My vampire story
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Author's POV: 


Key, Jung Min, Onew, Hyun Joong and Suzy helped to cook dinner and they were done after 2 hours. It's fast, considering they have13 mouths to feed. Some of them went out to buy materials and make another set of table and chairs and placed it inside the dining room after they finished. All of them helped to put all the utensils and food on the table. "Someone go wake up Angel." Suzy said as she wash all the pots and bowls used to make the food. "Me and Taemin will do it." Hyung Jun said and Suzy simply nodded at him. 

Joongki walked down the stairs and went to the dining room. "Well, guess we'll be having fried rice for dinner." Joongki said and sat at his seat. "It's been oh so long since you tasted my cooking anyways." Suzy chuckled and sat at where she usually sits at when she was in the mansion, which is where Angel sits at. "Where's Angel anyways?" Joongki asked. "Sleeping. But the 2 maknaes went to wake her up." Jung Min said as she put the side dishes and meat on the table. "I see." Joong Ki said. 

Meanwhile, Angel is still sleeping in her room, panting and having a hard time breathing. Angel held onto as Hyung Jun knocked on her door calling he out for dinner. "Angel-ah. Wake up. It's dinner." but he receives no response, and he tried again but there's still no response. Taemin opened the door and both of them were shock to see holding onto , coughing and gasping for air. "Angel-ah." Hyung Jun gasped and both of them rushed to her trying to wake her up. "Angel-ah, wake up." Taemin said, shaking her but there isn't any result. "Princess." Hyung Jun called out but Angel is still gasping for air. " 

"KYU JONG!!!" Hyung Jun called out, very loudly. "What?" Kyu Jong asked and appeared in seconds but widened his eyes when he saw Angel. "What happened?" He asked as he rushed to Angel. "I don't know? Bad dream?" Taemin answered. "What happened?" Suzy asked, shocked when she saw the state Angel is in. Soon, everyone was in Angel's room. It's shocking to see all 13 people to fit inside the room. "There's nothing wrong with her physically, so I can't help..." Kyu Jong said when he tried healing her. "I'll help." Suzy said and rushed towards Angel. She sat on the side on the bed and held onto Angel's hand and closed her eyes. "What is she doing?" Jung Min whispered but loud enough for Key to hear. "She can manipulate dreams, that's her power. She can talk through minds too." Key replied and Jung Min went, "Ohh." softly.

Soon, Angel stopped gasping for air and opened her eyes slowly, same goes for Suzy. "Good evening sleepyhead." Suzy smiled and said. Angel sat up, with the help of Suzy. "Bad dream?" Hyun Joong asked, making Angel turn to him. Angel pinched her eyebrows together and suddenly felt a sense of irritation and anger rising up inside her. Soon her eye pupils turn red, making everyone, except Suzy back away one step from her. "What did I do?" Hyun Joong asked, a little taken aback. Suzy was shock as well, since Angel seemed okay inside the dream. "Get out of the room." Angel said making everyone glance at each other. "What happened?" Suzy asked softly, trying to calm Angel by putting her hand on top of Angel's. Angel pushed her hands away harshly making Hyun Joong step forward but Suzy raised her hand at him and he stopped.

"I went inside your dream and there wasn't anything bad. You were just sitting alone in a dark room but why does it look like you were getting strangled?" Suzy asked softly. "Get out of the room." Angel muttered loud enough for everyone to hear as she look at Suzy. "Answer the question first." Hyun Joong said. Angel stood up and turned to Hyun Joong. Angel was about to take a step forward but her chest suddenly started to hurt. Angel widen her eyes when her chest started to hurt more. It feels like someone is stabbing her continuously. She grabbed onto her chest and fell to her knees, coughing and having a hard time breathing. 

"Everyone OUT! Except for Suzy, Kyu Jong and myself. OUT NOW!" Joong Ki demanded and everyone did what he said. Suzy put her hand on Angel's shoulder and rubbed on Angel's back to comfort her while Kyu Jong examined her and Joong Ki tried to see what's happening to her. Angel was struggling to get air into her lungs but she can't if she keep on coughing out the air that she breathes in. "Angel... Calm down..." Suzy said, hoping that it will work. Angel looked at Suzy and glared at her. Angel shrug Suzy's hands off and stood up making all 3 of them look at her, shocked. Angel drag herself towards the door and put her hand on the door knob. "Where are you going in this state?" Kyu Jong asked as he walk towards her. "Voodoo dolls." Joong Ki snapped his finger and said after figuring out why Angel is like that. 

Angel's chest suddenly stopped hurting and she slowly stopped coughing as she gradually try to gain back her breathing rhythm. Angel leaned towards the door and slide down, still traumatized at what happened. "Voodoo? Someone's still using that?" Kyu Jong asked and Joong Ki nodded. "Black magicians, not only that, but some demons still use them too. One of the demon is Satan. The king of the underworld." Joong Ki said. "Boys, unless you want to topple Angel over, don't come in." Joong Ki continued, since Angel is leaning against the door. "Right, so are we suppose to go through by the window?" Hyung Jun asked. Angel stood up with the support of the door and looked at them, with her now turned hazel eyes. "You okay?" Suzy asked worriedly. Angel give a faint smile and nodded. She turned the door knob and opened the door. The rest of the guys went into the room. 

"You look better." Key said and smiled at Angel and Angel smiled back at him. "Thanks." "Why were you angry just now anyway?" Hyung Jun asked. Angel shrug and said, "Let's eat. I'm hungry!" Angel pulled Suzy's arm and went to the dining room, earning some chuckle from the guys.

While they're eating dinner, Angel was just poking onto the steak and all of them glance at each other when they saw what Angel is doing. "The meat won't be nice anymore with all the holes that you made. And didn't you say you were hungry?" Joong Ki said making Angel snap out of her daze. Angel looked up and saw everyone looking at her. Angel looked down on her food and saw holes on her steak. "Oh. Yeah, sorry." Angel said and started cutting her steak into smaller pieces before eating it. "What's bugging you?" Suzy asked Angel, whose sitting opposite her. Angel looked up at Suzy and asked, "What are you talking about?" while chewing on her meat. "You suddenly got pissed when you woke up. You suddenly went into a daze when you're suppose to eat your dinner. And you still ask me what I'm talking about?" Suzy asked, with an eyebrow raised. 

"I agree. What happened?" Hyun Joong asked. Angel continued eating another piece of steak before saying, "I don't know? I was just thinking about what happened to me just now." "It's the work of a voodoo doll." Joong Ki simply said while eating. "I heard what you said, but come on. I just came to Luminus for less than a month and someone wants to kill me? Seriously?" Angel responded with irritation. "It's no surprise though. You're the strongest person in the universe with both the human blood and the royal vampire blood. It might be contradicting considering it's from a human blood, but well, there's also the royal blood in you. Anyway, someone is bound to want you and when they know they can't have you, they kill you. We all know who I'm talking about." Onew said.

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dhiya_arisa #1
Chapter 38: the story is just great,can't wait to read the sequel
Frida-lm96 #2
OMG! I loved the storry! keep on writing storrys you are good at it! ;) <3
x33candy #3
Chapter 38: nice story.... i really like it!!
hippychick #4
Chapter 36: awesome story :D
Nice story <3
Chapter 36: see you soon in your new story :)
Chapter 30: angel likes hyun joong? <.<
Chapter 24: Cool~!! b^^d