
The Exchange Student


Back to Anika's (your) POV
I woke up groaning in discomfort as I tried moving my aching body. A pained expression took over my face as throbbing headache began to torture my brain. A headache occurrence is the least appreciated at this time. Or whatever time it was. It was night time. Well I thought it was. All I know it that it was really dark and cold. What day is it? How long have I been here? How did I get here anyway? I wish I had someone here to answer these questions. I moved ever so hesitantly not to over work my limbs that protested to move at all. And the problem was that I couldn't move. I tried to separate my wrists -that were tied behind my back- from each other and the same with my ankles. But there was so success in doing so. I then heard a creepy hissing like sound similar to those in the sewers coming from the closet across from the dark room. In that closet was a white thing in a shillouette form that looked like the dress of a ghost from a horror movie. My eyes only widedened for I was too afraid to scream. It would be a bad idea to piss off a ghost with an irritable shriek anyway. I didn't move my gaze and stared at it unmoving for the next five to ten minutes but it didn't move. Are we having a staring contest? Then it wavered a bit. I flinched. Maybe too quickly. I cleched my teeth as the pain in my neck returned from the fast movement but then I refocused on where my staring parter or 'ghost' went. It was still there but swaying ever so slightly. Underneath the figure, where it's feet would be, two mice crawled out and scattered around the room. 'OMO! The ghost is going to attack me inderectly!' I thought to myself. One of the mice bit onto the white figure and it fell to the ground in an instant. 'Mwoh? It's just...' I stared at the white, ghastly-like fabric that was now laying in a bunch on the floor. 'Just a piece of cloth.' I thought, completely unamused. 
After a few seconds passed of thinking about how stupid I am, I soon realized how scared I should be in this kind of situation. I'm tied up on the floor in the corner of a dark, cold room that had creepy things hanging around and a couple mice scurrying somewhere on the floor. My eyes shifted around to observe what else I should be aware of and they soon focused on my greatest fear. Spiders. There, right in front of me, about two inches away from my face, was a spider about an inch in diameter, hanging from a single thread of silk. I screamed. Well, attempted to. It turned out as a pghlemy, hoarse sound because of the cold temperatures and lack of use of my voice. The sound was barely a whisper and my speech was distorted because of the cloth that was tied around my head over my mouth. Since I couldn't do anything about the arachnid in front of me, I scooted away with great effort in hope that I won't run into it again.
I tore myself from the distraction once again and focused on my nonexistent plan. 'Eottoke? Should I try to get some help or get out by myself?' I asked. I found it difficult to think for I was hungry and the coldness of the room kept on distracting me. I twisted and fidgited with the rope tightly tied around my wrists, looking for any imprefections in the knots to for any glints of hope in getting out. But none were found. I did the same with my ankles. None. I groaned in pain at the irritating feeling from the area where the ropes were in contact with my skin when I moved. They must've been too irritated. 'I need to get out of here before the kidnapper gets back.' I thought and psyched it. The moment after I said that, I heard voices speaking to each other. That of a man's voice and a female's.
"I swear I heard some muffled sounds coming from her room." Said the masculine voice.
"You must've heard wrong. That should be knocked out cold." The female spoke. 
Her voice sounded all too familiar. 'Well that explains my extremely painful headache.' I thought. Wait. I'm not a ! Does she even know me? I narrowed my eyes at the floor.
"We should just check anyway. She could have woken up while we were at school." The man said. 
School? They still go to school? Could it be that they go to the same school as me? They couldn't. There are so many schools here. But they know who I am...
"Fine you go check. I'll be in the other room. If she is awake keep her conscious and call me." She said. 
Then the sound of clicking heels faded away as the sound of another set of footsteps came closer to the door. Should I pretend to be unconscious to give me more time to think of an escape? No. They'll just beat me. That's probably how I got these pains all over me. Ugh! Why must I be in a situation like this?! Then the door swung open. The lights in the room were still off but the light from the hallway shone past the man. I was immediately frightened at the sight of his muscular body. He chuckled.
"Don't be afraid Anika. It's only me." He spoke. 'HE KNOWS MY NAME?! HOMIGOD.' This only made me more afraid than I was before. "Actually, maybe you should be..." He said. 'NO REALLY. I ALREADY AM.' I mentally screamed. "YAH! SHE'S CONSCIOUS." He called.
Seconds later, the click-clacking sounds of high heels returned, getting louder as they neared the room. There I saw the figure of a girl with long, brown, wavy hair. I could see the shape of her face and the cut of her bangs. 'It couldn't be...' I thought to myself. The girl was smiling evilly at me with her hands on her hips. Then she nudged the man -or muscular boy- to make his way closer to my cold, dark corner of spiders.
"Mmhmf?" My muffled voice sounded. The man removed the cloth from my mouth.
"Anna?" I asked hesitantly. She only laughed. No! It is her! "Wae? Anna?" I was too horrified at the fact that Anna would do such a thing.
"Because you took my man." She said
"What?" I couldn't think of anything because of the shock.
"Kwangmin. You know I liked him. Yet you still took him. I thought you'd notice later. But you kept dating him." Then she the light. I could now see her face in the dim light hanging from the ceiling. I noticed that the man that was with was Joon. I looked at him with my jaw dropped open hoping that he could read my face as "HOW COULD YOU?!" Then she spoke again. "You even embarrassed me at the dance recital."
"A-Anna, I swear if I knew, I'd give him up." Actually, I don't know if I would. If she were a good friend, she would have let me have him since I had him first.
"Well you know now. So give him to me." She raised her brows. 
"I don't think I want to now since you kidnapped me and locked me in a room with spiders and a creepy closet." I retorted. 
"Shut up. Joon, do something to her." She said coldly.
"Like what? Should I just beat her again?" He asked. 'So he did it... I'm going to beat him then. Well... If he'll even feel it.' I thought.
"Hmm..." She thought as she brought her finger to her lips. "No. Let's do something to her that will scar her for life. Oh!" She put the finger that was on her lips into the air. Then she walked strutted towards me me with another evil smirk on her face. She bent over so our faces were right in front of each other and lifted my chin. "You're still a aren't you?" She asked, brows raised. My eyes widened and I looked at her with pleading eyes in disbelief.
"And you're not?" I asked. She hahaha-ed.
"Of course not." What has this school done to her? "And that means you are? Well that's good to hear." She stood up with her arms crossed and turned to Joon. "Until now. Joon, you should do the honours." She said with the evil smirk that is now permanent on her face. My jaw dropped again. 'Is he going to deflower me?'
"Anna what the hell is your problem?! You're going to let this happen to me over Kwangmin?! Do you not realize how stupid this is?!" I questioned angrily. All she did was curl a lock of her hair around her finger.
Joon walked over to me and picked me up along with my tied wrists and ankles. I wriggled and squirmed around in his arms hoping that I'd slip out of his grip. She shifted her weight smirking at me.
" you! What the hell!" I squirmed drastically as I cursed at her. "I can't believe you Joon! Put me the down!" I now aimed my curses at him.
Never before in my life had I ever cursed this much. She then turned toward the door and headed out laughing. She flicked off the light switch and shut the door. 'Not quite the door I wanted her to shut. would've been better.' I thought. I felt my back hit a cold surface, softer than the one I woke up on. Realizing I was now on a bed, I turned my gaze to Joon now glaring at him. 
"Why did you agree to do this?!" I questioned angrily. He laughed.
"Because I'm as close a friend to Anna as Ricky is to you." He said. I clenched my jaw and slammed my forehead to his. He hissed at the sudden pain as he released one of his hands and rubbed his forehead. "Aish. Stop being so aggressive. You'll like this." He said and winked as he began tying my hands to the headboard. 
"I'LL LIKE THIS MY ! YOU THINK I'M GOING TO LIKE GETTING ?! YOU!" I thrashed around and tried pulling my hands down only to result in pulling my head up to hit the wooden frame. "." I mustered.
"Shh..." He hushed. 
He then climbed on top of me and took of his shirt to reveal his toned abs. Or honey abs as many girls called it. Then he grabbed my waist and pushed me down into the bed, holding me in place. I froze like a lamb as he kissed my neck, and the the skin, not leaving a place untouched. 
"Yah! Stop it!" I kicked and shouted as I tried moving but his hands held me still and unable to move. I hated how defenceless I looked with my hands tied over my head. 
He kissed up to my ear and nipping at it. Then he found the weak spot between my ear and neck. I held my breath and bit my lip to hold in a moan. He chuckled in accomplishment when he noticed my body tense. I was now vulnerable. Then I felt hands sliding under my shirt. I shivered in response of his cold but hot hands sliding up my sides and massaging my chest.
"J-joon stop..." I tried to say sternly but my words came out weak.
"Sorry. I can't hear you." He smiled against the nape of my neck. "Oh. Maybe I should help you take this off." He cooed.
He moved his hands up to the top of my shirt and ed my shirt slowly.
One button...
" this." He said and ripped my shirt open to reveal my clothed chest. He tore off the rest of my shirt and threw the shredded pieces somewhere across the room. He raised his brows at the sight of my chest. "How bountiful. The lace really compliments the size and juiciness hmm?" He said. I blushed and looked away. 
"Just stop and let me go. Please." I said, unable to make eye contact due to my embarrassment. A few tears escaped my eyes. He chuckled.
"After I saw your how luscious your s are, no way." Then he leaned in to my ear. "I want to see them bounce when I'm slamming into you." He purred. 
I could hear the smile on his face as he whispered. Shivers of fear were sent down my spine and His words only scared me more. I thrashed around trying to free myself in any way but I was only held down again. I widened my eyes at him pleading for him to let me go but he only crashed his lips to mine to silence me. I didn't respond and continued to struggle under his hold. Then he on my lower lip and began massaging my chest. I pressed my lips into a tight line to refuse him but then his free hand slowly moved down to my lower half and rubbed my sensitive area. I gasped and he used this opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. His tongue explored my mouth leaving nothing untouched. I couldn't hold it in anymore and moaned into the kiss. I arched my back to which he slid his hands under and roamed around, occasionally grabbing my . He undid my bra and threw it across the room. Sadly, it went into he creepy closet. I stared longingly at the dark closet and bid farewell to my pretty bra for I will never, in my strange and horrid lifetime go in there to get it. Then my attention was brought back to the man above me as he hastily kissed down my neck, past my collar bone, and attach his lips to my right . He and kissed causing me to hold in another moan. I turned my head and let out the throaty and sinful moan into the pillow as my chest heaved up and down under his touch. 
"Ahh... Joon... p-please... nngh... no..." I managed to say between breaths.
His hands only slid down my weak body and pulled off my skirt. He moved to my other and I moaned shouted in pleasure again. At that moment, the door swung open to someone I was happy, yet disappointed to see. Happy, because I now have someone to get me out of here. And disappointed because I hate that person. Maybe I was also embarrassed because this person has now seen me in not just only my underwear, but about to get . My eyes widened and I immediately turned my head in the opposite direction to hide my face. Joon lifted his head to speak but continued feeling me up.
"Not now Anna. I finally got her to give up her protesting and submit her- oh." He said and got up. "Yah. Minwoo what are you doing here?" Joon asked. 
I turned my head to peek at Minwoo who was standing at the door with eyes as wide as mine and his cheeks reddened when he saw me almost tied to the bed. Then he turned to Joon with a dangerous expression. He clenched his jaw and lunged forward packing a blow to Joon's face. Joon staggered back and held his now bleeding nose and returning glares at Minwoo. Then Minwoo drew out something that I could never imagine him holding. 
"Untie her." Minwoo growled as he pointed the gun at Joon. Joon only laughed.
"Tch! Like a goody-two-shoes like you would actually shoot somebody." He tormented.
"I will. But maybe I can just beat the out of you since you're so afraid it that you're in denial." Minwoo tucked the gun back into its holster.
"You remember what happened to Donghyun. Just untie me." I said. Minwoo's eyes flicked to me and back to Joon at the mention of Donghyun's name. Joon laughed again.
"Donghyun? That shrimp? He's just a weak, anorexic ! I swear I've never seen him eat in all my life. Both you guys should just kiss my while I Anika out of her mind." Joon said. 
And maybe said too much. Minwoo swiftly reached back to the gun, pulled it out, and shot right past Joon's ear only to cut a fringe of his hair off. All that done with one hand and no time used to aim. The bullet stopped at the wall leaving a clean hole in it. I flinched at the loud sound. Joon stood in place, eyes wide and Minwoo stood there, gun still pointed at Joon with the classic poker face on.
"Say any of those things again and I'll shoot your off so you can't her. Untie her or I'll shoot and won't miss." Minwoo threatened. 
Joon backed up slowly with his hands up and untied my me and my embarrassed body. Once freed, I pulled my arms down to cover my cold and violated chest. I quickly grabbed my skirt and put it on since it was the only piece of clothing that wasn't ripped apart or thrown into a creepy closet. With eyes still on Joon and gun pointed at him, Minwoo took off his jacket and threw it at my head, momentarily blinding me. I put it on without thought and scurried behind him. Minwoo grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room slamming the door with the shirtless Lee Joon left in it. We ran through the apartment meeting up with Donghyun on the way out. Each second that passed as we escaped, Minwoo's grip on my hand kept getting tighter and tighter.
"Where's Anna?" Minwoo asked.
"I tied her up and threw her in a closet." Donghyun said as we exited the building to the parking lot. It was already dark out. how long have I been gone anyway? Minwoo stopped and looked at him unamused.
"Really? Just that?"
"Well I can't hit a girl. That'd be rude." 
"You're too nice hyung. Anyway, she's not a girl. She's a ." Minwoo stated. Donghyun laughed. 'She was also my best friend...' I thought. 
Then I realized that he was still holding onto my hand. Tightly. I shook my hand to signal that I was still here. Minwoo looked down at me and let go. He stared at me for a few moments. I looked down at the ground out of awkwardness and felt that Donghyun was watching. Surprise washed over me as I felt arms wrap around me tightly and embrace me into a hug. 
"I'm sorry." Minwoo said. 
What for? I didn't know what to do so I slowly lifted my sore arms and hugged him back. 'He smells nice.' I thought to myself as tears streamed down my cheeks. Minwoo released his arms and I backed away to get myself some space. Then I heard Donghyun whistle. I turned to Donghyun to see what he was whistling about and saw that he was looking at my chest that was only partially covered my Minwoo's jacket. I quickly closed the jacket and glared at Donghyun. Minwoo pushed his head away making Donghyun stumble away a few steps. Donghyun chuckled.
"Why is she shirtless? Better yet, why no bra?" Donghyun asked. 
In result, I covered my face to hide the tears that were streaking my cheeks. Minwoo rushed to my side and put his arms around me again. I pushed him away and wiped my tears as I sniffed to calm myself down. 
"Don't be so insensitive!" Minwoo scolded. 'Since when was Minwoo ever sensitive himself?' I asked myself. At that moment Chunji ran in shouting.
"Yah! Yah! Is Anika okay?" Chunji shouted and was now panting beside me. He looked up to see me and hugged me to death, squeezing the life out of me and crying like a mother who found her lost child. 
"Yah, Chunji. Don't be so loud. You don't want to get unwanted attention. She's shirtless." Donghyun stated. Chunji froze, pulled me away and looked down at my chest for a few seconds and pulled me into a hug again to hide my front. I sighed and shot my palm up to his chin so he ended up biting his tongue. "Mianhae..." He said awkwardly. I only nodded.
"Can you please ease off with the hugging? My body really hurts." I asked. Minwoo gasped and grabbed my hands so he could see my wrists.
"That's what I thought. Rope burns." Chunji's eyes went wide and he made the same face that the Kyungsoo guy in his class always made. I was never really sure if he was always scared or if he just looked like that. "Let's go back to my place and treat them." Minwoo said and once again, held a tight grip on my hand and left the parking lot to call a taxi.
* * *
When we reached Minwoo's apartment, it wasn't as empty as I expected. In fact, it was nowhere near empty. Zelo was layed out on one of the couches and Tiffany on the other. Ricky and Youngmin were sitting on the armchairs in silence. They turned around to the sound of the opening door with looks of hope on their faces. Their hope was granted as they sprung up from their seats and rushed--- leaped towards me and I received more suffocating hugs. I scrunched my face as I endured the pain of my body sores but Chunji and Donghyun chose to join in on the hug and add to the pressure causing me to squeak in pain. Minwoo pulled them apart, peeling them off me one by one and pulled me to his room telling me to sit down on the bed while he went to get the medical supplies. I looked around the room noticing that it was like a hotel room. There was only the typical bed, night table and dresser. Well, not just that, but what I meant was that there were no personal items like family pictures or trophies hanging around. He didn't even bother putting a photo of his brother anywhere. 
"Is my room weird to you?" He asked as he entered the room. I shook my head.
"It just looks... kind of lonely." I said.
"What do you mean?"
"It umm... There's nothing that really shows who you are." I tried to say without sounding creepy. He nodded.
"Is not being human good enough?" he asked. I made a worried face that said it was a misunderstanding. He smiled. "Most of my personal belongings like pictures are at my parents house. I just moved into my brother's house apartment two months ago." He said.
He came back with a first aid kit and sat beside me taking my hands. I found it weird that he didn't shove me off the bed or tell me to sit on the floor or something along those lines since he hated me so much. I found it even more weird that he hasn't insulted me since he saved me from the clutches of Anna and Joon. I'll take what I can get. He took an alcohol swab and patted it on the burn. I winced in response to the sting causing him to look up at me. I looked at him wondering why he stopped and we caught eye's contact. Seconds passed and I looked back down out of awkwardness. 'He didn't look away. Why? Pabo.' I thought to myself. Minwoo's gaze finally went back to my wrists and continued. He put an ointment on the burn and wrapped it with gauze. Before he let my hand go he realized that I had numerous bruises all over my arms and legs.
"Omo. Look at all these bruises." He said and he lightly twisted my arm.
"Yeah, it's alright." I said.
"No it's not. I'll go get you some ice." He and stood up to head out the room.
I could hear music coming from downstairs.
"Eojjeom iri ttokgateulkka? eojjeom iri ttokgateulkka? 
Deo deo deo deo mannalsurok, tto tto tto tto ttokgateungeol 
Nal dashi chajeun sarang nochigin sirtan mariya-ya-ya
Hanbeon haebollae neol mideobollae" (Block B- Synchronization 100%)
"Th-thank you." I said as I looked at the floor. He nodded and continued his way out. He disappeared into the hallway but not before I heard him say a single word. 
"Identical..." He whispered.
* * *
I came out of his room and crept down the stairs to see that the only remaining people in the apartment were Donghyun, Chunji and of course, Minwoo. They were sitting around the coffee table like a bunch of women having a tea conference discussing something that I assume was important. I kept on walking down the stairs ever so slowly hoping that they wouldn't notice me. But unfortunately, they did. One certain step creaked as I placed my foot on it. They all turned to me as if they were those annoying classmates that heard that one kid in the back of the class who farted. Me, being that kid who farted. Well of course, it's not like I actually did. I'd be dying of embarrassment right now. 
"You need to get that fixed." I said as I pointed to the step I currently had my weight on. Minwoo remained the same as he answered.
"I like it like that. Then I know if someone else is in the house aside from me. Only I know which step creaks." He smiled. 
Smiled. Again. 'Y U SMILE AT ME IF U HATE ME?' I wanted to question. But I still felt uncomfortable because he caught me in a rather embarrassing situation earlier. I squinted at the three who just looked ask at me obliviously in reaction to my Jackie Chan meme face (I probabaly used the meme wrong). I sighed and finished my walk down the stairs and sat on the couch next to Chunji. They were still looking at me blankly as I was now the oblivious one. Donghyun and Chunji's gazes slowly trailed from my face to my chest where I suppose they went. Minwoo hissed and hit both of them upside the head even though all of them had reddened faces. Why?? Oh... Yeah... All of them saw my s. And according to Lee Joon, they're bountiful. I shuddered at the things Joon said to me earlier and then shuddered again as I remembered that I was basically molested. I shot glares at the three of them. 
I know that Chunji is safe since he's into L.joe and all... But Donghyun and Minwoo are different. I brought my hands to my chest and hid behind Chunji to let him hypocritically scold the two. After a few minutes of regret by letting Chunji scold Donghyun and Minwoo for not being gentlemen, I shushed him by cutting off. I knew he was talking too much when he was getting off topic.
"You guys should always apply this serum first before yo-" 
"Umm...I have a question for you guys." I asked as I placed a hand on Chunji's shoulder, telling him that he needs to stop. They all turned to me. Oh, how I love attention. Just kidding. I actually hate it. "Can you guys not tell anyone about this? The whole thing?" They nodded their heads. "I mean act like this never happened." Then they shook their heads.
"I can't do that." Minwoo said as he scratched the back of his head. 
"WAE?! THIS NEED TO BE A SECRET!" I exploded. That was completely unnecessary.  He flinched. 
"I kinda got mad at Kwangmin and accidentally told him." He said and looked around cutely. I mean looked around with fail aegyo. Yes. Fail aegyo. 
"HOW?!" I seriously need to stop shouting. But at times, I have no control over myself. Minwoo froze for a second making a face of realization.
"W-well, I-I realized that it was his fault th-that you had to come over to my place a-and get lost. Then that's where you got kidnapped..." He answered. Clearly he was lying. I thought he was a talented actor. I guess acting and lying can be different.
"Mhmm... Well blame my boyfriend but I don't think it's his fault for this. It's actually my fault for my lack of sense of direction." I mentally face palmed for insulting myself but went in with it. "Just please act like nothing happened." I begged.
"That's almost impossible. You were gone for one day and even Himchan and Daehyun were asking where you were." Chunji said. Oooh! Am I that popular?
"We can, actually. Just say the same excuse we used before. She was at home sick. They believed it then, they'll believe it now." Donghyun stated. Sad for the idiots that believed it, but good for us.
"Alright then. Let us make a holy sacred vow that such word will never slip from our lips." I said dramatically and we lifted our old lady tea cups. After we all took a sip, we heard a banging sound coming from the bathroom.
"Yah! Let me out! I can't take the smell!" Youngmin's muffled voice shouted from the other side of the door.
"Oh. I forgot you were in there." Donghyun said as he stood up from his seat and stood at the bathroom door. "No! You must smeeeeeeell!"
"I CAN'T. IT'S UNBEARABLE!" Youngmin shouted. Donghyun opened the door and chuckled at the Youngmin falling to the ground gasping for air.
"What happened?" I asked the blonde getting off the floor and shutting the door behind him.
"They locked me in there after Ricky took a nasty dump." Youngmin fanned the air in front of his face.
"For no. Specific. Reason." He said and shot a glare at the now sitting Donghyun who drank from his tea.
"I am sorry to hear that. But I thought you left."
"I was supposed to leave with Donghyun hyung, but he wanted to stay and talk about something. I assumed it was important since the three were so engrossed with the topic." Now I was the one to glare at him. The eldest smiled sheepishly and awkwardly hahaha-ed.
"Aaaaanyway," Donghyun chose to change the topic. A little bit at least. "Youngmin-ah is going sleep over at my place since he doesn't want to see the Kwangminnie." We all looked at him with faces that said "and-your-point-is...?" Donghyun didn't seem to get it so Chunji decided to say it.
"And your point is...?" 
"No point." Donghyun answered cheekily, yet stupidly. We all stared. "Okaygottagonowseeyoutomorrowbye." Donghyun said and grabbed Youngmin by the collar dragging him out the door. Well, wether Youngmin likes it or not, I'm going to get things straight between the twins so they can stop trying to kill each other. In front of others at least.
A few minutes of silence passed as Chunji, Minwoo and I sat drinking our tea listening to the radio. The silence wasn't awkward. For me that is. I got to think about what kind of crazy just happened today. I can't believe that the things that happened... happened. I can't believe that Anna would do such a thing. And it was over one guy. Like what the hell? I wouldn't even have gone to the extreme of changing from someone's best friend to becoming a . Now I don't know what to do about her. I know she's on the wrong path and anyone would know that. But I'm too afraid now to do anything because she might do something as insane as she just did earlier. I shuddered.
"You okay?" Chunji asked. I nodded.
"Maybe we should go home." I said as I stood up and straightened the jacket I wore. "Oh. I'll return this tomorrow after it's washed." I said to Minwoo as I put on my shoes.
"No don't worry about it. It's fine." He said and escorted Chunji and I to the door. Why is he being so nice lately? I caught Chunji smirk.
"Of course Minwoo-ah~!" He sing-songed. There was a wordless conversation going on between them that I could only see and not understand so I just narrowed my eyes at them.
* * *
Chunji and I both boarded the bus and took a seat. Chunji pulled out his head phones and shut his eyes after telling me to wake him up when we get to our stop. I nodded and nuzzled myself into the collar of Minwoo's jacket. 'It's so soft...' It thought as I out my hands in the pockets. 'And it smells nice too...' Minwoo really must have wanted to make sure that I didn't get lost again when we escaped the building. 'Or maybe he didn't care if we got lost. As long as he didn't lose me.' I thought and mentally slapped myself for doing so. But he held my hand as if it were his own soul. And when he was treating my burns in his room... What was that strange eye contact about? I've never had eyes contact with Kwangmin before. But it felt nice. I guess...

We have a new character! Well, not actually new. He became the story the same time that Tiffany did but he never actually got a big part. WELL... now he did. Definitely.

Lee ChangSun (Aka Joon): 18, Senior

Anna's best friend, highly popular among school community, well known for his honey abs~ and good looks. Keeps rumors about anyone ongoing.

Hello everyone! Yeah, so there's my semi-. No, there wont be any actual full-on ... with Joon.  When I finished writing this chapter and read over the  partial y time, I was face palming and saying "I can't believe I just wrote this...". And so you guys are aware, when it comes to writing regular chaoters, I at writing them. But when it comes to anything related to y time, I tend to step up my writing skills. :/ so please do not be disappointed when the story starts to all of a sudden. Im sorry! *puts hands up insurrender* Hope you guys liked this chapter! Subscribe if you like the story! And...

Comments are highly appreciated! *cough* this is for all you silent readers out there.

~Sandra ^__^

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Chapter 24: *new reader here ^^
Uuu this is a good story you know! update soon author-nim!
Chapter 23: Oh god that gif right there, I love all the gifs you put up and I love your story!
Annielamie #3
Chapter 23: Omg I fangirled so hard when I saw you updated again! Now my mind is completely blown! Ahhh!
Chapter 23: The tie was good~
So yeah..Youngmin is being a _____ now..great -,- *shot*
update soon :D and fix the plot :D
Annielamie #5
Chapter 22: Ahhhhhhhhh! Please update asap! I'm totally hooked!
hibaharu1886 #6
Chapter 18: Omo, this is so hot, I just not love it, I'm over heels, really hot and cute!!!!