Mr. Xi was getting pissed off already because of Luhan's behavior, "Are you losing your concentration?"

"A-Aniya." Luhan shook his head, thoughts are racing on his mind, he can't act properly.

"If this plan fails, you're going to New Zealand, and you're gonna stay there for the rest of your life! I'm done with you, Xi Luhan." Mr. Xi lost his appetite, then went straight upstairs.

Luhan remembered the words of his fathers, how he despised going to some place far from Korea and stay there for the rest of his life than killing someone, after all, he's the witness of how his appa killed many people, and he's trained to kill one, too.


Meanwhile, at the Kim residence.

Seohyun and Sehun went to the Kim residence to have dinner, Seo's dad invited them both.

While the were having dinner, there was silence surrounding them.

"Oh, how I missed this." Seohyun suddenly spoke.

"We missed you too, so, how's life with Sehun?" Mr. Kim chuckled, being the opposite of Mr. Xi, he was the lively one, but can be more fierce than him when pissed off.

"It's fun being with him." Seohyun shyly smiled.

"We never know, maybe these two will fall in love! keke." Mrs. Kim joked, all of the people in the room except Yuri laughed.

"Yeah, and I like Sehun more than your boyfriend, Joohyun-ah." Mr. Kim added, which made Yuri smirk.

"Appa~ I love my boyfriend." Seohyun pouted.

"But seriously, Joohyun, I don't trust your boyfriend. There's something in him I don't know, but since I trust you, I didn't do a background check on him."

But then, Yuri suddenly spoke, "Appa, I think you should."

Yuri finished her food then stood up, "You never know what you will find out." Yuri left with a mischievous grin.

"What's with your eldest daughter?" Mr. Kim asked Mrs. Kim, frustrated.

"Yuri is your daughter, too. Just try to understand her."

"You're just saying that because Yuri is your favorite. You're always minding her, Yuseo-ah."

"Appa, don't mind unnie. Let's just eat peacefully." Seohyun succeeded in calming her dad, they returned to the jolly atmosphere.

(After the dinner)

"Joohyun-ah, do you want me to drive you and Sehun to your condo unit?" Mr. Kim asked Seohyun and Sehun.

"Aniya appa, we'll just walk."

"Araso, sehun-ah, take care of my daughter, or else." Mr. Kim glared at Sehun, which made Seohyun and Sehun laugh.

"Ne, kandong-nim." Sehun reassured.

"Good, now, go home, you still have school tomorrow. Bye. Be careful." Mr. Kim kissed Seo's forehead, then they went home.

"Joohyun-ah, aren't you close with your mom?" Out of the blue, Sehun asked.

"Aniya. She minds Yuri unnie always more than me ever since I was a kid. I can never understand why, I mean, Yuri unnie is normal, she wasn't sick of anything, but hello? She always made me feel like Yuri unnie is the only child, that's why Yuri unnie is a spoiled brat, and that's why Yuri unnie hates me so much."

"I'd rather have a sister that hates me so much rather than be the only child that has parents who fight almost everyday, and most likely, I'd rather have a mom that loves my sister more than me rather than a mother who doesn't care at all then left me."

Seohyun just looked at him, then he started telling his story.

"Ever since I was a kid, my parents always argue. At the age of 7, I was used to it. At the age of 8, they divorced, my dad wanted to have me, but my mom won their case and got me, but she didn't took care of me, and she eventually died because of depression when I was 9, so, my dad got me this time, he was a spy and a bodyguard like me, but he died protecting someone, so my grandmother ended up taking care of me, until I was 15, she died because of heart attack, and I have to work so that I could live, no one took care of me at that time. Good thing dad's agency found out about me, dad was actually telling them stories about me, you see, I was smart when I was a high school student. I was a top student. So, they took me and trained me as an agent, now I'm here, taking care of you."

"Wow, your life is interesting. At the same time, sad."

"Ne, I wish I had a different life.."

"Gwaenchanayo, sehunnie~ What do you want to happen 4 years from now?"

"I want to be with the one I love. After I come back from Austria."

"What are you gonna do there?"

"After two months, after I kill the bad guy who is after you, after I have accomplished my mission, I will go to Austria to work there, then after 4 years, I'll come back to Korea."

Seohyun was silenced when Sehun said that.

She never knew she would care about Sehun leaving this much.

"Why did you became quiet so suddenly?" Sehun asked Seohyun, who's staring into emptiness.


"Now let me ask you, what do you wanna see yourself 4 years from now?"

"Maybe fulfilling my dream with my loved one."

"With Luhan, maybe?"

"Ne, but I'm really dismayed. he never talks about these kind of topics with me, he never talks about the future, and whenever I'm asking him about our future, he just changes topic. Doesn't he wanna be with me? aish."

"Maybe, he's just not ready." 

"I don't know. Now it's my turn again to ask."

"Go. Ask anything."

"Do you like Yoona?"

Kekeke, ne, another cliffhanger. Mianhe. Anyways, another update~~ can't help not to, I love this story so much, even though future plans are already bothering me. Aigooya. >____< well, happy halloween, guys. ^_____^ pretty pretty please comment, so that I will have an idea about what you guys think. Oh well. //sighs. I appreciated your comments on the past chapter, kkk, and that gave me motivation. Well, just watch out for the next chapter. -Neesha. ♥


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dkiw1999 #1
Chapter 20: Please update T_T
MeiiMeii0510 #2
Chapter 20: Please update soooooonnnn.. :(
Chapter 20: Update soon please! New reader! You missed Seohyun's birthday!
wrotedearly #4
Chapter 20: in this story, I think sehun deserve seo better because he is been looking after joohyun for the sake of love and not works. update soon author- nim :D
thaox724 #5
Chapter 20: Yuri is such a Biach here XDD lol I want SeoHun^^ HunSeo :D I Also like SeoHan but here I want seoHun ^^ hehe Hwaiting update soon :)
Chapter 20: omoooo luhan you're almost caught.
but author-nim, please. i want this ended with seohun..
babyblue- #8
Chapter 20: Omagosh that was close and yeah cliffhanger at Jess part
Eycha_sk11 #9
Chapter 20: Omo, seobaby almost get caught by lay !

Spill it out baekhyun ! What u know ?