Can You Stop Following Me?

The Exchange Student
"Sorry Ricky, I won't be able to come with you guys today." I said to Ricky as we gathered our books after the bell rang, signaling the end for today's classes.
"Noooo! You have to come! Please? This time we're not hanging at the hospital!" Ricky begged. I laughed.
"No! It's not because of what happened last time. Don't you remember today I had to stay after class because I have to write an assignment? I still might be able to see you guys later after I'm finished."
"Okay." he pouted, "But you have to promise to be there as soon as possible okay?" he asked with aegyo eyes.
"Of course I will! I love hanging out with you guys!" I said.
It's true that I love hanging with them. These guys are the Korean family that I always wanted. Plus, I really want to stay with them today because Kwangmin is going to be with us too. We all decided on hanging out at the nearby mall. I really didn't care if Minwoo was there because I dont think that he could really do anything mean to me in front of Chunji and L.joe. Especially not in front of the Jo twins. Their basically his older brothers and he'd be scolded if he got caught bullying me.
"...Okay then. But promise meee!" he said and held out his pinky.
Aish. So cute. I sighed and pinky swore him. Then Mrs. Kim cleared . We both turned our heads to her to see her gesturing to the door, signaling Ricky to leave. He quickly nodded his head and left within a second. She then looked at me and this person sitting beside me. Oh yeah. It's beaver teeth. I looked to my left to see him making this adorable pout. Well to me it wasn't. It was disgusting. Ugh.
"Okay you two. You are good students and I know it. But today, you've interrupted my class twice. Since you normally behave yourselves, and do well in my class, I'm going to let you off from doing the assignment." A small unnoticeable smile crept on my face. Minwoo's expression lightened. He looked so cute. I mean revolting. "So instead, I'm going to have you guys do some odd jobs around the school that no one ever seemed to have done."
I remained unaffected by the fact that I still have to do some work. But at least it's not the work that will have to be done by using my brain. I nodded my head quickly in absolute agreement with Mrs. Kim's orders. Minwoo nodded slightly. I stood up quickly and bowed.
"Kamsahamnida." I said with gratitude. Then she handed us a sheet of paper.
"Here's the list. I expect you to finish this in the next three hours. If anything gets messed up, you are responsible for it. Do you understand?" We nodded our heads. Aish. I won't be able to meet up with Chunji and friends sooner than I thought. "Alright then. The sooner you start, the sooner you get to leave." she said and we left.
Minwoo and I were walking quickly in the hallway and he started to glare at me.
"What do you want?" I asked, annoyed with his face.
"Nothing, you witch. Here's the list." He shoved it to my face. Son of a- "Let's start with number four since its the easiest and close by." He said sourly.
I snatched it from him and read it with hard eyes.
1. Clean corridors to the wing.
2. Wash dance room mirrors and floor.
3. Organize books in library.
4. Paper organization in printer room.
5. Wash bibs, jersys, and towels.
I huffed. This is going to take longer than three hours since I can't even stand seeing this a-hole's face. And I have to deal with stinky gym materials. I sighed and shoved the list back into his face. It grabbed it and shoved it into his pocket and continued marching to the printer room. I sighed and followed.
* * *
"You start over there with class A1. I'll start with F3." He said.
"Mwoh? I'm not going to listen to you. I'll start where I want." I said with some sass.
"Why can't you just listen to me? You're so hard headed!"
"Only to people I hate. Which is you. Because you are the reason I have to stay after school and see your ugly face which brings pain to my eyes."
"Chincha? Don't speak to your elders like that! Now just go over there and do what I say!" He shouted.
Then he shoved me to the far corner of the room. What a head. As a guy, you shouldn't be pushing girls around. Where are your manners? I stood up straight and walked back to where I previously stood before he pushed me.
"Ani. You are such a jerk. Why would I listens someone like you? You don't deserve to be treated nicely. So just shut up and let me do what I want."
"I'm not being a jerk! You're just not respecting me as your senior. Just as expected from a foreigner like you. No respect." I was taken aback by his rudeness.
"Excuse me? You are... Ugh. I can't deal with you anymore." I brush my bangs away from my face. "Just... Just do the papers by yourself then." I said and stepped out. I could hear him shouting from the printing room.
"Yah! Where are you going? You're supposed to work on this too!" I sighed and looked back into the room.
"I'm going to wash the gym materials." Then I left.
As I walked through the hallways, I finally gave thought to the possible reasons why Minwoo would hate me so much since according to everyone else at this school, he's such a good boy that everyone seems to love. Could it be that I said something he didn't like? Well Pssh... Of course I did. But I mean before we met in class. Or maybe he doesn't like foreigners. Or maybe... I don't know. I'm so confused. I don't understand. I thought girls were supposed to be more complicated and hard to understand. But Minwoo is just so confusing. But I don't care anymore. If he's going to be such an to me, then I'm going to be to him. I finally arrived at the gym and walked into the back closet.
"Eww. It stinks..." I said to myself as I walked slowly, picking up the basket of bibs. I soon stacked up the three baskets and carried them into the laundry room. "Well... Beaver teeth was obviously wrong. Doing the laundry is the easiest." I said as I closed the door to the laundry room, leaving the washing machine to do it's job.
I sighed to myself as I pulled out the list I stole from beaver teeth.
1. Clean corridors to the wing
2. Wash dance room mirrors and floor
3. Organize books in library
4. Paper organization in printer room. Check
5. Wash bibs, jersys, and towels. Check
I might as well go to the library. Organizing stuff is pretty easy for me. I shrugged and put the list into my pocket. I better not see beaver teeth there. If I do, I'll just kick him out and make him do something else. No way am I going to back down. I finally reached the library to go to the lady at the desk.
"Anneyong! I'm here to organize some books."
"Oh. You must be one of the students that Mrs. Kim told me about. There are the books for you to organize. Just put them back in their proper sections." The lady said as she pointed to four medium sized boxes behind the desk.
"...K-Kamsahamnida." I said wavered by the shock of finding out that I needed to deal with all those boxes.
Then I smiled and lifted them onto a nearby cart. Then I started my mission on finding the homes of these books. As I pulled the cart deeper into the library, I felt myself being watched by other students. They stared at me as I passed each of the tables. What? Is there something on my face? What is with everyone being so creepy around exchange students? Chunji said that they actually like foreigners. I must have heard him wrong. I awkwardly ignored all of them as I continued dragging the cart between the book shelves, pretending that I didn't notice.
* * *
After about an hour, I finished organizing the library books and walked out breathing a sigh of relief that I don't have to deal with any one else for a while. I pulled out the list of jobs that Mrs. Kim forced upon Minwoo and I. All that we had to do is clean the corridors in the left wing and wash down the dance room. 'I hope that beaver toothed jerk got attacked by paper or something. Because he deserves to bleed to death.' I thought menacingly as I clenched the paper in my hands and gritted my teeth. Then I quickly hid my face as a large group of people passed by. I wonder what they're doing here. Classes have finished almost two hours ago. I waved it off, uninterested in their reason of their presence at the school.
I sighed and headed to the janitor's closet I tried to get into before when I was signing up for tutoring. I lazily carried out the towels and buckets and dragged myself into the dark hallway that I got lost in. Then I the lights in corridor. Hmm... It's not that creepy after all. Then I saw beaver teeth.
"Yah. What are you doing cleaning in the dark? You're have no common sense." I lazily said as I threw the paper ball in my hand at his head.
"You witch! Stop making my job as hard as it is already!" He shouted at me.
"It's not my fault that you shot elastics everywhere in the classroom. And I'm getting punished because of you. You ."
"Hypocrite. I'm going." I said as I left to the dance room. Ugh... I can't stand seeing his revolting face any longer.
"I'm going to clean the dance room. Now leave me alone." I then picked up the cleaning materials and left.
I passed by him and slapped his forehead in response to his glare. As I entered the dance room, I heard him shouting something unintelligible from the hallway. I assumed it was some sort of curse meant for me, so I slammed the door and blasted the music form the stereo to drown out his voice.
"Baby girl girl girl girl,
Baby girl girl girl girl,
Igeon jom anijanha neomu hajanha niga eotteoke nareul tteonagani
Baby girl girl girl girl,
Baby girl girl girl girl,
Naega eolmana neol johahaenneunde ireol su inni neon eojjeom geuri motdwaenni baby girl" (BIG STAR- Baby Girl)
Die from my music you evil spirit! Muahahhahhahaha.... Haha.... Ha... Egh.
* * *
Another hour later, I walked out of the dance room (I don't know what you call it. Readers, please forgive my small vocab.) to see the stupid beaver teeth boy still mopping up the floor a few feet away from the door. Maybe I should try pissing him off. Kekekekeke...
"Hey ajjushi, You take forev-" I was about to finish my sentence but unfortunately, I slipped on the common and unloved wet spot on the floor.
And what is more unfortunate, is that he was there to see it happen and... Be a mother father annoying pabo and decide to scare me with his ugly face. Errm... What I meant to say is that he caught me. Surprised by the quick moment, I gripped onto him tightly and clung onto him with fear. When I realized how scared I was being, I pulled away so I wouldn't look so pathetic. But instead I only got to see his face, which was rather close to mine. I was frozen and unable to think. He's so... I can't believe I ever thought this, but he's so good looking. I mean... He's alright. Just average. *cough cough* Yes. Average. After a few seconds of unconsciously staring into each other's eyes, I realized how disgusted I should be.
"EWW! STAY AWAY." I shouted and shoved him in the face. Still feeling uncomfortable, I tried to stand up but sadly, fell again. This time on his lap. He shouted in pain. Haha. deserves it. Umm... "Omigosh I'm- ... Not sorry. Just get over it. Be a man. Wait! You're not a man. You're a ." I sort of apologized.
"Well get off my lap then. Since can't save you from falling to the ground." He said sourly. I huffed in response.
"I didn't fall. I slipped. And I would have slipped gracefully if you wouldn't have interfered."
"Pssh. The only thing that you would do gracefully is die." I pushed him away. But, since I was still sitting on him, he just lay on the ground propped up on his elbows.
"YAH. YOU TWO. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU'RE IN A HIGH SCHOOL. SUCH BEHAVIOR IS PROHIBITED ON SCHOOL GROUNDS." A matured voice from down the halls shouted. We both looked up in surprise. "WELL?! GET OFF EACH OTHER AND FIX YOURSELVES." I scrambled to my feet slightly slipping, but able to recover my stance.
Minwoo just sat on the floor next to me and pulled out puppy dog eyes at the man. Oh. It was a teacher. What the hell... You're already a 17 year old boy. You're not supposed to try to get away from trouble by acting like a child. The teacher then left as he muttered something to himself. Then I turned to Minwoo glaring at him.
"Pabo. Always causing trouble." Then he glared back and crossed his arms like a little kid. How pathetic.
"Mwoh? Me? You are so uncoordinated that you fell twice. And I had to save you. And by the way, you still owe me from Monday because I took you to the nurses office." I laughed.
"Excuse me? You're the one who made me go to the nurses office. You and your destructive play of soccer. Do you realize that the bruise is still currently on my face?" I asked.
Then I lifted my bangs to reveal the purple spot on my forehead. Surprisingly, he didn't laugh. Zelo did... Well... That's just Zelo. I think he is on crack... I don't know. Maybe he just gets high by inhaling crushed rockets...
"I said I was sorry okay?" I huffed. Saying sorry is not going to magically heal the gigantic purple splotch on my face.
"Whatever. Just finish your job and leave. I'm going now."
"Mwoh? Ani. You have to stay here until the whole list is finished."
"NOOOO. I have to meet up with Chunji and Ricky oppa."
"Well I have to meet up with L.joe. But that isn't going to happen until we're finished isn't it?" he asked sarcastically.
"Fine." I said and sat down on the bench by the entrance.
"What are you doing? Help me." I sighed and grabbed the dampened cloth from the bucket. I walked to the far side of the hallway to avoid hearing him laugh at me. Sadly, I still could.
"You're really helpless you know?"
"We'll its only your fault for all those times when I get into trouble. So you have no right in making fun of me." I said and lazily washed the trophy case, still leaving soap marks behind.
I don't care... Nobody really goes into this hallway anyway. He laughed and kept on mopping the floor. What a failure. He does nothing right. He even breathes the wrong way.
"I'm done. Bye bye." I said and quickly strode pass him towards the door.
"ANI. STOP TRYING TO LEAVE. YOU SLACKER." he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.
"Wae? You're fine on your own. The job is almost finished." I tried to reason. He just kept looking at the ground. I yanked my arm from his grip. "What's your problem? Just let me go." He sighed.
"Please, just wait until we're finished." I huffed. Well that's a change. He usually acts like a mean jerk. I'll take what I can get.
"Fine then." I said.
We finished up cleaning the hallway within minuets. As we headed back to our classroom, we ran into someone that I haven't talked to in the past few days.
"Hi Anna!" I waved with a smile.
What is she doing at the school this late? She walked by with her posse behind her. Hmm... I don't remember her being the leader of her group of friends. She looked at me with a smug look on her face and raised her brows at me.
"Hi Anika." Then she turned to Minwoo and gave him flirtatious looks. "Hello. How are you doing?" She said and then twirled her hair with her fingers.
Since when did she ever flirt with anyone? I winced at the fact that she decided to mess around with Minwoo. I felt a little bit mad at her for some reason... It must be because she chose him. Like eww. Of all guys? Minwoo? Ugh. Minwoo smiled awkwardly and lifted his hand as if he were to wave.
"Anneyong! Have we met before?"
"No. I don't think so. Are you friends with Kwangmin oppa?" She said. Then I felt a little more pissed at her. Why was I pissed before? I don't know... Anyway, since when did she start calling people "oppa"? Minwoo nodded in response.
"I see that you have your friends with you." Then he looked to Nickhun and Joon with a dangerous glare under his smile. Did something happen between them? She spoke again.
"Yeah, they're really nice! Maybe you should come hang out with us too!" '. . . Why?' I asked myself.
"Sure! That sounds nice." Minwoo smiled cheerfully. I averted my gaze to the side. Why do I'm not enjoy watching this?
"How about when you finish with your business today? We'll all be going out to the bowling alley." She asked and then pulled his wrist. He smiled awkwardly at the contact.
"Umm he has plans." I said. Then she gave me this bietch face.
"Mwoh? I thought you were dating Kwangmin oppa." She said sourly. I felt my face heat up. I could see Minwoo tense up and turn his head out of the corner of my eye.
"A-ani. I'm just his tutor. That's all." She walked towards me with a smirk on her face. I don't remember her being like this. She definitely changed. If she hasn't, she would've been encouraging me.
"Sure you are. You're lying. Cheating isn't good especially if it's on a kingka. Nae?" Then she brushed off my shoulder and turned back to her posse. "You better watch yourself, miss Kwon." Since when did she ever call me by my last name? There was an awkward silence.
"Hehehe... We'll see you guys later!" Jessica laughed awkwardly. She's always saving us. Then she grabbed Anna's arm and dragged her away. Anna was still making flirty faces to Minwoo. What happened to her?
"You're friend..." Minwoo started. "She's pretty confident." He looked to me and smiled genuinely. I thought he hated me. 'Stop smiling.' I thought to myself. I once again averted my gaze to the side.
"She's different from how she used to be. She's maybe even a queenka. Maybe you should ask her out." I said and fixed my uniform. Then I turned and headed for the door.
"Ani. I'm not interested." Well good for him. "Wait!" He shouted. I turned around to see him running in my direction.
"What do you want? We're finished working."
"N-nothing. Just get lost already." Hmm... He just turned into a jerk again. I'm not surprised. I raised my eyebrows at him and he glared back. Then I turned back to the door and lazily waved. Pabo.
* * *
I walked the streets heading in the direction of the nearby mall. I felt this creepy feeling of someone watching me. It couldn't be because I was a foreigner. There's a lot of foreigners here. 'OMO. What if it's a pedo ajjushi?' I thought to myself. I kind of freaked myself out and started walking faster. 'Eottoke... Should I try making a beeline and lose him/her? Maybe I should escape to an indoor café.' I panicked internally. Instead, I didn't go with any of my ideas and ran straight forward towards my destination. Unfortunately, I tripped and sort of stumbled into an ajjuma. She turned to me with and angry look.
"Mihanminda!" I apologized and bowed repeatedly. Then she turned away muttering something about reckless teenagers. I shurgged it off. It's not like I'm going to see her again.
I unconsciously turned around for no specific reason to see a familiar face in the crowd of people walking on the sidewalk. 'Beaver teeth?' I ask myself. I stood in place to check again. What is he doing? He lifted gaze and noticed me. Then he disappeared. What the... Okay... I awkwardly turned back around and headed towards the mall. Then I received a text.
Chunji: Annyeong Anika! Where are you? You said you'd be here a while ago! Chincha?
I laughed to myself and replied him, explaining why I took so long. I got and immediate response.
...What did I just read? Didn't Chunji already say hello? And he doesn't text in all caps. Then I received another text.
Chunji: ~Zelo ^__^
Make's sense. The only person I know that is as insane as me is the one and only beanstalk called Zelo. I sighed and once again and I felt as if someone was following me. Uhuhuhu... I'm scared. I wish I didn't have to go alone. I slightly turned my head to take a peak behind me as I used my hair as a veil. I saw him again: Minwoo. I sighed and marched over to him. He was texting someone on his phone as I closed the distance between us.
"Yah. Why are you following me?" I asked as I crossed my arms. He looked up from his phone and sort of jerked in surprise as if he didn't know I was there. Shurhurhur. Nice acting. But I know people well. He laughed.
"I'm not following you. Why are you here? Are you stalking me?" I narrowed my eyes at him. It's more like he's following me.
"Ani. I'm going to meet up with Chunji and L.joe oppa." His eyes widened. What's his problem.
"I'm going to meet up with L.joe."
"Mwoh? We didn't invite you!" I pointed at him.
"Yah! Don't point at me! You're supposed to be respectful! And L.joe hyung invited me." I sighed. Of course Chunji couldn't deny L.joe's request. I looked back up to the pabo in front of me.
He gawked and then glared at me. 'Hah. Can't do anything can you?' I laughed to myself.
"I'm leaving then." I turned and left without saying goodbye.
A few minutes of walking passed and I knew Minwoo was still walking behind me. I feel so uncomfortable. I couldn't take this any longer and spun around to see him behind me. Only a foot behind behind me. So creepy. I stepped back in reaction to the closeness.
"Can you stop following me?" I asked with an annoyed expression.
"What are you talking about? I'm going to the mall."
"Well could you at least keep a distance from me? I'm already tired of seeing your face. Let alone knowing that you exist."
"I'm not here for any reasons related to you. In fact I don't even want you to be hanging out with us. Who invited you anyway?" He asked bitterly.
"I came up with the idea for today. So technically, I am the party host. You're just going to have to deal with it or leave." I said and spun around and resumed my walk to the mall.
He sighed and continued following me. I just wanted to turn around and tie him to a nearby tree so I could ditch him. But unfortunately I didn't have any rope, string, dental floss, anything to do that. I don't care if people see it. I don't mind others knowing about my utter hatred towards the pabo walking behind me.
A minute later, I finally arrived at the mall and headed to the food court where I was to meet everyone. I sat at a table and waited. I received a text from Ricky this time.
Ricky: Anika~! Turn around!
I listened to his orders and did so to see Ricky, Zelo, Youngmin and Kwangmin. They walked towards me with smiles. And of course, I could catch the occasional glare that Youngmin sent to his younger twin. I smiled at the cuteness.
"Anika! How are you?" Kwangmin asked as he welcomed me with a hug.
'Omgomgomgomg. I'm going to die.' I thought to myself. So this is what girls mean by "glorious arms" A wave of heat washed over me and I blushed. At the corner of my eye, I caught Youngmin going through his dark state as he tried killing his brother with his death stare. Oh Youngmin. Why must you hate each other so much? There are already enough problems at this school. Minwoo was smiling at Kwangmin but his eyes say something else. Does he want to kill Kwangmin too? Why...? Kwangmin is everyone's target. Is he some kind of joker? Then Kwangmin spoke again.
"Are you readying for tomorrow's tutoring?" He smiled at me. Agh. He is killing me. I heard a girl not too far away from us shout something.
"AGH. MY OVARIES." (lol sorry. I had to say that) I caught Kwangmin smirk before he turned back to me.
"I have an idea for another place where we could study. It won't be at the library."
"Where then, Kwangmin?" He put his finger up.
"Who are you talking to?"
"You..." I said with a confused expression. He shook his head smiling.
"Ani. You are talking to Kwangmin oppa." Are you serious...
"Okay Oppa. Where is it?" I asked. Youngmin and Minwoo sat quietly giving him unamused faces. Zelo and Ricky stood there watching us with smirks spread across their's.
"Surprise." He said in a low, and highly attractive voice as he lifted his fingers to his lips. I'm going to melt. I averted my gaze to the bench next to me and sat on it so I can recover myself from the dizziness.
"So, shall we get going?" Minwoo spoke out of the blue.
"Nae. We should eat now." Youngmin stood up from his seat and walked over to me. "Let's go?" He asked me.
I smiled and nodded. I still need to find out about the rumor spreading about him. He smiled menacingly at Kwangmin. Woah. I didn't know he could do that. Does everyone here have a different side to them? Chunji has evil umma mode. Zelo is possibly a crack head. Kwangmin is a joker. Youngmin is secretly evil. Changjo... He's kind of already scary as is. I wonder who L.joe and Ricky might be.
"Where are Chunji and L.joe oppa?" I asked the older twin.
"Oh. They're shopping. We left them because it was getting awkward." Youngmin answered.
"Mwoh? What do you mean by that?"
"They started acting like a couple and stuff. Chunji was giggling like a girl and L.joe always trying to make him laugh. So weird." I smiled mischeviously.
Yes. Chunjoe is coming together and I didn't even have to try. Ricky and Youngmin looked at me weirdly so I waved it off again.
"So... Let's go eat shall we?" I asked and Dragged Youngmin with me and the others followed.
Aish. This baby has weird tastes. At least it's real food. We all ordered our food and took a seat. Minwoo, Ricky and Zelo on one bench, and the Jo twins and I on the other bench across form them. I sat in between them because I figured it would be a good idea if they didn't make any contact. Kwangmin sat rather close to me and kept on leaning into my space to "get the condiments". And he kept on giving me bedroom eyes. He's going to give me a heart attack. Then there was once again, an awkward silence.
"So, Where's Changjo?" Ricky asked.
"He couldn't come because he's at dance practice." Zelo said. I raised my brows and turned to him.
"Aren't you in the dance team?" I asked him. Zelo nodded. Then a few seconds passed by. I sighed, unamused. "Then why aren't you at dance practice too?"
"Because I skipped!" Zelo said cheerfully and accidentally flung some rice into Ricky's drink. Youngmin and I laughed. Ricky was pouting and trying to trade glasses with the beanstalk.
"But you have the dance show thing on Friday. You need to practice." Zelo pouted cutely.
"Don't worry about him. He knows the choreographies well. And if he doesn't remember the steps, I will!" Ricky said adn did an eye smile. Everyone laughed at him. "Wae? ...I CAN DANCE."
"Sure, sure you can lovely." I said and patted his hand.
Kwangmin chucked and side hugged me. I blushed and said nothing. 'Can't... Handle... The contact...' I thought to myself. Then silence.
"OKAY THEN. Let's go look, for our hyungs!" Zelo said to break the awkwardness. Everyone except for Kwangmin stood up.
"How about you guys go find them. Anika and I will stay back." He said and grabbed me by the waist pulling me into his lap. 'What's going on? Why is he treating me like his girlfriend?' I questioned myself. "You guys can call us when you find them. And we'll meet up with you." Youngmin and Minwoo looked at him with dangerous eyes. I understand Youngmin, but not beaver teeth. What's his problem?
"No! I want Anika to come with us!" Zelo said and jumped up and down like a little kid.
"Ani. I want to stay with her!" Kwangmin said and pouted as equally as cute as Zelo.
Woah. He's cute, hot and sekshi. All at the same time. He tightened his grip around my waist, holding me closer. I started to heat up and this tickling feeling spread over my neck. Then he hooked his chin on my shoulder. 'Omgomgomg' I tried to think of something that would stop me from blushing but my brain cells kept on dying before I could use them. Zelo pouted again and huffed.
"Fine then. We'll call you when we find them. Have fun snuggling." Zelo said and awkwardly waddled away.
Literally waddled. The rest waved and left me and Kwangmin at the table. I was still sitting on his lap looking at the ground to hide my reddened face. I wanted to find Chunjoe to see how my creation was doing. Uhuhuhu... I moved off of his lap and then he spoke.
"So, You planned this?" He asked with a smirk. That ovary destructing smirk. My stomach flipped. I nodded in response. "Well that's nice. Thanks for inviting me. Why did you anyway?" I froze and my brain started to panic, looking for an answer.
"Errm... I assumed that since you and L.joe oppa are friends, it'd be nice to invite more people. And since I'll be your tutor for the next two months, I figured that we should umm.... Get closer too." I said as I averted my gaze to my hands folded on my lap.
He sighed and held my hands. I froze again and stiffened. I slowly looked up from my lap to see him still sitting rather close to me. He smiled sweetly.
"Thank you for being so considerate. I enjoy being here with you." I looked away so he couldn't see me blushing.
"I didn't invite you so you could only hang out with me..."
"But I want to. Don't you want to hang out with me?"
"I do! I do! It's just that I wanted all of us to be together."
"We can do that when they find Chunji and L.joe hyung. For now, let's hang out just the two of us. Okay?" He asked as he stood up holding my hand. I nodded slightly and stood up as well, hiding my eyes behind my bangs. He smiled and led me out of the food court.
"Call me oppa." (lol. This makes me think of the one pic of EXO's Kai. I love you too Chanyeol)
"But I call Chun-"
"But he's not here right now, so you can call me that!"
"O-okay..." then silence. "Anyway, we should go look for them."
"Ani. Let's go for a walk first!"
"No but-"
"Let's go!" He said and pulled me to a random shop.
We walked into the nearest store, unfortunately, he just blindly ran anywhere so we ended up in a Build-a-bear store. Then he pulled me to the counter and asked the girl at the desk to make one. Then he turned to me.
"What would you like?" My eyes widened.
"M-mwoh? No thanks."
"It's okay. My treat."
"No! Those things are like $60 US dollar!"
"I said it's okay!" He said and tightened his grip on my hand. I had a little heart attack. "Come on. Choose one." I nodded and pulled him down to my height.
"I want a pig rabbit." I said shyly.
He nodded in amusement and told the girl what I wanted. The girl shook her head saying that they had no such thing. Then Kwangmin started flirting with her. So. Jealous. Then he spoke into her ear with a low voice.
"Make it happen."
She nodded quickly and went to work collecting materials for the stuffed toy. After 15 minutes of the waiting for the pig rabbit, we walked out of he store with my unique build-a-bear. Okay, maybe it wasn't unique but it was very cute.
"Do you like it?" he asked smiling as I held it close to me. I was acting like a kid only because I felt guilty that he had to pay for it.
"Nae. Kamsahamnida Kwangmin-" I said and caught him giving me a look. "Kamsahamnida oppa." I said and looked away to hide my blush.
Then my phone vibrated, signaling that I received a text.
Ricky: Anneyong! We found them! Come and meet us at the big fountain!
I nodded and told Kwangmin where to meet them and we were on our way. I was thankful for Ricky to break the awkwardness. But next time I must try to find out more about him instead of shying away.


Hello readers! I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while. I've been on a vacation for the past few days in a cabin in the woods. Haha! Sounds creepy right? But anyway, the thing is that I hadn't had any Internet connection and was unable to update because of that. So please forgive me and the cabin for the late chapter. Anyway, I hope you guys are still reading my story even though we're not many chapters in. But I still hope that you'll enjoy it! And thank you for the views! Don't forget to subscribe too!
~Sandra :3
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Chapter 24: *new reader here ^^
Uuu this is a good story you know! update soon author-nim!
Chapter 23: Oh god that gif right there, I love all the gifs you put up and I love your story!
Annielamie #3
Chapter 23: Omg I fangirled so hard when I saw you updated again! Now my mind is completely blown! Ahhh!
Chapter 23: The tie was good~
So yeah..Youngmin is being a _____ now..great -,- *shot*
update soon :D and fix the plot :D
Annielamie #5
Chapter 22: Ahhhhhhhhh! Please update asap! I'm totally hooked!
hibaharu1886 #6
Chapter 18: Omo, this is so hot, I just not love it, I'm over heels, really hot and cute!!!!