Why Are You Here?

The Exchange Student


"Anika~!" I heard the voice of Zelo as he barged into the classroom. 
Class was still in session and would finish in less than five minutes. I assume his class was dismissed early. Everyone was silent and stared at him for what felt like a minute until the teacher spoke.
"Mr. Choi, is there anything you need from me?" Mrs. Kim asked.
"N-no. Sorry." he said and bowed. Then he turned to the class and bowed again. "I'm sorry for interrupting." Then he left.
10 seconds passed and the bell rang, signaling that classes were finished. I stood up and stumbled towards the door trying to stand up without falling as students rushed by. I swear it felt like walking through a pack of bulls. As I exited the classroom luckily, un-injured, I sighed in relief. Ah. The day's over. Now I can relax. I thought to myself before getting tacked by a beanstalk. 
"Anika!" Zelo said cheerfully before hugging me. Then pulled away and patted by head. "You're so short! I can even use you as an arm rest!" Then he placed him arm on my head but I pushed it off.
"Oppa, you're going to ruin my hair." 
"I already did." Then he messed up my hair as he lightly rubbed the top of my head.
"Yah!" I shouted and slapped his hand away. Then Ricky finally walked out of the classroom. 
"I didn't see you sleeping in class. Why is your hair a mess?" Ricky asked. 
After a few seconds he smirked. Zelo and I looked at him with questioning expressions. His eyes shifted between us signaling that he was thinking there was something between us. If you mean a brother sister relationship, then maybe yes. But other than that, no. Our mouths made an "O" shape in realization to what he meant and we shook our heads quickly. Ricky laughed.
"I'm just kidding! Let's go look for Chunji and Youngmin hyung!" Ricky said.
"We fly here! LEGGO!" Zelo shouted in excitement before running down the hallway. Ricky and I walked after him following Zelo.
"So Anika, how do you REALLY feel about Zelo-ah?" Ricky asked with a greasy smile.
But not as creepy as this guy that sat behind me. I feel so bad for the girl he was smiling at. His friend P.O kept on calling him Kyungcumber. What kind of name is that?
"He's like a cute little brother. He has such cute cheeks and always wears this mask thing all the time! Sometimes I just want to pinch his cheeks!" I said while making little gestures of pinching cheeks. "But he never lets me. And I know I can't reach his face." I pouted.
"You sound like a grandma that wants to squeeze the life out of her grand kids." Ricky stated. I hit his arm causing him to wince.
"Mihanae. Anyway, I think I like someone else." I said and blushed as I looked at my shiny school shoes.
"Awwe! Am I that good looking?" Ricky said as he ran his fingers through his hair. Then he smiled at me. I made a face.
"Sorry. Do you want me to guess?" He asked and I smiled in response.
"It's more fun that way."
"Okay." He put his finger on his lips as he looked up towards the ceiling. "Chunji hyung!" I shook my head. "L.joe hyung!" I shook my head again. "Youngmin hyung?" 
"Close..." Then he dropped his jaw.
"Minwoo?!" He said in shock. WTF?! I dropped my jaw too, making a face. I hate Minwoo! 
"How can Youngmin lead to Minwoo?!" I asked in disbelief. "Aish. Okay I'll tell you." Ricky turned his head and I whispered the boy's name into his ear. His jaw dropped again and he looked at me in shock once more. 
"Kwangmin?" He asked. I nodded, hiding my face with my bangs. "He's really popular you know. Youngmin only has half the popularity that Kwangmin has."
"Oh. It's not like I'm looking for a chance though..." I lied. I actually did. But I had a feeling it wouldn't end out too well.
"Okay. That's good. You know Youngmin hates him." I nodded.
"Yeah. It's really easy to see when they cross paths. Does Kwangmin hate him too?"
"I guess it counts as hate. He's always finding a way to piss his hyung off. Youngmin despises his brother so much that even seeing Kwangmin smile gets him in a bad mood."
"Wae? Why do they hate each other? Aren't they supposed to have each other's backs?"
"I don't think I'm in the right place to tell you this stuff. You should ask Youngmin himself." Ricky said. 
I understand that he needs to respect someone else's privacy. But I really want to know. Maybe I should try asking Youngmin when we hang out later. As we finished our little conversation, we entered the cafeteria to see Zelo and Chunji pulling at the arms of two guys that were getting at each other. I assumed that they were seniors since they looked pretty matured. Both of them were gorgeous. Well almost every boy attending this school was. Everyone was standing in place watching them at each other's necks. One of the two boy's had raven black hair that sprayed up in the front to show his eyes. His skin was milky white and he had a really nice face. The other boy had a bowl cut with red hair. His skin equally as white as the first guy. Then the raven head received a punch in the face. I winced at what I witnessed thanking Shisus that I was not that boy. The raven haired boy made this really creepy face ripping his arms from Chunji's grip shoving him to the ground.
"HOW DARE YOU." He said in rage. "MY BEAUTIFUL FACE." Then he started running at red head. I swear, he looked like an angry dinosaur.
"HO KISEOP. RUN!" A buff blonde haired boy said. Oh I've heard of him! Chunji introduced the blondie to me as Eli! He's pretty funny. Then I saw the Kiseop guy retreat with Eli and five other guys behind them. The raven head was going to chase them down but someone spoke up from behind him.
"HIMCHAN. WAIT." A brunette said and grabbed his arm causing him to stop. The brunette holding Himchans arm was as gorgeous as any other boy I've seen at this school. How beautiful. I thought sarcastically (sorry I had to add some sarcasm. I'm not used to complimenting all the time). The said Himchan turned around still with that creepy look on his face not as happy as he was a second ago when he wanted to rip Kiseop's throat out.
"You need to calm down. Your face is fine."
"No... Mine is." The boy called Daehyun said as he cupped his chin with his hand and smirked to one of the girls making her start hyperventilating. Geez boy, try not to get people like that. The Himchan guy grunted as he looked to the ground. "Relax. He's not going to take your place. He has a long way to go to get 2nd. Kiseop was just talking nonsense when he said that crap."
"He sounded pretty serious though." Himchan said before composing himself, putting his scary face away. "He said he was really going to take my place." He stated still sounding a bit angered. 
"Yeah, but can he make it happen?" No answer. "That's what I thought. So just calm down." Daehyun said as fixed his jacket. 
Himchan huffed and left with the brunette at his side. The atmosphere in the cafeteria loosened as the two exited. Then I remembered Chunji being shoved to the side and rushed to him sitting on the floor.
"Oppa, are you okay?" I asked him.
"Nae. How long we're you here?"
"As far as we saw Himchan get a blow to the face. Who were those guys?"
"The one that fled with Eli and his posse was Lee Kiseop. He's the third ulzzang of the school. The other two guys that left a moment ago were Himchan and Daehyun. Himchan is the second ulzzang while Daehyun takes the first." Chunji said.
"But shouldn't Himchan be trying to get at Daehyun instead of Kiseop?" 
"Yeah, he should, but the two made some alliance thing that the only way one would surpass another is if it happened naturally. Kiseop just confronted Himchan claiming that he would remove him from second place. What an idiot. He knows Himchan is very protective of his status." Chunji explained. 
Wait. Aren't those two from that group I saw Kwangmin with yesterday? This is getting weird. Why is it that everyone I see is somehow related to Kwangmin and beaver teeth? Maybe I Should ignore it.
"Oh. As long as you're okay." I said and helped him up.
"Maybe we should find Youngmin and leave before some other drama starts up." Zelo said as he brushed himself off. 
* * *
"Youngmin!" Ricky said as he walked into the boy's washroom. 
Chunji, Zelo and I were waiting in the now empty hallway. After a few seconds, Ricky walked out alone saying that he wasn't there.
"Has anyone tried calling or texting him?" Chunji asked.
"We all did." Said Zelo.  
This is weird. I understand Youngmin hiding someplace when classes aren't in session, but he always leaves his phone on. ALWAYS. Ricky once told me that Youngmin left his phone on during a funeral. Unfortunately, someone called him. And his ringtone was "Ma Boy". All these ajjumas ended up hitting him upside the head because of that.
"Have we checked everywhere?" Ricky asked. We all nodded in response.
"Maybe he went home." I suggested.
"To hang with his brother?" Ricky asked and raised his eyebrows.
"I doubt he would do that." Zelo said.
"Then should we keep looking for him or do you think he'll be okay?" I asked.
"He'll be fine." Chunji said effortlessly in a relaxed tone. I was taken aback. What kind of hyung are you? I wanted to say.
"A-are you sure? What if he needs our help?" I tried to persuade them to keep on looking.
"He'll be fine." Chunji clarified himself. As he finished his sentence we saw someone walk around the corner. "Hi L.joe!" Chunji said as his expression suddenly lightened. L.joe stopped to say hi and joined our group.
"Hey guys! Oh hi Anika!" He said to us receiving "Hello's" in return. "What are you guys doing here? School's finished a while ago."
"We were looking for Youngmin. We tried calling him but his phone is off." I answered.
"Youngmin? I saw him leave with Kwangmin just as classes finished. I assumed they were going to hang out. Didn't he tell you?"
"Mwoh?" We all asked in unison, L.joe nodding in response.
"But he would've told us." Ricky said as his eyebrows furrowed. 
"I don't know. He didn't look like he was in a good mood. He even seemed worried." We all exchanged worried glances in concern of what might've happened.
"Do you know where they went?" Chunji asked eagerly.
"Yeah. When I asked, they said they're going to visit a friend before leaving in a rush."
"But why would they go together?" Zelo asked as he pouted cutely.
"It probably would be for a serious reason. The only times I actually see them together is when it's for something really important." L.joe said before his phone rang. "Oh. She's here." I heard him say quietly as he smiled to himself. Then out of the corner of my eye I caught Chunji's expression sadden. What? Is he that worried about Youngmin? I asked myself completely misreading Chunji's expression. "I have to go now. See you guys on Monday." L.joe said. As he walked down the hallway Chunji watched him until he was out of sight with longing eyes. Huh? Did something happen? The rest of us had puzzled faces on still thinking where Youngmin went. Then a light went up in my head.
"Guys," I started and everyone looked up at me. "This morning, the reason why Kwangmin wanted to talk to Youngmin was because of this Donghyun guy. Maybe he had something to do with it." Then Ricky's eyes went wide.
"Donghyun? Isn't he that guy that Minwoo almost killed?" What? Beaver teeth almost killed someone? I knew he was some form of evil.
"Yeah. He's the twins' older cousin. Last month he was sent to the hospital. Remember?" Zelo answered. This happened last month?! That's happened not long ago. Why is there so much going on at this school? And why around this group of people? I showered my brain with questions.
"They must've left to visit him at the hospital." Chunji said piecing it together. "Maybe we should visit too. It's been a while since we said hello." 
"Do you think it would be a good idea? The twins' talked about it as if something bad happened." I asked in worry.
"Do you think we wouldn't run into trouble if we didn't go?" Chunji asked seriously. I was taken aback."Maybe it would be a good idea just this time to find out something for ourselves instead of having to squeeze it out of Youngmin. He's already had to explain a lot of things before." What? What is Chunji talking about? Explaining a lot of things? Like what?
"Let's go then." I said without thinking about how the twins would feel is they saw us at the hospital too. I was being selfish, but there are so many questions I want to ask Youngmin and I wouldn't wait any longer.
* * *
"Who?" The lady at counter asked. We arrived at the hospital after being surprise attacked by a sudden rain shower.
"Kim Donghyun." Chunji said as he tried fixing his hair which was matted against his forehead in result of the rain.
"Room 407, fourth floor." That's pretty high up.
"Kamsahamnida." Chunji said and turned to us. "Ricky, you and I will go to the gift shop to buy something for him. Zelo and Anika can go ahead to Donghyun." I frowned.
"But Chunji oppa, you're supposed to be my guide. I don't know this Donghyun guy." I complained. Chunji smiled at me and ruffled my dampened bangs.
"Zelo's a good guide too." He said which was followed by a scoff from Ricky. "No Ricky, you aren't." Then He turned back to me. "It'll be fine. Donghyun is nice." I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Okay fine. Just go already." I said and turned heading to the elevator. 
"Yah. Don't roll your eyes at your elders." Chunji nagged and I turned around smiling at him. 
*Mehrong!* Then he gawked at me. Hahaha...
"Come on Anika! I haven't seen hyung in a while! Let's go!" Zelo said as he tugged at my cardigan.
"Don't stretch it! You're always ruining my things!" I said as we entered the elevator. He smiled cheekily.
"Then you'll always remember me every time you see it! You can look back at your messed up notebooks and say 'I remember. Zelo oppa ripped the cover!'" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I would have thrown it away then if it was that damaged." I retorted. 
"What is something that I can mess up that you can't throw away...?" He asked himself and looked up at the ceiling as if the answer were to be there. He was still thinking  as we exited the elevator and walked on our way to Donghyun's room.
"You're really thinking hard about this are you?" I asked trying to hold in a laugh. "How about we just take some pictures instead of you having to trash someone else's belongings?" I asked and he nodded happily. 
Awwe! You're so cute that it makes up for your lack of common sense! I thought as I watched Zelo dashing the rest of the way to the room. He knocked on the door a few times and barged in through the door without waiting for a response. Such good manners... I heard sudden shouting from an ajjuma inside the room and Zelo ran out shouting apologies closing the door behind him.
"Does he already have visitors?" I asked in amusement. Still following him.
"Wrong room." He chuckled as scratched the back of his head. 
Then he saw the correct room number on the door next to the ajjuma's and did the same thing he did earlier. He still got shouted at except from the right person. As I neared the entrance, I felt a bit nervous. First, I was meeting a stranger that happens to be in the hospital. Second, we were uninvited guests so we probably weren't wanted to be here. Third, Kwangmin was there. I should've just begged Chunji so I could stay with him. I'm too scared to go even though Zelo was with me. I gathered up my small pieces of courage and crept around the corner and knocked on the door putting a sheepish smile on my face. They all turned their attention towards me. Nooooooo! Don't look at me! Then Kwangmin was the first to speak.
"Anneyong Anika! Come in!" He said with a smile on his face and started walking towards me. 
Agh! All he's doing is making me feel more uncomfortable! He put his arm around my shoulder and walked me toward the others. My heart started thumping as I felt myself begin to heat up. I looked up from the ground to catch Youngmin glaring at his twin but smiled immediately after he saw that I noticed his threatening look. Then I remembered that there was a patient sitting on the bed in front of us. This must be Donghyun. His left arm and right leg were both in casts. His right leg elevated as well. How could he get so injured? I can't believe this Minwoo jerk. Doing such terrible things to him. My jaw slightly dropped in shock of the "helpless" boy in front of me. Then Donghyun guy chuckled.
"What's so funny? This is terrible!" I said with guilt (even though beaver teeth was the one who did it).
"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I can't believe what he just said when he is clearly covered in sterile gauze and plaster. Then I realized I haven't introduced myself. 
"A-annyeong! My name is Kwon Anika. It's nice to meet you Kim Donghyun." He smiled and bowed his head in return.
"Hey Anika. I realized that you haven't introduced yourself to me either." Kwangmin said, his arm still around my shoulders. Oh shoot. I forgot about the closeness between us. I pushed his arm off and apologized.
"Sorry, I forgot!" I said nervously and bowed repeatedly. Kwangmin chuckled and put his hands on my shoulders to keep me still. 
"It's alright! As long as we know each other!" He smiled again and I blushed at the contact.
"Wait what?" Donghyun asked. "You guys didn't even introduce yourselves to each other? I thought you two were dating." He said as his finger moved back and forth between me and Kwangmin. 
Kwangmin looked at me smiling causing me me to blush harder than before. Aaaaaahhh... This is really awkward. I looked to Youngmin and Zelo giving them pleading looks for them to help me out. Zelo just looked at me cluelessly not getting the message while Youngmin was busy glaring at his brother. I looked back at Donghyun who was waging for a response... From me? 
"Huh? What? No, no!" I put my hands up making these weird motions as if I was cleaning a table (I don't know what you call it). "He's just.... Errm..."
"A friend." Kwangmin finished. I saw from the corner of my eyes Youngmin was now baring his teeth. Sorry Oppa, I can't do anything really... Then my two guardians walked in. 
"Hi Donghyun hyung~!" Chunji's sing-song voice chimed as he happily walked in with Ricky following behind him. I sighed in relief, thankful for their arrival.
"Hi hyung!" Ricky greeted and gave him the gifts they bought from the store across the street. Donghyun raised his eyebrows in disbelief. He was now holding the gifts.
"Roses and chocolate? Is this some kind of love confession?" Donghyun said as as he threw the gifts back at Ricky who was now lying in fetal position on the ground. Chunji sighed at them and picked up the chocolate, opening the box and helping himself. Zelo and Youngmin crowded around him taking some for themselves, stepping on Ricky in the process.
"OWW! AHH!" Ricky shouted and tried to get back up but Zelo stepped on his hand. "OWW ZELO!" He finally got up and was able to grab some before Zelo stole the whole box, running to the corner of the room saying something that I assume was "My precious. Kekekekeke..." He looked so creepy.
"You're shuch a pig, Jello." Ricky said as he shoved some chocolates in his mouth. Chunji narrowed his eyes at his dongsaeng and gave me one of his. 
"Yah. Aren't those supposed to be mine?" Donghyun shouted to the beanstalk squatting in the corner.
"They were supposed to, hyung. But you threw them at me. So we assumed you didn't want them." You could only guess who said that.
"Aish. Okay you guys I'm going to go get us some ramen since you're all so hungry. Call me if you need anything else." Youngmin said as he turned to leave.
"Can you get me some bubble tea?" Kwangmin asked smirking at Youngmin's scowl.
"Me too Hyung! Zelo called from his corner."
"Strawberry for me!" Said Ricky.
"Mango please." Added Donghyun. Youngmin sighed and looked at Chunji.
"Thanks." Chunji said.
"Yah! I didn't offer anything to you!"
"I'd like coffee or mint flavor if you wanted to know."
"I didn't!"
"Or surprise me then."
"Aish!" Youngmin shouted and then turn to me. "Do you want anything Anika?" 
"I'll come with you! You'll probably need help carrying all those drinks." I said and we left. Maybe this will give me a chance to ask about what happened between him and Kwangmin.
* * *
"Youngmin oppa," I started as we walked together under the umbrella Youngmin stole from his brother.
"What happened to Donghyun?" I asked.
"He has a cracked knee-cap and broken radius."
"Errm... One of those bones in your fore arm."
"Oh. But... how did they break?" I asked with caution.
"Minwoo did it." Ricky was right. Only a monster from hell like Minwoo would do that.
"Why though? I didn't know Minwoo could do that much damage to someone."
"I don't know." Youngmin lied. And I could easily see that.
"Please tell me." I begged. He sighed and gave up.
"Well, all I can say is that they got into a fight a month ago. It was really surprising to everyone because he's always so nice and never causes any trouble. This surprised Donghyun the most though. Minwoo always looked up to Donghyun as his own brother. That's why Kwangmin and I treat him like family. Anyway, Donghyun made a joke about this one girl that was basically everything to Minwoo. This kind of flipped him off. But that wouldn't have caused trouble if it was any other day. But that day was really bad because everything was crashing down on him. The Minwoo snapped. So the junior started talking back to Donghyun and 'joking' about the ones he loved which started a fire. Soon they were in an all-out fight and nobody could stop them. Or in our case, Minwoo. In result, Donghyun was covered in huge bruises and somehow, he was bleeding too. A lot. He was beaten senseless. Minwoo lost everything after that. He was suspended for a week. His parents hated him after they found out about the condition he put Donghyun in, so he moved into his older brother's house. But Jeongmin, his brother, was almost never home. So he basically lived alone and frequently drops by at our place. He lost his place in the top 10 students, and the girl that he was so crazy about found out about why he went on a sudden rage. We guess she got frightened, so she moved to Thailand a week later. Kwangmin and I are relieved that people still like him." I was left speechless. No seriously. Speechless. I don't have anything to say. Wait. I do.
"What you you mean by 'all I can say is'? You just told me the whole story."
"Oh... Well lucky you! I thought I forgot what happened." Youngmin made a watery smile. I looked at the ground feeling bad for Minwoo after the story Youngmin told me. Then I hit my head with my palm startling Youngmin.
"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me as if I were a crazy person. I probably am.
"Ahaha... Nae. I'm fine." Then I resumed to my thoughts.
I understand that this story is sad but I can't feel bad for this Minwoo jerk. He is my enemy. That mother father called my face 'burnt' and said I should out a paper bag over my head. Then he threw water at me! That beaver toothed boy doesn't deserve any mercy! Then my phone rang.
"No, no, no, no mercy!
Yeah, we are the B.A.P
Baby wussup!
Uliga Wasseo!
Ije-Neun Neo-Geuleob-Ge Bwa-Juji Anh-Gesseo!" (Aaaawwwwe yeeeeaaaa!)
"A-Anneyonghaseyo?" It was Chunji.
"Anneyong? Anika?"
"Hi Chunji oppa!" 
"Are yo-" Then I heard the sound of Chunji shouting in the distance. My eyes went wide. Is he okay? I hope nothing happened.
"THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!" I heard Zelo say in a serious tone. "ARE YOU AT THE RESTAURANT YET?"
"Umm... We're walking in now." I answered hesitantly.
"THE FLAVOR..." Then pause. "I WANT..." pause again.
"Zelo, are you just going to tell me what kind of bubble tea you want?" I interrupted.
"YAH! This is important!" He whined. I sighed.
"Just tell me. And then give Chunji oppa his phone back."
"I want cherry tomato flavor."
"Mwoh? There's no such thing!"
"Whaaaaat?" He whined again. "Do they have lemon milk tea?"
"Uhuhuhu... Fine. What are you getting?"
"Then I want mango too."
"Okay then. By-" I was about to say but got cut off.
"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT." I inhaled deeply as my eyes rolled back. Youngmin chucked at the sight.
"Kwangmin want's mango too." 
"Is that it?"
"OKAYTHENBYE!" I rushed so that Zelo couldn't interrupt and lengthen this pointless conversation. Then we walked into the restaurant.
* * * 
"Hello! What can I get for you today?" The waiter asked his overused question as Youngmin and I were seated at a table.
I was texting Anna since she couldn't hang out with us today. She had something like house cleaning to do. Apparently she made her room a mess within a day. 
"2 number 7's and 3 number 14's." Youngmin ordered.
"Oh. I'm not going to eat." I said. That's a lot of orders.
"Are you sure?" I nodded. "Okay. Can you change that to 2 number 7's and 2 number 14's please."
"Is that enough for you toda- Hi Youngmin!" The waiter said.
"Hmm?" Youngmin asked and then finally made eye contact with the waiter. "Hello Minwoo! You never told me you worked here." What? Minwoo? Stop being at the same places as me! I mentally shouted to myself. Then the beaver toothed waiter noticed me, shot me a glare, and looked back to Youngmin.
"This is your date?" He asked mockingly. That son of a beach.
"What? No. We're just here to pick up some food for Chunji hyung and the others."
"Oh, okay good. Because if she was, I'd have to admit that you'd have bad taste." Minwoo said and smirked making me scowl at him. "Okay. So is that it for you? It's for to go right?" Minwoo asked changing his tone to something less annoying.
"Ah... No. Do you have bubble tea? And yes, for to go,"
"Yes. Here's the menu." Minwoo said and handed the menu to Youngmin. Then he grabbed another one and threw it at my face. HO . YOU'RE LUCKY YOUR MANAGER DIDN'T CATCH YOU. Youngmin stifled a laugh.
"Pfft! You two are hilarious. You act like one of those quarreling couples." Both our jaws dropped.
"Youngmin oppa how dare you insult me by paring me with dumbo ears!" I said and Minwoo narrowed his eyes at me.
"So do you have your orders?" Minwoo asked impatiently. Hah. I just think I've won.
"Okay. So three mango, one strawberry, one coffee, and what did Zelo want?" Youngmin asked as he turned to me.
"Umm... I don't remember. Just give him the cereal." Heh. Time to mess around with the baby of the group.
"Did you order for yourself?" Youngmin asked.
"Aah... I'll have mint." I said and threw the menu at Minwoo.
"Okay." Minwoo said at retreated to the kitchen coming back with the ramen and then the drinks. "Here Anika, your bubble tea."  He said with a mischievous smile and left. 
He did something to it. I thought and stared at the drink. Then He came back to hand the bill to Youngmin.
"I'll be at the counter." He said to Youngmin and left. I peeked over to see the bill. Holy . 51,000 won? I made a face. We should have collected some money from everyone.
"Here." I said handing him half the amount of the bill.
"Hmm? Oh, no." He said and pushed it away.
"Why not?" 
"I can't accept money from people."
"But it's a gift!" I smiled. "It would be rude to not accept."
"Then I'm going to be rude." Youngmin said as he pulled out his wallet and put the payment with the bill. 
I removed half of it and replaced it with my money, placing his half back in his hand. He gave me a look.
"It's not like you asked for it. It's an offer." I smiled and cocked my head to the side. He sighed as he smiled back.
"Okay, fine." He said putting his wallet back into his pocket "Can you please bring the bill back to the counter? I'm going to carry the food."
"What? No. I'll carry it." I said trying to avoid talking to beaver teeth.
"Please?" He begged and then did perfect aegyo.
*bbuing bbuing* HOMIGOSH. WHY DO ALL MY FRIENDS HAVE AEGYO? I sighed in defeat and took the bill from his hands heading to the counter. Minwoo looked up putting on a smile when he saw the customer walking to the counter. . . What a sweet smile. No. Not sweet. Ugly. Then the smiled immediately turned into a scowl when he noticed it was me.
"Why are you here?" He asked rudely.
I inhaled deeply as I rolled my eyes. Then I threw the bill pamphlet at him.
"Yah! You witch! Don't treat your superior like that!" He shouted loud enough for his manager that was in the back to catch him hitting the top of my head with the pamphlet.
He received a glare from her. I smirked.
"You pabo. Don't treat your customers like that." I said as I checked out my cuticles. "You don't want your boss to get mad at you, do you? Maybe you should treat them with respect." I added looking at him with a menacing smile.
Hah. Beaver teeth looks pissed. Then he gave me back the change. What? This is more money than I should've gotten back.
"Yah. Beaver teeth. You miscalculated. You're so stupid that you counted wrong even though you have a calculator." I said.
"I'm going to pay part of it." He said as he looked to the side, avoiding eye contact with me.
"Mwoh? Wae?"
"Don't think because I did it for you. I-it's for Youngmin hyung." I smirked.
"I'm not surprised that you're gay." Minwoo turned his head back to me, shooting daggers with his eyes.
"I'm not gay."
"Sure, sure. Bye!" I said waving and headed back to the tables.
I didn't have to turn around to know that he was fuming. I soon returned to Youngmin with a questioning look on his face and picked up the drinks on the table. I inserted the straw into my bubble tea forgetting what Minwoo could've done to it. 
"What did you do?" Youngmin asked me. 
"Pfft. He's the bad employee. You should ask what he did." I answered and I took a sip as we stepped out of the restaurant. Then I spat the drink out immediately. Anna would've called it karma.
"Mwoh?! Are you okay?!"
"This is disgusting! What is this?" I said as I held the drink to Youngmin. He took a sip and spat it out as well. It didn't even taste like mint. It was avocado. I hate avocado.
"It's really salty." He spat on the ground and then laughed.
"What are you laughing at?"
"It's either that one of the employees thought they added sugar or really didn't like you." I narrowed my eyes as I looked forward.
"That pabo." I said evilly and threw the inedible drink away.
* * *
We arrived at Donghyun's room after the ten minute walk back to the hospital. Fortunately, the rain had stopped as well.
"Be quiet Zelo! We're in a hospital!" Chunji said and threw a magazine at him.
I picked up the poor magazine and looked at the cover. Hey aren't these the two ulzzang boys we saw earlier? I didn't know they were models... I thought to myself. Then again, I'm not surprised. They were really tall too. The magazine must've been old because their hair was blonde.
"It was because we had to carry your food. Here's your bubble tea." Youngmin said as he stuck the straw in the drink and handed it to the beanstalk.
"Yay!" He shouted and happily took a drink. Then we heard him start whining to Youngmin. "Hyung, this isn't mango! It tastes like bran flakes!" Both Youngmin and I laughed. 
Zelo was pouting and I caught Kwangmin narrowing his eyes at his twin. Hmm... I guess Kwangmin hates his twin as much as the latter.
"You're going to be a healthy boy, Zelo oppa." I said and patted his arm since I could barely reach his head. "Cereal shouldn't taste that bad." The baby continued whining to Youngmin and wanted to take his as I handed out the drinks and put the food on the table.

Hello! So... I've added a new character. After this chapter, there wont be many new characters for a while. Oh. And I still have to add a bietch to the story. Who should it be...?

Kim DongHyun: Age 18, Senior

The Jo twins' older cousin and like a brother to Minwoo. Was sent to the hospital a month before the exchange students arrived. Because of closeness with everyone, knows almost all the stories that people keep as secrets. Like the father of the group.

So yeah. You've just read my third chapter. I was supposed to get Youngmin explain what's going on between him an Kwangmin, but I ended up getting him to tell the reason of Donghyun's injuries. I'll try to get him to explain it soon. And oooh~! Why was Chunji so happy all of sudden when he saw L.joe? The chapter's are getting a little bit longer each time. I hope this isn't going to cause any trouble for anyone. But if it does, please bare with me. I hope you guys liked the chapter! And thank you for the subscribers! I'll see you soon! 

Btw, while writing this chapter, my fellow author, KOO JA CHEOL told me that I was spelling these words incorrectly for the first few chapters:

Mihanae as 'mihane'

Mwoh as 'Bwoh' and

Nae as 'deh'

uhuhuhu... How embarassing! Please forgive me for my spelling mistakes! 

~Sandra ^__^



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Chapter 24: *new reader here ^^
Uuu this is a good story you know! update soon author-nim!
Chapter 23: Oh god that gif right there, I love all the gifs you put up and I love your story!
Annielamie #3
Chapter 23: Omg I fangirled so hard when I saw you updated again! Now my mind is completely blown! Ahhh!
Chapter 23: The tie was good~
So yeah..Youngmin is being a _____ now..great -,- *shot*
update soon :D and fix the plot :D
Annielamie #5
Chapter 22: Ahhhhhhhhh! Please update asap! I'm totally hooked!
hibaharu1886 #6
Chapter 18: Omo, this is so hot, I just not love it, I'm over heels, really hot and cute!!!!