# 21 Truth revealed

When you stopped smiling.

A/N at bottom



The whole room was silent,save for a few quiet mumbles from the confused students in the back of the room,Baekhyun felt he had been punched in his stomach,that was the only way to describe his horror and panic at seeing his father walk in with Tao who was apparently clueless to Baekhyun's relationship with his father.

Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a look of worry,Kris having walked in coming back from a quick trip to the restroom followed behind Tao and Baekhyun's father,he noticed the look and made a mental note to question Chanyeol later. He could see panic rising on Chanyeol and Baekhyun's features which made his curiosity sky rocket.

"Baekhyun,I need to see you in the hall." His father's voice boomed throughout the classroom,causing Baekhyun to wince and Tao to frown. Baekhyun noticed his father giving him a look only his family was able to recognize and gulped before standing up and nodding. He passed Tao without so much as a hello,not being able to show any affection towards Tao.

Tao didn't look back as Baekhyun left the room,just stared foward at the window across the room trying to push back the hurt of being ignored. "Tao?" His head snapped up and noticed Xiumin in front of him,he looked around and noticed Chanyeol,Kris,Kai and Xiumin all staring at him. He smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Yeah Hyung?" Xiumin said nothing but motioned for Tao to go sit down,making a mental note to get everyone together for his confession. But by the looks of it,Xiumin's thought trailed off as he  turned to the door where Baekhyun had left. Pehaps now wasn't the best time.

'I have to do it soon though.' He thought.

Chanyeol turned to look at Tao and smiled comfortingly,Kris sitting beside Chanyeol had a feeling Chanyeol knew what was wrong with Baekhyun. Krystal who had been silent the whole time had kept her head down when Baekhyun's father had entered the room,he scared her to death,she didn't want to marry Baekhyun,but what could she do?

She had to think of something,if not for her then for Baekhyun,he didn't deserve this.

"But dad!" They all snapped their heads up as they heard Baekhyun yell,Tao made to stand up but Chanyeol grabbed his arm and shook his head. "Not now Tao." Tao was about to argue,but noticing who exactly had stopped him he complied. If Chanyeol wasn't mentally and emotionally fragile right now,he would've argued,but looking as Chanyeol's still slightly pale and frail face made him calm down.

Kris raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?" He whispered in Chanyeol's ear,Chanyeol shivered at the warm breath but had no other reaction that was visible,Kris noticed though and inwardly smirked.

"Let's just say,Baekhyun is having a family problem and he doesn't want us,especially Tao involved." He said it so quietly that only Kris could hear him,Tao too distracted trying to hear Baekhyun and Baekhyun's father didn't notice. Chen was sitting in the back away from Xiumin and bit his lip. He stood up after some thoughts and walked over to Xiumin.

"You gonna tell them today?" He asked,not even greeting Xiumin like normal. Xiumin winced,Chen got like this when it involved his daughter,he's seen pictures of her,she was an adorable baby,but he couldn't seem to bring himself to care for her either,Chen had told him this,Xiumin knew Chen felt guilty trying to avoid a baby and pretend she didn't exist. But he knew Chen didn't wish anything bad on his daughter.

"I'm gonna tell them during lunch,you need to meet her Jongdae." Chen shook his head and bit his lip,eyes tearing up. "I can't.." His voice wavered.
Xiumin made a noise of pleading. "Please meet her Jongdae,please don't avoid her. I'm sure,she would love you and you'd learn to love her." Xiumin pleaded quietly,to keep everyone from hearing him,but they were to preoocupied with Baekhyun, Chen bit his lip again. "How would you know?" Xiumin smiled. 

"Remember that tape of you singing you gave to me?" Chen nodded. "I put it in last night cause, she couldn't sleep and was crying a lot,as soon as she heard your voice she drifted to sleep." Xiumin grasped onto Chen's hands and squeezed slightly.

"Please Jongdae,meet my daughter." Chen sighed shakily but nodded. "Fine...I'll...I'll meet her."

After a few minutes,Baekhyun could still be heard yelling with his father Xiumin turned to Chen. "I'm scared Jongdae,I need help." Chen gazed at Xiumin in comfort. "Yu Ra's on your side,what can her parents do?" Xiumin nodded but spoke. "There is a reason why I have custody now Jongdae,don't you think after almost year and a few months,it was strange I randomly got custody?" He began.

Chen was thoughtful,feeling dread in his stomach for Xiumin. "And that is?" Xiumin gave him a pained smile. "They tried to take her away from Yu Ra,now their trying to make it like I'm an unfit father,they don't want any connection with their granddaughter,even through me ,who they avoid like the plague for 'tainting' their daughter."

Chen felt like throwing up. Before he could speak ,Baekhyun walked back in eyes bloodshot from what looked like tears in his eyes that had been viciously rubbed away,he kept his head down a little,clearly embarrassed to be seen like this,he moved over to his desk once again passing Tao,Chanyeol and Kris with not even a glance,sitting down he mumbled something to Krystal who turned paler by each word that left Baekhyun's lips. "No! He can't do that!" She stood up,her chair clacking to the floor in shock.

Baekhyun looked at his friends and the other students who were all watching them in interest,Tao said nothing but was looking at them with an expression Baekhyun could not identify.

"Krystal,sit down." She shook her head. "You promised Oppa! You promised I'd get to to see him again,you promised you'd make sure he didn't hate me and make sure he'd find out the truth!" He pinched the bridge of his nose begging for some patience.

"I can't keep that promise Krys..I'm sorry, now sit down." Her eyes began tearing up,he felt so sorry toward her,he had basically ripped her away from the boy she liked. No,not liked, the boy she loved.

"Op-" She began but Baekhyun snapped. "Jung Soojung I said sit down!" Tao stood up,Chanyeol and Kris held him back,everyone was now worried that Baekhyun would harm the younger girl,Chanyeol having been Baekhyun's best friend since birth new better though.

She bit her lip,her eyes tearing up,everyone held their breath but relief filled them as she sat down,though everyone felt bad for her when her hair fell forward as she lowered her gaze,they could hear the sniffles and her shoulders shaking as she cried quietly.

He turned to everyone and cleared his throat. "Krystal and I have an announcement to make,we're engaged,we are to be married after she graduates." Everyone's eyes widened and the students began whispering with gossip,Baekhyun clenched his eyes tightly shut,he could hear Tao's sharp intake of breath and he gasped.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tao spoke softly. Baekhyun shook his head. "What would it have changed?" Tao glared at Baekhyun. "I don't know,maybe it would've saved me some heartache!?" Kris stood and walked towards Tao,he motioned over to Baekhyun while looking at Chanyeol,nodding Chanyeol made his way over to Baekhyun as the shorter boy stood to glare at Tao.

"And what Tao?  I didn't even know about this damn marriage until Chanyeol's incident!" Chanyeol flinched involuntarily as the remembrance of his stupidity. Kris glared at Baekhyun. "That's enough Baek,don't bring that up." Baekhyun tore his eyes away from Tao,his chest heaving in agony at having to break Tao's heart only to have a new guilt fill his being as he noticed Chanyeol had stopped moving towards him,staring at the floor with wide eyes as he remembered the things he did and went through.

Baekhyun cursed himself. "Chanyeol I'm so sor-" Chanyeol held up a hand and he smiled slightly. "It's okay Baek,you shouldn't have to censor yourself around me...I think I need to take a walk." With that Chanyeol left the classroom in a hurry. He looked down as Tao glared at him,he felt like he deserved it,Kris mumbled something then took off after Chanyeol,leaving Tao with Kyungsoo who had just walked in looking on in confusion at the atmosphere.

"Nice ruining everything,why don't you just go join that idiot who tried to off himself,in fact why don't you guys go off yourselves together." Some random kid in the back snickered ,Kai who had been standing back in the back silently smacked the kid in the back of the head. "Shut the hell up!" He hissed,seething in anger through clenched teeth.

Tao hadn't heard the guy but Baekhyun did,is this how Chanyeol had felt?

Alone,like he couldn't depend on anyone to help him?

Baekhyun just looked at Tao who was trying to ignore Kyungsoo who was asking fifteen questions a minute,he backed up and tripped causing his bag to fall and things to scatter,it didn't matter to him,he did the only thing he could think of,he ran.

'Dad I hate you!' Baekhyun thought back to his father,who had came here and forced Baekhyun to tell everyone of the engagement and to make sure his friends knew. He had threatened his friends what could he do?

Sehun and Luhan walked lazily to the classroom,holding hands as Suho and Lay stood behind them looking a little disgusted at their public display,so cheesy they were,he mused.

Just as Sehun opened the door,Baekhyun burst through tears in bloodshot eyes,Suho raised an eyebrow as he watched him race through the hall away from the room,the three boys turned back to the classroom,Tao was standing in the middle of the room,his eyes staring blankly out the window,that girl Krystal was shaking and crying in her seat,Kyungsoo trying to get Tao to tell him what happened,Kai looked angry at some student in the back,Xiumin and Chen were watching silently from their seats in shock.

"What happened?" Sehun asked as he approached Kai. Kai just looked at the four that just came in. "A lot happened....a lot."

Xiumin was frozen,he couldn't bring up his news now,not until they resolved Baekhyun's issue,he couldn't. "I can't tell them yet." He muttered to Chen who nodded slightly,still in a a daze. "How long will you wait?" Xiumin shook his head. "I can't wait too much longer,I need help." Chen knew what Xiumin meant and nodded.

"We'll make sure you can keep her Minseok. Yu Ra's parents will not be able to do anything,we'll make sure of it." Chen sighed,things were getting way too complicated.


Hey guys,sorry it took so long to get this chapter up,so much happened,see I live in NY,that means we got hit with Hurricane Sandy OTL

No power.....I was able to get on Tumblr through my phone,but I couldn't write my fic which was on the computer,and that was like a week ago ,then after our power was ,I wasn't able to write much because we had a house guest,my step-dad's brother had to stay with us because he had no power at his house,plus he's legally blind and has  Pancreatitis,so we had to watch him. But he wasn't getting any better,he's currently back in the hospital and doing MUCH better thank goodness,then last night I didn't write because I was watching the election!.

And I finally had time to finish writing up this chapter! So here you go,sorry for the long wait everyone T_T

In other news,I'm working on another fic at the same time,it's not posted and probably won't be until this one is complete. But yeah,it's also Krisyeol XD But it revolves around everyone.

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Thank you for reading guys,I'm working on the new chapter now but it probably won't be done until tomorrow or the next day OTL thanks for being patient with me!


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Chapter 29: Ive lost count on how many times ive reread this ❣
Channiepup #2
Chapter 29: Done re-reading for the 20th time. It never fails to make me smile and cry. I love this.
Chapter 29: Done rereading! ❤
Chapter 29: I finished it!! I'm weak srcly how many times did I cried. But I wished baek, Kai were a little closer to channie. Especially baek they grew up together and just ugh . But it was great fic .
From the description I already know I'm going to love this and I also know My heart will break to thousands of pieces. Wish me luck. Let's start reading this . Fighting!
Chapter 29: OMG !! This was a fantastic fic . I'm so glad that I found this.
Bella2298 #7
Chapter 29: This was lovely :)
Chapter 14: Chanyeol is so nice to his "friends",even though they're douchebags, and his parents,who I wouldn't wanna go near with a 10ft pole. Honestly,the only people who are worth his time are Sungyeol,Hoya and Mac.
Chapter 13: Oh My god,Chanyeol. I actually cried reading about the video. He's so sad,but nobody noticed,nobody cared. His depression is enough to make me shed tears,the poor boy.
Reading this for the fourth time . One of my fav fics ^^