Suspicions and Fear

Undercover Cop


Baekhyun's POV
"Hey..." I said awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.. After the kiss last night I ran straight to my room without saying a word.
"Hey Baekhyun..!" He smiled brightly.. It was almost as he didn't remember what happened last night..
"So.. about last night.." 
"Huh? Last night? OMG did I do something wrong? I drank so much I don't remember a thing.." He said looking a little worried.
"Oh.. No! Of course not, nothing happened." I quickly said.. Wow.. He actually didn't remember anything about the kiss. I guess I felt a bit relived but for some reason, I also felt a little..umm.. disappointed?
I was just standing there when my phone rang and I ran back into my room when I saw it was my boss calling. I hoped I wasn't in any trouble.
"Hello?" The minute I answered he started yelling at me louder than he ever did before.. "What?!? again?" He just told me that another girl was killed last night, some girl named JiYoung.. That name sounded quite familiar then I remember she was that mean girl who sat behind me in class. OMG! She was dead? "Boss! Can I go over the crime scene? ... But.. Okay fine!" 
I hung up and threw my phone on my bed. He wasn't letting me go to the crime scene. He was saying how we had to keep this all this real and keep my identity a secret blah blah blah. How was I supposed to do my job like this? At that moment I remembered that the girl that was with David teacher's look alike yesterday kind of looked like JiYoung. But Jihae said that that guy wasn't David teacher. Something didn't seem right.
I yelled in frustation and ran out the house for a little walk. Everything was so confusing.. So if that guy I saw yesterday was really David teacher, there was a chance that he might be the killer. I noted that in my head and sighed..
"Hey Baekhyun!" I heard someone call from behind and I turned around to see Sehun..
"Hey.. What's up??" I asked..
"I'm going to go meet Jihae.. Wanna come?" He asked. 
"Sure.." I had nothing better to do anyways..
"So..  I heard.. you're a cop.." He said.
"Huh?" Oh shoot! I can't believe she told him, I thought I made it clear that she wasn't allowed to tell anyone about this. "I can't believe she told you!"
"It's okay.. I won't tell anyone.." He giggled. "So am I supposed to call you hyung now?"
"What?! No!!" I sighed. "You can't tell anyone about this.. It's bad enough that Jihae and Chanyeol knows about this and now you.. I think might lose my job soon!!"
"Alright.. Alright, now worries.."
As we were walking I saw two people that looked really familiar.. I tried to look closer and it looked like Jihae and David.. 
"Hey.. Sehun, isn't that Jihae over there? with David teacher?" I asked and pointed to their direction..
"No! I don't think so.." I noticed his eyes widen and the stood in front of me so I couldn't see over him, "Why don't we go the other way?!"
"No, no, no.. I'm sure it's them.." I said and lightly pushed him aside. "Hey Jihae!" I yelled and walked over to their direction.
"Oh.. Hey-y Baek-hyun.. What-t are you-u doing here?" She stuttered and she kind of looked nervous too.
"Sehun and I were on our way to meet you. So what are you doing with David teacher?" I asked..
"Uh.. I- I was just.. asking about the homework." She giggled awkwardly..
"Well.. You could have just asked me or Sehun.." I said a little suspicious. Not that I really wanted to suspect her, but I learned not to trust everybody when it comes to investigating any kind of crime and this did kind of seemed suspicious.
"Well... I'm gonna go now..See you kids tomorrow." David said and turned around to leave. There was something about him that made me really suspicious. I didn't like it..
"I just saw him around so I asked.." She said, "Let's go! Let's go eat.." She ran next to Sehun and we started walking towards the chicken restaurant across the street.
"I'm gonna go to the restroom really quick." I said as we entered the restaurant and I walked over to the restroom. I couldn't stop thinking about what I just saw and how Jihae started to act so surprised when she saw me. I splashed my face with water and sighed.. 
"I can't believe you! I told you not to meet him! Are you really trying to expose what you've done?" I heard Sehun yell at Jihae as I was coming out of the restroom and I stopped when I heard his voice.
"I was just trying to-" She said and stopped when Sehun looked my way and noticed I was there. "Oh hey Baekhyun.. Do you wanna go order your food?" She asked and quickly ran over to the cash register. We followed her and I had my serious face on thinking about what I just heard them say.
"Hey.. I think I'm just gonna go home," I said, "I'm not really hungry.. You too have fun kay.. Bye."
What were they talking about? And what was Sehun talking about? What did Jihae do? There were so many question circulating in my head but no answers.
I went straight home and I walked in with a blank expression on my face still thinking about the whole Jihae, David, and Sehun situtation.
"BAEKHYUN!!" A smiling Chanyeol snapped me out of my thoughts.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he noticed my face expression when I walked in.
"It's nothing.. Don't worry about it."
"Hehe okay.. Oh I rented a horror movie.. Do you wanna watch it with me?" He said with a bright smile. Someone looked happy.
"Hor-rror? I- umm.." I stuttered  nervously. I wasn't the type to watch horror movie, the last time I did I screamed like a girl and kept holding onto my friend and he told everyone around school. It was so embarrassing.
"You know you don't have to watch it." He giggled, "I can just watch it by myself.."
"No! No, no.. I'll watch it.. I love horror movies.." I lied.. Why did I do that? I could have just said I didn't want to watch it. 
"Okay then.. If you say so.." He said, "Well I made some dukbokki, if you're hungry you can have some.."
"Thanks.. I'm starving.." I said..
He brought some dukbokki for me in a plate and the movie. At least the actress was kind of pretty..
"Don't go there! Don't!! AHHHHH!!" I yelled to myself.. I kept screaming like a girl just like the last time I watched a horror movie. I also kept covering my face with my hands and time to time I grabbed Chanyeol's hand really tight. He kept giggling and I got kind of embarrassed. I knew I shouldn't have watched this.
After the movie I tried to go to bed but I couldn't sleep, I got scared at every noises around me, even the sound of the wind. I burried myself into my blanket and closed my eyes shut. 
"AHH!!" I yelled and got up my feet. 
I slowly made my way to Chanyeol's room and knocked the door before I opened it and thankfully he wasn't asleep yet..
"Hey Chanyeol.." I giggled awkwardly..
"Hey Baekhyun, you're still not sleeping..?"  He asked
"I- umm.."
"You're scared aren't you?" He giggled.. "You're so cute.. Come, you can sleep with me tonight.."
Umm.. Did he really call me cute, anyways, that made me blush a little bit and I think he kind of forgot that we're the same age since he was allowing to sleep with him tonight, maybe he still saw me as an 18 year old kid..
"Thanks." I said and quickly laid next to him still a little bit scared from the movie, but I felt safer now with Chanyeol next to me.
"Goodnight.." He said and turned off the lights.. I smiled and comfortably fell deep into sleep with Chanyeol next to me.
So yeah.. YAY! Finally I finished another chapter..  COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE <3 Baekyeol!! <3 so cute, aren't they?
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Japanda #1
Chapter 14: i was like WHAT? on chapter 13 but then im relieve for baekyeol in the final chapter, if you had made chapter 13 the final, i would have been a little sad at the ending. Good work i love it <3
That was great!
hah ha!
I knew it was David. He seemed so suspiscious from the description in the forward. Great work, keep up with the good job.
I knew itttt !!!!! I knew it when I read the forward n stuff. It was pretty obvious! I'm a mystery kind of person so it wasn't hard. Update soon!
