Not Letting It Happen Again.

The Exchange Student

Minwoo's POV

The next morning, I woke up at 8:43am. It was far too late to try going to school and it was worthless to even rush my way there anyway. My mind was occupied over something else and I know I would never be able to concentrate in class. I shivered under the blanket in response to the cold air in my room.
"Shouldn't have slept in just my boxers last night." I muttered to myself as I lazily slumped out of bed. [A/N Your welcome for putting that image in your mind]
I trudged into the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see the mess of hair upon my head and washed my face. After cleaning myself up and getting changed, I went into the living room and sprawled my self out onto the couch with my face buried in one of the cushions. I lifted my head resting my chin on the pillow and furrowed my brows. 'We have gotten nowhere last night even with Donghyun hyung's help.' I thought to myself as I narrowed my eyes at the lamp in front of me. Then my phone rang.
"Echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo
Deo gateun deoto cheo myeon
Yeojaneun da nikkeoran saenggage" (Girls Generation- Echo)
"I need to change my ringtone." I groaned as I reached for it on the coffee table next to me. "Yeoboseyo?"
"Annyeong Minwoo-ah! Why aren't you at school?" Said Donghyun.
"Why not?" I answered effortlessly.
"Because that's illegal." 
"You make it sound like I'm a criminal."
"I guess you could be one." I shrugged. But me? No one would see it coming. People see me as an innocent baby face. "But that's not the point. Why aren't you here?"
"Cuz I'm not. I'm thinking about stuff."
"A life reflection?" He asked. I sighed ever so silently so he couldn't here.
"Yes hyung. Can you come over after school? And bring Chunji hyung with you."
"Okay. Wait. Get your over here! Invite Chunji yourself!"
"Listen to your hyung." He said and hung up.
Okay fine then. I need to see if anything different happened anyway. I got up from the couch and changed again. 'Aish. I planned to find out how to get to Anika.' I thought to myself as I collected my books and headed out the door.
* * *
I entered the school grounds during lunch break to see students swarming around in the courtyard. Girls were squealing at the sight of Kingkas flashing their muscles, guys were laughing in their circles of friends and flicking each other's foreheads. I walked around the back doors to head to the main office since the main doors were blocked by students. I walked down the deserted corridor when I felt the presence of another person.
"Oppa~!" A girl's aegyo voice shouted from behind me. 
I turned around to see one of the girls from Kwangmin's class. She was one of his ho's from a few months ago. Her hair in messy curls, makeup caked on her face, buttons done too low, and skirt too short. I stepped back a bit as she moved closer to invade my space. 'What the hell? She's not even younger than me and she's calling me oppa.' I thought.
"Nae?" I asked with an awkward smile.
"Oppa where were you earlier? I was looking for you!" She squeaked. 'What is she talking about? Since when?'
"Umm sorry. I was at home..." I said as I backed away and put my hands up as she kept on moving closer and closer.
"That's okay! Just kiss your girlfriend and everything will be okay!" She said and puckered up her lips.
"Y-you're not my girlfriend..."
"What are you talking about? You told me that you loved me at the party last night when you handed me a drink!" She pouted as she grabbed my hands and intertwined her fingers with mine. I tried pulling my hands away.
"I'm sorry I wasn't at any party. You must've mistaken me for someone else." I said as I was backed up to unfortunately end up against the wall.
"No~! I knew it was you I did it with last night!" She said and trailed her finger down my torso. "You have nice abs oppa~" she attempted to say seductively. I pushed her away and she lost her balance falling to the floor. 
"I told you it wasn't me." I said. She stood up and pulled out her phone.
"But you gave me your number!" She said and showed me her contact list. And there it was. My phone number under my name. I was taken aback and my eyes immediately grew wide.
"Mwoh? How did my number get in your phone?" I asked in horror.
"You gave it to me after we had ." She said.
"What are you talking about? I didn't do it with anyone!" 
"I know it was you. Your hair was in your eyes so I couldn't see your face completely but I know it was you. Even Kwangmin oppa said it was you." She said and stuck out her lower lip. I froze for a second.
"Kwangmin? Was he with you yesterday?"
"Yeah, right after school."
"Excuse me." I said and charged towards the main office.
"Wait oppa!" She squeaked. I turned my head and pointed a finger at her.
"I'm not your oppa!" I shouted and ran to the office.
* * *
After making my escape to the office and checking in, I charged to the usual place where Kwangmin would hang around during lunch hours. I dashed down the hallways, up the stairs, shoving the occasional people that didn't know how to get out of the way and reached the fire door to the rooftop. 'That . What did I ever do to him?' I thought to myself and clenched my jaw. Putting my name into some girl's phone and saying I did her? Who did her anyway? I narrowed my eyes at the door that I stood before. 'He did it.' Then I swung the door open and stepped forth onto the rooftop only for my eyes to widen at something Anika would hate to see. Kwangmin was sitting on a bench, but not alone. There Anna was sitting on his lap breathing heavily as Kwangmin kissed her neck. His arm wrapped tightly around her waist and hers were slung over his shoulders. His hand that rested on her thigh moved up ever so slowly to lift her skirt and started groping her . I winced in disgust of the sight in front of me. Mostly because I've seen this scene happen numerous times and Kwangmin is always the guy in it. I cleared my throat to get their attention but no response. I sighed.
The two finally realized that they weren't the only ones on the rooftop and separated themselves. Anna pulled her skirt back down and looked at the ground to hide her flushed face. 'Don't worry. No one could see it under all that makeup you smeared on.' I wanted to say to her. Instead, I walked towards them with the deadliest glare I could put on. Anna stifled in fear but Kwangmin remained unaffected to the daggers I was shooting at him. I stood in front of the now standing Kwangmin and Anna. 
"Leave." I said as I moved my glare to Anna for only a second and back to the dark haired twin. 
She nodded quickly and made an awkward run to the door while making click-clacking sounds with her unreasonably high heels. Kwangmin was now standing  inches away from me as we had a stare down. He looked down at me with eyes that said "If you tell anyone, you'll die the night after".
I gritted my teeth and swiftly lifted my hand to punch him in the face. Because I moved too fast he wasn't prepared and took the blow. He fell to the ground only to stand up in less than a second. He was now glaring at me as he wiped the blood from the edge of his mouth with the back of his hand.
"What the is your problem?! You know you have a girlfriend. So don't cheat on her!" I growled angrily.
"Why not? You know I do that all the time. What makes it any different?" He smiled sarcastically. I made no response. "Oh? Is it that you don't want me to hurt you new Bangwool?" He said and made sarcastic aegyo eyes and pocked his cheek.
"Shut up, you . You have no right to bring her into this."
"That's right. Maybe I don't. But that doesn't mean I'm not going listen." He said smugly and fixed his uniform that was deranged from his "session" with Anna. He sighed. "What do you want anyways? I know you didn't come here to see what you did." He said with lack of interest.
"You wanna hear it? Okay then." I said as I made a scary smile. "Why the hell is my number if one of your ho's cellphones under my name? And why is she accusing me of ?!" He only chuckled.
"Not my problem. You should stop partying." Kwangmin said and shoved his hands in is pockets. I swear he looked like one of those old guys that smoked in their underwear on the front porch.
"I was at my house looking for something last night. YOU were partying with a bunch of chicks and knocking them up!" I froze for a mere second in realization that it was his fault for Anika's kidnapping. "It's all your fault!" I shouted at him ready to beat the out of him. 
Then the lunch bell rang to indicate the start of classes. We still stood in place and stared at each other in silence. The sounds of students from the courtyard slowly silenced as they made their way back inside. The atmosphere was tense as we stayed unmoving. The only sounds came from the cars outside the school gates and the rustling leaves from the trees surrounding the school.
"What the hell do you mean is my fault?" He asked cooly and raised a brow.
"If you hadn't ditched the tutorials, Anika didn't have to get lost in search of my place and gotten kidnapped!" I said and clenched my jaw. He huffed and looked at the ground in thought.
"So she's kidnapped? How did that happen? And why was she looking for your house?" He said. I became even more enraged in result of his lack of concern of Anika's current condition. 
" you! You are such a careless and deserve no answers!" I gave up on The douche bag and charged at him to give him another blow to the face. 
But this time he saw it coming and shoved my arm downwards causing me to move down with it. This gave him an opening to counter attack and get me in the face. And he did so. My neck snapped back due to the force and I retreated a few steps back. I wiped the blood that dripped from my nose and snapped my hand so it splattered onto the ground. Out of rage I charged at him again and then it became a full on fight. I swung at him for him to only dodge and swing back. I kneed him in the crotch which gave me an opening. I threw him to the ground and punched his face but then he kicked my stomach. He got up again and gave me a back hand ready to hook. I grabbed his fist and twisted it causing him to hiss in pain and unable to move. I tripped him sending him to the ground and I lifted my fist to give another blow but then the door swung open.
"Yah! You two! Why aren't you in cla- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" A man's voice shouted.
We turned towards the sound to see a teacher storming towards us. He ripped me from Kwangmin by my arm that was still raised and grabbed Kwangmin's arm that was tightly holding my collar. The teacher yanked us up and dragged us downstairs while muttering something about crazy high school students that don't know how to contain themselves. He then threw us into the nurses office telling her to clean us up. The nurse was the same one that aided Anika after I kicked the soccer ball to her face. The nurse smiled at us as she seated us onto the couch and went to collect supplies. She then came back and sat in a stool before Kwangmin and I. It was silent for a while as that bastard and I kept exchanging glares at each other until the nurse spoke.
"So, it must've been that you saved each other from getting hit by a car or have been in a fight." She tried to start conversation as she patted an alcohol swab on Kwangmin's wrist. We made no response. "I see. You guys were fighting." Then she grabbed another swab and turned to me and patted it to my cheek. She looked at my face for a few seconds and back to my cheek. Then she looked at me a second time. Her eyes widened and eyebrows raised as made an "O" shape. "Oh! Your'e Anika's boyfriend! How are you two doing?" She asked happily. I opened my mouth for clarification but Kwangmin cleared his throat and spoke first.
"Actually, I'm her boyfriend." He said and raised his hand for a second.
"Tch." Was all I said and turned my head to the side. 'A terrible boyfriend.' I wanted to say. The nurse ignored me and turned to Kwangmin with an embarrassed face.
"Oh sorry. How are you two doing then?" The nurse asked.
"They're going on a rough patch. Maybe he should try clearing things up and telling her some things she should know." I answered for him. He gritted his teeth at me as he sent poisonous glares at me. I looked back at him with a cold gaze.
"That's none of your business." He growled.
"Okay then. You better take care of her yourself." I lied. No way I would leave Anika in Kwangmin's hands alone.
"Alright boys, that's enough. There better not be any more fights." She said as she pushed our heads away from each other to cut off the dangerous eye contact. Then the teacher that caught us fighting on the rooftop walked in with an annoyed expression on his face. 
"Thank you Miss Park. They'll be fine now." He said. The nurse nodded once and left for the teacher to scold us. Thank Shisus that he didn't.
"You two... I have nothing to say about how ridiculous you are." He shook his head and looked at me. "No Minwoo. Are you going to become a trouble maker? You've already been in a fight a few months ago and I caught you once after school with that exchange student." He crossed his arms. Kwangmin turned to me with a look of disbelief. 
"Mwoh? What were you doing with my girlfriend?!" He half shouted with wide eyes. I blushed. At the worst time. "What were you doing?!" He pressed. I put my hands up in defence.
"Nothing! We were only cleaning up the hallway!" 
"After you made a mess in it!" Kwangmin got up from his seat. 
I blushed harder as unnecessary thoughts were brought to mind. I don't see how he could be so enraged even if we did make a- umm... Mess. Anyway, he does stuff like this all the time. He isn't in any place to be able to get angry over that.
"WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I shouted as I stood up as well to get in his face. The teacher put his hands on our shoulders and pushed us back down to the couch. 
"Yah. Both of you, stop it. Since you two cannot stand each other, I'll have to prepare you separate consequences. Minwoo, you will have to stay after school to help out at the school until Friday starting today. Kwangmin, you will start on Monday and continue doing the same thing until Wednesday. Do you two understand?" The teacher asked. We both nodded. "Now go to your classes. And I don't want to hear that you two did any of this nonsense again." He said and left. 
Kwangmin and I stood up and headed for the door only for the older to step ahead of me to pass through first. We separated paths to our designated classrooms. 'I understand. But that doesn't mean I'm going to do it. Not today at least.' I thought to myself. I'm going to continue the my search for Anika today. And that is far more important than doing my time. Tch. Normally I dont do this. But for her, I'm breaking the rules? This is ridiculous. I now stood in front of the door to my classroom and sighed. I wonder what Mrs. Kim is going to say to me. I slid the door open and my classmates heads all turned to me. Ricky nodded at me and I nodded back. 
"I'm sorry for the interruption." I bowed.
"No Minwoo. Take your seat." Mrs. Kim said and I did so.
I walked to my seat by the window and pulled out my books, turning to the page written on the board. As Mrs. Kim resumed to the lesson, my heart sunk as I looked to the desk on my right where Anika was supposed to be sitting.
* * *
The bell rang to indicate that it was the end of the school day and students rushed out of the classroom like water being drained from its bottle. I was still sitting in my seat and sighed exasperatedly then bent down to put my books in my bag. Then someone called my name not too far away. I looked up at the blue haired boy that had his bag already slung over his shoulder.
"Ricky hyung?" I asked.
"Yes, Minwoo-ah. It's me. Aren't you going to find Anika today?" He asked.
"N-Nae." I said and stood up, swinging my bag on.
"I'm going to come too." He said.
"No, you don't have to. Donghyun and Chunji hyung and I have this covered already." I said and walked out of the classroom to Chunji's. Ricky pouted and followed me.
"That's not fair. You invited them but not me?" He whined and waddled beside me. I sighed. I find it awkward calling him hyung even though he acts as immature as me sometimes.
"Well you know Donghyun hyung, he knows almost everything. And Chunji hyung is like an older brother to her."
"And I'm her best friend!" He argued. "If I can't help then why can you?" He asked carelessly. That kinda stepped on the line. I sent him a cold glare but then felt guilty. I looked down at the tiles of the hallway.
"Because I'm responsible for the kidnapping." I said. Ricky patted my shoulder. 
"That's why I want to help you Minwoo-ah. I want to help because I'm a part of her family of friends too." He tried to comfort me. At least I think he tried.
"Fine." I said and we continued walking. "Has anyone else found out about this?" I asked. Ricky shook his head.
"Not that I know of. I haven't told anyone. I'm just a bit worried that Zelo wasn't able to keep it to himself." He said. 
I nodded. We soon reached Chunji's classroom but he and Donghyun weren't there. 'But I told hyung to come with me to my place after school.' I pouted to myself in disappointment that he didn't listen. Instead, I saw that L.joe was there talking to Eli with a serious expression. He sighed and turned to the door where Ricky and I were standing. L.joe looked a bit troubled and gloomy as his shoulders slightly sulked. I stepped up to talk to him.
"L.joe hyung, you okay?" I asked. His head perked up and he put on a small smile.
"Oh, yeah I'm good!" He said with false cheer. I made a face. If he doesn't want to tell me then fine.
"Alright then. Have you seen Chunji and Donghyun hyung?" I asked and he pressed his lips into a firm line.
"Ani. I came here after classes finished to talk to Chunji but he wasn't here. So I just asked Eli where he went and he told me that Chunji and Donghyun both left together to go someplace." L.joe said with annoyance. Why is he so unhappy? 'It's like he doesn't like Chunji and Donghyun hanging around together.' I thought to myself. Ricky and I looked at each other.
"Where do you think they went?" Ricky asked.
"I do-"
"Yah! No Minwoo! Why are you talking with friends? You're supposed to be cleaning the classrooms! Get to work!" 
The teacher from earlier shouted at me from the entrance of the classroom. After telling Ricky to find the older hyungs, I quickly left and went to work. I strode down the hallways to the classroom on the far end of the school and began the board cleanup. About and hour later, I finally finished one room, I fell to the ground and wiped the sweat on my forehead. 'Wait. Why am I still here? I said I wasn't going to do this anyway.' I thought to myself as I got to my feet. Punishments can wait. Anika shouldn't have to. I opened the classroom door to the almost empty hallway. I watched as a teacher walked into another room and closed the door. That was when I chose to escape. I swiftly ran to the back entrance of the school and exited the school grounds. As I walked to the bus stop, I pulled out my phone to text Donghyun.
King of Sweating: Hyung, where are you?
I waited no time for a response.
Korea's Jay Chou: At your place. Isn't that where you asked me to be?
I made an unamused face.
King of Sweating: And you didn't wait for me?
Korea's Jay Chou: I thought you knew how to get home.
I sighed.
King of Sweating: Nvm. Where is Chunji? I told Ricky to look for you guys.
Korea's Jay Chou: With me at your place. Hurry up and get over here. 
King of Sweating: Okay okay... See you.
Korea's Jay Chou: See you! ^__^
* * *
I reached the apartment building at 6pm. The sun was already coming down and the air was cooler. As I opened the door to Jeongmin's place I realized that Donghyun and Chunji weren't the only ones there. Ricky, Tiffany and Zelo were there too. And one other person I didn't expect was there as well. Jo Youngmin. I froze in the doorway staring at Youngmin in shock as he shot up from his seat and stormed toward me. His eyes told me a threat without the need of words.
"H-hyung, I'm sorr-" I tried to say. 
But he shoved me back into the hallway, stepping outside with me and slammed the door behind him. It probably went silent inside the apartment because I couldn't no longer hear Chunji shouting at the blonde baby. Youngmin grabbed the collar of my shirt and shoved me to the wall. His face was inches from mine as he stared at me with deadly eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked in a low growl. 
I didn't answer. It's been a while since I've seen this side of him. And I've never been the cause to make him like this either. He tightened his grip on my collar and shook me once.
"Tell me Minwoo-ah. Wae?" He asked again.
"Be-because I didn't want you to know."
"Wae?!" He raised his voice.
"I'm sorry. I promise I'll fix this."
"That doesn't answer my question!" He shook me again.
"I don't know! I just didn't want anyone else to find out about this okay? I didn't want to cause anymore problems." I said. 
I didn't want to start anything with both the twins today. And hopefully nobody found out about the fight earlier too. He released his grip and I slid to the floor to put my face in my hands as the guilt began to build up again. He apologized and sat down beside me with his elbows resting on his knees.
"Minwoo-ah. I want to help okay? Just don't keep any secrets like this." I nodded my head. "You want to find her don't you?" I nodded again. "Well we have an idea already." My head shot up in result to Youngmin's words. 
He nodded once and I stood up immediately and went inside the apartment. Youngmin followed. As expected, the room was silent when we walked in. Everyone was sitting on the couches around the coffee table. Zelo seated on the floor eating spicy ddukkbokki. 
"You guys okay?" Chunji asked from the couch.
"Nae. Youngmin hyung just had to tell me something." I answered and Chunji nodded. "Can I ask you guys something?" Everyone looked at me. Well, it's not like they weren't already just doing that. I took that as a yes. "Why is there a party at my place? I only asked Chunji and Donghyun hyung to be here." Ricky scoffed. "And Ricky hyung invited himself."
"Yah!" The blue haired boy shouted. I only shrugged. Then Donghyun decided to answer my question.
"Well, when Ricky arrived, Tiffany was already with him. It was that he invited Fany to come with him because he would be lonely on his way to your place." Ricky smiled sheepishly. "The two blondes," Donghyun continued as he flicked Zelo's head. "are here because Zelo doesn't know how to shut his mouth." My unamused gaze moved from Ricky to the curly haired beanstalk. Zelo's puppy eyes widened at me begging for mercy. 
"Hyung, it was an accident!" Zelo pleaded as I walked over to him.
"Like you usually say Zelo-ah: No mercy!" I said as I chased him around the seated guests. 
"Yah. The both of you, sit down. I'm not finished yet." Donghyun called. "The reason why Youngmin is present is beause Zelo thought that he was with us when the whole thing happened and leaked. Unfortunately, soulless eyes managed to squeeze it out of him." Donghyun gestured to Youngmin who was seated beside him.
"My eyes are not soulless!" He shouted. 
"Okay sure." Donghyun smiled in amusement. "This is why your apartment is so flooded."
"Okay... Thanks..." I answered awkwardly. "Does anyone else know?" I asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Anyway, Youngmin hyung told me about how you guys had an idea on how we're going to find Anika."
"Yes. We do." Chunji stated.
He then walked over to my jacket which was draped over the couch. He searched for something and managed to pull out my phone from one of the pockets.
"What are you doing now?" I asked. "Are you planning to call her and expect her to pick up? She's probably passed out or something." Chunji ignored me. "Hyung, what are yo-"
"Something." He cut me off.
"Mw-?" I asked. But he didn't answer. Instead, he shoved the phone to my face.
"It's ringing. You better pay attention." He raised his brows. 
I took it and placed the phone to my ear and the room became silent. After a few long moments of waiting I heard a voice on the other end. My eyes widened and my mouth opened in surprise which caused everyone else to lean forward in their seats.
"Yeoboseyo? Where's Anika?" I asked desperately.
"Anika is at her friend's house." A girl's voice spoke. It was young and feminine. I looked to the side to see that Donghyun and Chunji hyung were both crowding around a laptop that I have never seen before. 'What are they doing?' I asked myself.
"Who's?" I chose to be sneaky and dig under instead of going straight to the point.
"Her friend. Don't be nosy."
"Can I please speak to her?"
"She's sleeping right now." She's not sleeping. She's probably knocked unconscious.
"Then wake her up."
"That'd be rude." Kidnapping someone and hiding them from their family and friends is rude.
"Cut the crap and tell me where the hell she is right now."
"Mwoh? Excuse me but I don't know what you're talking about. I told you she's at her friend's." The girl said.
"Yes, you do. You and this other guy kidnapped her yesterday. Give her back."
"You must be insane. She wasn't kidnapped. She came to my house right after school."
"She didn't because she wasn't even at school today."
"Y-You must have called the wrong number. Bye." The girl said and hung up.
"." I muttered under my breath.
"Minwoo hyung! Watch your mouth!" Zelo shouted from the couch and threw a piece of popcorn at me. Since when did he pop that?
"It doesn't matter what I say at a time like this! How are we going to find her now? If we call her again, we're definitely not going to get an answer." I said and sat down. I ran my fingers through my hair and rested my head on the couch to look at the ceiling.
"Relax Minwoo-ah." Donghyun said. I lifted my head to look across at him to see that he was smiling at me. Chunji was smiling at the computer on Donghyun's lap. 'Why are they so happy? This is the most unnecessary time to be happy.'
"What are you guys smiling about?" I said and stood up from my seat.
I walked around the couch they were sitting on and stood behind them to see what they were looking at. On the screen of the laptop was a map of the our city. There were two points on the map. One point was at the location of Jeongmin's place, where we are now. Next to that point was my phone number and current location. The other point was marked western to our location. 'That's in the older part of the city.' I thought. Next to the point was Anika's number and the labeled location. I looked behind me to see that everyone else that was once gathered around in a circle was now behind me also looking at the map.
"What is this? Is this some kind creeper system?" I asked as I stood up straight. Donghyun turned around to look at me with a smug look on his face.
"It's a location system. Before Chunji called Anika, I got him to hook it up to my laptop wirelessly. That's how we got your phone location on here. And since you were talking to Anika's phone, we got her phone location since you're phones were connected for the moment. Isn't that interesting?" He explained.
"That's creepy hyung." Zelo said. I nodded in agreement.
"Hyung, have you done that to find my location too?" Ricky asked hesitantly. Donghyun shrugged. "Eww!"
"I'm just kidding! Geez." He said and went back to the laptop.
"See Minwoo? You don't need to worry about where she is now. All we need to do is get her back." Chunji said with encouragement.
"But isn't that the hard part?" Tiffany asked.
"What if they had guards or something? They could be armed!" Zelo said as he turned his hands into two pistols. Then he pointed them at me and shot. "Boom!" He said cutely. I looked at him unamused. "Oh no! Minwoo hyung is invincible!" Zelo shouted and kept on shooting.
"Zelo-ah, this isn't the best time to play around." Ricky said.
"Okay hyung." The baby sat down and went back to eating his ramen. Where is he getting this food? I didn't even know I had ramen noodles.
"It probably is going to be really hard, noona." Ricky said to Tiffany. "Plus, it's really dark out now and we don't have any idea how dangerous it'll be."
"Night is probably the best time because there's less people." Donghyun said.
"But we aren't armed." Chunji said.
"Yes, we are." I corrected and exchanged glances with Donghyun.
"Mwoh?" Everyone asked and turned to look at me. I stood up from my seat and told Tiffany to close the blinds. 
She did so and I went to Jeongmin's room. I went to the back of his closet and opened the large safe. There, I saw a few firearms and took out two pistols. I walked back into the living room area and put them on the coffee table. Everyone looked at them with wide eyes and dropped jaws. Then they looked at me the same way.
"Where did you get these?" Zelo asked and reached for one of them but Chunji slapped his hand away. 
"No! You're too young! These are not toys!" Chunji scolded like the umma he is. Zelo pouted and went back to eating. 
"They're licensed. Since Jeongmin hyung is legal he can have them." I answered.
"I see. But are yo-"
"Of course I'm not since I'm underaged. But Hyung never layed down any rules about it. I won't use it unless I have no choice."  I said emotionlessly. 's about to get as real as it already is.
"Alright then. Since we have things down, let's get started." Donghyun said and slammed his laptop shut.
"Mwoh? What are you talking about? We have no plan!" Youngmin said.
"You guys don't. But I do. Chunji and Minwoo-ah. Grab you jackets and let's go. Everyone else stay here or go home. Do not follow." Donghyun said and put his own jacket on.
"Woah hyung! Like some kind of boss!" Zelo said in awe. Then Donghyun turned back and flashed a smile at everyone as he held his hands together like a gun, pointing it upwards.
"That's how I do business." He said. 
I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the real guns and attached them to my belt. Yes. today I wore a belt. 'You don't even do business, Donghyun.' I wanted to say but sighed and left the room with Chunji. Those pedo kidnappers better watch their backs before I kill them.
* * * 
"Minwoo, maybe we should..." She said as we sat on the couch in the living room. I held her hands on my lap.
"Nae?" I asked sweetly and rubbed my thumbs in a circular motion on the back of her soft hands.
"We should break up." He said and tore her gaze from me to break eyes contact. I froze with a shocked expression taking over my face then shut my mouth and tried to look calm.
"W-wae?" I asked hesitantly. "I don't understand." I said and tried to hold in my tears. I know I shouldn't be crying over this. I'm supposed to be the strong one so I can protect her.
"I don't think we're in a healthy relationship." She said as she pulled her hands away and folded them on her lap.
"We are. We both care about each other. And we don't have any problems." I tried to reason.
"That's not it. We do care about each other. But you're friends are making fun of you for that. And I don't want to keep our relationship secret anymore. I know you want it secret for my own safety, but I'd rather it be public so other girls will leave you alone. But you keep denying it." She kept looking at her hands. I looked at her in disbelief as her long thick lashes fanned around her beautiful eyes.
"I just don't want other people bullying you. I don't want you to be exposed to any threats." I said.
"Minwoo!" She said and stood up. "I can take care of myself! I'm not a defenceless little girl!" Her hands were now balled in fists. "You always think that I can't do things and underestimate my strength! Then you end up doing it for me!" I looked up at her surprised at her out burst. Her eyebrows were scrunched together and her teeth were clenched. On any other girl, this would look funny. But she still looked gorgeous.
"I just wante-"
"To what? Protect me? You always do and I hate that you don't trust me with myself! That's why we should break up. We're finished here." She said and grabbed her bag, put her shoes on and left.
"Wait!" I shouted as I chased her out into the hallway but she was already gone.
Weeks passed. Months passed. My friends still teased me for liking a foreign looking girl even though she clearly was Korean. My grades were going down and I failed my recent test. My parents kept on scolding and beating me for that. Every time I tried talking to her, she ignored me. She never looked at me. Is what I did such a bad thing? Before I knew it, I couldn't take it. I couldn't stand being apart from her any longer and it was killing me. Donghyun, my favourite hyung, almost older brother, laid down a funny insult about her and I blew my top. It started out with one blow and all hell was let loose. He was sent off to the hospital and I was suspended. When I was allowed back at school, she was gone.
"Where is she?" I asked Youngmin.
"She moved." He answered.
"What school?" I asked as sadness took over my face.
"No one knows. Somewhere in Thailand." He said. My eyes widened and I was in shock once again.
"W-wae? Why so far?"
"I don't know. But I heard because she got frightened about something." He couldn't look at me. 'He knows. It's because of me isn't it?' I thought.
"I see." I said and walked off.
I called her over and over again. But there was never an answer. Turns out, she changed her number. I've lost all my connection with her. It's been half a year already and she still crosses my mind. I've never been able to get over her. I shouldn't have cared so much. I shouldn't have underestimated her. Now she's gone and I haven't been able to fall for anyone since. Or so I thought.
"H-hello! Nice to meet you! I hope to have a good few months with you!" A girl's voice said cheerfully. 
I turned to the direction where it came from and my eyes went wide for less than a second and I put on an emotionless face. Identical. She looks exactly like her. 'Is it her? Did she come back?' I asked myself. 'No. She's long gone. This exchange student couldn't be her.' I said and snorted obnoxiously and turned to the window.
"Bangwool-ah..." I said quietly to myself. [A/N In case you guys weren't aware, the grey italics above were basically a flashback of Minwoo's memory.]
"Minwoo! Minwoo-ah! MINWOO!" Chunji shouted to me and shook my shoulder as he brought me back to reality. The music from the radio was playing through my ears.
"Jidokhage neomu jidokhage neoreul saranghaenabwa
Sumdo mot shwiigo neoman channeunde
Dodaeche eonjecheum keuman dul su inneunji
Jidokhage neomu jidokhage neoman saranghaenabwa
Neol bonaegiga naegen jukgiboda deo 
Himdeun jidokhan ilin geot gata" (FTISLAND- Severely)
We had taken the cab to our destination to cut some time instead of walking. I stepped out as Donghyun payed the driver and he drove away.
"Are you ready?" Chunji asked and put his hand on my shoulder. I nodded. I'm not letting it happen again. I'm not letting her go.

HOMIGOSH. I am so sorry for the late update! Well you see... I have the stupidest reason for why it's late so it's useless to tell you anyway. Back to the story. Ooooh~! Minwoo is really taking this seriously! Well who whouldn't when the person you love is kidnapped? We sorta found out about his story too! And tsk tsk Kwangmin! How dare you cheat on Anika! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please subscribe if you like the story! Comments are appreciated! Be sure to read my update on Saturdays or Sundays!

~Sandra ^__^


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Chapter 24: *new reader here ^^
Uuu this is a good story you know! update soon author-nim!
Chapter 23: Oh god that gif right there, I love all the gifs you put up and I love your story!
Annielamie #3
Chapter 23: Omg I fangirled so hard when I saw you updated again! Now my mind is completely blown! Ahhh!
Chapter 23: The tie was good~
So yeah..Youngmin is being a _____ now..great -,- *shot*
update soon :D and fix the plot :D
Annielamie #5
Chapter 22: Ahhhhhhhhh! Please update asap! I'm totally hooked!
hibaharu1886 #6
Chapter 18: Omo, this is so hot, I just not love it, I'm over heels, really hot and cute!!!!