Moving in??

Undercover Cop

Baekhyun's POV

It was already my third day here and I haven't found any useful evidents. I was almost at the point of thinking maybe I wasn't the right one for the job. I got an angry phone call from my boss yesterday and I wasn't in a good mood. I slowly walked to class and sighed when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a smiling Chanyeol looking down at me..
"Hey Mr. Park what's up?" I sighed.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked me looking a little worried.
"It's nothing." I said, "Just a little tired."
"Awwh are you having a hard time? Umm.. do you want me to treat you dinner tonight? I mean..if you're not busy. It's been bothering me how you said you live by yourself so yeah."
"Umm.. sure, I have nothing to do." I slightly smiled and we went inside.
It was another boring useless day of school, thrusday, I couldn't wait for tomorrow, I would be able to go down to Seoul for the weekend. I already missed that place so much. I took a short nap until it was time to go meet Chanyeol at the chicken restaurant near his house. When I got there he was already there with all the chicken and drinks on the table. He saw me come in and he had that big smile on his face, his smiles were really pretty. Wait, what? What was I saying?
"Hey teacher, I see you got everything set here." I sat down in front of him and smiled.
"Oh yeah I didn't want to make you wait for the food, I bet you're hungry. Eat lots!" He said. He seemed really kind.
"Thanks.." I was seriously starving! I didn't have any lunch today since I was in a bad mood. I started to eat like a pig and Chanyeol started giggling. I got a little embarrassed.. "What?" I asked.
"Haha.. It's just so cute, you eating like a little kid." He giggled and started wiping my lips with the napkin. "Eat slowly.."
What was he doing? My eyes grew wide, I grabbed his wrist and he looked kind of surprised. "Umm.. I'll do it." I said and grabbed the napkin from his hand and wipped my lips. But why was a feeling nervous.
"Psh.. Why so nervous. I'm your teacher."
"Huh? I- I wasn't nervous." I guess it wouldn't be weird if my real teacher acted like this, but he wasn't really my teacher and we were probably the same age. Except he didn't know that, so of course it was kind of weird for me.
During the meal he gave me a lot of encouraging words, not that I really need it, but those words really got to me. Just like he was my real teacher or something, I felt like he was actually...caring about me?
When we were done he said he would take me home, but I lived in a hotel! I didn't know what to do.. What would he say if he found out his student lived in a hotel?!?
"Umm.. That's okay, I'll walk you home.." I said nervously..
"What? No.. I'm your teacher, I'm the adult, of course I should take you home." He said.
"No.. That's okay.. Just-" UGH! I didn't know what to say..
"Baekhyun..What's wrong?" He asked. I knew he was getting a little suspicious.
"I- umm.. I don't have a home.. I- I live in a hotel." I stuttered. I did not want to hear what he was about to say next. I closed my eyes shut.
"WHAT?!? Are you crazy? Baekhyun! It was bad enough that you told me that you live by yourself.! But now you're telling me that you live in a hotel? Baekhyun, seriously, I'm gonna need to speak to your parents.!!"
"No buts!! Give me your phone right now!"
Sigh~ I took out my phone and slowly handed to him, thank goodness I told my mom about this because if I didn't I would be screwed by now.
"Do I just call straight from the contact list or do you need like a calling card or something." He asked
"Just call it from the contact list.." I said, hoping he wouldn't look at the number on it, if he sees the number is from Korea I would be totally screwed. 
Phew~ Thank goodness, he just pressed mom's number on the contact list and put the phone over his ears.
"Hello, hi, is this Baekhyun's mother? I'm his homeroom teacher, Chanyeol.. Yes.. Mhmm..I was just worried about your son living in a hotel by himself.." He said. Oh boy, what was he doing? "But Mrs. Byun.. It isn't safe for the boy..Okay.. So what if he just comes over to live with me for a while? Yes.. That would be fine.." What?! Me? Living with Chanyeol? Was he crazy or something? How? I couldn't! 
"What are you doing?" I said and snatched the phone out of his hands. 
"Baekhyun, I can't just leave you live in a hotel all by yourself.. You're too young! and your mom agreed with it so you better be coming home with me mister!"
Oh sh*t! What did my mother just do?! Did she really wanted me to get fired or something? At the moment I just felt like shouting to him that I was 23! I'M 23!!!! NOT 18!! and even though I was 18 that would be old enough! UGH! I was not.. I repeat NOT going to live with Chanyeol!
2 hours later~
I can't believe I was at Chanyeol's house with all my stuff packed from the hotel.. Thank goodness I was able to convince him to let me pack up my stuff by myself..If he saw my gun and other stuff he would probably think I'm some kind of 18 years old gangster. I was not gonna let that happen.. !!! Seriously, what was I doing here?
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Japanda #1
Chapter 14: i was like WHAT? on chapter 13 but then im relieve for baekyeol in the final chapter, if you had made chapter 13 the final, i would have been a little sad at the ending. Good work i love it <3
That was great!
hah ha!
I knew it was David. He seemed so suspiscious from the description in the forward. Great work, keep up with the good job.
I knew itttt !!!!! I knew it when I read the forward n stuff. It was pretty obvious! I'm a mystery kind of person so it wasn't hard. Update soon!
