# 3 Chanyeol's disorder.

When you stopped smiling.

Warnings: Mentions of learning disabilities,bullying and insults.


When Chanyeol had woken up that morning glad that his parents had gone off to their work places early. Their fights had become more frequent since his diagnoses. He felt it was his fault,even though he knew it was them. Maybe if he hadn't gained that disorder they wouldn't have ended up like this.

His teachers knew about his disorder and asked them to keep it quiet from the other students,he didn't need a reason to get bullied,he gets bullied anyways when Kris isn't around.

He sighed and grabbed a banana and juice and started his walk to school. Arriving at the gates he notced Baekhyun and Kris standing there looking worried. "Ayo?" He called out they spotted him and smiled in relief.

"Oh my god! Chanyeol I'm so sorry,I totally forgot we promised to walk home with you yesterday!" Kris frowned when he noticed how red Chanyeol's eyes looked "You okay Yeol?" Kris asked. Chanyeol just smiled it off.

"It's fine guys!" They seemed to believe it but the gardener was standing nearby and frowned. 'Those boys just 'forgot'? He shook his head.

Youngsters these days.

As they were walking Kris turned to Chanyeol. "You go home early today,I can't walk you because of my basketball game and Baekhyun is the team manager." Chanyeol sighed but nodded with a grin.

They talked and caught up,Kris and Baekhyun burst out laughing when Chaneyol brought up one incident with his cousin Sungyeol involving a pink tutu and a fishing pole. It was good to talk to them like this again. Soon Kai and Kyungsoo joined them in the chat,the new boys also came,but luckily Chanyeol was able to fit in a bit better today.

They all decided to have an impromptu study session at the picnic table and Chanyeol winced inwardly. He has to hide his problem,it's embarrassing. He thought. He sighed and opened his science book to the book mark he had.

Kris turned to Chanyeol to see Chanyeol frowning at the book. "Something the matter?" Chanyeol looked up startled. "Oh no...just I hate science..." Kai raised an eyebrow and turned towards Chanyeol with a questioning look. "But that was your best subject last year. " Chanyeol bit his lip,now everyone was staring at him.

Baekhyun nodded and Chanyeol felt like killing Kai in his mind. "That's right,you got straight A's in science last year." Chanyeol shrugged and smiled,playing it off as always.

"That's cause I was forced to learn it...I hate it though. "He stared at them for a moment as they all seemed to nod or shrug and go back to studying. He sighed they believed it,however Chanyeol didn't notice the new guy Suho look at him and frowned when he saw Chanyeol study one sentence in the book and count.

After the study session Suho and Chanyeol had the same class together so they decided to walk together. "You sure you were okay back there?" Suho asked after a moment,Chanyeol looked startled but nodded and smiled,Suho sighed but nodded.

"Alright class,you're normal teacher isn't here today so you will have a sub." There was various groans and Chanyeol felt his heart stop. 'Oh no...they don't know about my disability.'.

"Alright so everyone turn to page 4! We will have a reading session. Park Chanyeol up front please." Chanyeol's head shot up. He looked around to see everyone staring at him,Suho included. He shakily sighed and walked to the front, as he made his way by a guy with dyed red hair tripped him,causing the class minus Suho to burst out laughing,Suho just frowned and glared at the bully's head.

The substitute teacher turned from the bored and she looked around. "Something I am missing?" Everyone shook their heads. "No ma'am the clumsy oaf Chanyeol just tripped over himself." Another boy spoke up as his friends snorted in laughter.

She sighed and shook her head.

"Read the first paragraph please Chanyeol." He stared at the paper and silence ensued the class for a few minutes and she cleared . "Mr. Park?" Chanyeol bit his lip as he frowned. "Turning to th-th--the---side,he saw...I mean was...over..over" She frowned. "Mr. Park, what are you doing?" He blushed in embarrassment trying to block out the snickers.

"Mr. Park?" She was getting annoyed he could tell,he whispered in her ear but she didn't catch it.

And like always when frustrated he said it loud for her. "I have dyslexia!" Suho's eyes widened and everyone snickered and laughed,he could hear his bullies. "So we have a retard in class?" Chanyeol turned to him with teary eyes.

"God...we have a stupid guy in class?" A girl scoffed. Other began chatting loudly for Chanyeol to hear. Calling him mental,retarded and stupid. He clenched his eyes shut and tears fell from his eyes. The bully snickered. "Oh he's also a cry baby!"

"Dyslexia isn't a mental illness! It's a learning disability,I'm not stupid,I just can't process words as easy because they look backwards ,I can't figure out jokes as fast as others and reading aloud is difficult!" Chanyeol tried to defend himself but everyone just scoffed and pointed.

He was about to break down in shame. Now the whole school would know he's got a learning disorder. Suho stood up,he was class president after all.

"Alright enough! Ms.Kim I'm gonna take Chanyeol out to calm down",she nodded silently ,feeling bad for making him say that aloud.  

With that Suho walked to Chanyeol and walked him out of class,last thing he heard was people saying they felt sorry that Suho had to deal with the retard. He started crying harder as they left. Embarrassed.


Sorry for all the angst,but it must be done *sigh*

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Thank you for reading guys,I'm working on the new chapter now but it probably won't be done until tomorrow or the next day OTL thanks for being patient with me!


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Chapter 29: Ive lost count on how many times ive reread this ❣
Channiepup #2
Chapter 29: Done re-reading for the 20th time. It never fails to make me smile and cry. I love this.
Chapter 29: Done rereading! ❤
Chapter 29: I finished it!! I'm weak srcly how many times did I cried. But I wished baek, Kai were a little closer to channie. Especially baek they grew up together and just ugh . But it was great fic .
From the description I already know I'm going to love this and I also know My heart will break to thousands of pieces. Wish me luck. Let's start reading this . Fighting!
Chapter 29: OMG !! This was a fantastic fic . I'm so glad that I found this.
Bella2298 #7
Chapter 29: This was lovely :)
Chapter 14: Chanyeol is so nice to his "friends",even though they're douchebags, and his parents,who I wouldn't wanna go near with a 10ft pole. Honestly,the only people who are worth his time are Sungyeol,Hoya and Mac.
Chapter 13: Oh My god,Chanyeol. I actually cried reading about the video. He's so sad,but nobody noticed,nobody cared. His depression is enough to make me shed tears,the poor boy.
Reading this for the fourth time . One of my fav fics ^^