#28 Taking down Baekhyun's dad (part 2)

When you stopped smiling.

Chanyeol bit his lip and clenched his fists as he watched his best friend go up to the stage, he could see Baekhyun's father watching him like a bloodthirsty hawk.

 "Calm down Yeollie." Chanyeol turned to Kris and smiled lightly at him. "It's hard to be calm when my best friend's life could be in ruined depending on what his father does." Kris internally winced as Baekhyun being called Chanyeol's best friend, but he understood, Baekhyun was like Chanyeol's brother.

However Chanyeol loved him. He let out a breath at that thought.

He wrapped an arm around Chanyeol's shoulder in comfort, and looked at the entrance to see Yongguk talking to Youngjae who was busily trying to go unnoticed by Baekhyun's father.

Tao then burst in, the guards yelling at him to stop right there, he jogged to Bakehyun's table and looked him in the eye. "

I need to talk to Baekhyun,he can't go through with this engagement." With that Tao snatched Baekhyun's arm and pulled him to a back room, Chanyeol watched nervously as Baekhyun's father coughed to gain everyone's attention. "Excuse me a moment, it's just a little prank by Baekhyun's friends. I'll be right back."

With that Baekhyun's father got up and followed them, Chanyeol watched as his cousin and Hoya ran into the back room as quietly as they could with a camera, he could see Dongwoo and Myungsoo working fast to hook it up to the large screen on the stage in the room.

Daehyun chuckled gaining everyone's attention. "My father is a monster." His mother gasped and hissed at him to quiet down and then he looked at her and his eyes narrowed. "Do you even care that your sons are being controlled by him? that you're being controlled by him?"

He stood up looking everyone in the eyes. "I was the one supposed to marry Krystal, but people found out I was gay and had a boyfriend,my father was ashamed of me and and threatened my boyfriend's family, with homelessness. He then thought that since everyone knew he had a gay son,he's make the other son marry her instead,but dad didn't know that Baekhyun was gay too." He laughed ,but it was a hollow laugh.

 "How hurt my old man must be that he got two gays for sons...that it drove him to control every aspect of our lives,my old man doesn't care about any of you people and bettering your companies, all he wants is your money, he will bankrupt you in a heartbeat if you don't deliver what he wants." People were murmuring. "I said shut up!" His mother stood ,slapping Daehyun across the cheek,collective gasps sounded throughout the room as Youngjae yelled.

"Yah!" He pushed through the crowd that had now gathered at the table.

"Y-Youngjae.." It was Daehyun and Baekhyun's mother. "I...you're forbidden to see Daehyun."

Youngjae laughed. "So,it's true, your husband threatened my family?" Youngjae scoffed, "I'm so glad your sons aren't like you or that man."

Dongwoo cleared his throat from the stage. He was smiling widely. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present President Byun." He then the screen and it was the back room where Tao and Baekhyun were.

Chanyeol bit his lower lip staring hard at the screen, preparing to run to Baekhyun's aid if he must. "WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE BAEKHYUN?" His father bellowed.

And then he turned to Tao. "And you, I warned you to stay away from my son,or there would be a price to pay, say goodbye to anything you own you little piece of !"

Everyone gasped,Tao looked at him with a glare as Baekhyun scoffed. "You can't do anything to people I love anymore dad." He practically spat. His father chuckled.

"Oh? I have so much money,I can shut everyone who finds out up." Baekhyun smirked. "Oh really?" He then pointed at the camera,just then Xiumin's dad and some other police officers burst into the back room.

"Mr. Byun, you are hearby under arrest for aiding and abetting criminal activities,threatening civilians,blackmailing Byun Daehyun,you're own son,abuse of your wife, and threats to a police officer's son.

"Wait? I never threatened a police officer's son!" Xiumin's dad chuckled. "Oh is that right, so you don't remember the time you punched my son? why do think I've been after you so long? it was just a miracle that my son is friends with yours." He then handcuffed Baekhyun's dad. "You have many more charges, a drug ring? really Mr. Byun?"

Everyone in the party watched as Mr. Byun was dragged out yelling and screaming.

They saw Baekhyun sink to the floor as tears sprung to his eyes,Tao kneeled down. "You okay?" Baekhyun shook his head. "He's a monster, but he was my father, and once upon a time he was a gentle man...I want to know where the dad I loved went."

Dongwoo cleared his throat and nervously chuckled turning the screen off. "Uhh I think, they need privacy.."

Baekhyun's mother sat in her chair and stared wide eyed at the ground, she didn't know what to think, she loved her husband dearly, but at the same time, she and her sons were finally free of his hold.

She turned to Daehyun who was watching his father get escorted into a police car and she touched his arm. "Da..Daehyun, I'm so sorry, I..I was just terrified of your father..."She sobbed,he hugged her and nodded. "I know mom,I know."

She then turned to everyone. "I'm sorry you had to witness this, I promise you I will do right by your companies and anything my husband has done to you." Chanyeol shakily sat down and ran a hand through his hair,he turned to Kris, things seemed to be getting better but there was still one more thing left to do.

Chanyeol then had a thought,he turned to Xiumin who was in conversation with Sungyeol. "Baekhyun's father punched you?" Xiumin nodded. "It was a little bit before we met you, he had seen me on a date with Chen and gave us glares and curses, then one day he saw me talking to Baekhyun on the street outside of the school and once Baekhyun left inside, he punched me and told me to 'get your fairy away from my son' were his exact words." Chanyeol winced.

"You didn't tell Baekhyun?" Xiumin shook his head. "Nah, Baekhyun would've avoided me for Chen and my's sake." Chanyeol could understand that.
"Come on let's head back to my house." Kris spoke as he ushered Chanyeol out the door,Chanyeol looked back in search of Baekhyun,when he asked Kris about this.


"Don't worry, Baekhyun will be with Tao,his brother and mom,also Sungyeol and Myungsoo are gonna go have a night out with Hoya and the others." Chanyeol nodded and followed Kris back to his home.

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Thank you for reading guys,I'm working on the new chapter now but it probably won't be done until tomorrow or the next day OTL thanks for being patient with me!


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Chapter 29: Ive lost count on how many times ive reread this ❣
Channiepup #2
Chapter 29: Done re-reading for the 20th time. It never fails to make me smile and cry. I love this.
Chapter 29: Done rereading! ❤
Chapter 29: I finished it!! I'm weak srcly how many times did I cried. But I wished baek, Kai were a little closer to channie. Especially baek they grew up together and just ugh . But it was great fic .
From the description I already know I'm going to love this and I also know My heart will break to thousands of pieces. Wish me luck. Let's start reading this . Fighting!
Chapter 29: OMG !! This was a fantastic fic . I'm so glad that I found this.
Bella2298 #7
Chapter 29: This was lovely :)
Chapter 14: Chanyeol is so nice to his "friends",even though they're douchebags, and his parents,who I wouldn't wanna go near with a 10ft pole. Honestly,the only people who are worth his time are Sungyeol,Hoya and Mac.
Chapter 13: Oh My god,Chanyeol. I actually cried reading about the video. He's so sad,but nobody noticed,nobody cared. His depression is enough to make me shed tears,the poor boy.
Reading this for the fourth time . One of my fav fics ^^