# 26 Let him smile (PART 4/4)

When you stopped smiling.






Things were still awkward between Youngjae and Daehyun but it was a relief to everyone that Youngjae didn't practically despise the poor guy to his core anymore,everyone figured he was still confused and still trying to get over the past,it would take some time but everyone had faith they could work it out.

As for Chanyeol and Kris they hadn't talked about what they're gonna do after Chanyeol moves back in with his parents,assuming they get the correct help they need; Chanyeol figured he can't stay with Kris much longer,he merely felt like he was a  burden to Kris,so he was trying to figure out where he could go,he could go back to Mokpo with Sungyeol and Myungsoo when they go,but he really wanted to stay in Seoul with his friends.

Everyone had headed to Xiumin's house,after calling Tao,Lay,Luhan and the others. Once they had all piled into Xiumin's house they were all shocked to know Xiumin had a daughter,but quickly forgave him,knowing now wasn't the time,and that he would explain when he could, they soon figured out what they had to do next,Chanyeol raised his hand when Xiumin's dad asked if anyone knows anyone who might can help them. Someone observant. "I know a guy named Hoya." Sungyeol's friend,Kris thought. "He noticed when something was wrong with me,he could hang out with Baekhyun and scope out Baek's dad. He would help us I know he would." Chanyeol spoke trying to ignore all the stares,no one was judging him,but after everything he had been through he felt nervous anyway.

"You know,he's very observant..I just thou-" Chanyeol began in nervousness,before Kris wrapped his arm around the younger's shoulders. "I agree." Yongguk in the back snickered at the blush forming on the younger male's face.

"So boys,this is what is gonna happen we're gonna need to cause a problem,something to cause their father to lose his temper ,Baekhyun,yours and Krystal's engagement party is when?" Xiumin's dad asked as he wrote down some things he'd be needing from the police station,he was glad he was so influential over the law force. Baekhyun thought about it. "Dad said it was in a week." Xiumin's father nodded,he then turned to Tao who had arrived with everyone else. He had found out everything once arriving,he couldn't believe what Baekhyun was going through,it made him feel horrible about doubting his friendship with the older boy.

"You need to stay out of the party until contacted,don't worry we'll let you know when to enter,when you enter you're gonna ask to see Baekhyun privately,no matter what Baekhyun's dad says,you have to get Baekhyun alone." Baekhyun blushed but had a question to ask. "But my dad is dangerous,who know knows what he could do to Tao,is this really a good idea?" Xiumin's dad sighed at this.

"It might seem dangerous but believe me,it's necessary,and I know if anyone could handle danger in this group it would be Kris or Tao,however I have other plans for Kris." Baekhyun just nodded as Tao grasped his hand and gave him an encouraging smile.

"Kris ,you and Chanyeol are  gonna need to come with Daehyun and I to the police station,you've both met Baekhyun and Daehyun's father right?" Kris nodded. "Once,he freaked me out and looked at me with disgust when he noticed me grabbing Chanyeol's hand at school. It was the day he came to erm..threaten Tao and Baekhyun." Baekhyun sighed shakily.

Xiumin's dad nodded. "Xiumin,you and Chen are gonna hide out in the place where Tao takes Baekhyun,with a video camera." Xiumin nodded. "But what about Jin Ae?" Xiumin's dad nodded. "I've already thought about that,we won't be needing some of you for this until I say. Junhong,Jongup. You two will stay here and watch Jin Ae with Luhan and Sehun,is that alright?" They nodded.

"Youngjae,you play a big part in this. I'm gonna need to come and interupt the dinner after Tao manages to pull Baekhyun away. You're gonna come up and yell that Daehyun ruined your life." Daehyun stilled at this,but Xiumin's father held up a hand to silence him.

"Now now,Daehyun you will blurt out that the truth in front of everyone,including Krystal's parents." Daehyun nodded shakily as Lay raised his hand ,Suho standing beside him listening intently. "I'm gonna need you two to retrieve  Chanyeol's cousin Sungyeol,he knows where Hoya lives right?" They nodded. Then Xiumin's father turned to Himchan and Yongguk. "You two i'll hang back as witnesses of Daehyun and Youngjae's fight." They nodded,having been real witnesses to the actual fight they were aware of what Daehyun's father was capable of.

"Kyungsoo. Kai." They both jumped,they hadn't thought they'd be needed. He smiled. "You two have been friends with Baekhyun for awhile right?" Kai nodded. "Yeah since childhood."

"I need you two to back Tao's statements up." They nodded. "What're you gonna do dad?" Xiumin asked,while explaining the reast of the plan to everyone, Jin Ae sat in Xiumin's lap  trying to grab her feet in amusement. Youngjae was watching her in interest,she was the cutest baby he had ever seen.

"She's cute isn't she?" Daehyun murmured beside him,Youngjae froze up a little but soon relaxed. "Yeah,she's adorable." Chen who had been sitting near them spoke. "She's Xiumin's and our friend's daughter." Youngjae froze and looked at him. "But aren't you two ,you know together?" Chen sighed and nodded. "Long story,we were together when it happened." Youngjae looked at Xiumin,then at Chen,then finally Jin Ae. "Why are you still with him." Chen said in the siftest voice.

"Because I know he never meant to put me in pain." Daehyun looked at the ground,though the circumstances were different,Chen and Xiumin had to struggle through their relationship too. Xiumin was just luckier that Chen was more forgiving.

Youngjae spoke quietly to not let Xiumin hear. "But he cheated right? How is that not hurting you?" Chen shook his head. "Xiumin didn't cheat,he was basically drugged by a lonely woman,he didn't even remember that night until she told the truth,she feels horrible,it's the reason she apologized to me and moved away from us." Youngjae nodded. "But,how can you face Jin Ae,knowing she is someone else's and not yours?" Chen looked at the baby for a moment and smiled lovingly.

"Because she is part of Xiumin,I honestly thought I would hate her at first,thinking she tore Xiumin from me,but she...when I saw her,I wanted her to be my own,even if she wasn't my own,I felt taken,it's hard to explain,but I love Xiumin's daughter as if she was my daughter too." Youngjae smiled,then looked at Daehyun who was immersed in the listening to the plan. "You're way more forgiving than I am. I can't forget what happened ,so I can't seem to forgive him,though I know he didn't do it to hurt me." Chen shook his head. "You're not thinking straight,I hate when people try to give hints,so I'll just say it. You will never forget,I didn't. But you can forgive and move on,what's done is done,it won't change,so you have to forgive it and move on,or you'll never be happy.

The only difference between our betrayals,is that ,while your's will only serve to be a painful memory,my memory will grow as I do. In physical form of his unintentional betrayal,and while the betrayal is painful to think about, I cannot hate the outcome of it,so I will see to it that I love her as my own to my fullest." Youngjae understood.

The betrayal won't be forgotten,but it can be forgiven.

Chen leaned in and whispered to Youngjae. "See Kris and Chanyeol?" He nodded. "Chanyeol holds a lot of painful memories,memories that have scarred him emotionally. Kris was part of that reason,but look at them,Chanyeol probably will never forget the feelings of what Kris unintentionally put him through,but he never did blame Kris for it."

Youngjae swallowed the invisible lump in his throat and turned to Daehyun. Daehyun turned to look at him curiously and Youngjae just shook his head and smiled. "I think I can forgive it,even if it isn't forgotten." Daehyun just looked back and forth at Youngjae and Chen in question,but Youngjae just chuckled and shook his head. "It's nothing Dae."

There was a knock at the door and Xiumin went to get it. "Erm Baekhyun." He yelled. They all stood up,who would be visitng Baekhyun at Xiumin's house. Chanyeol walked around the corner to see Baekhyun's fiance Krystal. "Why are you here?" He asked, not seeing Baekhyun make his way to her. Baekhyun turned and looked at everyone,noticing Tao's awkward gaze at the girl. "I called her here." Tao spoke softly. "Why?" Krystal smirked.


"So are we gonna break this damn engagement or what? No offense I love Baekhyun,but he's like my brother,I don't want a gay husband,a gay brother is much nicer." Baekhyun coughed and flushed red,smacking Krystal's shoulder. "Yah.." She just laughed,everyone knew she was teasing. "Look I want out as much as Baekhyun,I have a boyfriend and he currently hates me cause he thought I was cheating on him with the bacon over here."

Krystal then flicked her hair off her shoulder. "So,what's the plan,I have a lot of dirt on Bacon's dad,courtesy of my good friend Amber, I can be of use."



So as you know I'm in the home stretch. I planned on ending this here,but then I added somethings,however that's just cruel and unusal lol

So I'll be adding two more chapters,the next chapter will be of course,getting Baekhyun and Tao together and putting Baek's dad through hell and tying up loose ends lol And then the FINAL chapter after that will revolve around nothing but KRISYEOL.

This was supposed to be KRISYEOL centric but of course,I love way to many pairings and this happened... So I promise the last chapter WILL BE NOTHING BUT KRISYEOL GOODNESS lol I might add ... I don't know,what do you guys think? Krisyeol ? or no Krisyeol ? I'm not that good at it,but I've been trying to practice writing lol

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Thank you for reading guys,I'm working on the new chapter now but it probably won't be done until tomorrow or the next day OTL thanks for being patient with me!


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Chapter 29: Ive lost count on how many times ive reread this ❣
Channiepup #2
Chapter 29: Done re-reading for the 20th time. It never fails to make me smile and cry. I love this.
Chapter 29: Done rereading! ❤
Chapter 29: I finished it!! I'm weak srcly how many times did I cried. But I wished baek, Kai were a little closer to channie. Especially baek they grew up together and just ugh . But it was great fic .
From the description I already know I'm going to love this and I also know My heart will break to thousands of pieces. Wish me luck. Let's start reading this . Fighting!
Chapter 29: OMG !! This was a fantastic fic . I'm so glad that I found this.
Bella2298 #7
Chapter 29: This was lovely :)
Chapter 14: Chanyeol is so nice to his "friends",even though they're douchebags, and his parents,who I wouldn't wanna go near with a 10ft pole. Honestly,the only people who are worth his time are Sungyeol,Hoya and Mac.
Chapter 13: Oh My god,Chanyeol. I actually cried reading about the video. He's so sad,but nobody noticed,nobody cared. His depression is enough to make me shed tears,the poor boy.
Reading this for the fourth time . One of my fav fics ^^