
The Exchange Student

I walked alone in the hallway towards the library after school. I was looking for Kwangmin since he wasn't there to pick me up before tutoring. This is the first time he didthis. Well, it's not like I expected too much from him, but he could have at least told me he wasn't going to be there. Or in this case, text me. I waited in my classroom for almost ten minutes for him to arrive but there was no show. I even told Ricky to not wait for me when he offered. In the end, I just gave up and headed to the library. 

When I got to the library, I saw L.joe and Changjo sitting at our usual table. I decided not to greet them until I found Kwangmin so I had a little safari through the bookshelves in search of him. But as expected, I couldn't find him. As I sighed a breath of defeat, I pulled out my phone and sent him a message.
Me: Where are you? You're supposed to be in the library for tutoring!
I have up searching for him and sat at the table which L.joe and Chnagjo were sitting at since I had nothing else to do for the next hour.
"Anneyonghaseyo." I said without much effort. L.joe looked up from his books to greet me with a smile.
"Anneyong. What's up?" He said and I sighed in return.
"I'm supposed to be tutoring Kwangmin but I can't find him."
"Kwangmin? He's going to his cousin's house today. Did he not tell you?" L.joe replied which caught my full attention.
"Mwoh? But he just went to his cousin's house yesterday!" I shouted. Then I quickly looked around to notice that the lady at the desk was just sitting and staring at me. I turned back around to L.joe.
"Oh. I thought he went on a da-"
"Aniya. Donghyun hyung was hanging out with Youngmin." Changjo in causing L.joe to shoot a look at him.
"We'll he has to have other cousins doesn't he?" I asked.
"He does, but they live in Busan and other far cities." L.joe answered.
"Hmm... Well he could have just hung out with Youngmin and Donghyun." I suggested.
"No, I don't think he would choose to do that. Let alone Youngmin allow him to tag along."
"Oh. I'll ask him about that next time I see him." 'Or when he replies my text that is.' I thought to myself. 
Then we resumed back to our work. I pulled out my books and began to start my research on the project we received. After a few moments Changjo stood up to leave the table.
"Yah! We're are you going?" L.joe half shouted.
"Washroom." Changjo replied and left. L.joe sighed and turned to me.
"So, how are things going with Kwangmin-ah anyway?" I hesitated to answer. Should I answer truthfully? 'I can trust L.joe right?' I thought to myself.
"I don't think you'll be that interested. It's not really that entertaining to hear about anyway..."
"I didn't want to hear about it for entertainment. I just want to know how you guys are doing. Just looking out for you." He smiled sweetly. He's so thoughtful.
"Well, the first few days were really nice. Then he started to drift away by the next week. Then he told me that we should keep our relationship secretive. I'm beginning to think that it isn't even a relationship at all." I said as my eyes slowly drifted to the paper in front of me. I peeked back up through my bangs to see that L.joe was staring hard at Changjo's seat. "L.joe?" I asked and caught his attention.
"Oh. sorry."
"I told you that you wouldn't be interested. That's what you get when you ask a girl about her relationship."
"No! No! I really was listening!" He said in English with his American accent. "Just don't let him drift too far away from you. Okay?"
"But I'd be clingy..."
"No, you wouldn't. You'd just be claiming your property."
"My what? Am I supposed to be posessive?"
"Not that! Just make sure that he isn't touching things that he shouldn't." L.joe said. 'What? Thouching things he shouldnt? What is he... Is this about the past? L.joe must've heard about it then.' I thought.
"...Okay then." I said and went back to my work feeling a bit annoyed that everyone has been talking bad things about Kwangmin. Then another few moments passed by. Then L.joe spoke again.
"How's Chunji doing?" He asked. This question gained my interest,
"Hmm? Are you asking about Chunji oppa?" I asked with raised brows. L.joe couldn't make eye contact with me. He just kept looking at his workbook. It looked like he was trying to hide his face.
"Nae." He said quickly. "He's umm... Been acting kind of gloomy lately." He said as he kept his eyes on the workbook. 'WELL I WONDER WHY. MAYBE BECAUSE HE SAW YOU ON A DATE WITH SOMEONE THAT ISN'T HIM.' I wanted to shout at him. 
"He has his reasons. I'm not sure why exactly, so I can't really explain." I lied. "You should ask him. Maybe try cheering him up while you're at it." This caused L.joe's head to shoot up at me.
"I-I don't think I should do that. I think I did something that made him upset. He looks uncomfortable when I'm around." 'NO REALLY?!' Multiple sarcastic things I wanted to say kept on erupting in my head.
"I actually think it'd be a good idea though." I said. Then there was a short silence as the blonde boy sat in deep thought. "So anyway, you got to ask about my relationship. How's yours going?" I asked. 
To be honest, when I saw his date that night at the restaurant, I couldn't help but notice that the girl looked exactly like Chunji himself. Well, except with s and long hair. But aside from that, she looked identical to Chunji. I swear that if Chunji wore padding and a wig, he could pull it off as that girl who sat across from L.joe. L.joe's head shot up for the second time.
"Mwoh? How did you find out?" He asked in surprise.
"I hear things..." I said mischievously. "Well...?"
"Umm... She's really pretty. She has a nice smile." He said hesitantly. 'Her smile looks exactly like Chunji's.' I thought.
"Well she's umm... A noona."
"Woah~ Somebody's a noona's boy~!" I teased.
"Anika... That's not why I dated her."
"Why then?"
"Because I think she's beautiful. And she has such a wonderful voice." He answered. 'Chunji has a wonderful voice too...' I thought.
"I see. How's her personality? Is her personality as beautiful as her appearance?" L.joe gave me a stern look.
"Stop entertaining yourself with my love life."
"I didn't want to hear about it for entertainment. I just want to know how you guys are doing. Just looking out for you." I said as I copied what he said earlier when he asked about me and Kwangmin. He sighed.
"She cares a lot about my interest in her and other girls..." He said as he avoided eye contact with me. This confused me. 
"Does that mean she doesn't want you to lose interest in her?" I asked.
"Y-yeah, that." He said as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Well isn't this kind of obvious? He's hiding something. But I don't have any time to look into this.
"Oh well that's nice. That means she really wants you to keep her." I said with a cheerful smile while inwardly cursing that he chose the female Chunji over the one that is going insane for him. 
L.joe nodded once and went back to his work. Then we began working for a few moments. Minutes later, I looked up from my work as the sound of L.joe's sighing interrupted my concentration.
"Aish. Why is Changjo taking so long?" He said exasperatedly. 
"I don't know..." I said at the same moment that he walked back in. "Speaking of the devil." I said smiling.
"Did you call me a devil?" Changjo asked as he took a seat while making that intimidating glare. I flinched and composed myself.
"Not literally, we were just talking about where you were..." L.joe said as he patted the younger's shoulder.
"I said the washroom." Changjo said as he picked up his pencil and began to intensely scribble unreadable words on a sheet of paper. He then lifted it up and showed it to me. 
I had extra business.
A confused expression spread across my face as I attempted to comprehend what this "extra business" was. I assumed that it was serious since his face was serious. Then L.joe took the book from Changjo and read what was written on the paper. He laughed. My confused face turned to L.joe and Changjo made an angry face at him. 
"It's not funny hyung." Changjo glared.
"Yeah oppa. It might be really serious." 
"Yes, Changjo's bowel movement is very serious." L.joe said with watering eyes.
"What? Bowel movements?" I asked.
"Nae. He's been a bit stomach sick lately."
"Err..." I said awkwardly.
"Hyung. Shut up." Changjo said as he tried to burn a hole through L.joe's head.
"Okay, okay. Now go back to your work. We might be able to leave early again." L.joe said as he calmed down. Changjo still had his angry face on.
"Fine." Then he went back to work.
"Well... I have nothing to do here so I'll just leave. See you tomorrow!" I said to my seated acquaintances. 
They waved as I packed up and left the library. I soon walked through the now silent, and almost empty hallways of the school to pass the deserted classrooms. I wanted to check if anyone that I could tag along with was still here. I passed my classroom, Youngmin's, Zelo's, and Chunji's. But nobody was present so I decided to walk home. I soon exited the courtyard and was about to head on my way to the bus stop but someone called my name. The voice wasn't very familiar but I assumed that the person knew me since they knew my name. I turned around to see the person I was planning to talk to yesterday.
"Donghyun oppa?" I asked. Then realization hit me. "Omo! A-anneyonghaseyo! It's good to see you again! I'm glad you're well again!" I said and bowed. He only laughed and nodded. "Mihanae. I wasn't able to greet you when you came back last week." I said as I looked at my feet in embarrassment.
"No, it's okay! I understand. I don't know why you didn't, but it's okay." He said as he scratched the back of his head.
"Errm... Did you need anything?" I asked as an expression of realization took over his face.
"Oh! Yes. Youngmin told me about you and Kwangmin...." He started. But my mind drifted off in thought. 'Aish. Why is everyone talking about this? Can't they just mind their own business?' I thought and gritted my teeth. "Anika... Are you listening?" I snapped back to "consciousness".
"Eh? Sorry, can you please repeat that?" I tried to act serious but he only laughed again. "Wae?"
"I understand what Youngmin and Minwoo were talking about when they said you look cute. You do look cute when you're thinking." He said and poked my cheek. I understand Youngmin saying that, but Minwoo?
"Pssh! I doubt that they'd say something like that. But thank you for the compliment."
"I mean it. They did too." Beaver teeth would never say anything that nice about me. NEVER. The nicest thing he said about me was that I would only be graceful if I died.
"Umm... Okay. But what did you try to tell me?"
"Maybe I could tell you when we're walking home. I'm going to the twin's house anyway." He said and I nodded in agreement. Then we walked past the school gates together.
* * *
"I'm just saying that it'd be best to keep an eye on him. To be honest, this is the best relationship he's been in yet." Donghyun said as we walked through the neighbourhood. We were talking about Kwangmin basically. 'Well he isn't doing a good job so far. But I guess I shouldn't be a person to judge since I don't even know him that well.' I thought to myself. "I don't know if he's planning anything, but I don't know if he's actually trying to have a real relationship or not either."
"I see. I'll be careful." I said. I'm so tired of people telling me the same thing over and over. I get it. Kwangmin has a bad past. But maybe he's trying to change that.
"That's why Youngmin was so upset and stuff. It's not like he dislikes you or anything. He's just worried. Ever since the twins' last year of middle school, Kwangmin has always been taking all of Youngmin's girl friend's, female friends, whatever you call it, and used them for around three days. Afterwards, he just throws them away. In the end, all of those girls never really went back to talking to Youngmin. He was afraid that the same thing would happen to you." 
My lips parted to say something but nothing came out. Is this why Youngmin and Kwangmin hate each other? No. That at not right. Because that wouldn't be any reason of Kwangmin to dislike his brother though. But at least I understand why Youngmin was upset with me. I can't break up with Kwangmin though. All those girls will murder me before I'll be able to do anything. Anyway, I really like him. I can't just throw away that rare chance for one person, should I? But I'm surprised that Youngmin really cares tough. I'm touched. I have nobody else here that I can depend on since my other friends and family are on the other side of the world. The only family I have are Chunji, Youngmin, Ricky and Zelo. Anna used to be one of them, but I don't know where she went anymore.
"Thank you Donghyun oppa." I said ever so quietly.
"You're welcome." I'm surprised he heard me.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked as I looked up at him. He was already looking at me. Then he raised his brows as a sign for me to continue. "Why do they hate each other?"
"Mhm... Youngmin and Kwangmin." I said. My gaze was back on the sidewalk.
"Oh... They don't." He said and caused my head to shoot back up and I faced him with a look of disbelief.
"What are you talking about? Youngmin always looks like he wants to choke Kwangmin to death and Kwangmin is doing whatever it takes to piss him off!" I half-shouted. Donghyun only laughed. He only laughs. Nothing else. Just laughs.
"They don't. They're just confused. Something happened in the past and they seemed to have had a problem with that. Everyone figured it out except for them. The "hate" they had for each other blinded them too much to even try to work things out. Then it just grew from that." Seconds of silence passed as we continued walking.
". . . What? What happened?" Was all I could say. Hey. At least I'm getting somewhere with this.
"I don't know if I should tell you..." He hesitated. 
This caused me to panic. 'Oh no. I am NOT losing this chance to get an explanation. I've waited too long for this.' I thought. Then out of instinct I began to beg. I grabbed his wrist and tugged on the cuff on his blazer and looked up into his eyes, copying Chunji's doe-like eyes like a begging puppy. Donghyun looked down at me in surprise and smiled.
"You learned that from Chunji-ah didn't you?" He asked.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said as I continued to attempt aegyo.
"You can stop now. I was just kidding. I was still going to tell you."
"Sorry. I was afraid you wouldn't." He sighed.
"Okay. Let me start on the story then." I nodded intently. "The twins were actually really close. Like best friends. They didnt do everything together, but they were so close that they even had something that they called 'twin telepathy'. But then a few years ago, before they started high school, the thing that happened... It happened." A break of silence.
"...What happened?" I asked for continuation.
 "Their parents had a divorce. Since they were young and naive, the both of them had an assumption that it was the other's fault for the divorce and blamed each other. Youngmin blamed Kwangmin and vice versa. It was surprising because of their closeness, they should have used how close they were to have each other's a backs and comfort each other. But it went another way. In fact, the opposite. They never got over it and a year had passed. Their mother was really upset with them and she had a breakdown about how their family was falling apart. For that, they blamed each other again for making their mother cry." I looked up at Donghyun to see that he was staring expressionless at the ground as we continued walking.
"It only got worse. Before, they said they'd forgive one another if their father came back. But now, they swore that they'd only forgive one another if the other would die. Now, it's just-" Donghyun sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. 'A habit that he and Kwangmin share?' I asked myself. "It's just ridiculous. They probably even forgot why they dislike each other and just get on each other's nerves for no reason. 
"I see." I mumbled under my breath.
"I guess Youngmin has a reason to hate his brother. But all these reasons root back to the divorce. After the divorce, Kwangmin started his habits with dating an unreasonably large amount of girls, and Youngmin went into a state of depression. Then they both ended up stopping their club activities because of their habits and character changes. Eventually, Youngmin got over depression but Kwangmin is still the same until today. To be honest, I'm not sure if he's actually changed or not. And the people Kwangmin hang out with now aren't the people that he used to be with before. A year ago, he had different friends and they kind of abused Youngmin and bullied him. They called him a and whatnot which also caused Youngmin to see his brother as an evil person..." Donghyun sighed again. "I think I'm telling you too much." He said and turned to me. I was staring straight forward trying to process the indigestible story he told me so I decided to copy and paste this and re-read it later. I blinked a few times and looked up at Donghyun. 
"Umm... Maybe. Thank you for the thorough explanation though. But I still can't believe it. I've known them for a month and neither have told me that they only live with their mother." Donghyun nodded. "Are they still in touch with their father?" He shook his head.
"He lives in America now. I heard that he has another family now too." I made an "O" shape with my mouth.
"But... I can't... Fatherless?" He nodded again. "It must be terrible. To be a son and not have a father figure. Especially at this age."
"I think that if they didn't blame each other for this, they'd be doing fairly well. But in this case, it's kind of a mess."
"Mhm." I only nodded.
This explains a lot. Especially the old trophies on the bookcase, the hidden photo albums, and the lack of photos of their father along with it. More importantly, one of my biggest questions have been answered. Should I try to fix this problem? Should I let them sort it out themselves? Actually I don't think they'll even try to sort it out themselves. The twins can't even stand in the same room without sending death glares to each other. I'm going to try to do something. I nodded to myself.
"You're going to do something aren't you?" Donghyun asked.
"M-mwoh? How did you know? We don't even know each other that well."
"Well. You are very easy to read. L.joe told me that." He answered. 
'Woah. He does know everything.' I thought to myself as we neared Chunji's house. I walked halfway up the lengthy driveway and waved goodbye and we went our own ways. I waited at the front door after I rung the doorbell for a few seconds. No answer. I rung it again. A minute passed. No answer. I began ringing the door repeatedly, wondering if anyone was actually home. So I decided to text Chunji.
Me: Oppa... Are you at home?
I asked and waited for a minute for a reply.
Chunji: Aniya. I'm at Jeongmin hyung's place with Ricky, Tiffany and Zelo.
Wait. Who's Jeongmin? Oh yeah. Minwoo's older brother. . . WHY THERE OF ALL PLACES?! And Tiffany? What's she doing there? And why do I feel a bit heavy hearted that she is there?
Chunji: Sorry I didn't tell you.
Well, you don't have to be sorry about that. You should be sorry about why you're at Beaver teeth's place!
Me: It's okay. What time will you be home? I just want to know since you haven't given me a copy of the key.
Chunji: Not until later. In fact you're supposed to be here too! They're working on the project that you guys were assigned. Come on over! 
Me: Wae? Can't I work on it at home?
Chunji: Yes. At Jeongmin's home.
Me: Oppa... TT^TT
Chunji: Anika. T_T
Me: Okay.
Chunji: You know how to get here right?
Me: Nae. I think so...
Chunji: Okay then! See you soon!
I sighed and put my phone away and headed for the bus stop. If I knew I wasn't going to walk all the way back home, I wouldn't have so I didn't have to waste energy. Minutes later I arrived at the bus stop and I sat down and pulled out my phone again to see that I received a message from Kwangmin.
Kwangmin: I'm at my cousin's again. Sorry for not telling you.
Me: you seem to be really close with your cousin. Am I right?
Kwangmin: You are.
Me: But I was told that you only have one cousin living in this city. And that is Donghyun.
Kwangmin: Who told you that?
Me: L.joe oppa and Changjo.
Kwangmin: Hmph. > . < Okay then. I'll see you on Thursday then. Bye!
Me: Wait! Kwangmin!
I waited for three minutes but no reply. That utterly pissed me off. Not replying a text within two whole minutes is a sin! I pouted to myself for I was alone at the bus stop. Then the bus arrived and I stepped on and showed the driver my pass. I took a seat in the back to avoid being watched from the back by pedo ajjushis. After just two minutes of sitting in a boring silence, I pulled out my phone and decided to text Anna. It's been a while and I still want to try to see if she'll talk to me as if I were a normal person.
Me: Hey.
No reply. I wonder what she's doing. And I can't think that she's doing something stupid like drinking or something. I can't come to the point to hating her either. She's my best friend. Well, I still think she is. I guess. Minutes later, I arrived at the stop that I assumed was the one near Minwoo's place. When Chunji asked if I knew where I was going, I wasn't actually sure. I just hoped that I'd end up where I was supposed to. I wandered along the busy streets hoping to find that extremely tall building from memory. But I actually think I was going the wrong way. And I was.
After countless minutes of going further and further in the wrong directions, and asking people the stupidest questions of where I can find an extremely tall building with green windows located across from a dessert shop, I decided to stop making myself more lost than I already was. I bet the people I asked thought I was the stupidest derp face they've ever come in contact with. Like, which building? There's 135 tall buildings with green windows. And there's 1582682 different dessert shops! I sighed a breath of disappointment as I leaned on the wall of a corner store. I gave up on my "navigation skills" and "sense of direction" and chose to call Chunji.
"Yeoboseyo?" Chunji said on the other end.
"Oppa, did you not add my number yet?"
"I'm sorry, who is this?" He asked. I sighed,
"Oh hi Anika! Why aren't you here yet?"
"Yeah, abou-" I got cut off.
"Stop slacking and get over here!"
"I know op-"
"You're taking too long!"
"Oppa, I-"
"Do you even know where you're going?"
"Nae?" He said cheekily.
"I'm trying to tell you that I'm lost."
". . . Oh."
"Do you know where you are now?" He asked. I looked around for any addresses.
"I'm outside a corner store with a giant white bunny holding a lollipop." I said. This sounded funny.
"...What?" I sighed again.
"At 160 street and 88 avenue."
"Oh I see. How did you get way over there? You're like six blocks away."
"Umm... I don't know actually. I thought I was going the right way."
". . ."
"Okay I know I was getting lost already. I just thought I'd be able to find my way back."
"See? It's not hard to admit the fact that you have no sense of direction."
"Okay. Minwoo just left to go pick you up. Go to the corner of 157 and 89 okay? He'll meet you there."
"Wait what? No. Why don't you just pick me up?" NO. I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS. HE'S GOING TO MAKE FUN OF ME FOR GETTING LOST.
"Because I don't know this area like Minwoo does. After all, he lives here."
"But why not just-"
"Okay bye!" Chunji said cutely.
"Wait no!" 
But it was too late and he had already hung up. I sighed for the third time out of disappointment and plugged my headphones into my phone. Then I pressed play on my iPod and began my short walk to where I was supposed to meet up with Minwoo.
"Every time i feel
Your love and kiss
Oh baby
Oneuri majimagiran
Saenggak but geuge mamcheoreom
Doejiga anha
Every time neoege
Tto neul geureoteut
Hangsang ni jeonhwae nan jakku
Mami yakhaejyeoga" (EXID- Every Night)
"Ugh. I don't even want to go to his place and now I have to face him in the embarrassment of being lost." I muttered to myself in English. 
He's definitely going to make fun of me. I reached the destined intersection and waited there. Surprisingly, there was little to no people. I waited for about a minute until my lack of attention took over and I was no longer aware of my surroundings. Then I saw a hand reach around my head from behind me and covered my mouth with this damp cloth. I tried not to inhale and struggled to get free but the stranger's grip was too strong. There must have been ammonia or something. But I needed to breathe and my lungs were screaming at me for air so I inhaled. My vision quickly blurred and I soon saw nothing but blackness. Then I heard a familiar voice call my name. It was quiet, but it was shouting.
"Anika!" It shouted. Was that Minwoo? It sounded like him. Then I passed out completely.

Hey guys! What's up? As expected, not much of an answer. Yaay! Anika finnaly found out about what happened between the twins! So... I dont have much to say but "Yay! something kind of interesting is happening!" Anyway. I've finally been waiting for an opening for a POV change and i finally found it! Be prepared for the next chapter! I don't know why, but please do! Please subscribe if you like! I'm open to, and appreciate comments!

Oh yeah. Chunji and Lay's B-day passed and I wasn't able to say a happy birthday to them! Shame, shame, Sandra. So I'll just wish them a happy belated b-day to them even though they wont see this. So HAPPEH BIRFDAE CHUNJI AND LAY.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and HAVE A HAPPY TURKEY DAY/ THANKS GIVING! 


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Chapter 24: *new reader here ^^
Uuu this is a good story you know! update soon author-nim!
Chapter 23: Oh god that gif right there, I love all the gifs you put up and I love your story!
Annielamie #3
Chapter 23: Omg I fangirled so hard when I saw you updated again! Now my mind is completely blown! Ahhh!
Chapter 23: The tie was good~
So yeah..Youngmin is being a _____ now..great -,- *shot*
update soon :D and fix the plot :D
Annielamie #5
Chapter 22: Ahhhhhhhhh! Please update asap! I'm totally hooked!
hibaharu1886 #6
Chapter 18: Omo, this is so hot, I just not love it, I'm over heels, really hot and cute!!!!