My vampire story
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Author's POV:


SHINee teleported to Seunggi's office, covering up their scent as well to avoid being detected. Angel, whose sleeping on the sofa in the office were oblivious to what's happening as Seunggi was just sitting on the same sofa. Angel's head is on Seunggi's lap as Seunggi is just looking through the documents. "Hyung!" Onew gasped in surprise at the scene in front of him. The others were shock as well. Seunggi looked up and smiled at them. "Hey." Seunggi said.

"Why is she lying on your lap when both of you barely met for a day?!" Onew asked,  still shocked. Seunggi smiled and looked down at Angel. "Let's just say that this little girl fell asleep on my lap as I was discussing about what's going to happen tomorrow." Seunggi said making Onew let out a sigh of relieve. "Yah... What's with that? Are you saying that I'm not allowed to date a vampire?" Seunggi asked with an eyebrow raised. "Not that, but you barely met her, and know anything about her. Anyway, the king said that he would choose to sacrifice his daughter than risk the entire village's safety just to save her." Onew said.

Seunggi nodded and looked at Angel whose sleeping peacefully. He sighed and closed his eyes as he massaged his temples. "Why are you acting like that?" Onew asked, since it's the first time he's seeing Seunggi acting like that. "Don't tell me you grew attached to her." Taemin said, in disbelief. "You're not attached to her are you?" Onew asked, after hearing what Taemin said. Seunggi opened his eyes and looked at them. "No, I'm not attached to her. But I feel bad for her. Try putting yourself in her shoes for once. She's only 15 years old in human age and she's alone most of the time. And she have to end up dying here, without even having a chance to experience anything. There's still a lot that she haven't even got the chance to do yet." Seunggi said and carressed her hair making Angel squirm in her sleep but didn't wake up.

The 5 of them looked at Angel and sighed. "Is there another way?" Key asked. Seunggi closed his eyes and opened his eyes when he got an idea. Seunggi smiled and said, "I do." All 5 pairs of eyes shined. "What is it?" Jonghyun asked. Seunggi sighed and asked, "Are you going to be okay with your father dead and me being King?" They widened their eyes when Seunggi asked that question. "But she has to die too." Seunggi said and looked at Angel. "I don't understand..." Onew said. "Neither do we." Minho continued.

"You don't have to, because I'm going to be the one doing all the work and all 5 of you have to do is prepare for a royal funeral for a Princess and a King." Seunggi said. "Hyung! Can you explain to us what you're going to do first!? I mean like, seriously! We're lost here!" Taemin exclaimed making Angel flinch and slowly open her eyes. Onew whack the back of Taemin's head and Taemin groaned. "Sorry." Taemin mouthed. Angel sat up and rubbed her eyes. Once her vision became clear, she raised an eyebrow at the 5 of them. "What are you guys doing here?" Angel asked as she stretch.

"Well.." Onew gave an awkward chuckle making Angel give him a weird look. "Okay, since our dear Princess has woken up, I'll tell you the plan. And I wil proceed with what decision Princess Angel give. Is that okay?" Seunggi asked and the 5 of them just give him a nod while Angel is completely lost. "What are you talking about?" Angel asked. Seunggi smiled and patted Angel's head. "Change of plans. Anyway, I doubt that you were listening to what my plan is just now anyway. So you better listen up now." Angel gave an awkward chuckle and nodded.

13 hours later

Angel let out a deep breath and took the bow and arrow that was given to her by the Satan. "Are you ready Princess?" Satan smirked. Angel rolled her black eyes at him, not like he can see anyway. There's an army behind her and she's between Seunggi and Satan, whereas SHINee went back to Luminus. Seunggi smiled at Angel when Angel turned to look at Seunggi. Angel smiled back at him and nodded. "You both are getting friendly I see." The satan stated when he saw Seunggi and Angel's communication. 

"Shut up or I'll shoot this into your mouth." Angel said as he pointed the arrow to Satan and Satan raised his hands in surrender and smirked. "I don't mind having you a daughter-in-law just so you know." "Sure you don't." Angel retorted. Satan chuckled and said, "Victory is going to be ours." Soon, black orbs formed around the army and the 3 of them and they're transported into the forest of Luminus. 

Angel let out a deep breath since she's obviously nervous. She's not real but a spirit that was forcefully taken away from the body, even so, she have feelings too! "Nervous Princess?" The Satan asked. "Shut up." Angel said, annoyed at the Satan. She's not nervous about the fact that she's going to meet her brothers, sister, father and friends, but nervous for the fact that she's not going to live through this with or without the victory of the war. Yes, the plan that she agreed on, she's going to die nonetheless.

"Ready?" Satan asked Seunggi and Angel and both of them nodded without looking at Satan. "CHARGE!" Satan exclaimed and all the demons started running towards Luminus while Angel, Seunggi and Satan was riding on the horse. 

The King, Princes, Princess, SS501, Joongki as well as SHINee are in front of an army. "They're here." The King said, loud enough for the others to hear, when he sensed the demons' presence. Once he heard the word 'Charge' coming from Satan, the king said, "Be safe everyone. CHARGE!" he exclaimed the last word and the army, as well as the 19 of them, who are on horses charged towards the direction where demons are pouring out from. And, the war have begun. 

Angel's POV: 

Seunggi is always beside me and we communicate telepathically. 'So, what now? I can't possibly fight my own people.' I said in my mind as I pulled my horse to a halt, and now it's currently walking. Seunggi did the same thing and responded, 'We wait. We don't have a choice but to sacrifice some of our people. The full moon will be up in half an hour and that's when our plan will commence. You sure you're going to go on with this?' 'Yes, but I'm the one who should be asking you that. He's your father.' I said.

'I'm willing to sacrifice anything to have peace between the demons and vampire. And he's gone too far. I tried to stop him once and that resulted to my mother's death.' Seunggi said. I looked at him and gave him a sad smile, 'Thank you.' Seunggi smiled back at me and nodded before he commanded his horse to gallop off. I let out a sigh and stopped the horse. I got off the horse and climbed up on a tree, as I stepped onto a tree

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dhiya_arisa #1
Chapter 38: the story is just great,can't wait to read the sequel
Frida-lm96 #2
OMG! I loved the storry! keep on writing storrys you are good at it! ;) <3
x33candy #3
Chapter 38: nice story.... i really like it!!
hippychick #4
Chapter 36: awesome story :D
Nice story <3
Chapter 36: see you soon in your new story :)
Chapter 30: angel likes hyun joong? <.<
Chapter 24: Cool~!! b^^d