I'm... What Did You Just Call Me?

The Exchange Student


Lunch time. My favorite part of school aside from going home. Sadly, it's ten minutes before the bell rings for classes to start. Last night when Chunji confessed to me out his crush for L.joe wasn't much of a surprise since he was dropping hints almost everywhere whenever they were hanging out together. I don't even know if L.joe noticed since he's taking it as if it were normal to act so cute and bubbly. Aside from that, I took it pretty well. But one thing I didn't take well was about the rumors about Youngmin being interested in guys. He didn't show the slightest of interest to any guys we came in contact with. But maybe he just expresses his umm... Feels in a different way? I DON'T KNOW. Anna says that I believe things too easily. She basically calls me the gobbleable turkey... Yes. She can't say gullible. So anyway, I've decided to currently think of Youngmin as aual because I'm completely unsure of how I should think of him. You can't judge people because of their uality anyway... Err... Okay. Maybe I should stop talking about this. It's getting awkward even though I'm only thinking to myself. The whole time I was thinking to myself I was unconsciously staring at Youngmin who was sitting across from me.

"Anika... Anika..." Youngmin said. I scratched my wrist. "YAH. ANIKA." Then I flinched as I was brought back to reality.

"WHAT?!" I said.

"You were staring at Youngmin for the past few minutes." Zelo said as he smirked. Youngmin tapped my arm.

"Is there something on my face?" 

"Ani." I shook my head.

"What were your thinking about?" He asked. Zelo laughed.

"Maybe she got lost in your soulless eyes!" I gave an unamused look to the baby.

"My eyes are not soulless!" Youngmin shouted as he threw his juice box at Zelo. Then he turned back to me. "What were you thinking about?" He repeated. 

I can't tell him about the rumor. If he doesn't know this would be the worst time to tell him. And what if Chunji, Ricky and Zelo don't know? They'd probably be afraid of him. I must lie!

"U-umm... I did get lost in your soulless eyes." I smiled looking straight into his eyes. He raised a brow showing disbelief.

"See! They're in love!" Zelo shouted carelessly.

We both sighed. Ricky was snickering while Chunji just watched in amusement. I turned to the Zelo sitting beside me and flicked his forehead. 

"Say that again and you'll be the one with a bruise on his forehead. Don't be starting any rumors." I said and turned back to Youngmin smiling sheepishly. He sighed again and turned to the side.

"Never mind." Then there was a silence.

Ever since we've been to the hospital to visit Donghyun he hasn't been in a good mood. He barely smiles either. Could he have heard about the rumors? What if the news about Donghyun's surgery is worse than he said it is? Ugh. Why is everyone keeping secrets?! My stay in Korea is more of a stressed high school life than a getaway from my boring life in America. Maybe I should try cheering him up and ask Ricky and Chunji to help out. Zelo... He can't really do much.

". . . Okay then." Zelo said. "I have something's ask you guys." We all turned our heads to him. "..." Chunji raised his eyebrows. 

"Go ahead." Ricky said as he patted the baby on the back.

"Okay! So this Friday, the dance team is making this play-like dance show for the school and I stole some tickets from the captain. And I'm going to give them to you guys!" Zelo said happily and pulled them out shoving them into Chunji's face.

"No no no no no!" Chunji said as he pushed his hand away. "Zelo. You have to pay for the tickets. That's stealing." Don't tell me that Zelo never learned about theft. Zelo made a cute pouty face.

"I know..." Then he smiled again. "That's why I said I stole it! Here!" He said and handed them out giving two to Chunji. 

"Why do I have two?"

"So you can invite L.joe hyung!" Zelo said and grinned cutely. Chunji blushed once again, furiously.

"I-I still can't accept this. It's still stealing." Chunji said and I made a face at him. What is he doing? He's making it harder to get close to L.joe! I thought to myself.

"Don't worry, it's paid for. After I stole it, Changjo found out and made me pay for it." Then he pouted again and started talking in third person. "Zelo thought captain hyung would let Zelo have it for free because Zelo was his favorite. Zelo even tried aegyo..." Then Chunji sighed.

"Thank you anyway, Zelo. Chunji hyung is happy that Zelo gave him the tickets." Chunji said cutely and then face palmed. "Zelo, you're rubbing off on me."

"At least it fits your character hyung!" The beanstalk said cheerfully. 

Then bell rang. Lunch was over. Yaay! I'm going to English class! Finally something I'm good at! I smiled to myself as everyone looked at me with questioning expressions. I waved my hand telling them to leave it alone.


* * *


"Tell me how it went okay?" Ricky told me as we left the classroom.

I nodded and smiled as I watched him walk off with the beanstalk toward the cafeteria. Classes had just finished and now I was going to tutor my crush. I sighed to myself. Why do always have to get scared and shy away whenever I see him? Why can't I just be like Chunji and act normal? I composed myself, straightened my blazer, and fixed my hair. I need to at least look okay before I embarrass myself in front of him.

"Anneyong Anika~!" I heard a familiar voice from behind me. It was Youngmin. I need to put him in a good mood. I put on a smile and turned around.

"Hi Youngmin! How are yo- H-hi..." My eyes widened and I flinched when I realized that the person who called me was not Youngmin.

"Are you okay?" Kwangmin asked as he put his hand on my forehead. My face began to heat up.

"I-I'm fine!" I said as I shoved his hand away and fixed my bangs. 

I do want him noticing the huge bruise that the Minwoo jerk gave me. Then I realized that I just pushed Kwangmin. I looked down at the floor and started bowing.

"Mihanae!" He laughed. Then he caught some girl's attention. They stopped and started whispering to each other.

"It's okay! You're always apologizing as if you did something wrong. Loosen up a little." He said.

"Okay." I said he smiled simply at me. I died a little bit inside. He's killing me. "U-umm... Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in the library?"

"I asked L.joe who you got since you guys are friends and all. When I found out it was you, I thought I might as well pick you up after class." He said. 

He asked about me? And thought of picking my up after class? Don't boyfriends only do that (heeheehee... Boyfriend)? Omigod. My heart began to beat faster. I brought my hands together and started wringing my wrists. I felt the glares of the girls around us burning a hole through my head.

"Shall we go?" He said, unaware of the tight atmosphere around us. Is he used to it or something? 

He stood beside me putting is arm once again, around my shoulder. Does he not realize that I'm a girl? There isn't any relationship between us and yet he's putting his arm around me as I was one of his friends. I looked back at the ground hiding my blush. He's different from his brother. There's always skin ship and he's always relaxed. Youngmin always keeps his hands to himself and is normally composed. Kind of like a woman... My eyes widened in surprise. No. He's not gay. He's just effeminate.

"U-umm..." I said as I pushed his arm away. "I think we should just walk with our hands to ourselves." I said as I peeked past my bangs at the glaring girls around us. Some girls gasped and I saw this one that tried to lunge at me but her friends held her back. What just happened?

"How dare she refuse being encircled by his glorious arms!" I heard some girl in the back say. Oh. So this is what it's about. Geez. He just put his arm around me. It's not like he hugged me or anything.

"O-okay." He said kind of in shock as we continued heading to the library. 

It seems as if he's not used to people saying no. We stepped into the library easily finding Changjo and L.joe because the younger one was playfully flicking paper balls at the blonde. Who knew that the mature looking one could act so much like a kid.

"Yah! Changjo! This is why you have to do after school tutoring!" L.joe shouted, receiving a glare from the librarian. He bowed his head lifting it to see Kwangmin and I standing in front of their table. "Annyeong!" he greeted us. We smiled in return.

"Omo! Aren't you that girl that Minwoo hyung threw water at last week?" Changjo asked. I narrowed my eyes and looked to the side. 

"Nae." L.joe laughed and Kwangmin made a surprised face.

"He did what?" Kwangmin asked.

"Threw water at her. We just finished practicing a dance routine and we caught her watching us. Turns out she was looking for the library." Changjo explained. Kwangmin looked back at me.

"I could have walked you. You didn't have to go by yourself."

"I thought I knew the way. Besides, I didn't meet you yet." I said awkwardly. He nodded and we sat down across from L.joe and Changjo. 

"Let's start studying." L.joe said. 

Then he started talking to Kwangmin. He completely misses the purpose of tutoring. I sighed and turned to look at Changjo. Woah. He actually is studying. Just a moment ago I saw him flicking papers at L.joe who I expected to be the mature one. It's like they switched personalities. Then L.joe dragged me into conversation.

"So Anika, who do you think out of your group of friends is the most handsome?" He asked. Both of them were looking at me with waiting expressions. Changjo was deep into his studies. I suddenly felt awkward again.

"U-umm... What?"

"Who do you think is the most handsome in your group of friends?" L.joe repeated himself. He's not as helpful as he says he is. Then I gave up and decided to think of my answer. A few seconds of awkwardness passed.

"I'm going to say Youngmin oppa."

"Ahh." L.joe said. "You know Kwangmin is his twin right?" He said gesturing to the boy beside me. Kwangmin smirked his hot smirk. Ack! He's killing me! I thought to myself.

"Does that mean you think I'm handsome too?" Kwangmin asked raising a brow at me as he rested his chin on his hand. Then he made bedroom eyes at me. HO MY SHISUS. I'M GOING TO DIE. STOP IT. 

"Umm..." I looked around desperately for something to wreck the atmosphere. Changjo! Say something!

"She probably does. Maybe she even likes you." Changjo said. UGH! Not something like that! Why did I have to say Youngmin?! I felt a sudden wave of heat wash over me. I looked at Kwangmin who was now smirking at me.

"Is that your answer?" He asked. I gave up.

"Yes, I do think you're handsome." I answered hoping he would think of that in a friendly way.

"Do you like me too?" He asked still smirking. Y U ASK THESE QUESTIONS?! L.joe and his study partner looked at each other. Hopefully they realized how uncomfortable I was.

"Anika! Don't you think I'm handsome?" L.joe asked as he saved me from the awkwardness. Thank you! And of course I do!

"Yah! You guys are supposed to be studying!" Changjo shouted. 

The blonde and Kwangmin huffed in response and went back to work. Thank Shisus for the people sitting in front of me. A few seconds past before L.joe spoke up.

"Changjo-ah. Are you doing well?" Changjo nodded. "How's The spelling?" He made a thumbs up. "What about pronunciation?" Then Changjo made his scary glare and turned to the one beside him.

"Can you please shut up?" He said in good English. L.joe had a shocked expression on his face as I stiffed a laugh. 

"Anika, can you please help me?" Kwangmin asked. 

I nodded and sat closer to him so I could see the books. He moved them farther away. I looked up at him and made a face to see him smiling at me.

"Get it." He said with a low, tempting voice. I narrowed my eyes. 

"Stop it. You're the one that needs help." 

"And I'm asking for your help." I sighed and leaned over into his space to grab the book. My ear was right in front of his face. Then he whispered into it.

"I forgot to tell you that I think you're very cute." He said as his lips brushed against my ear. 

I froze, dropping the book. Then I turned my head to him forgetting how close we were. Our noses just barely touched and I could feel his breath against my lips. After a few seconds, my eyes finally focused on his and I jerked backwards hitting my elbow on the table. Ignoring the pain, I immediately sat back on my seat and hid my face with my hair. I felt myself once again, heating up and I knew my face was red. Peeking past I bangs I could see the other two staring at us holding their pencils just above the paper. Both their jaws hung slightly open, eyes wide. I peeked back at Kwangmin who was smiling devilishly at me. AAAAAAAAGH STOP LOOKING AT ME! I mentally screamed.

"DID YOU KISS?!" L.joe shouted. 

I could feel people's heads turning towards our table and girl's stares burning a second hole through my head. I'm going to get killed. I looked back down at my lap hiding my face again. Kwangmin chuckled.

"No, but I did tell her that she's really cute." Then he turned back to me. "You aren't used to compliments are you?"

"I'm... What did you just call me?" I asked. I seemed to have forgotten anything that happened in the last few seconds. Kwangmin is giving me brain damage.

"Yeah. I was right." He said as he ily brought his pencil up to his lips. I tore my eyes off him and looked to the other two who were awkwardly looking at each other's papers. Stop teasing. I thought to myself. He's making other's feel awkward. 

"K-Kwangmin. W-what was it that you need help with?"  I asked still feeling uncomfortable.

"It's about the spelling."

"Where is it?"

"Somewhere in the book. But it's on the ground. Can you get it?" I saw it on the floor on other side of him and looked at him unamused.

"It's right beside you. You're closer to it, so get it yourself." He chuckled as he leant back to pick it up. Then he showed me what questions he needed help on. 

"Number sree." 

"Number what?" His English sounds even more weird than Youngmin's. He tried multiple other times to say that simple number. Kwangmin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Oh my gosh... So good looking. I laughed and decided to stop tormenting him. "Okay okay. . . Wait. You're still on the third question? Changjo is more than half way finished! What have you been doing the past 15 minutes?!" I said as I hit his arm. He smiled.

"Looking at you." He said sweetly. I blushed and grabbed the book from his hands so I could explain to get this over with.

"Changjo!" L.joe shouted. "Try harder! Say it again!"

"Sseurday. Oww! Hyung, that hurt!" Changjo complained after L.joe hit him.

"It's pronounced 'Sa-tur-day'. Not sseurday!" L.joe said with his English voice. 

His English voice sounds really good. I'm not kidding. It even has this American touch. I remember him yesterday as he impressed Chunji saying "I'm from Oregon." I swear I saw Chunji's eyes sparkle as he watched L.joe in awe. 

"Say it again!"

". . . Sse- Oww! Hyung stop being so abusive!"

"No. Again."

"Changjo, think of 'sat'." I said trying to help.

"Sat-er-day." Changjo said holding his hands up in defense. L.joe didn't strike.

"Close enough." L.joe said as he made and epic face. "I think you've done pretty well today. Just finish the rest of the work at home." He said as he stood up with his stuff. "But you." he said pointing at Kwangmin. "Stop being a troublemaker and do your work. Stop making Anika's job harder than it already is. Bye now!" he said smiling to me and walked off waving.

"Yaaay. I'm being dismissed early." Changjo said with false cheer (if that makes sense. It probably doesn't). "See you tomorrow, hyung. Bye Anika!" he said and left as well. Kwangmin turned to me.

"What? Do your work. The longer it takes for you to finish the longer you stay here."

"But at least I'm here with you right?" Stop trying to kill me!

"Enough flirting. Just do your work."

"I'm not flirting. I actually like being here with you."

"Ahaha. That's nice!" I said trying to hide my heart attack. "Now please, do your work."

"Only because you asked." He said as he turned back to his work. I'm dying. I sighed in relief. I couldn't handle him looking at me for that long. "Anika,"


"Call me oppa, okay?"

"I'm already calling Chunji oppa that."

"Okay then... Kwangmin oppa at least." I nodded as I turned back to my work, avoiding his gaze.


* * *


"Yah! Hurry up!" I shouted as I hit Kwangmin's shoulder. "It's only a few exercises and you still take a long time!"

"That's easier for you to say because English is your first language. Just a few more minutes." I sighed and waited impatiently. 

Three more minutes passed and Kwangmin finally finished. He handed me the book for me to correct it. I put it in my bag and stood up with my stuff.

"Wae? Aren't you going to go over it?" he asked. I sighed again.

"Well, you took too long. So I'll correct it at home. You can do the corrections from your mistakes when I give it back to you tomorrow."

"But why not now?"

"Chunji and Youngmin oppa said they'd wait for me. After school. Why do you think I wanted you to hurry up?"

"No reason. You just kept on telling me to. But if you told me why, I would've been able to tell you that they're not waiting for you."


"They left when L.joe and Changjo did. I got L.joe to tell them that they didn't have to wait."

"Wae? I always walk home with them."

"I'm walking you home today!" He said smiling as he stood up with his bag over his shoulder (Kris style, if you know what I mean).

Is he going to walk me so he can kill me some more? Does he not realize that I'm kind of dying right now? Does he not realize that girl's are trying to kill me because of his flirtatious actions? I thought as I had an internal seizure. 

"Anika, are you coming?" He asked as he walked towards the library entrance. I nodded and quickly strode over to him. Then we headed out.

"Shoot. It's raining." I said as we stood under the overhang at the school's main entrance. Kwangmin sighed as he ran back in the school only to come back out a minute later.

"The office doesn't have any umbrellas." He said as he took off his blazer and threw it over my head. I stumbled backwards at the momentary blindness, pulling it off my face. 

"Wae? I'm not cold! Put it back on." I said Holding it out to him but he pushed it away.

"Of course you're not. But we're going to walk back home and you need to cover your head so you don't get sick."

"I won't but you will!" I threw it at him but he only caught it and threw it on my head again.

"I'll use my bag." he said gesturing to the school bag in his hand. 

"Aish." I said and fixed the blazer on my head so I could see and stepped out into the rain. 

He followed and smiled at me as he held the bag above his. We continued walking in the rain in a silence listening to the water hit the ground. Kwangmin started walking closer to me and removed the blazer only for a moment to put his head phones on me, then quickly covering my head again. I looked up at him to see him smiling. He grabbed my hand and placed his iPhone in it. I looked at the screen to see the song that was playing but he covered it and told me to guess.


"We’re just dancing on the floor

Neoege jakku Ppajyeodeuneun geol

We’re just Dancing in the Rain

Nal baraboneun nunbichi neomu tteugeowo


Already I’m ready you’re very tipsy baby

Neodo nal wonhago itjanha

Already I’m ready you’re very y baby 

Nal ireukyeo jwo

Nal saranghae jwo Tonight"  (B.A.P- dancing in the rain)


Awwe! This is so cute! I thought to myself as I looked up at him again and smiled. He's such a romantic! Ugh... This is like a drama or something. It's saturated with the taste of cliché. But I don't care. I love it.


* * *


We arrived Chunji's house and Kwangmin insisted that he me to the door. He's acting as if we were on a date. This is so cute. But I still don't know about how he feels toward me... I rang on the doorbell because Chunji never gave me a spare key. Aish. He needs to though. Kwangmin and I waited for a few moments. No answer.

"..." Unable to say anything I looked at my feet.

"Anika," He said and took my hand. I immediately looked up at his face in surprise of his movement to see him already looking at me. "Kamsahandia. I had fun being tutored today."

"N-no problem..." He smiled and leant in towards me. Is he going to kiss me? I was frozen, unable to think. Then the front door swung open. 

"ANNEYONG. HOW ARE YOU GUYS? THANK YOU FOR DROPPING HER OFF, KWANGMIN. BYE BYE!" Chunji shouted as he pulled me inside and slammed the door on Kwangmin's face.

Both Chunji and I stood inside for a few seconds in silence. I pulled off Kwangmin's blazer from my head realizing I never gave it back.

"Thanks for opening the door, oppa. For a moment I didn't think you were home." I said awkwardly as I folded the cloth in my arms. He saw. He obviously knew what was going to happen. He was watching (Chunji is always watching...).

"No problem. Do you want me to wash that for you?" Chunji asked as he gestured to the blazer.

"It's okay. It's just rain after all." I said as I walked up the stairs. "Thank you for the offer." I know he's going to do something to it. Maybe something like burning it.

Normally I would trust Chunji, but he doesn't act like this. Something happened while I was tutoring Kwangmin. Maybe he heard about the rumor about Youngmin. I want to ask about I but I'm not positively sure if that's what Chunji is acting all weird about. Uhuhuhu... I want to talk to Ricky. I thought to myself as I hung the blazer. It smells nice. I didn't think Kwangmin had a specific scent. Mostly because it's girls that do...

"Ugh. I still have to finish my homework." I whined as I fell on my bed and buried my face in the comforter. 

At least I got to finish some while I was still at the school. I giggled to myself. It probably sounded creepy, but I didn't care. Kwangmin... I thought to myself. Was he about to kiss me? He must've. But we barely know each other. I perked my head up with my eyes wide open. I have a new task on my list: To become closer to Jo Kwangmin. I quickly thought up an idea and ran down the stairs to see Chunji.

He was sitting on the sofa with his knees brought up to his chest. His arms were wrapped around his knees as he looked straight forward making big eyes at the lamp next to the sofa. Is something wrong?

"Oppa, are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked as walked over to him and resting my chin on the armrest of the sofa like a puppy. 

"I'm okay Anika. I'm just thinking." He said. I smiled mischievously.

"About L.joe oppa~?" He smiled sweetly as he looked to the floor next to him. It seems that I'm not the only one thinking of someone special. Then I got an idea. "Let's all hang out again tomorrow. But this time not at the hospital!" I said cheekily. Chunji moved his gaze to me, confused. "We'll invite L.joe too." Chunji smiled when he figured it out.

"And maybe Youngmin can bring Minwoo!" My smiled dropped and I furrowed my brows.

"Not Minwoo. He's going to bully me."

"Awwe no... He's nice! Why would he bully you?" He asked.

That's right. Nobody knows that Minwoo is a big jerk to me. Not even Ricky or Chunji. Aish. Even though Ricky was there to witness all those times beaver teeth was mean to me, he just assumed it was 'coincidental' or an 'accident'. Sometimes I wonder how Ricky was able to make it to high school. Oh yeah. He's said to be a math genius.

"Please oppa, just invite L.joe only." I begged. He smiled and ruffled my bangs.

"Okay." I smiled back and hugged him. 

"Yaay! I'm going to create Chunjoe!" he looked at me weirdly. 

"Mwoh?" I sighed and held out my hands referring to the syllables.

"Chun," I held out my right hand. "Joe" Then I held out my left and stuck them together. Chunji's hand flew up to his mouth and giggled as he blushed at the couple name. "I must go now. My brain is coming up with ideas." I said as I waved and ran upstairs. 

Not only ideas to create Chunjoe, but to get closer to Kwangmin. I sat on the floor leaning on my bed as my "genius" brain began to fill up with ideas. I feel like I'm about to plan someone's death... Wait. What am I doing on the floor? The bed is way better! I climbed up onto my bed and lay down under the soft comforter. Now I know why I sat on the floor... I said unable to finish my sentence as I drifted off to sleep.


* * *


"Anika?" Chunji said as he knocked on my door.

"Nae? Come in." I said lazily as I rubbed my eyes.

"Hurry up! We have to go- Why are you still wearing your pajamas? We're going to be late!" He shouted.

Late? Late for what? School just finished a few hours ago. I thought to myself as I reached for my alarm clock on the bedside table. WHAT? IT'S WEDNESDAY? I remember going to sleep after Kwangmin dropped me off only a while ago. Going to sleep right after... I DIDN'T EVEN FINISH MY HOMEWORK! Why must I be like this?! I asked myself mentally. As I was having my silent spazz attack, Chunji stood at the door watching in amusement as I looked left and right while pulling my hair.

"Yah... Why don't you just get yourself ready? I think that would be a good idea." He said and I jumped off my bed and ran into the bathroom.

I walked in seeing Kwangmin's now dry, blazer hanging in the shower. I smiled cheekily as I took it off the hanger and hugged it, bringing it up to my nose so I could smeeeeeeeell. I must've looked so creepy. Thank God that nobody saw me.

*knock knock*

"Anika, we need to leave in five minutes." Chunji nagged as I quickly washed my face and threw on my uniform. 

I ran out to put my unfinished homework in my bag and gently placed Kwangmin's blazer on top, smoothing out the collar and crest. I stood up with my bag turning around to see Chunji right in front of me. My eyes widened as surprise washed over my face. Did he see me treating Kwangmin's jacket like a baby? Would he notice that I liked him? I looked up to Chunji's face. He raised an eyebrow

"Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded quickly and followed him downstairs and out the house. I breathed a sigh of relief once again, thanking God that he didn't notice. But sadly, I thought too soon. "So Anika, what's with treating Kwangmin's stuff as if it were the most precious thing in the word?" He asked as we walked. Well duh, that's because aside from Kwangmin himself, it is the most precious thing in the world. I wanted to say. But that would be too careless of me.

"We'll it's not like I want to return someone's stuff damaged..." I tried to reason. He smiled at me and huffed.

"Or maybe the owner of that item is a very special person to you." Chunji said which surprised me. He does know. I put up a cool act. Or tried to.

"Mwoh? Ani. I just don't want someone to get mad at me." Chunji kept on smiling and wrapped his arm around my shoulder tightly.

"You don't seem to mind when Ricky and Zelo get upset~!"

"Pssh. Well that's just Ricky and Zelo. I wonder if they'll be free today." I tried changing the subject.

"Yah. We’re talking about something else here." Chunji caught me. "Just tell me that you like him. I told you a secret that is embarrassing and shameful. Now tell me." He looked at me seriously. I sighed.

"I like him." I admitted.

"Not as hard as you thought hmm?"

"It was hard."

"Well, don't you think it would be a thousand times harder if you were to say it to his face?" 

Wow. Thanks. I feel much better. I sighed and nodded. I wanted to say that Chunji's situation would be even harder because it was L.joe, but I know that wouldn't end well.

"Noooo!" Chunji said as he checked his phone. "The bell is going to ring in two minutes! We have to run!" He said as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind him.

After the extremely long sprint to school, we arrived late. I ran to my classroom to see everyone already seated. The teacher was standing at the front of the class as I opened the door.

"I'm sorry for interrupting." I said as I bowed to the teacher and the class and headed to my seat.

Beaver teeth smirked at me. I looked at him blankly and smiled sheepishly at Ricky as I ignored the jerk. I could feel his cold stare freezing the left side of my head as I tried not to glare back at him. In the end, I didn't have enough will power to resist it and started glaring back.

"Yah. You two." Mrs. Kim called us. "Enough with your staring contest and pay attention. This is your warning for the both of you." we both stopped and looked to the front. Three minutes later, the left side of my head was attacked by and elastic band with a pain equivalent to a wasps stinger.

"ACK!" I shouted causing the rest of the class to turn their heads in my direction. I knew who did it. I quickly pointed at Minwoo with my eyes wide open like a child would. He was trying to stifle a laugh as the teacher gave us emotionless stares.

"Both of you, stay after todays classes have finished. You two can write assignments then." She said before resuming on giving her lesson. 

But... I was going to create Chunjoe... I mentally whined and glared at Minwoo. Then I felt multiple other laser like stares making another hole in the back of my head. I didn't have to turn around to know they came from the some other girls in class. I turned my head to move my glare at the book on my desk hoping to set it on fire. How dare he ruin my plans.


Hello everyone~! So, Anika just tutored Kwangmin in this chapter and Kwangmin seems to have made quite a few moves on her. And oh my, Chunji. Why would you them? So... what will happen after school when Anika and Minwoo have to stay to write an assignment? So anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic so far. I'm kind of wondering how many chapters I should aim for or if I should just go along with what I can do. Thank you for the subbies! And you silent readers... Must comment! But if you don't... I'll still love you anyway!

~Sandra! - 3-

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Chapter 24: *new reader here ^^
Uuu this is a good story you know! update soon author-nim!
Chapter 23: Oh god that gif right there, I love all the gifs you put up and I love your story!
Annielamie #3
Chapter 23: Omg I fangirled so hard when I saw you updated again! Now my mind is completely blown! Ahhh!
Chapter 23: The tie was good~
So yeah..Youngmin is being a _____ now..great -,- *shot*
update soon :D and fix the plot :D
Annielamie #5
Chapter 22: Ahhhhhhhhh! Please update asap! I'm totally hooked!
hibaharu1886 #6
Chapter 18: Omo, this is so hot, I just not love it, I'm over heels, really hot and cute!!!!