Our Sign of Friendship

The Exchange Student


"Oh. Hi Anika!" Kwangmin said as he opened the the front door to his house. As expected, the place was equally as enormous as Chunji's home. "Please take a seat. I'm almost finished getting ready and we can leave soon." 
He said as he smoothly gestured to the fancy armchairs and sofas in the living room. It was as if he was one of the twins from that Ouran Host Club anime. I partially melted inside. I did so and took as seat.
"If you get bored, there's some stuff over there you can look at. Feel at home." He said and he pointed at the large bookshelf on the far end on the room. 
Then he walked upstairs. After a few 30 seconds, I looked in the direction which he pointed before he left and decided to take a look. I stood up and walked towards the book case which had photos of both the twins and their mother. Aside from the many old books and cute miniature plants, there were a few trophies and hung medals placed near the top. I stood on my toes to get a better look.
Jo Youngmin
Drama 1st place
Jo Kwangmin
Basketball 1st place
'Woah. First place?' I looked at the many other awards which had high rankings. It's sad that I haven't heard from Youngmin that they were both so "up there" in all this kind of stuff. But I never heard that they did this kind of stuff either. 'Did they stop all their club activities?' I questioned myself. I continued walking along the bookshelf and then stopped once I saw a cardboard box tucked in the corner on the ground next to the book case. I guess they were trying to hide it or it wasn't important. I scanned the room carefully to make sure that no one was around and reached for the box to see what was inside. 
I kneeled down and rested on my heels as I oped the unsealed box. There, I saw a few photo albums which were labeled 2000-2005 and 2006-2010 on the spines. I opened the older one to a random page and saw many photos of the twins and their parents. 'This is adorbale!' I thought to myself as I smiled at a picture of the twins running on a grass field holding hands. They looked about five years old at that time. I flipped to the pictures near the back where they looked around ten years old. It was a science project where they both held a 1st place ribbon between each other and their arms were wrapped around each other's shoulders. Then I opened the newer photo album to a large family photo of the twins, their mother, and father. They looked much older than in the other album but they still seemed as close as ever. I continued flipping through pages and pages of the book which was filled to the last page. But once I got near to the end I noticed that there weren't any other photos with their father in it. I shrugged it off as I thought that it could just be that he was was the one taking the pictures.
I picked up the two albums and was ready to place them back into the cardboard box until I noticed there was one other album. It was labeled "2011-". I opened it to pictures of the twins which looked very similar to them in their current state. I flipped through the pages hoping to find some photos of their father but I found none. I realized that there were almost little to no pictures of the Jo twins together. There were either photos of Youngmin and their mother or Kwangmin and their mother. If there were group photos, they would be placed on the opposite ends as if they were two atoms of the same charge. What happened here? It was as if they weren't family anymore. Then I heard the sound of a door opening and closing upstairs. I quickly placed the albums and box back into the place where I found it and scrambled back to my seat. There Kwangmin was, as fine as ever, walking down the stairs with class. 
"Are you ready to go?" He asked. "Sorry for making you wait."
"Oh, no. It's okay." I said truthfully. If he took less time to get ready, I wouldn't have been able to see what I did.
"Alright then, let's go." He said and held out his arm to me. I blushed and took it. 'It's not like prom or anything... Stop acting so perfect!' I thought to myself.
* * *
Kwangmin and I arrived at the school with some time to spare so we used that time to search for Chunji and the others. As we walked through the large crowds of people we ran into Anna. The changed best friend. Should I still call her that? Her hair was up in a fancy bun with some curled strands hanging out at the sides. She wore a reaaaaaally short black dress which wrapped tightly around her body to show off her figure and had high heeled shoes that made her look four inches taller than her usual height. Isn't there a restriction for wearing clothes like that?
"Hey Kwangmin oppa!" She said with one of those cute, annoying aegyo voices.
"Hey." He replied.
"How are you doing this fine evening? You look rather attractive tonight Well, it's not like you don't everyday..." She said as she twirled her hair around her finger. Then she shot me a look. It was one of those looks that are scary in the eyes but covered up with a smile.
"I'm doing fairly well. You look pretty good yourself." He said with a flirty voice. I wasn't sure who to smack first. Anna, for flirting with my boyfriend, or Kwangmin for going beyond his limits. 
"That's nice to hear." She said and turned to me. "Anika, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be somewhere in the halls mopping up the floors?" 
Okay. If she still wasn't such a flirt, I would know that she would joking with me. But since she is rather different than how I used to know her, I'll choose to take this offensively. I calmed my outer self to keep my cool.
"No, that was just a punishment last time. It's not I volunteered to do it." I answered.
"Sure you didn't." She said with a smirk. Then I tugged Kwangmin's sleeve.
"Oppa, can we go look for Chunji and Ricky?" I asked cutely. 
I normally don't go for calling people oppa, and choking myself by using the aegyo voice. But I think this is a good time to use it. I caught Anna out of the corner of my eye narrowing her own eyes. 'Winning.' I thought to myself. Kwangmin turned his head to me with a smile. 
"Okay." He said and then turned back to Anna. "Excuse me. My date would like to go for a walk." I blushed at the fact that he called me his date and then we walked off to leave the pouting Anna behind. 
We walked into the school's auditorium to see Chunji and the others sitting at the far end of the room chatting with Zelo. He was jumping up and own and running around, hugging everyone. Kwangmin and I looked at each other and walked over to join the group.
"Annyeonghaseyo!" Kwangmin and I said to everyone and we received greetings in return.
"Anika!" Zelo said and ran at me with arms open. I hugged him but then grabbed him by the shoulders and looked him straight in the eye.
"Zelo, you need to stop jumping around. You're going to get tired before you actually start dancing. Relax."
"He is relaxed." Ricky spoke. "That's why he's acting like this. And I doubt that he's going to get tired. That'll never happen." Zelo showed his agreement by constantly nodding his head with the most adorable smile on his face. I sighed. 
"Did you bring food for me?" The baby asked. "Preferably lemons or cherry tomatoes?"
"No... Why would I?" I asked.
"Because I'm hungry! I haven't eaten since this morning!" He whined,
"Mwoh? Wae?! Didn't you eat after school?" I asked in shock.
"Aniya... I went straight to practice."
"But you already practiced during lunch."
"Zelo practices 20 hours a day." Chunji said as he took a sip from his smoothie which caught the beanstalk's attention.
"Hyung! Can I have that?" Zelo asked.
"Aniya! I bought this!"
"I'll pay you back!"
"Aniy-" Chunji was about to speak but he got cut off.
"Will all the dance squad members please go to the change rooms. Thank you." Someone said over the PA system. Zelo pouted.
"Okay then guys. Bye!" He waved goodbye before heading off. 
"I guess that means the show will be starting soon." Youngmin said as people began flooding into the auditiorium. "We should take our seats then." The rest of us nodded in agreement. Kwangmin and I left the group to sit in our reserved seats.
"Are you ready?" Kwangmin asked me as he put his phone away after he finished texting someone. He said he was just messaging his older cousin that called him yesterday (the one that he called noona). He must be really close with her to be talking to her all the time. 
I nodded my head in response to his question. Then the curtains opened to an acting scene which started the show. Soon, the first dance unit started with the first group. Zelo was in it. I didn't really quite understand what the story was about exactly. But all I know they were dancing about was that they were dancing in the winter of a city with a corrupt society and whatnot. 
'Get down, Get down
Get-Get-Get-Get-Get down
Get down, Get down
Bow Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow
Get down, Get down
Get-Get-Get-Get-Get down
Get down, Get down
Bow Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow' (BAP- Warrior)
Zelo was acting as the king or puppet master of the rest of the dancers that were acting like puppets. He must be the ace of the group. He was so cute when he made all those derp faces as they danced. The play soon resumed and changed to another scene. These people were in gangs and were about to have a dance battle to win for money. Then the gang leader of the offending team stepped up. He wore a sleeveless hoodie so I could see his toned arms, but I couldn't see his face with the hood pulled over his head. Then he took it off causing my eyes to go wide and my jaw to drop. 
"Come at me." Minwoo said into the microphone. Then the music started. 
(btw, instead of Youngmin and Kwangmin, imagine them as Changjo and a bunch of other dancers.)
Throughout the whole dance I watched beaver teeth the whole time. 'He's so good. . . Why is he so good at this? Why does he look so charming and perfect? Why is he so amazingly charismatic while dancing up there?' I asked myself and couldn't deny how I was in such awe. The dance was coming to and end and the next group was coming up. Minwoo stayed on stage and merged in with the others for the next dance break. Then Kwangmin held my hand, causing me to look at him.
"Do you want to go out for some air?" He asked. I nodded in response. 
Then we stood up and walked out together as the music continued playing.
'Stop girl, in the name of love
Stop girl, in the name of love eh eh
Stop girl in the name of love
Kkumeun anilkkeoya I know your love isn’t real' (U-kiss- stop girl)
But before we passed the back doors, we heard a few gasps coming from the audience. I turned around to see what happened but I saw nothing out of the ordinary so I continued to follow Kwangmin out of the auditorium. 
* * *
We walked out to the small garden behind the building which had a few benches and a water fountain. There, we sat down on a bench in silence. Kwangmin put his arm around my shoulder and looked down at me. I felt my face heat up in contrast with tonight's chilly weather.
"Were you getting bored in there? I should have brought you somewhere else." He asked.
"N-no. It was fine. I was pretty entertained." 
"But I think it'd be more fun if we did something else..." he said and smiled mischievously. 
The wheels in my head began turning as I thought about what might happen next. Then I felt something soft and warm against my lips. I soon realized that he was kissing me and I melted into it. He tangled his fingers in my hair and we began making out until we heard a familiar voice.
"Hyung?" We pulled away from each other and looked in the direction from which the sound came from.
"Minwoo-ah." Kwangmin said. "What are you doing here?"
"I was umm... Looking for you." He said sternly as he tried to hide how uncomfortable he was. Minwoo's eyes kept on flicking back and forth between Kwangmin and I and the ground.
"But aren't you supposed to be dancing?" He sounded a bit irritated and Minwoo could see that.
"I-I just finished my part. I won't go back on again until 15 mins." 
"Then maybe you should be preparing yourself, nae?"  He raised his eyebrows at the younger. Minwoo nodded quickly as he sensed a danger omitting from his hyung. "What was it that you needed then? Since you're here already, you might as well tell me."
"I-it was nothing hyung. I-I'm going to get ready then. Bye." Minwoo said and left quickly.
"Aish." Kwangmin said as he ran his fingers through his hair. 
What just happened? The atmosphere was so tense just then. Youngmin said that Minwoo was just like their own brother, yet the looks that Kwangmin was giving Minwoo were deadly. Could it just be that it was because Minwoo walked in at an inconvenient time? It must be right?
"D-do you want to go back in now?" I asked cautiously. Kwangmin's expression changed to a friendlier one.
"Do you want to?" He asked smiling. He still looked a bit irritated. I could see it in his eyes.
"Umm sure! I don't want to miss Zelo dancing." He nodded and walked me back inside.
The rest of the show was basically a play with a bunch of dances embedded within it. It was kind of like a musical except the singing was replaced with a bunch of hardcore dancing. I was highly impressed by how skilled everyone was. But I wasn't surprised since this is what is expected from the students at this school. After another half hour, the show came to an end people were flooding out of the auditorium. Kwangmin, and I and the others stayed back to congratulate Zelo and Changjo.
"You did amazing!" I said as I embraced the blonde beanstalk into a hug and awkwardly high fived Changjo. 
To be honest, I was still kind of intimidated my Changjo's gaze. It would take a while until I get used to it. Then Minwoo joined us with a shy expression. He was looking at the ground with guilt as if he were a little kid that broke his mother's favourite vase. Changjo went to stand beside him and rubbed his back. 
"It's alright hyung. You did very good. It's not as bad as you think it was." Changjo said. Minwoo said nothing in return and continued to look at the ground. This brought curiosity upon me.
"What happed?" I asked no one in particular but still expected an answer. Everyone looked at me in disbelief. "What?"
"You didn't see?!" Ricky asked half yelling.
"See what?" I asked out of anticipation. Ricky face palmed.
"You didn't hear the entire audience gasping earlier?!" Youngmin also half yelled. Minwoo brought his palms to his face and groaned in disappointment with himself. "Sorry Minwoo-ah."
"I did. But I don't know why."
"Well... That's because-" Youngmin was about to continue but beaver teeth cut him off.
"Shut up Minwoo! I want to hear!" I shouted at him and flicked his arm. Then I turned back to Youngmin.
"Minwoo tripped on stage. I think he saw something at the back of the room that caused him to lose focus."
"I was at the back of the room. But I didn't see anything there..." I said deep in thought. I looked up at Minwoo to catch him looking back at me. Then we shot glares at each other and broke the eye contact.
"Well whatever happened is in the past now hyung. Don't worry about it. Besides, I heard some girls squealing and screaming something about you being so charming and stuff." Zelo said as he tried to cheer him up.
"Why don't we go out and celebrate since you guys did so well?" Chunji said.
"I WANT TO EAT A FANCY DINNER!" Zelo shouted and earned a disappointed look from his junior, Changjo. Changjo really is mature for his age. Or Zelo is just immature.
"Aniya. We don't have that kind of money. But since you're so hungry we'll just go eat somewhere that isn't too expensive." Chunji said as we all started walking out of the auditorium.
"Bye guys!" Kwangmin said as he put him arm around my shoulders and we separated from the group. I saw some girls from giving me looks. 'Oh Shisus. Please help me.' I thought to myself as I looked up to the starry sky.
"Where are you going?" Ricky asked.
"Anika and I are still out on our date." Kwangmin replied smugly. I caught Minwoo looking to the side with an annoyed face.
"Come with us!" Zelo said cheerfully.
"Zelo-ah! They're on a date! Respect their privacy!" Ricky said. Kwangmin looked at me.
"Do you want to?" He asked.
"Why not? It'll be fun." I shrugged and we joined the group. "Let's go!" I said smiling and we all walked into the busy streets of the city.
* * *
"How about that seafood restaurant?" Ricky asked.
"I said nothing too expensive, Ricky-ah. That's expensive." Chunji repeated.
"MC DONALD'S." Zelo shouted as he hopped around us. A few girls we passed on the street "Awwed" at how cute he was. I have to admit, he was adorable.
"Zelo! Not in public! You're not a baby!"
"Yes, he is." Many of us corrected.
"Let's go eat barbecue then." Youngmin said. 
We all agreed and walked into a nearby restaurant. We chose to sit at a large round table. None of us could find out where to sit because of particular people. The Jo twins won't sit next to or across from each other, Ricky and Changjo wanted to sit next to each other, Zelo and Kwangmin wanted to sit beside me, and Minwoo and I didn't want to sit at the same table. This was tricky. So as the stressed elder of the group that he is, Chunji made seating arrangements in this specific order (ordered clockwise.) Zelo sat next to me, then next to me was Kwangmin, then Chunji, then Youngmin, Ricky, Changjo, and Minwoo, then Zelo again. After a good five minutes of organization, we finally took our seats and took our orders. Kwangmin leaned towards me and whispered in my ear.
"Do you want to share an order?" He asked with that damn attractive voice of his. 
My cheeks flushed and I nodded quickly. He smiled in accomplishment and pointed at different foods on the menu. His words lost my attention which his lips caught them. I kept on scanning him up and down and bit my lip to avoid drooling over how handsome he looked. My eyes moving from his lips, along his jawline, down his neck, stopping at his Adam's apple and then continuing to stare at his luxurious collarbone. Then she spoke.
"Anika, do you have your order?" He asked smugly, aware that I was dawning over his features. I nodded. "Then what would you like?" He asked.
"Umm... Err..." I wasn't able to come up with anything because of my lack of listening skills. He leaned in to whisper to me again.
"Pay attention now. We can have our own moments later." He said and winked at me. 'Stop. DOING THAT!' I mentally screamed as I averted my eyes from his handsome face. "Okay. I'll order." I didn't have to look at him to hear the smile in his voice.
As we all ate our food I looked around the table to see how many friends that I made since I arrived in Korea. Well, not counting Minwoo. I thought that I would have just syed with Anna for the while time once I got here. But instead I became independent and was able to do things on my own. 'I even got myself and boyfriend.' I smiled at myself of the accomplishment. Then I remembered Anna. I may have made many friends here, but I think I lost the most important one I had before I met everyone else. She looks at me as if I were a mutation or something. What happened to her? She's so different. 'Did her group or posse changer her? Did she change herself? Did the popularity get to her?' I asked myself deep in thought. I need to talk to her. My mind let go of the subject as I lifted my gaze to see Chunji staring blankly and numbly at his food and only staring blankly at his food. He slowly lifted his gaze to look across the table or maybe past the person who sat across from him. I followed his gaze to look past Minwoo's shoulder at what or who Chunji was looking at. There I saw...
And his date
Seated across from each other at a table for two. They were having a conversation smiling at each other and laughing occasionally. I looked back at Chunji to had moved his gaze back to the plate in front of him. He stared at it emotionlessly and Youngmin spoke to him. 
"Chunji hyung, can I have some?" He asked. Chunji nodded numbly and Youngmin took some food from his plate. "This is good hyung! Did you eat it yet?" Chunji shook his head and lifted his fork to his mouth to try. 
"It's good." He said looking at Youngmin with a watery smile. 
Youngmin sent him a small smile back and Chunji resumed to string at his plate. Youngmin noticed the gloomy aura around his hyung and looked at Chunji with confusion. Then he finally came to conclusion that something was wrong. Youngmin looked past Chunji and Kwangmin and we caught eyes contact. He knew that I noticed as well and nodded at me. I nodded back and pulled out my phone. I sent a text to Chunji telling him to meet me outside and stood up from my seat.
"Excuse me." I said as I left the table. 
As I walked outside the restaurant, Chunji received the text and left the table to meet me outside. But before he left, I caught him taking one last look at the couple seated at the table for two. I could see that his heart sunk within him. We were now standing in front of each other outside the restaurant. It was freezing and I could see our breaths puffing out. 
"Is there anything you need, Anika?" Chunji asked with a softened voice. He tried hiding his emotion under his gentle smile.
"Are you okay?" I asked empathetically.
"What are you talking about? I'm fine!" He tried putting a genuine smile out. I sighed.
"It's no use oppa." His smile dropped with his gaze as sorrow began to streak his face. 
His hands were in his pockets and he bit his lips to avoid crying. I hushed him and pulled him into a hug. He was crying silently with hiccups distorting his breath. He must really like L.joe to be crying like this. 
"Oppa, please don't cry. It'll get better." I said with the most gentle voice that I could. He nodded and gently patted my head.
"Kamsahamnida." He said. 
After a few minutes to get him to calm his sniffling, we went back inside. As we were walking back, L.joe caught Chunji heading to the washroom to fix himself up before going to the table. He stood up and excused himself from the table and also went tour washroom. Curiosity washed over my mind. I wanted to know what's going to happen. Minutes later, Chunji walked out first with his neutral expression which was no help for me. I texted him.
Me: What happened?
Chunji: He just asked me a few questions.
Me: Like...
Chunji: How was the show? Was it fun? Did I miss anything new?
Me: And you said...
Chunji: Good. Yes. No.
Me: WHAT?! THAT'S IT?! =___=' Aish.
Chunji: What was I supposed to say?
Chunji: Build conversation. Don't kill it.
I looked back at him with raised brows. He pouted and I sighed. After we finished eating we headed home and parted ways, splitting into two groups. Ricky, Zelo, Changjo, and Minwoo one way, and Chunji, the Jo twins and I another. Youngmin and Chunji were ahead of me and Kwangmin.
"Anika, slow down." He said as he tightened his grip on my hand.
"Our date isn't finished yet. So we don't have to go home with them."
"Didn't you want us to have our moment earlier?" He caught me by surprise.
"Mwoh? Aniya. You just assumed that." He gave me a look with those hypnotizing eyes. I averted my gaze to somewhere else. 
"Come on." He said and pulled my hand.
* * *
We ended up back at the park where we last tutored on Thursday.
"Really? Here?" I asked.
"Well, it's quiet. No one is here, and it's a cute place for a date." He said as we took a seat on a bench under a lamp post.
"During the day." I smiled and he smiled in return. He took both my hands and turned to me with his eyes focused on mine. I looked back innocently.
"Shall we continue what we were doing earlier?" He asked in a low voice?
"Err... I do-" I was cut off as he closed the distance between our lips. Then he pulled away.
"Well?" He asked but then my phone vibrated. I checked it. It was a text from Chunji.
Chunji: Where are you? Why aren't you guys with us? You were supposed to be behind us!
Me: Mianhae oppa. I'll be there soon.
I put my phone away and stood up but Kwangmin pulled me back down and reconnected our lips. 
"That's for not answering me." He said.
"Shouldn't listen more often." I said smiling. 
We both stood up and he escorted me back to Chunji's place. Then he went back home after my favourite goodnight kiss. As I walked up the stairs, Chunji called me to the kitchen. 'Just like an umma.' I thought to myself. 
"Have some!" He said and held up a box of milk tea to me. I laughed at how cute is was and took a seat across from him at the dining table. 
"Why are we always drinking milk tea together?" I asked.
"I don't know. But this will now be a sign of our friendship!" He said cheerfully. "Cheers!" He said and held up his box. 
I did so as well. We both smiled at each other and took a sip.

HEEEEEEY~! I am so sorry that I'm late. Again. Please do expect me to be updating chapters late in the fututre for I am a horrible mess. But please do continue to read my story because i love you guys. I must go now! See you later~!

~Sandra ^__^


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Chapter 24: *new reader here ^^
Uuu this is a good story you know! update soon author-nim!
Chapter 23: Oh god that gif right there, I love all the gifs you put up and I love your story!
Annielamie #3
Chapter 23: Omg I fangirled so hard when I saw you updated again! Now my mind is completely blown! Ahhh!
Chapter 23: The tie was good~
So yeah..Youngmin is being a _____ now..great -,- *shot*
update soon :D and fix the plot :D
Annielamie #5
Chapter 22: Ahhhhhhhhh! Please update asap! I'm totally hooked!
hibaharu1886 #6
Chapter 18: Omo, this is so hot, I just not love it, I'm over heels, really hot and cute!!!!