So I'm His Tutor?

The Exchange Student

The weekend has passed and I have successfully a avoided the danger of running into Minwoo while enjoying it at the same time. I also found out from Youngmin that the bad news Kwangmin was talking about was that Donghyun’s surgery on his kneecap didn’t work out properly and that he had to get it again. I feel really bad for Donghyun, he didn’t do anything to deserve that much pain. Anyway, Ricky and Zelo came over on Saturday so we could watch a bunch of Asian horror movies. They were really scary. I haven't been going to sleep with the lights out for the past few nights and I never left any limbs out from under my blanket. Zelo kept on making fun of me by saying something about me dying first because of my short height. I don't know what that was about because it didn't even make sense. I assume he said that just so that he could comment about how short I was. I'm not even that short. He's just too tall. I huffed then pouted to myself.

"Anika, you don't seem happy. Aren't you excited that you get to find out who you get to tutor?" L.joe asked me as we were walking towards the library.

It was now lunch break on a Monday. Aah... Good old Mondays. I thought sarcastically. L.joe and I agreed to study together with the people we were going to tutor.

"I am. I'm just not over those weird things Zelo said to me after we watched this scary movie. I'm still not sure if he was trying to scare me or insult me..." I said as I looked off into space.

"Don't think too much about it. Chunji says that 99.9% of what Zelo says is nonsense because he's on crack."

"...What?" That has to be a lie.

"Hahaha... I hope that's a lie too." L.joe said as he read my mind. I looked at him as if I saw him with three eyes. "I don't read minds. You're just too predictable."

"Then shall I put on the poker face that Sehun oppa always wears?" I asked while copying that guy that sits in the back of my class.

"No. Please don't. I like it better when people have emotions." We both laughed as we walked into the library.

Yongguk-ssi was sitting at one of the tables with a stack of papers at his side. There were also multiple other students sitting at the tables nearby. I recognized many of them as exchange students and the others as fluent English speakers. I waved to Anna as L.joe and I took a seat at her table. 

"Hi!" She said. Both of us greeted her back. "Anika, have you met these people before?" I shook my head in response. She giggled. What's so funny? L.joe face palmed. What is with these two? "This is Joon, Kris, Nickhun, Aron, Jessica, and Tiffany." She said as she gestured to each person. 

Wait. I know these people. These are the most popular people at this school aside from that T.O.P guy and Kwangmin. I smiled at them and introduced myself.

"So you're all fluent English?" They nodded in silence "Well that's nice." I said awkwardly. If they speak English fluently, they why don't they just talk?

"Okay students." Yongguk-ssi shouted as he silenced everyone. 

We all looked in his direction. What the heck? Why is he standing on a table? I looked over to the librarian who was glaring at him from her desk. Okay. So I'm not the only one that thinks this isn't normal.

"Over the weekend, the English department has organized the students and paired them up with their tutors." Yongguk said loosely using a bunch of slang in his speech. "I can see that you guys are all excited to see who your'e tutoring." A few girls squealed in excitement. "Now, if you all quiet down, I'll let you see who you are paired up with." I assume he was talking to the girls. "Remember students, this is not to be used as an opportunity to get a boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever. This is for the benefit of the students needing help and whatnot. You may not end up with someone you like, but it doesn't matter because you're only supposed to tutor them. And if you teach your partner the wrong things, you will receive a warning. However, if you partner fails a test because of that..." Then there was a suspense. All the students waited eagerly wanting to hear what the consequence would be. "Ugh. I'm too lazy to tell you. Anyway, I kind of forgot that would happen anyway. You can ask me tomorrow after I check what it is." I looked to my right to see L.joe making an unamused face. "Alright kids. I'm finished with my little speech-" Then the students began to stand up, I looked around at the rising danger in fear. Then Yongguk-shi spoke up. "YAH! SIT DOWN." The students sat back down. I am so grateful for this man. "I'm going to call you up by the tables you're seated in. Then you may leave. This table first." He said as he gestured to the one on the opposite side of the library from us. The students seated in the tables near us groaned. 

"At least we can talk to each other." Anna said. 

The students from the far end walked up to Yongguk's table to look at the list. I heard some of them whispering "Yes's" to themselves and others huffing, unhappy with who they got. Oh, look. It's Sehun. He has his usual poker face on. Maybe he got someone he wanted as his partner. Nobody would ever know.

"So..." Jessica started. "How do you like this school?" She asked me. Typical question. Actually, I don't really have an opinion. The classes here are as tough as you expect them to be since you're in Korea. But it's not bad. The only problem is that Minwoo jerk who is currently ruining my stay here. 

"Ummm..." I said starting some suspense for the others. They suddenly had worried faces. Wow. I'm not a hard person. No pressure. "I like it here. I've always wanted to go to a school like this." I said half lying. 

I wouldn't want to go to a school with a face like beaver teeth. L.joe looked at me raising a brow as he gave me an "I don't believe you" face. I smiled sheepishly. Everyone else sighed a breath of relief. They really cared about my opinion? I guess they didn't want anything bad spreading about this school.

"That's good to hear!" Tiffany said. "I hope you two will have a wonderful stay here!" She's so nice!

"Did I mention to you that these people are Kingkas and Queenkas of the school? I feel so lucky that they let me hang out with them!" Anna said cheekily. Gee... Why do you have to brag? Jessica and the others laughed awkwardly.

"We aren't the only popular people here though. There's T.O.P, GD and their group. And there's also Kwangmin and His posse." Kris said. When he stated Kwangmin, I caught Tiffany nudging Anna with her elbow as Anna blushed at the table. What is this? Could she like someone in his group? I thought to myself, completely missing the gesture.

"Hey, Anika, don't you hang out with Kwangmin?" Aron asked which startled me.

"Huh? K-Kwangmin? U-uhh... No. I think you mean Youngmin." I said I said uneasily. Joon and Nickhun stifled a laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked curiously.

"Is Youngmin being a good older sister to you?" Nickhun said with a smirk. 

Huh? Youngmin? Older sister? Youngmin is clearly  a boy. Okay... Not clearly because he's such pretty boy. But he is a boy. I looked at them with a confused expression. 

"Don't you know that he's gay?" Joon asked me. L.joe was glaring that them. I was too surprised with what he said to answer properly. 

"M-mwoh?" I asked.

"Yeah. Your Youngmin unnie is into guys. Fortunately for him, girls still chase after him. I'm surprised he hasn't told you since you two are so close." Nickhun said. 

Jessica giggled while Tiffany, Kris and Aron sat quietly watching them talk with serious looks on their faces. My jaw slightly dropped. No. This isn't true. It can't be. 

"That's why his girlfriend left him. She was unhappy that he was giving more attention to boys rather than to her." Joon added.

"That's enough." L.joe said. "Maybe she's heard enough." Then Yongguk-ssi called our table.

"Last table." He said and we all stood up. L.joe and I were the last ones from our table walking towards the list.

"Don't believe everything that you hear okay? Most of the stuff that these kingkas say are rumors. If you want the truth, I prefer you go to the root." I nodded and we both checked out the list. "Haha. I knew Changjo was one of them."

"You got him? Do you think he has scary eyes?" I asked. L.joe laughed in response.

"You'll get used to it eventually. Who did you get?" I looked at the list searching for my name.

"Hmm..." I said as my finger moved across the sheet to stop at the person I was to tutor. My eyes widened at the name. I couldn't speak. 

"Oh! Kwangmin! He's pretty cool. I didn't know he was having trouble with English though." I nodded my head.

"Shoot. I forgot to remind you guys." Yongguk-shi said as he walked over to us. "Remember that you guys will be touring on Tuesdays and Thursday's." 

Aish... So this is what I will be doing most of my stay here. Both of us nodded our heads. Yongguk turned to leave. Then I realized that L.joe, me, and the librarian were the only ones left in the library.

"Let's go eat. I'm going to have lunch with you and Chunji hyung." L.joe smiled. I nodded quickly and followed him. I am not going to miss lunch today.


* * *

"Anneyong!" L.joe said to Chunji, Ricky, and Youngmin as we walked towards the group seated in the cafeteria. 

Everyone smiled and greeted him in return. I sat down next to Ricky at the end of the table while L.joe, next to Chunji. All of a sudden Zelo popped out from nowhere with his lunch and sat on the bench L.joe, Chunji and Youngmin were sitting on, pushing them closer together so there was more space for him to sit down. In result L.joe was pushed into Chunji, As Youngmin was shoved off the bench onto the ground. I caught Chunji blushing furiously once he suddenly reached contact with L.joe. L.joe blushed as well except not as noticeable as the other. Youngmin, now sitting on the ground, shouted at Zelo.

"Yah! What are you doing! Go sit with Anika and Ricky Hyung!" Youngmin said as he stood up and brushed himself off. Zelo pouted.

"But I want to sit with L.joe hyung!" Zelo whined.

Chunji, who was in his happy, colorful, butterfly state, suddenly looked at Zelo with a bothered expression which read as "say that again ". Woah. Is umma mode coming on? I'm starting to get suspicious with the uality of the people around here... Minwoo's kindness to Youngmin, the rumors about Youngmin, and Chunji's blushing. Naww... Chunji's just a cute, bubbly person. Sometimes.

"Fine." Youngmin gave up. He picked up his lunch and sat beside me. I smiled at him receiving a smile in return.

"So..." Ricky started. "I heard that the English speakers just found out who they are going to tutor. I assume that's why L.joe hyung and Anika are late?" We both nodded in response.



"..." Ricky made a face.

"That means I want to know who you guys are studying with." I made a face in realization making an "o" with my mouth.

"L.joe oppa. You say first" I said as I took a sip of banana milk.

"Oh. I'm with Changjo. He really needs help."

"Oh no! Please tutor him well! If doesn't raise his mark he can't stay on the dance team!" Zelo said. So Changjo is in the dance team? I expected that from him since he's such a good dancer.

"I will, I will." L.joe assured him. "Your turn Anika!" I blushed as I looked around the table and caught Ricky smirking. He knows who I got.

"U-umm... Kwangmin." Then I felt a sudden coldness beside me. 

I turned to my right to see Youngmin looking down with his eyes covering his bangs. I didn't have to guess to know that he was glaring at his food. I turned my head back to Ricky with panic across my face. Should I try to talk to him? Or should I ignore it as if I didn't notice? EOTTOKE?! Ricky shrugged. WOW. THANKS FOR THE HELP. I thought then looked to Chunji. He waved his hand signaling to just ignore it, I nodded in agreement. But I will talk to to him later. I don't want him to get mad at me. Then the bell rang signaling that lunch was over. Ugh. I didn't finish my food. At least I got to eat. I have gym next.


* * *

Ugh. The change room smells like feet. I hate having gym after lunch. Thank God that I only have to change in there. I thought as walked out of the change room. I sat down on the gym floor and started doing my stretches. Suddenly I heard hysterical laughing.


"YAH! ZICO. STOP IT!" I looked to the entrance of the gym from the boys' change room. 

Then I saw Zico running out of it with what I assume was a gym shirt. Then a shirtless Minwoo came running out after him. My eyes widened and jaw dropped. Minwoo has WHAT?! HE HAS ABS?! He ran around the gym chasing the crazy blonde head as girls fawned over him, squealing at the sight of his chocolate looking muscles. He finally retrieved his shirt after catching up with Zico, tripping him causing him to land on his face. Poor Zico. He must be so embarrassed. Minwoo was half way putting his shirt back on when he caught me gawking at him. He smirked at me and I quickly turned my head in response, unhappy with his expression. 

"Pfft." Do you think I'm actually amazed with that? I'm not impressed. Anyone could do better. I thought to myself.

"Did like what you what you saw?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned around to see Ricky grinning at me, bearing his cute eye smile.

"Pssh. No. I bet L.joe oppa has better abs." I said.

"You've seen them?"

"He has them?"

"Oh. So you haven’t?"

"No. But thanks for telling me."

"Don't tell anyone. He doesn't want people to know."

"So this is a secret?" He nodded. I sighed. "You need to try to get better at keeping them. You just told me when I didn't even ask."

"I know..." Ricky said then frowned cutely. Then the gym teacher walked in and blew the whistle.

"Students!" She shouted and they all lined up. 

Ricky dragged the poor, lost me into the line. I heard snickering from beaver teeth as he whispered something unintelligible to his friend. He better shut up. If he ever goes to America, he'll be the lost foreigner to be laughed at.

"So... It's the first gym class for the exchange student isn't it?" she asked. I nodded. "That's right. Because you didn't receive your gym uniform yet." I nodded again. Umm... I don't know what to do.

"Nae. Thank you for including me with your class." I said and bowed looking straight forward. She laughed. What did I do?

"Have you come from the military?" She asked.

"No ma'am." I said.

"Then why are you so uptight?" I looked down in embarrassment at how stupid I looked. This gym teacher is rather nice. "Since it's the first gym class for the exchange student, I'm going to be nice today and let you play soccer." She said. I heard a few girls whispering "yes's" to each other and caught Ricky smile. "After you do a run around the track outside. 15 minutes." She said as she finished. The students happy whispering stopped and the teacher dismissed them to go outside.

"Do you guys normally run for 20 minutes or something? She said she's being nice. So I assume you guys do more." I asked Ricky as we were jogging outside.

"No. We actually do 10 minutes. Then something else. The extra five minutes is because Minwoo was misbehaving." That pabo Minwoo. Making me suffer on my first day. "At least we get to play some soccer. We haven't played it in a while. So I guess I should say thank you for your presence?" That sounds weird.

"Umm... You're welcome?" I said as we continued running. 

After the last 10 minutes finished up we were called to the bleachers.

"Is it gone?" I asked Ricky as I tried brushing the remaining dirt off my gym shirt. That stupid beaver teeth tripped me which made me fall to the ground. That's what usually happens after you trip, right?

"Umm... No." I sighed in response. "Just wash it." Ricky said.

"But I just got it. Aish. What a hassle." I said before we got into our teams. 

"Teams A and C go to my left. B and D to my right." The teacher said. "You guys will be playing mini-soccer games against each other. Winners against winners. The losing teams will have to run another five minutes. Winners get a break while the other teams are running." She said.

Sadly, Ricky was in team C. I was in team B. Them the whistle blew as the teacher the stereo.


"Oppan gang-namseutayil


Oppan gang-namseutayil


Oppan gang-namseutayil

Eh- y lady
Oppan gang-namseutayil" 

Nooooo! I'm not ready! I mentally screamed. Then the guy named Yukwon kicked the ball in my direction which was heading towards my face but then this B-bomb person on my team kicked it in a different direction. I am so thankful for this B-bomb. I swear my life would be over in a second.

After 16 minutes into the game with a little break in the middle, Team B claimed their place as winner and took their break. I looked over to Ricky's team watching one of his teammates dropping to their knees and looking up to the sky. I guess they lost. Awwe poor Ricky! He's going to run. Wait. He lost. And Minwoo was in the winning team. Winning teams play each other. I looked at team A in fear and saw Minwoo taking a drink from his water bottle. He put the cap back on and looked at me with an evil smirk. HO NO. I AM GOING TO DIE TODAY. Hope fully that B-bomb guy will be able to save my life a few hundred more times while Minwoo is trying to end it. 

The whistle blew and thankfully, Tiffany traded places with me so to I could be defense. She's so nice. I tried avoiding the ball as much as possible when Minwoo had it which was about 90% of the time. And when he didn't have it, he was always shoving me to the side when he had the chance. WHY MUST YOU HATE ME THIS MUCH?! I sighed out of frustration. You know what? Screw this. I'm going to play. I thought to myself. I'm so not going to cower from my playing style and lose to beaver teeth. And I am not going to run those last five minutes of class in shame. I took a deep breath before running out of my safe zone (which was the defense zone. It actually wasn't that safe) and towards the danger. I swooped in snagging the ball from the Kyungcumber guy and dodged Jongup and shot it into the offending team's net. My teammates cheered for me and the score was even. 

More than halfway into the game, things got more serious. The scores kept on passing each other and soon team A (Minwoo's team) was way past ours. We had our group huddle and the final half started. Zico was dribbling past everyone and passed It to beaver teeth who shot it towards the net. I was defense and was about to get to the ball. But unfortunately, the ball got to me first, hitting my head as it threw backwards from the impact. I heard a crack in my neck. Ouch. Then my vision blurred and things started fade to a black. I knew I was going to die today. Then I heard a thump as my body hit the ground.

"Anika!" I heard Tiffany scream. Voices started to muffle and then silence.

* * *

"Do you think she'll wake up soon?" I heard a familiar voice say. 

Almost like Minwoo's. I opened my eyes to see myself in a white bed surrounded by white curtains. Oh my Shisus. Am I in a hospital? I asked myself. I don't remember being moved in here. Well of course I didn't. I was knocked unconscious when that demon kicked the ball to my face.

"I don't know. But she can't be here for too long. All students must leave the school by seven." A lady said. The other person sighed.

"Kamsahamnida." Then someone walked pass the curtains. 

It was Minwoo. So he was the person I heard. Wait. He was asking about me? Hah. Maybe so he won't get in trouble with Chunji oppa. He looked at me with a softened expression but then he noticed that I was awake. The softened expression turned cold as his eyebrows furrowed together.

"So you're awake. I hoped for you to stay unconscious longer. Then I wouldn't have to hear your ugly voice." he said sourly.

"I am. You got a problem with that?"

"Of course I do."

"Well deal with it." Then silence. "Why are you here? If you have something to say, say it. Then you can leave." I said out of frustration. There was no response. "...Well?" He was looking at the ground with his hands in his pockets. So he's already in his uniform. Class must've ended.

"I'm sorry." He said. That caught me off guard.


"I said I'm sorry." He said still looking at the ground. I smirked. That's right. Repent, you sinner! Then it hit me. He apologized? Shouldn't he just say something like "Your face needed it"? Then he spoke again.

"But your face needed it anyway. I just made you look way better than you did before. You should be thankful." He said. I made a poker face. I'm not sure if he just complimented me on my current appearance or told me that I looked super ugly before. Either way, he said that my appearance improved. I'll take what I can get. I was half touched and half pissed after I tried processing what he said.

"I doubt that. If that's all you're going to say, then leave." I said and he fixed his blazer and left. I then heard quiet mumbling past the curtains and then the sound of the door opening and closing.

Aish. What a trouble maker. I thought. Then I stood up from the bed I was in, feeling light headed for only a moment before my head started to ache. My hands flew up to hold my head and I sat back down hissing at the pain. Then a lady walked in. 

"Please don't move yet." She said as she handed me a glass of water and two pills. 

"What is this?" I asked politely as I took them from her. 

"Painkillers." she answered with a smile. "Please stay here for around fifteen minutes before leaving. It's a good thing your boyfriend carried you here right after you got knocked out. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to treat you." What the hell did she just say? My boyfriend? carried me? I have a boyfriend?

"Who?" I asked in disbelief.

"Minwoo, your boyfriend." I made a face. I am mildly offended.

"Uhhm... He's not my boyfriend." 

"Oh? But he was really worried about you when he came running into my office. And he waited until you woke up. I could only assume that he was." I couldn't believe what kind of stuff was coming out of this lady's mouth. She probably mistook him for somebody else. Maybe she took too many medications to realize that he hates me.

"Hahaha... Okay then. I'm glad that he cares." I said lying. 

If I have to argue with this lady about my relationship with beaver teeth, I might as well give in. Then I heard the door opening and the sound of multiple footsteps walking in.

"Anika?" Chunji said as he peeked through the curtains.

"Looks like you have some friends to pick you up." The nurse smiled at me and left.

"Hi oppa!" I said waving to Chunji and the other three as they flooded into the small space.

"Are you okay? Minwoo must've kicked the ball really hard." Ricky asked and leant forward to move my bangs from my face. 

Then he, Youngmin and Chunji all hissed as they winced at the sight of my forehead. Zelo started laughing. I put on a confused expression.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked.

Chunji nodded painfully as he pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I used the camera as a mirror to take a look at my face. And then shock. I glared at Zelo who was still laughing in the corner of my little space created by the curtains. 

"Yah! Zelo! Do you want to laugh at this?!" I shouted pointing at the big, purple bruise on the right side of my forehead. 

Zelo peeked back at me before dying again of laughter. Youngmin walked over and flicked the side of his head causing Zelo to wince. Thank you. I said to myself. If I looked that funny, I'm surprised Minwoo was able to hold in a laugh while keeping a straight face at the same time. Then I began to get out of the bed.

"Are you able stand?" Youngmin asked as he rushed to my side for assistance. I gave him a look.

"I'm not an old lady." He put his hands up in defense as he smiled sheepishly. I stood up successfully and stepped out of the curtained space looking for the nurse.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked and I nodded thanking her. Chunji and the others followed as I stepped out of the nurses office realizing that there was nobody there.

"Where is everyone?" I turned around asking nobody in particular.

"Classes have finished half an hour ago. Only the teachers are here." Youngmin said. I turned around with my jaw slightly hanging open.

"You guys didn't have to wait for me! Only Chunji oppa should!" These guys are too nice to wait for an unconscious person to wake up.

"Why me?" Chunji asked.

"Because you have the house key."

"Actually..." Ricky started. "Zelo and I went to the nearby corner store to hang out. Then we came back finding Youngmin and Chunji still waiting for you by the gates."

"That's when Ricky remembered you getting knocked unconscious." I dropped my jaw making the derphyo face.

"You mean you didn't tell anyone?!" I asked Ricky in disbelief. He laughed sheepishly.

"At least he told us when he remembered." Youngmin said. "Otherwise we wouldn't be an to find you. We were looking everywhere for you." 

He sounds like and umma. Except not annoying. Wait. Then he doesn't sound like one. The only things that make an umma is being annoying and naggy. I sighed and looked at Ricky.

"Thank you oppa." He smiled cheekily and hugged me. "Who won?" I asked him referring to the soccer game.

"Yours did. Without Minwoo playing on their team, they weren't half as good." Ricky answered.

"Why wasn't he playing?" Zelo asked.

"He carried the unconscious Anika to the nurses office." Youngmin and the others started ooo-ing. I made a disgusted face. Whatever you guys are thinking, I am utterly disgusted.

"Yah. Are you kids going home or are you doing some after school work?" A teacher said as he poked his head out from the office door. We shook our heads bowing in apology and left.

* * *

Once out of the school gate, we parted and took our routes back home.

"Anika," Youngmin started and I turned my attention towards him.


"You're tutoring Kwangmin tomorrow aren't you?" Oh. That's right. I was going to talk to Youngmin about that. I nodded my head in response. Youngmin was now staring coldly at the ground.

"L.joe and I will be teaming up so we will be studying in a group of four." I said and grabbed Chunji's attention. He swung his head around with his doe eyes wide open.

"Mwoh?" Chunji asked.

"L.joe and I ar-"

"I heard you."

"Then why did you want me to say it again?"

"...never mind..." 

"Okay then."

There's something about these two. I want to find out what it is, but I can't tackle the problem unless we're alone. Maybe I should try talking to one of them about it. I thought as we neared the front steps. I know I'm being nosy, but it really bothers me about how everyone is keeping secrets. Well... except for Ricky.

"Bye! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Youngmin said cheerfully and dropped his smile as he was truning away. Clearly, he isn't in a good mood. Chunji and I waved goodbye and closed the door behind us.

"Are you still feeling okay or does your head hurt?" Chunji asked in his caring motherly voice.

"I'm fi-" I was about to say but then I hissed as a sudden headache washed over me. Someone jinxed it.

"Let's go upstairs." He said as he tried helping me up.

"I'm fine. I can go by myself." I said.

He sighed and walked into the kitchen. As I was already sitting in bed, Chunji came in a few minutes later with a cold towelette and medications.

"I already received painkillers." I said as I pushed away his hand.

"They didn't seem to work did they?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay then. Just take these later." He put them on the table next to me.

"Oppa." I said with a serious face.


"What do you think about L.joe oppa?" His big doe-like eyes widened and softened as his gaze lowered to his hands on his lap. Chunji was blushing furiously and he knew there was no use in hiding it.

"He's a really nice person and speaks good English..." Chunji said slowly.

"...What else?" I said as i raised a brow. Chunji pouted cutely at me. I made a face. Why cant I make faces as cute as that?

"He'sreallycuteandhassuchayfaceandamesmerisingvoice." Chunji blurted and covered his face with his hands. I smirked. 

"That's what I've been waiting for."

"I can't believe I just said that. This is so embarrassing!" He said.

"It's okay oppa. Well, for me it is. I'm pretty sure the others know about your little crush over him."

"They know? But I never told anyone!" He said lifting his head away from his hands only to put it back. "And it's not a crush!" I sighed. Denying it isn't going to make you guys any closer.

"I don't know if anyone does. But it was kind of obvious with your angry blushing and whatnot."

"Uhuhuhu..." He whined. I rubbed his back awkwardly.

"Umm... How long have you liked him?"

"...I don't know. It's been a while already. I think since the beginning of the school year..." Chunji said as he lifted his head. "Please don't tell anyone!" He begged with his cute, sparking eyes. I nodded.

"I promise I won't." I said and he hugged me.

Chunji is so cute! Well that's one thing solved. Now i have to find out about the Jo twins and the rumor about Youngmin. Two more things left. I thought to myself. Oh. wait. I have one more task. I'm going to bring Chunji and L.joe together too! ...Now my list isn't any shorter than it was before.



Hi~! How are you guys? So Anika has met up again with her best friend Anna, but she seems to have ended up with people that L.joe addresses as "rumor spreaders". She seems to have changed too. And There is a rumor going around about Youngmin. Is it true and why this kind of rumor? And what about the situation with the Jo twins? And will they tell her what's going on? AAAAAAGH! So many questions! I must get them written down and answered. My mind is boggling too! I hate the suspense. So there was my chapter four! I hope you liked it!

Woah guys! We got a badass over here!

~Sandra ^__^

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Chapter 24: *new reader here ^^
Uuu this is a good story you know! update soon author-nim!
Chapter 23: Oh god that gif right there, I love all the gifs you put up and I love your story!
Annielamie #3
Chapter 23: Omg I fangirled so hard when I saw you updated again! Now my mind is completely blown! Ahhh!
Chapter 23: The tie was good~
So yeah..Youngmin is being a _____ now..great -,- *shot*
update soon :D and fix the plot :D
Annielamie #5
Chapter 22: Ahhhhhhhhh! Please update asap! I'm totally hooked!
hibaharu1886 #6
Chapter 18: Omo, this is so hot, I just not love it, I'm over heels, really hot and cute!!!!