Is it really him?

Undercover Cop


Baekhyun's POV
I woke up with the wonderful scent of soup, something I haven't had in a long time. Home made food! Ever since I started working as a cop I wasn't able to go home as much so we always ordered food from outside. For a second I almost forgot where I was until I saw Chanyeol walking around with an apron on and I almost giggled out loud the minute I saw him. He looked like a housewife setting up the food on the table hehe.
"Oh good! you're awake!" Chanyeol smiled. "Good Morning! Did you have a nice sleep? I hope you were comfortable.. Anyways, get up! I have breakfast ready.."
"I'm tired!" I groaned. 
"Come on! Get up." He said holding my hand helping me get up. As I was getting up I slipped on the bed sheet on the floor and I fell back onto the bed with Chanyeol on top of me. My eyes grew wide and I was looking at him straight in the eyes. He looked quite....handsome. I finally realized what was happening and pushed him away and quickly got up on my feet.
"Uhumm.." I cleared my throat scratching the back of my neck, "Umm.. I- I'm gonna go wash my hands.." I ran to the restroom and closed the door shut behind me..Why was I turning red? Was it just me or was it getting hot in here? I the sink and splashed water on my face. Get yourself together Baekhyun!
I got out of the restroom and immediately forgot about what just happened at the sight of the food on the table. My jaw dropped! I felt like the food on the table were telling me to eat them now. I ran up to the table, quickly sat down and grabbed my spoon. "Thank YOU!!!"
"This isn't much but enjoy.. I tried my best." Chanyeol smiled.
"Yumm! Teacher this is amazing! I didn't know you could cook!!!" I said as I started to eat like a pig, it felt like I was back at home. 
"I'm glad you like it." He said and kept looking at me like he had something to say, "Umm.. Baekhyun, is it okay if you come home like after 6 today.. I have someone coming over today so yeah.."
Oh yeah! Today was friday! and that girl was coming over today. "Of course!" I lied. I was planning on spying on him today.
"Well.. I'm gonna go first.. I have a teacher's meeting today.."
"You're not gonna eat?"
"It's okay.. I'll eat later.. Bye Baekhyun, see you in a bit.."
"Bye.." It would have been nice if he ate a little.
After school when I was about to go hide at Chanyeol's house to see who was coming I saw Chanyeol and Jihae talking in front of the classroom but I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying. What were they talking about? I thought maybe they were talking about something educational but I saw them leave the school together so of course I decided to follow. Just like I thought, they were going to Chanyeol's house.. But why?
I saw them go in and when they closed the door behind them I  pressed my ears on the door trying to figure out what was going in there. I probably was sitting in front of the door for almost 30 minutes when I heard a girl's scream inside. Of course I assumed it was Jihae since she was probably the only girl in there..
"Ahh!!" I heard her yell again. I bursted the door open and quickly ran inside. I saw Jihae on the floor and it looked like Chanyeol was about to touch her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled and immediately pinned him onto the wall. "So it was you huh?" 
"Baekhyun..!! What- " He said trying turn his head to face me.
"DON'T TURN AROUND! FACE THE WALL!" I couldn't believe it.. I thought I really trusted him..  Even though I was doing this, deep down I really thought it wasn't him. What was going on here?
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Japanda #1
Chapter 14: i was like WHAT? on chapter 13 but then im relieve for baekyeol in the final chapter, if you had made chapter 13 the final, i would have been a little sad at the ending. Good work i love it <3
That was great!
hah ha!
I knew it was David. He seemed so suspiscious from the description in the forward. Great work, keep up with the good job.
I knew itttt !!!!! I knew it when I read the forward n stuff. It was pretty obvious! I'm a mystery kind of person so it wasn't hard. Update soon!
