I'm Your Boyfriend

The Exchange Student

The bell rang and Thursday's classes came to an end. I smiled to myself as I remembered that I get to see Kwnagmin for the next few hours, but then sighed because I had to stay here and talk about school work for those next few hours. As I lazily packed up my stuff, someone called my name from the door.


I looked up expecting to see Youngmin or Zelo but saw my study partner: Kwangmin. He stood by the door leaning on the wall smiling at me. I silently smiled to myself and then looked up again once I felt danger rising around me. Girls that were leaving the classroom shot glares at me while others passing by me shoved my shoulders with their bags. Ricky smiled and huffed as he stood up.

"Let's go." He said. I nodded and copied his actions.

"You don't have to wait for her, Ricky hyung. I'll be picking her up." Kwangmin said and walked over to me putting is hand on my shoulder. My eyes flicked toward Ricky as they widened. Ricky smirked. 

"Okay then. Have fun studying~!" He said as Youngmin walked into the classroom.

Youngmin smiled as he walked towards our little group but it soon dropped when he noticed his twin standing with us. He joined us and started acting like a child, pulling both mine and Ricky's hands.

"Let's go look for Chunji hyung~! Come on!" He whined.

"Ani. Anika needs to tutor Kwangmin. I'll come with you though!" Ricky said as he received a sigh from the older twin. 

I smiled sheepishly when Youngmin looked over to me. He grabbed the math genius' hand and pulled him to the door. But I couldn't miss the older twin shooting glares at his brother before leaving. They waved and headed towards Chunji's classroom. As said before, Kwangmin would pick me up after classes everyday that we had tutoring. I hope he won't friend zone me... Then all the "schemes" I came up with would be useless. I should try moving forward, right? Yeah, I should. Maybe today would be okay to try.

"Are you ready for today's special date?" Kwangmin asked as we walked through the hallways. Some girls' heads swung around to shoot lasers through my head.

"D-date? W-we're tutoring!" I said.

"A study date."

"Oh." I said letting my bangs fall in front of my eyes.

"Let's go." He said and grabbed my hand. I pulled it away and straightened my skirt as an excuse. Some girls gasped.

"What is wrong with her?" A girl shrieked from the back. I hid my face with my hair.

"Where are we going?" I asked. He held his finger up to his luscious lips. 'So... Sekshi...' I thought.

"I told you already. Secret."

"Well you can tell me now since I'm going to be there anyway."

"Well then, it's a surprise. So stop asking okay?" I nodded my head as he pulled me through the school gates.

"We're leaving the school?" He nodded his head.


"How far is the place?"

"Walking distance."

"How long are we going to be gone?"

"As long as it needs to be."

"Why aren't we go-"

"Shh... You'll see okay?" He said as he shushed me by putting his finger on my lips. The same finger that was on his. 'Indirect kiss...' I thought as I lifted my hands to my lips. "Hurry up! I want us to eat something before we study!" Then he pulled me along the sidewalk.

* * *

'What kind of place is this for a date?' I asked myself. We just arrived at the restaurant Youngmin and I went to when we visited Donghyun at the hospital. Well... It's not really a date so I guess it's alright. And, it's not that bad. I like ramen noodles anyway.

"Take a seat." Kwangmin said as he pulled out a chair for me and sat across the table. 

Why is he always treating me like I'm his girlfriend? I like it, but it's going to get me killed. And, it should be official if he ever likes me more than just a friend. What if he only has a friendship love for me? Oh no. This will turn out completely different than I planned! I kept my outer self cool and sat down, smiling sweetly. 

"Waiter." He called and the waiter soon stood beside our table. I looked up to see the most annoying face I've ever seen.

"Hi hyung!" Minwoo said cheerfully to Kwangmin. Then he realized that I was sitting across from him. He made a face and turned back to his hyung. "Did she drag you here?"

"Ani! I dragged her here!" Kwangmin said happily. Minwoo's eyes widened in disbelief. "We're on a study date!"

"That's gross. I can't believe you'd even study with her. You're starting to get weird. She's rubbing off on you." Minwoo said. I narrowed my eyes at him ready to claw his face off.

"That's not very nice to say. And she's not weird. She's cute and funny." Kwangmin said. I blushed at his defense. Minwoo rolled his eyes.

"Do you have your orders?" 

"Number 21." Kwangmin said and turned to me. "What would you like?" 

"Umm... Number 21 too." I smiled at him and turned to Minwoo shoving the menu into his stomach. No reaction. Nothing. It was as if I hit a brick wall. Minwoo smirked. Him and his stupid abs.

"Nice try ." I gawked. 

"What did you call me?" 

"An unpleasant, selfish, witch."

"Minwoo-ah! What's wrong with you? Treat your customers with respect!" Kwangmin said and slapped him upside the head. Hah. He deserves it. "Apologize!" Minwoo pouted.

"I'm sorry, hyung.

"Not to me, her!"

"Why her? She doesn't deserve one." Minwoo said as he narrowed his eyes at me. Kwangmin glared at him. "I'm sorry." He snapped. I smiled evilly, satisfied with his reaction. "Would you like some bubble tea as well? Preferably mint?" He asked with a menacing smile. I narrowed my eyes. 

"Yes please." Kwangmin said and turned to me. "What would you like?"

"I'm okay, just get yours." I said.

"Choose a flavor." He asked, ignoring what I just said. I sighed. 


"One large mango with pearls."

"Okay. Kwangmin hyung, your order?" Minwoo asked. 

"We'll be sharing." Kwangmin smiled at me.

Beaver teeth's expression became cold. 'What? Sharing the drink... Like a couple?' I felt myself blush. Hopefully nobody noticed. 

"So it's not just hers? Then I can't do anything to it." He pouted then sighed. "Is that it for you two?" we both nodded and he left. I turned to Kwangmin. 

"Oppa, why are we sharing? I told you that I didn't need one." 

"Because I wanted to buy one for you."

"But that's a waste of money."

"Ani. I'm Going to make you have some. Anyway, I'm going to have some too. So stop worrying okay?" he asked. I nodded my head. Then Minwoo came back with the drink.

"Here." He said as he placed it on the table.

He gave a straw to Kwangmin and harshly poked my face with another one. I flinched and slapped his arm with the back of my hand, sending him glares. Son of a-

"Enjoy your drink. Your food will arrive shortly." He said and left.

"Have some." Kwangmin said as he moved the drink toward me, holding out his straw. 

"Thank you." I said as I opened my straw. He pushed my hands down and moved the drink closer. "I need to open my straw." He shook his head.  

"Just use mine." He said and smiled sweetly. '...omg. Is this another chance for an indirect kiss?' I asked myself. Alarms were going off in my head. 

"O-okay..." I said and took a sip. 'Going to die. No. Get over it Anika. It's not even a real kiss. So stop obsessing over such little things.' "Kamsahamnida." I said and sat back in my seat wearing an awkward smile. 

I peeked past my bangs to catch a couple of girls from our school staring at me. I swear one of them could just pull out a gun from their bag and shoot me now. We sat at the table in silence passing the drink back and forth for a few minutes. Whenever I refused to take a sip he'd give me a look with those mesmerizing eyes and make me change my mind. He has to feel the same way that I do right? If he saw me nothing more than a friend, better yet tutor, he wouldn't treat me like this. And he definetly wouldn't have bought me that build-a-bear. 'Maybe I should just advance.' I thought to myself and nodded. Before I knew it, Kwangmin was trying to get my attention. 

"Anika," He said and grabbed my hand. I regained "consciousness".  

"Nae?" I said as I sort of jumped in my seat.

"Are you okay? You've been staring at me for a while." He asked with a smirk. I blushed. 

"Ani. I was just wondering..." 'Come on, think of an excuse!'


"When we're going to start studying." Good enough. Let's hope this will work. Kwangmin raised a brow.

"We haven't even eaten yet. Wait till after." I nodded. Then Minwoo came back with the food. 

"Yah. Witch lady. I thought I told you to put a bag over your head." Well, that's a nice way to greet someone while giving them food. At least he didn't throw the food at me while saying it. "Maybe I should put the food on you instead." he read my mind.

"Don't. If you do, I'll make you lose your job." I said. He smirked.

"And how? Are you going to scare my boss with your ugly face and make her fire me?"

"No. I'll tell her about your secret of being a mutated elephant beaver that is wearing human skin." Minwoo made a WTF face and left. 

"What? Elephant beaver?" Kwangmin asked me laughing. "Wearing human skin?"

"Nae. He's an elephant because he has big ears. And he's a beaver because he has big teeth. And he's wearing human skin because he doesn't count as a human." To be honest, his ears and teeth are fine. I just had to say something. 

"I think he's alright. Well, he's much better than average. That's why girl's are all over him. Surprisingly, you aren't."

"We'll I'm not interested into jerk's like him."

"But he's nice to everyone."

"Not to me."

"Don't worry about it. You have me right?" He said and squeezed my hand. I nodded as I avoided eye contact with him. "Let's eat." He said as he held up some rice to my mouth.

"What are you doing?" I asked and pushed his hand away.

"Feeding you. Open."

"Ani. I can feed myself."

"But I want to feed you." 

"Why?" He likes me, this is so obvious. Hopefully, my assumptions are correct.

"Because it's fun to feed your friends!" He smiled. 

Maybe I was wrong. Of course I was. 'I'm so stupid.' I thought to myself but put on a smile anyway. It wouldn't be a good idea to ruin the mood. I sighed and opened my mouth for him to feed me. 'This is so awkward.' But in the end it was fun. I started feeding him too and we got rice and barbecue sauce on our cheeks and noses. 'This is so cute.' I said as I saw him try to sauce off his nose. Instead he wiped it away.

"Anika," he said and caught my attention. "You have sauce on your lip." He said. 

"O-oh. Thank you." I said and lifted the napkin to my face but he held my hand and leant forward, standing up from his seat.

My eyes widened. 'What'sgoingonwhat'sgoingonwhat'sgoingon?!' I mentally screamed. I froze in place like one of those terrified lambs. Before I realized it, his face was two inches from mine and he was looking into my eyes. It took seconds for my eyes to focus but then I felt this warm, wet feeling on my bottom lip. I dropped my focus and my vision blurred. 'Did he just my lip?' I asked myself, unable to find an answer. He sat back down smiling gently. Or smirking lustfully. I don't know anymore. What happened to my brain? That counts as a kiss right? It has to.

"All clean." He said with a low mesmerizing voice. 

My insides melted and the remaining parts of my brain started frying up. I looked down to my lap trying to hide my face with my bangs. I knew my face was flushed and as red as cherry tomatoes. Then he spoke again.

"Are you finished eating?" I nodded quickly. "Okay then. We should go now." Kwangmin said and called for the waiter. This time we got someone else instead of beaver teeth.

"Are you ready for the bill?" The waiter asked.

"Nae, Himchan hyung." The boy said as he took out his wallet.

Himchan... Isn't he that second ullzang? Is this an ullzang cafe? All the people working here are so good looking. 'I'm surprised that Minwoo was able to get hired here. He doesn't have a face to be one of the employees.' I lied to myself.

"Where's Daehyun hyung?" Kwangmin asked. Himchan narrowed his eyes as he looked to the side. Wait. He works here too? 

"He was asked to be a model in a photo shoot so he missed work today." He said sourly. I can clearly see that he is unhappy.  

"But aren't you guys partners?" Kwangmin asked. Himchan nodded. 

"Yeah. But this was a solo photoshoot. Our boss could only choose one of us." I understand why he's not so happy now. Both Kwangmin and I nodded our heads. 

"I see. Anyway, can I have the bill now?"

Kwangmin asked as he held out his hand. Himchan rolled his eyes and gave it to him. He fixed his bangs and headed back to the counter. Kwangmin put the payment in the little book. I sighed and took out half of it and placed my half in.

"No. I'm paying." He said.

"I have to. I ate."

"But the gentleman must pay for the whole meal." He said. I sighed and took my hand back, putting my money back in my wallet as he walked over to the counter. Note: He's less submissive than Youngmin. "Okay then. Let's go." Kwangmin stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"To study. Isn't that what we're going supposed to do?"

"Yeah. But we ended up eating."

"No, that was to fuel up our brains! Now we are going to study."

"That leads me back to my question. Where?" I asked impatiently. Kwangmin leant in towards me so he could whisper in my ear.

"It's a surprise." He said in good English. What an improvement. My heart skipped a beat. Why is he such a tease? He's killing me.


* * *


We kept on walking farther from the busy streets back to the residential, quiet neighborhood in which Chunji and the Jo twins lived in. We passed our houses and continued a few three blocks until we reached a quiet park. There was a large garden  with paved walkways, benches, and a field where the walkways would cross over. There was a family having a picnic on the field with their two little children running around playing with bubbles and an old couple was strolling through the garden. 'Awwe! That's so sweet!' I thought. Then Kwangmin Took my hand, grabbing my attention. I looked up at him to see him smiling as he pulled me towards the far end of the field. I blushed slightly as I looked to the grass beneath our feet.

"Let's sit here." He said as he put his bag under the shade of a large tree. 

He sat down and patted the space beside him, signaling me to sit down. Instead, I sat down in front of him. He pouted and pulled my arm lightly, making me move to the spot next to him. 'Why is he making this like a date? We're just supposed to sit in the library and study!' I thought to myself. I cleared my throat.

"Okay. Let's start." I said. He groaned.  

"Can't we just skip today?" He asked.

"Ani. I'm here to study with you. Not to fool around. Isn't that what we came here to do?" I asked and raised a brow. He smirked. 'I'm going to die.' 

"That's not exactly what I brought you here for." A questioning look washed over my face.

"Mwoh? Then we should just pick up our stuff and head to the library." I said and stood up. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down to my seat. 

"Stay here. This is a nice place to study. It's quiet here." 

"You just said that you didn't bring me here to study." I made an unamused face.

"Okay then. We will. Just stay."

"Fine. But you have to study." He smiled and nodded. "What is the reason why you brought me here then?" 

"I'll tell you when I think it's most appropriate." 

"And when is that?"

"I don't know. But I will know when the time comes." He sort of answered.

Is this some kind of story he's going to tell me? OMO. Is it a story from the past? Is it a special story or a secret? OMO. Am I close enough to him that he'll tell me a special story from the past? No. That cant be it. We're not close enough. I then resumed from my internal questioning. 

"U-umm okay then. Let's start." I said as I pulled out my home work. He just sat there watching me. I stopped and looked at him with my brows raised. "Take out your books, Oppa." He smiled at me mischievously.

"Only because you called me oppa." I sighed.

"Well you have to do it anyway. If you don't, you'll get in trouble. And I'll get in trouble too."

"That's okay. At least we'll be in trouble together." He said. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Being in trouble isn't a good thing."

"I know. I'm just stating the good side of that. We can be troublemakers together!" He said. I looked away blushing as the one and only Troublemaker song started playing in my head.

'niga nareul itji motage jakku ni apeseo tto

ni mam jakku naega heundeureo beoseonal su eopdorok

ni ipsureul tto humchigo meolli daranabeoryeo

nan Trou-a-a-a-ble! Trouble! Trou-trouble Maker!' (Hyuna & Hyunseong- Troublemaker)

I sighed again and looked back at him. "Just do your work." I said. He smiled and turned to his bag, pulling out his workbook. I went back to my own homework starting with English. They know I'm an exchange student from America. Yet, they still assign me English homework. 'Shouldn't I be helping the teacher teach the class or marking their homework?' I mentally asked myself. Maybe I'm asking for too much. I shook it off and went back to writing English sentences.

The quick, brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

I soon finished my English homework and tucked it away into my school bag. 'Maybe I should check on him.' I thought to myself and turned to Kwangmin who was laying on his stomach with his pencil held still above the paper. He was staring hard at the book as if he were trying to read some gibberish. Well technically, it was gibberish to him because it was a foreign language. 

"Do you need some help?" I asked him in English. His head perked up and he looked at me for a few seconds in confusion. I assumed he was processing what I just said.

"Yeah. I'm not sure if this is a verb or adjective." He said as he pointed at the word on the paper. I crawled over to take a look.


"It depends on how it is used. Read me the sentence." I said.

"The girl had fallen in love with the handsome, young man." He said with his low, attractive voice. 

I froze for less than a second before the wave of heat passing over me melted the ice. 'Uhuhuhu... Why are you trying to kill me? Is that because you plan to meet me in Heaven?' I asked myself. 

 "U-umm... In that case, it's a verb." I said uneasily. He smiled and wrote on the paper before sitting up and turning back to me. 

"I wonder if the people who create educational books like textbooks and work books make questions based on things from their own life." He said. My eyes narrowed. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Well for example, what if the person who made this question used this example because she actually fell in love with a handsome, young man?"

"I guess that could've happened. People already write books based on their own experience." I said. He smirked at me bringing confusion to my mind. "What?"

"Did you write this book?" He asked. What is he talking about?

"Hmm? What? No. Why do you ask?"

"Maybe you fell in love with a handsome, young man." Then realization of what he just said finally flowed into my mind.

"N-no I didn't! That's ridiculous. I'm still a student in high school. I wouldn't be able to write an educational book when I'm still learning!" I said. 'Does he know I like him? Oh no. This is bad. What if he doesn't like me? Aniya! He's probably going to avoid me after this!' I thought as I had a mental breakdown. 

"Oh. I see. Because if I wrote a book I'd probably add my personal experiences even though it had nothing to do with the purpose of the book. Maybe I'd write something like 'The boy fell in love with the foreign exchange student.'" He said sweetly as he stared straight into my eyes. 

'What is going on?!' I thought. Then my mind caught on what he said and my face flushed. 'I can't believe he said that. He couldn't be joking could he?' He leant in towards me only leaving an inch's length of space between our faces. 

"This is the reason why I brought you here." He whispered. 

I could feel his hot breath on my lips before I felt his lips instead. My eyes widened for a second before softening and then closing. We were sitting next to each other under the shade of a tree, his hand holding mine. The kiss was long, yet simple. His lips were soft and smooth. Just like silk. But they were also plump and sweet. Like peaches. After what felt like a minute (it was probably only five seconds), he pulled away. He was smiling at me. My eyes were wide and my lips were parted ready for me to speak but nothing came out.

"K-kwang-" I was about to say but he held his finger to my lips.

"Oppa..." He said and removed his finger.



"Why did you just..." My voice trailed off, unable to finish my sentence.

"I just said that I love you." He said. "Shouldn't I kiss you?"

"But wouldn't you need my persmission?" I asked. He smiled and huffed.

"Alright. Then I'll ask for your permission." He took my hands and looked me straight in the eyes. "Can I kiss you?" He said. 

Heat washed over my face. I looked down and nodded. I heard him chuckle a little before he brought his hand to my cheek to lift my gaze. Then he kissed me again. This time it was a bit more powerful. But it was even better. He wrapped his arms around my waist and mine crept up his torso to lock around his neck. He slowly my lower lip, asking for entrance. I wasn't quite sure wether I should or not, so I decided not to. I pulled away so our faces were inches apart and shook my head. But he leaned in to reconnect our lips and then slowly my lower lip. My stomach flipped and I felt myself melting. 'So... Hot...' I thought to myself then slightly parted my lips. His hot tongue slid into my mouth to meet mine and he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. His tongue explored every crevice and corner of my mouth as if he were cleaning it. Then his hand slid up my back to my head to tangle his fingers in my hair. But then his phone rang. I released my arms off his neck and looked at his school bag and back at him. I was panting and surprisingly, he wasn't. How could he not be? He reached over to his bag, rummaging through it to find his phone and successfully pulled it out.

"Anneyonghaseyo." He said. "Oh. Noona?" Noona? Who is he talking to? Could it be his girlfriend? No. I must be his girlfriend now. Right? "Not today. I have tutoring." I felt myself blush when he used the term 'tutoring'. "Ani. Next time alright? I'm busy." He sighed and hung up and turned to me. I looked at him questioningly. Who was he talking to?

"That was- my older cousin." He said. I got a little suspicious because of the slight pause. 'No! Don't be suspicious! No one likes a nosy person!' I thought to myself.

"Okay then." I said and checked my phone. "Omo! It's already been an hour! Tutoring is finished today." I said as I finished putting my books in my school bag. I actually wanted today's "tutoring" to be longer but I don't want to get annoying. Kwangmin finished packing his stuff and stood up as he fixed his jacket. Then I remembered something.

"Oh!" I said and dropped my bag then started searching through it. For what? Kwangmin's school blazer. I stood up with the blazer in my hands and held it out to him. Luckily, it was still neatly folded and wasn't dirtied by anything. "I was supposed to give this to you but I forgot. Sorry." I said shyly as I looked at the crest.

"Why are you sorry? You still returned it in good condition." He said and pushed it back to me.

"This is yours."

"Not anymore. It's now your boyfriend jacket."


"I gave this to you. And since I'm your boyfriend, it's now considered a boyfriend jacket."

"Since when were you my boyfriend?" 

"Since I kissed you. Don't you remember?" He asked.

"Of course I do! You even stole my first kiss!" I shouted carelessly then covered my mouth.

"I was your first kiss? This makes the jacket just as special. Keep it." He said as he held my hands that were holding the blazer.

I felt electricity shoot from his hands and up my arms. I gave up.

"Okay." I said and placed it back in my bag. 

"Why don't you just wear it?" He asked as I stood up.

"It's hot." I said. He smiled and sighed. Then he took my hand again and we started walking back to the entrance of the park. "Oppa," I started.


"Are you my boyfriend then?" I asked. He sighed and squeezed my hand.

"Yes. I'm your boyfriend."

Hello! I'm really sorry that I haven't updated for a week! I got all nervous about school and I had to prepare. But I know, I know, there is no excuse! I must entertain my viewers! So please forgive my absense. Now that school has started, I'll be busy with homework and assignments. So I'll be updating on Fridays and Saturdays. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you will continue to read this story! And good luck to students for a sucessful school year!

~Anika ^__^


To those that attend highschool: Stay on task! Finish your homwork and study before reading those delicious fanfics! Last year, I procrastinated because I couldn't get away from AFF! *face palms* I have no will power. I ended up lowering my average and blah blah blah. I'm just going to say goodbye since I dont have anything special to bid farewell. So... SEE YOU SOON.

OMO. I went on Boyfriend's official fanpage and found this pictiure of Minwoo with cake on his face! I can't stop thinking that it's something else! WHY MUST I BE SO DIRTY MINDED!? 


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Chapter 24: *new reader here ^^
Uuu this is a good story you know! update soon author-nim!
Chapter 23: Oh god that gif right there, I love all the gifs you put up and I love your story!
Annielamie #3
Chapter 23: Omg I fangirled so hard when I saw you updated again! Now my mind is completely blown! Ahhh!
Chapter 23: The tie was good~
So yeah..Youngmin is being a _____ now..great -,- *shot*
update soon :D and fix the plot :D
Annielamie #5
Chapter 22: Ahhhhhhhhh! Please update asap! I'm totally hooked!
hibaharu1886 #6
Chapter 18: Omo, this is so hot, I just not love it, I'm over heels, really hot and cute!!!!